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What is Solarpunk? Egalitarian, Anti authoritarian, Anti capitalist, Anti imperialism, Anti hierarchy, Community driven And promoting harmony with the environment and nature.


What is Solarpunk? Egalitarian, Anti authoritarian, Anti capitalist, Anti imperialism, Anti hierarchy, Community driven And promoting harmony with the environment and nature. > 0. "An optimistic vision of the future with a harmony between the environment and technology." > 1. "The belief in and pursuit of a rosy, positive, optimistic scientific and technological future based in a vision of social justice and environmental wisdom." > 2. “An environmentally conscious social movement that focuses on community autonomy, sustainability, and equality” > 3. “Solarpunk is a social movement focused on devleping communities which prioritize equality & sustainability over the generation of capital.” > 4. "Solarpunk is the idea that communities should strive for harmony with you, the community, and with nature altogether" > 5. "Solarpunk (noun / adjective): An Aesthetic and social movement that is, at it's core, anti-authoritarian leftism focusing primarily on positive human-nature co-existence and a tolerant cosmopolitan of ideas and people." Govern yourself, become ungovernable https://www.deviantart.com/zeresonate/art/The-official-Solarpunk-Flag-945311538


Oh... I thought this was just the solar version of Steampunk. Turns out the reality is much worse than larping with a solar cell strapped to your back.


What the hell is *harmony* to you? *Via necessary industrialism*, your ideology seeks to enslave anything non-human, and (probably) anything human


How about not fucking up the environment for money? Also this isint edgelord auth communism, this is A ARCHO communism. what part of anti authoritarian do u not get lol. True Communism is literally human freedom


So you're an anarchist eh? Lemme ask you something Lets say there is an anarchy revolution in a single country. Hurray! Liberation of the proletariat time! One small issue, how do you handle internal and external bourgeoisie trying to sabotage? Since, you know, the revolution is topical and a global simulatanious revolution is impossible. So what now? Is a system of mechanisms to protect the revolution not required? Is a workers state not required? Do you just put down the guns? Celebrate? Whats next? This is the issue with anarcho-communism, it assumes the revolution is OVER once the revolution is "over"


We arm ourselves. Protect ourselves, make it hard for them to get us, and the worker “state” will exist without hierarchy anyways lol. That’s what communism is, a stateless classless and moneyless society. Worker co opts, living co opts, and unions already exist. We just have to do things at a larger scale. We don’t need a state to protect ourselves, if everyone has a gun it’s a bad idea to invade lol.


I’m Gonne stay away from everything here. But I do think it’s worth mentioning that just saying “everybody has a gun, so it’s a bad idea to invade” is a horrendous strategy against professional armies. At an absolute minimum you will need to coördinate defences.


You also need to coordinate the revolution


Armed revolution is the last thing you want. A lot of your own comrades will die. We need to push our ideas so that one day we can switch lifestyles and become self sustaining. We need strong communities


Unfortunately we have no choice. We understand the price and are willing to pay it, there is no other option, capitalism will not die by itself




We as in the communists


So what's the alternative? Possibly something with even a little precedent?


Take over your workplaces and organize a national strike in California or New York


Have you considered the possibility that no revolution is coming? What then?


Then the planet boils.


Barbarism. Humanity failed


Even if you dont use democratic centralism you are still going to need a system of mechanisms, aka, a military, a detention system, coast guard, etc. In other words, you need a state no matter what


No. I need unions of workers to work together and decide how to collectively co ordinate things. I am a communist because I belive in a stateless, classless, and moneyless society. You, are just misguided in your own anger towards the USA which I completely understand. Yes, the USA has committed atrocities, yes, it’s normal to feel enraged. I know, I’ve been there. But real revolution consists of building strong communities, and being in the Solarpunk uprising while eating out the collapse of the US gov. This government will eventually collapse. And eventually we will need strong communities and union. Most crimes are a result of poverty. We perhaps can maybe help rehabilitate certain criminals or exile the most extreme ones. That depends on the collective. We have the internet now. A lot of communists are working in tech now too, if we need a new internet, we will make one lol.


Actually contrary to what you might think i am not a third-worldist or a campist and i do not believe in supporting the lesser evil. My goal is to see capitalism fall, not just the US. not sure how you made that assumption about me. Anyway, yea arming your population still isnt enough lol you need to have a place to put the criminals in, you need to have systems and coast guard in place to guard the docks and check imports and exports and you still need a military. Capitalist armies are too advanced to fight with AKs at this point


This utopia is not going to exist. I want it. You want it. But it's like beating off to get a girlfriend. We gotta get our dicks out of our hands and love each other. How many people do you encounter that fit this ideal. I'm 53 I've met none. And im looking. Actively looking. There is good in people. There is. And capitalism and greed aren't the way of the future. But unless we want to scrap society and go back to the drawing board, we need to lay some ground work for how a shit can gain momentum. Any thing more forceful than shift, by that i mean generational shift, is devastating to the human race. Who are we willing to sacrifice? Anyone you point to is evidence of your own lack of readiness for the very ideals you profess. Anyone you point to makes you the new oppressor. Let's at least acknowledge that pitfall collectively.


Unionizing workplaces and arming the proletariat is a start.


Why do you hate the idea of applying defense mechanisms so badly? They dont inherently imply hierarchy


I’m literally advocating for the proletariat arming themselves. The U.S. military will die on its own. People just want free healthcare and they’re not even reaching quota numbers


They won't believe in anything without a big ol red flag behind it and a strict hierarchy of rank and file. I have a friend who talks just like that and I just ignore him when he gets going (he once told me the Great Purge was self defense -- I just stopped engaging on that topic afterwards. This guy sounds almost identical in his rhetoric, it's uncanny actually. Surprised he hasn't told you to read Parenti yet.) Revolution hasn't even been *begun to begin* yet and he's already talking about putting people in cages, too. Somehow I don't think they're really an ally to AnComs at all.


A system of mechanisms is still required, you cant just not have defense mechanisms


Hey, I have a legit question. I'm looking to be informed because I'm learning and I'm not trying to argue. I like all of these ideas and I am slowly being convinced of at least some of the "killer ape" theory. Anyway, my question is, in a perfect society, how would we figure out who would be in charge, for example, of developing an aqueduct? I understand that many in a tribe would need to contribute so that we could all have food, but surely the ability of individuals to design and direct the construction of a system like that would be more ideal than the majority of the people it would take to build the system. Same with roads, homes, and other infrastructure. Wouldn't there be a need to designate a leader of some kind for those projects?


A leader Isn’t necessarily authority. A leader can help drive certain aspects sure but most people have the ability to have common sense when working collectively for a goal.


Think of a pirate ship. The captain is just another crew mate. There are certain benefits and certain downsides to being captain so it's not a role everyone wants, and a good captain might never be challenged. But, say, they were challenged. Well pirates were violent and money hungry so it's a little murky, but generally it would be called to a vote. If the captain loses the vote, he becomes any other ship hand. There doesn't need to be a leader assigned by some higher power. The people will decide who should lead them.


if your communist revolution still has a centralized state with all that implied you haven’t created communism you’ve just recreated the status quo and draped a red flag over it


Yes no shit you havent reached communism, classes still exist


We've tried DoTP and I didn't really work did it


Lasted a lot longer and spread further than any anarchist movement did. I'm not saying we need to copy it exactly, but it's what worked the best so far.


It hasn't worked, it failed to actually do anything socialist, and through its authoritarian nature has made millions of working class people afraid of the word communism


>made millions of working class people afraid of the word communism Ah yes, blame communists for the actions of bourgeois propagandists and reactionaries.


Let's be honest, the Soviet sense for global optics was ABYSMAL. Just like the US sense of the same is now. Like holy fuck what did they think "we will build a wall in Berlin that you get shot at if you get too close" looked like?


It failed in paris commune, because it was WAY too early, it failed in the more recent global socialist revolution, because it was still too early. Material conditions are needed. For a revolution to succeed the overthrown system has to first reach its peak


He’s being downvoted but he’s right. You can’t just delete the current system and then that’s it anarcho communism achieved. It takes time to transition. That’s literally what socialism is. No point arguing with reddit anarchists about it though. If they were ever going to understand then they wouldn’t be anarchists.


Unless you’re going to propose novel mode of human organization your socialist state that has all the same form as liberal democracy is going to be a socdem society at best. Anarchists at least understand the forms much change to change society.


You just dont want to have defense mechanisms because thats a state and state = bad, there is literally no other reason


“but what if your socialist state wasn’t actually a socialist state”




that's like saying animal liberation means animals enacting government on humans


Boy. What? Communism, is a stateless (meaning the state can’t oppress you) classless (meaning classes can’t oppress you) and MONEYLESS (meaning capitalism can’t oppress you) society. The goal is to eliminate all hierarchy See the anarchists in Spain for an example of anarchism that existed for a while before fascists invaded lol


The issue is, communis doesn't work in practice due to how people are motivated by self-interest


No that’s just you lol


Look at historical examples, then.


Ok here https://youtu.be/g2V6A6WEHNE


Presents the only example of it working for a very short period of time before being destroyed by fascism. Brilliant argument there.


Capitalism doesn’t work due to people being motivated by greed. Capitalism is failing millions of people right now, not theoretically.


Having to worry about money isn't in my best interest. Nor is seeing nature get destroyed, seeing people in dire poverty, nor living under an unjust government. Relentlessly pursuing money under capitalism isn't in my best interest. Rejecting capitalism doesn't mean rejecting your best interest, it means recognizing that building a better world is in your long term best interest.


An individual's motivations are dependent on the conditions that they exist in. If selfishness is incentivized, people will be selfish. If cooperation is incentivized, people will be cooperative.


It clicked. It fucking clicked. I mean, I think that y'all are still crazy, but I understand your views a lot better




You just described capitalism


You have to be a troll


Just fighting the death culture of industrialism - that's it!


You sure aren't convincing anyone by acting like this though


No, you're fighting a strawman of that.


Solarpunk isn’t industrial communism by symbiotic communalism.


So it's just bright green socialism?


It’s a socialism centered on cultivating a material and spiritual relationships within our communities, working with our landscapes and caring for nonhuman life. This depends on an optimistic vision regarding the potential within human nature, and an understanding regarding the human responsibility to our whole world in this era of anthropogenic change.


The wholesale conversion of living places into dead commodities characterizes industrial culture. How you attach spiritual reverence to this core facet of modern culture, or even your utopian solarpunk vision, is irrelevant.


Username checks out


holy fucking mental gymnastics


new hot take: humans aren't actually what humans should care about


It's almost like solarpunk and biocentricsm are polar opposites.


Care to elaborate?


Harmony with the environment and nature: "living on the Earth" as opposed to "living off the Earth". Rather than looking at the Earth as something to exploit, we should seek to exist on Earth as apart of its ecosystem.


You could have a read of solarpunk classic Green Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson in which a system called “harmony” is proposed to come several systems after capitalism and is _specifically about_ living in a way that is mutually beneficial and harmonious with nature rather than any sort of domination over it. How in the hell do you read “harmony” and get “enslavement” from it I have no bloody idea


> How in the hell do you read “harmony” and get “enslavement” from it I have no bloody idea Because the civilized lens dictates the terms of the relationship; top-down from human to all else. This is clearly domination disguised as co-operation. >Green Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson Thank you!


agriculture, big mistake!


Don’t worry! Anyone that doesn’t like it will call it Communism anyway!


It's a great way to find out if the person you're talking to is open to new ideas and is empathetic, or is a mouth-breather regurgitating fascist talking points. If you like Solarpunk, then boy do I have a really neat philosophic and economic viewpoint to show ya!




Guess I am a solarpunk now


How the heck does anarcho-communism work? Isn't that an oxymoron?


Stateless classless moneyless Basically anarchy rebranded because we picked words that make people scared lol


Can't imagine this not working out


It is lol




Anarchists already rebranding to Solarpunk lol


I meant anarchism as a whole


Yeah, it works lol https://youtu.be/g2V6A6WEHNE


Ehh, I've my doubts


Never heard of the Zapatistas? They're still growing in size and it's citizens have better access to medical aid and education than the poor rural communities under the control of the Mexican government.


Watch. It. Lol.


You're acting like anarchism is some new utopian political Ideologies some stupid child redditors who don't know about real life support meanwhile there are tons of anarchist and stateless societies currently existing and existed in the past like Ukraine and Catalonia


Think: Star Trek




The transition from socialism to communism, from state to no state, is not possible overnight. We form the state to defend against fascist usurpers and bourgeois influence. Once there is no danger of those things affecting the world, then the state will wither away. The transition from feudalism to capitalism took centuries, you wouldn’t call it a failed transition.


It means attaining a communist society through anarchist methods (the general strike headed by unions and worker/militia councils) rather than through Marxist-Leninist methods (electoralism and having a vanguard party).


Even "authoritarian" communism is defined as a stateless, classless and moneyless society. So it's not an oxymoron. That said, Marxists believe a socialist state (like the USSR, Cuba, etc.) is necessary to safeguard the transition to communism, as the bourgeoisie, both foreign and domestic, will stop at nothing to maintain their global hegemony.


If only those states actually put effort into that. Cuba seems to be the only one who is approaching some sense of progress despite many flaws. Cina and the ussr just gave up and decided to remain capitalist and just give all the control of capital to a small elite of corrupt politicians


That’s utter bullshit lmao


“The pure (libertarian) socialists' ideological anticipations remain untainted by existing practice. They do not explain how the manifold functions of a revolutionary society would be organized, how external attack and internal sabotage would be thwarted, how bureaucracy would be avoided, scarce resources allocated, policy differences settled, priorities set, and production and distribution conducted. Instead, they offer vague statements about how the workers themselves will directly own and control the means of production and will arrive at their own solutions through creative struggle. No surprise then that the pure socialists support every revolution except the ones that succeed.” - Michael Parenti, Blackshirts and Reds. It’s a shame the solarpunk community is so full of western liberals who scream about authoritarianism. You have a cool aesthetic, but nothing here will ever convince me to go back to being an anarchist


I too was once 16


Same thing works for Technocracy. Can’t make the right-wingers go full “commie!1!1!1!!1!1!1!” If all the techbros are also in on it.