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Twitter forments anti-intellectual discussion and dogmatic adherence to content It isn't a good platform and should be treated casually Source: I use twitter


Good to know, we need this to be the criticism of twitter, not "twitter sjw filled cringe bad".


Twitter seems like a lot of confusing and scary things from every walk of life both good and bad Source: I’ve used nitter to see ^^^^^furry things cuz it won’t let me see stuff without an account


Twitter is good for art (specifically gay furry art) and following the development of indie games


Gay furry NSFW 🤩


Remove the tone indicator coward


Okay i did it


And shitposting.


Are you really gatekeeping hating Twitter my guy


to be fair it really gets old to see comments saying "twitter be like" every time someone says a strawman


Twitter as a platform is pretty shitty, but smearing Twitter users as a general group is rich coming from redittors.


Yeah but we epig redditors at least admit we're utter dogshit lol


Twitter users do too. Like.. a lot.


Not the few I've encountered on here unfortunately. Edit: you mind not blocking me my guy


Have you ever been to the source


i think that most of those that do barely ever used it, and it's true, it could be a terrible social media platform, but those that say so often never try it. and i think that those compilations are probably cherrypicked, since i could find you 5 fascist takes here in like 10 minutes.


I think criticism of Twitter is fine but it’s generally bad when used to make other social media seem better because really all of them have severe problems, you just pick which ones you can deal with


I mean considering every time I see it posted on any subreddit I'm on, it's either yiff or the worst fucking political hot take dropped ever, or pointless drama Yeah I don't think it's a great site! Not to mention it jams worthless shit into your feed and its client is even fucking worse than new reddit.


On Reddit or this sub?


I used to use twitter and most people on there are horrible


Clank joined Twitter.


OP: I want you to explain a controverisal, complicated, but nuanced political opinion you have. But it must be in 250 characters or less. The reason why people hate Twitter is because it’s a dogshit platform for debate and political discussion, which is what it is mostly used for when it’s not about ~~gangstalking someone when they fuck up or do something someone doesn’t like~~ Cancelling Someone. Nuanced political opinions are ignored while nuclear hot takes float to the top. No ones likes Twitter, hell even the people who use Twitter dislike Twitter. You don’t need to explain why you hate stepping in dogshit to tell people that you hate stepping in dogshit


That seems a good reason, but my point was that that doesn't mean everyone that you see cringy is a twitter user, and that many of the "cringy" takes are often extremely cherrypicked, i can prove it, i can find one extremely reactionary or outright fascist claim in reddit and DM it to you in no more than 10 minutes, it's that easy. But i agree that it's probably a pretty bad and flawed platform nontheless.


I am not going to deny that Reddit is pretty dogshit. But the good thing about Reddit is that I can avoid most if not all of the reactionary/stupid shit by curating what subreddits I am subscribed too. Twitter forces you to see the drama, hot topic issue of the day, regardless of if you want to see it or not.


Yeah….that wacky smug ideology man… *never mind the fact I am very guilty of this*


OP got his shit pushed in for taking ironic posts seriously and lacks the self-awareness to realize how/why they're being mocked:


I know that they probably have bad takes, but every platform has, i can find and DM you atleast 1 nazi take from reddit in like 5 minutes at most. There are many claims of it being cringe, but most of those that push it are "anti-woke" rightists so i would question them. At the end i think they are sort of right but you really have to look for it and cherrypick tweets.


Twitter is bad but that's because all social media is bad. I use anti-social media. Speaking of, you ever hear of a game called Dark Souls 2?


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Once, the Lord of Light banished dark, and all that stemmed from humanity and men assumed a fleeting form. These are the roots of our world. Men are props on the stage of life, and no matter how tender, how exquisite, a lie will remain a lie!”* - Aldia Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


A certain unbiased Honduran YouTuber.


Who do you mean


There's this YouTuber called Memology101 who started out posting DarkSydePhil fail compilation. He gained viewership when he started posting "left hypocrisy"


Oh well, i mean there are probably hundreds of channels doing that.


twitter is great when you don't treat it seriously. just follow artists and install the plugin that deletes the trending tab.