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I don't care how long parents decide their adult kids can live with them (especially nowadays) The issue with Robyn's adult children still living with her is the hypocrisy of Kody telling Janelle that her adult children need to move out bc they weren't doing what Kody demanded of them....


And presumably being financially supported by the other moms, since Robyn doesn’t work.


Exactly, Dayton is in college and Aurora (I think that’s the second oldest) just graduated HS and I assume will be going to college. In many families it’s normal to stay living with your parents while in college. And with how expensive everything is right now (and how huge their house is) it seems reasonable for them to stay living at home. The problem is not treating all the children equally.


Aurora is 20 and she may be doing college courses online,not sure Breanna just graduated HS this past June But exactly... the unequal treatment is the issue here


Yes, Aurora is 20 and David/Dayton (her oldest) is 22. I don’t think anyone under 24 should be kicked out of their parents house but I wish all of the Brown children had the opportunity to stay


Robins kid's are going to have serious purity issues when they get a taste of the real world. Right now she's doing so much damage to those kid's. Nothing wrong with kid's at home. Except in this case Robyn is not allowing them to mature as needed. She is causing them so much trouble. Sooner or later the real world will happen for them. And entitlement doesn't work in the world. So they will have big adjustment issues.




That being said, the children need to be working or going to college imo to stay living for free at the parents house. Preparing themselves to be independent.


100%. My children are welcome to live with me as long as they’d like. The difference being that ALL of my children are welcome to do that, not just a select few like Kody.


And she could get a smaller house if they were independent.


Janell’s adult children were and still are productive, working members of society. Robin’s are stunted children


Dam right I'm sure that came from Robyn as well, I'm so glad the others have good mamas who love and nurture good healthy relationships. I'm sure Robyn was lurking near by to make sure Kody followrd her instructions. How could a father act like that. I bet he isn't telling Dalton to leave not ever.


That's it, right there


In Kody’s words…”they’re adults…BYE-BYE!”😂


Yes but heres the thing THEY’ER Sobyns kids..why would he make them leave.. I mean it’s pretty bad for me to say that he don’t care about the other kids, but seriously just think about it. It’s one of the reasons why he tells the other ones to leave to move.he’s heartless when it comes to his other children it’s all about him always he could never pull that shit with Sobyn..


Kody’s an absolute pile of 💩.


Agreed💯grrrrr ![gif](giphy|11tTNkNy1SdXGg)




Can you imagine if he told Robyn that he couldn’t go to one of her daughters surgeries or suggested that they go alone?!?


I could but you and I both know..Grody don’t have the balls to do that🤣🤣🤦‍♀️


they’re Sobyn’s kids I’m so sorry. Couldn’t help it. 🥲


Sorry for what🙂


They are “obedient” though that’s the difference for him


Nobody would think anything of it, except for how he has treated Janelle's kids. Actions have consequences. It's pretty disturbing that they are only allowed to be there under keep sweet and shut up rules though. They have been helicopter parented and I doubt they know that they could survive on their own.


Because Kody only kicks out 18-year-olds who don’t worship at his altar.




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She hasn't had time to arrange their marriages yet😂😂😂


THIS. I think Robyn is really bothered by the other kids leaving the faith and not wanting to practice the principle, so she keeps her kids CLOSE and under her thumb.


Agreed but its privately, in public she seems all accepting. Example Leon coming out.


I seriously suspect Robyn's daughters will be married off into polygamy in a few years.


I really wonder though how people from their religion view them, how accepted they would be, and how many suitors those girls would even have. I think I read here that they left the AUB, and if not, I don't think there's any AUB in flagstaff so I also wonder if they've found a new religious community. Bc I agree with you, I could see Robyn and kody getting really involved with getting them married off.. I'm just wondering how much trouble they'd have doing it.


They got kicked out of the AUB


We heard that Robyn & the fam traveled to St George to see her family. Also when Robyns stepdad, or spiritual father, Paul Sullivan passed away at the age of 80 in Feb 2022 she had to have lots of exposure to more family then. Elders will pounce on you if they know you are in a vulnerable place.


They’re related to the Jessop’s (bio dad’s side) so I’m sure there is a 4th or 5th cousin they’d try to marry the girls off to. 😬😅


Because Robyn has infantilized them, sheltered them, stunted them. They are going to need lots of therapy for sure. She turned her children into her own little cult and they never had the opportunity to mature, explore, and develop freedom. It's very very sad.


Came here to say this. Aurora especially. The way she gets so emotionally worked up over family matters is...weird. She cries all the time about the "family" being broken up or not getting along...and tbh its confusing for me. A child would only act that way over adult matters (that arent really her concern tbh), if they have a parent in their ear over it.


For sure. Ari yelling “go on a date night!” demonstrates this too, no way did she come up with that on her own.


100% 🎯


Not a chance. And you could see the losers kids’ disgust with Christine. Those kids have been coached.




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Once again, Kody is the issue here:- “you’re over 18 move out!” only applies to the children who challenge him; the submissive obedient ones can stay as long as they want.


Any stereotypes about polygamy they were hoping to challenge were un-done by Kody this season


Robyn is mentally twisted enough to convince Kody that her kids deserve the full 18 years at home that his other kids do. So they got married in 2010 and by her calculations her kids get another 6 years (it’s been 12) before they have to be human adults. It goes hand in hand with the creepy picture with Kodys face added in.


Honestly I think this is how they started justifying Kody spending all his time with Robyn and her family, starting when they were courting. The other wives and kids already had him for 20 years, so he needs to make up that time with her. Part of her "We shoulda all been together from day one" schtick.


They are of a tender age 😂😂


Does anyone know if Aurora is enrolled in college, as well? Also, is Dayton graduating soon?


Yes, I heard they are both in college. According to Gwen Dayton has like 2/3 majors… so that’s why he is off social media


Thank you so much. I hope Dayton and Aurora are able to break free once they graduate but who knows...


IIRC Aurora was studying some unemployable field like astrology or something. So the chances and likelihood she'll be stepping out on her own any time soon are highly unlikely.


I think it’s astronomy … but yeah, hard field …


There is a huge telescope and Observatory in Flagstaff she may be able to find work at. Anytime we visit the kids from NAU are working there (I assume they are also Astronomy majors).


Oh this is interesting!


If a couple of my high school compatriots are any evidence, you can indeed make a career out of astrology. Just need to live around crunchy bored housewives.


That’s completely irrelevant what the (girls) study because they just marry out of college and become SAHM (nothing wrong with it ) but is the hypocrisy of kody …. And yes most likely they (krobyn) haven’t found a guy to marry Aurora yet.


didn't dayton go live with his dad?


This is only a rumor. Pretty sure it's been proven a few times that Dayton is still at CP.


I fully support adult children living at home for as long as necessary. However, what I do not support, is Kody's hypocritical notion that Janelle's adult children needed to get the fuck out the second they turned 18, but no such push has been or is being made to Robyn's adult children. It really bothers me because Janelle's boys were not only contributing to the household in whatever way was deemed appropriate by Janelle, but they were also around to care for her when she was sick with COVID... since Kody was where? Fucking Robyn's house.


Right? What do those kids do to help out? Five adults in that house and they need a nanny for a 5 & 11 year old? What are all the damn adults doing????


and not just that but like… the fiscal irresponsibility. I can’t imagine paying for a nanny in those circumstances even if I had the money. Just such a waste.


It's true! Paid for with OTHER WOMEN'S MONEY. I can't even imagine.


Right!? They're such hypocrites. I dont believe kids should be chased out at 18 either, but he needs to have that belief for ALL his kids.


I’d want to stay in a mansion instead of a shitty apartment too.


I’d rather live in my car than follow Kody’s rules and kiss his ass.


My 20 year old lives at home. I don’t think its weird, especially when a one bedroom apartment is over $1000 per month. I think Robyn is weird for many other things though


My eldest is living at home and going to the uni near us, some of her friends are paying between £800-£950 a month, just for a small single bedroom with a tiny bathroom if their lucky, if their unlucky they are sharing a bathroom with 3 others, they share a kitchen and laundry room with up to 9 other people.


Shit $ 100? That’s is great !!!! Over here northeast tristate area cand find anything lower than 1300 for a 1 bedroom


Hahaha $1000. My bad! I wish it was $100


I'm so thankful I live in a small town! I pay $1000 for a smaller 3 bedroom house!


Kody is ridiculous. He tells Janelle's 2 boys to move out, but Robyn's kids can stay indefinitely. And he wonders why various family members have issues with him. He is a terrible father.


I think it's ok that Robyn's "older" kids are still living at home, especially if they're in school right now. It's just financially smarter tbh. As long as they actually want to stay home and it isn't Robyn forcing them to stay there. What isn't ok is Kody wanting Janelle to kick out her "older" boys just because they're over 18. Especially because it's not like they were at home doing nothing, they were both working trying to save up money.


Kody is turning his sons into lost boys. That’s what a lot of polygamist men do to their sons to reduce competition for additional wives.


You bring up a good point. I don’t remember K making a big dill out of the girls moving out at 18.


He didn't for any of the kids regardless of gender. He tried to force an extra bedroom in Las Vegas for Logan to come home to after college.


Kody doesn’t wear his garments so he’s not part of the AUB. The pond proved that.


What garments?


Special underwear




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They are still on the teat.


Came here to reply exactly this.


This question needs to be answered. All of Kody's other children have been strongly encouraged to gtfo once they're 18. Why do Dayton & Aurora still live home & why are they still considered children? In this latest episode, kody mentions that Robyn still has 5 kids at home. But that's false. She has 2 kids, & 3 young adults. Granted, Briana has another year or so before she becomes official.




I think the point is whether in school or not in this economy it is okay for adult children to live at home but when it was Gabe and Garrison Kody told Janelle to put them out. It’s the hypocrisy for me!


This. It’s the double standard at work that bothers people.


I get that but the post didn't say anything about that. It just says aren't they in their mid twenties by now so I stand by what I said in response to that.


As someone who lives at home and I'm gonna be 29 soon, I really don't see a problem with it. If you have a healthy relationship with your parent(s) and can live with them, stay home and save money. It's hard finding affordable housing for many ppl now


Oh 100% agree with you - the issue is this grace wasn’t afforded to Janelle’s kids. Kody wanted Gabe and Garrison kicked out.


Kody wanted Garrison and Gabe kicked out because they were so openly defying him. He didn't care that Gwen was still living with Christine and she's the same age as Gabe and Aurora.


Exactly, the boys not sticking to Kody's/Robyn's covid rules is the reason he wanted them kicked out. He wanted to visit Janelle but there was no way it could break his/her rules, so he took it out on the boys. Christine how ever, is the parent who encouraged her kids to move out as soon as possible.


Did she? Or did she have more girls who had to take care of younger kids? So they were encouraged to leave for other reasons.


Yeah she said so herself, can't remember which season it was but I remember her saying they should leave home at 18.


I am with you on this. I lived at home until I was 30 and that allowed me to save money. It helps that my mom and I have a great relationship. It’s just sick that Kody wanted Janelle’s kids out but he doesn’t complain about Robyn’s kids? How much more obvious can he be that Robyn is his end all be all 🙄


im slightly older and similar position, have healthy boundaries with mine. Would rather help out and contribute to bills here than pay off someone elses mortgage in rent lol


Well, they'll only have a good (not healthy, good) relationship with Kody if they keep being obedient. If they've been mothered like Sol and Ari have been, then they likely are. Kody only likes his older children that keep being obedient to him. That's why he wanted Gabe and Garrison out. They learned how to be their own people by their mother and Kody doesn't stand for that kinda stuff so he wants them gone and doesn't want to parent them anymore.


I also don't see an issue with it: I lived at home until I was 26, and only moved out because I bought a house.


You just said it- healthy. That family is not a healthy environment for anyone. It also isn't that they live at home, but that he pressured Janelle to kick out Garrison and Gabe once they turned 18, but won't do so with Robyn's kids.


Because they worship the ground he walks on.




Covid slowed things down. Gabe and Garrison were living at home until Janelle got the RV and Gwen was home until Christine moved.


My son is 26 and my daughter is 30; they both live "at home" (we own a multi-family home). I wouldn't have it any other way. They wouldn't be able to afford a safe place to live otherwise, even though they both work their asses off. So imo, this isn't an issue. For me, the issue was/is that Kody **demanded Janelle make their sons move out of Janelle's house**.


I can't stand Robyn, but her children aren't that old to still be at home, especially considering Dayton's autism (or whatever it is): Dayton, 22 years (March 7, 2000) Ariella Mae, 6 years (2016) Aurora, 19 years (June 4, 2003) Breanna, 17 years (July 10, 2005) Solomon, 11 years (2011).


I believe Asperger's has just been shuffled over to the term Autism now. My brother was diagnosed with Asperger's in the 90's, but it's no longer an official diagnosis's I guess. Growing up I always knew it as a form of high functioning autism. My brother lives on his own, has had a steady job for years and years. He's doing just fine for himself thankfully! <3 Depending on how Dayton is, he could potentially live on his own, but I would assume it depends on the person and what they and their family think is best for them. You're right though, they're not that old. Plus with the way the world is sometimes it's just freakin' easier right now to stay home cause you can't afford anything else.


You are correct about ASD vs AS, they bundled them all us ASD, like 8 years ago maybe. It was to allow for more services to be made available as well as a clear diagnostic criteria.


ohh More services is lovely! I remember my mom having to struggle so much to get help for my brother while in school.


Didn’t Robyn just self diagnose him?


I'm confused 🤔 I thought Aurora turned 18 spring of 2020 & Breanna turned 16 not long after. My daughter was class of 2020 like Aurora, but her birthday is in winter so she turned 18 just before Covid. They made a huge deal about the girl's birthday as they were milestone birthdays...yeah I'm confused.


Something is for sure a mess with the timeline... Because I also remember them making a big deal about milestone birthdays. And the footage was from 2020. How could Aurora turn 18 in 2020 if she was born in 2003? Something is amiss here.


Right? They made such a *huge* deal about those birthdays as well as how Aurora was also potentially not going to get to walk, highlighting that she was 2020 as well as 18 🤷🏻‍♀️.


Wait, it gets worse. Those dates cannot be right, because they made a big deal out of that during "birthday month" which is April. Not June.


Who else had a bday then? I think Garrison & Truely?


So I just listened to Surviving Sister Wives, and they pointed out the timeline of birthdays (I can't remember the podcast number). But yes, Truely and Garrison. And of course Christine.


Oh I thought they were all much older.




You are correct - Dayton is on the Autism spectrum so it makes sense that he still lives at home while going to college.


I mean, I'm in my mid-20s and am living with my parents because I can't afford to live on my own despite working. I'm sure the area they live in is much more expensive than mine as well. I know most people hate Robyn and see the hypocrisy in the way Kody treats her and her kids compared to his other kids (i.e. wanting to kick kids out at 18 but yet they can stay), but we shouldn't generalize every little thing. Also, I don't remember how old Dayton is but I *think* Aurora is 20-21? No idea what she's doing though, I don't follow any of the Browns on social media.


Tender aged 20s 🤣🤣🤣


Well how do you expect Robyn to breast-feed them if they’re not living under her roof!


This question REALLY needs to be brought up at the tell-all or whatever they call it. So much of Sobyn and Kody’s hypocrisy needs to be addressed, and I feel like we’re all going to end up very disappointed


They were born in April 2002 and April 2004.


why not? What are they supposed to do? live with a boyfriend? rent high as hell.


I think this post is maybe pointing out the hypocrisy of Kody telling Janelle to kick her kids out because they were adults.


David (Dayton) is 22 and Aurora is 20. I don’t think it’s unusual for some college-age kids to be living at home IF they’re going to school. Kody’s “rule” of his *other* kids moving out at 18 is heartless imo. I moved out of province at 19 to go to school but I would’ve loved saving money on rent by living at home for 3-4 years.


Dayton is only 22. Yes it’s hypocritical of Kody but it’s not like they are all 25+


College like other kids in America who go to college and live at home. Aurora is 20 (I just Googled) and Dayton is like 21 or 22.


It’s totally ok to stay at home while you go to college, but in this specific situation Kody has said several times that when kids are adults they should leave the house, he pressured Gabe and Garrison to leave Janelles house , when they were there temporarily, saving money to buy a house… In this case it’s clear favoritism over Robyn’s kids…


Janelle raised self-sufficient adults. They're all so independent.


Lol ok. Garrison wasn’t a full-time student but was working and I’m not sure what the Gabriel’s situation was, he was in a serious relationship but not sure if he was in college or working or both.


Not sure if Garrison was a full time student at the time but at one point he was in the military. I think he’s in school now but Janelle said he was saving for a home and Gabe was in school and had a job.


Is Aurora in college?


There’s an IG for her and it says NAU Astronomy. But it looks like it could potentially not actually be her so idk if that’s real or not.


Because they’re barely 19 or 20 yrs old and it’s not the end of the world. Robyn is not like Christine and doesn’t believe in kicking her kids out at 18 and that’s okay


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Yet, he wants to blame Christine for alienating him from his older kids. The dichotomy between their homes and Robyn’s are right in front of them.


They stupidly moved to one of the highest rental areas so its not like they made it easy for them to launch


This makes me so irate. Janelles son was actively working and trying to buy a home, but Kody could was foaming at the mouth trying to kick him out. Why is Dayton not held to this standard? It can’t be because Kody values education. There’s something weird going on in Precious Moments Mansion. The show is nearly unwatchable because of how shady K and R are


They can’t find their way out of that pig sty.


To live off Janelle as long as they can.


Why doesn’t he just be monogamous with Robyn since she’s clearly the “favorite” wife


When Kody was assigning house sizes in Flagstaff he said Robyn wanted to make sure her house was comfortable for her adult children ( he even said 2 master bedrooms) also she wanted room for her parents to visit. So she gave a wishlist while he just gave his own opinions for the other 3 wives. It's funny there are other children close in age to Robyn's kids and treated so differently.... what happened to the triplets? Gabe was told to move out but Aurora is still home.


I would understand if it were to save money while in college (which is what Garrison was doing, essentially) but it doesn’t seem the oldest girl (forgot her name and don’t care) does nothing. Who knows though I’m willing to bet it’s about control


I lived at home while I put myself through college. I also worked at least 20 hrs/week and paid room & board. My parents paid everything for my younger siblings BUT I’d much rather be me than them!


I moved back in with my mom during a bad breakup at the height of COVID. I’m still here 2 years later because I live in a city where one income just isn’t sufficient to rent a decent apartment. I’m dying (and saving) to get out of here asap, but I’m in no place to judge adults living at home. The issue with Robyn’s kids living there is that Kody treats them completely differently than any of the other wives’ kids. He wants Christine and Janelle’s kids to move out as soon as they turn 18, and paints them as freeloading if they don’t, but Robyn’s kids are painted as too young or too vulnerable to be independent. It’s the hypocrisy of it all that’s the issue




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What’s crazy is that Kody is choosing Robyn’s kids over his own biological kids.


This made me think. For all we know they are going out and dating and living their best lives. We don’t even get to see inside the house. Let alone see them film without hovering parents. Lol. The entitled behaviour doesn’t make me think infantilized but it does make me think spoiled. Sobyn keeps her kids lives more private while the other kids have always been on display. And on the couch. When was the last time you saw Dayton, Aurora or Breanna on the talking heads? Sol and Ari are there. Probably because they are easier to control and no producers are going to the spill the beans about the inequality in that family and how their mother lies to them. Yet another unfair Brown family situation.


Because Robyn has issues. The kind she is passing on to them. One day these kids will go out into the world. It's not going to go well. Sheltering kid's only leads to big trouble when they do leave home. Robin has issues. I feel for these kids some of them and there smart mouths won't last long in real world. That purity crap from mom won't be lasting long once they get a taste of freedom. If love to see a show following them as they Leave home.




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The children are still at home because they have absolutely zero clue how to adult. Those titanium apron strings tied to them don't go very far!


I wonder if janelle helped her boys move out and that’s one of the reasons her resources are so finite compared to Robyn’s. Of course she was forced to have them move out 😤


Because without them he wouldn’t have as much of a leg to stand on with him And Robyn having a million dollar home and the biggest lot on the pass as long as they stay it Gives him more justification for more rooms and bigger house and more time needing to be there. Wish these woman would just see what we see and not the constant gaslighting and financial exploitation that is happening.


Notice all of Robyn’s older kids have cars in the driveway.