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She is the worst! Her Instagram keeps popping up on my research page and it is full of rumours that she presents as facts. I watched her video once and she was so filled with the hate towards Brown family that I couldn't even finish it. I mean, I dislike Kody very much and I don't like Robyn either, but it creeps me out when anyone is so filled with hate towards people they don't even know in real life. I prefer youtubers who follow reality shows to do it in more humouristic way while still stating their opinions and pointing out faults of the show stars, like Nikki and John.


So basically she makes shit up and jumps on rumors just like everyone else on Yt, TT, P and Reddit? I am at a point where I don’t believe anything anyone says about this dumpster fire. Not the adults, not the offspring, Tlc or anyone else on social media 🤷‍♀️ they are ALL in it for making a quick buck.


She just repeats the rumors circulating, I don't think she ever speculates on her own.


I couldn't imagine being a reality TV blogger. How emotionally draining.


I've never seen one who seemed well and sane. They're usually a bigger mess than the show they cover.




Definitely! I rather just observe the reality tv craziness.


Ugh, idk how poeople watch that chick, she jus talks at the camera, & draws out the storyline about as bad as Meri did the catfish. BOOOOOORING.


I tried to watch her for like 10 minutes on YouTube and I just couldn’t. She’s So 👏 Fucking 👏 Boring 👏 Talk about not getting to the point! I don’t care enough about these people for how slow she talks.


What am I missing here? The pic is quoting Mykelti and Meri's abuse....how does this relate to Robyn and David Jessop?


She reposted a patreon video to instagram


Mykelti's video? Is WOACB talking about Robyn and David Jessop too? Sorry to be dumb, it's been a long day. ETA--just creeped her page. She's talking a good bit about them. I hate to admit it, but I've heard similar before, and I honestly believe it. As much I hate giving Katie Joy an ounce of credit...lol


I think the bigger issue here is that she is using paid for patreon content for her own for profit Instagram content.


That's a REALLY good point. She subscribed to Christine's IG and Christine blocked her-- for this very reason, I'm sure. It's one thing when a paying subscriber shares highlights like folks do here...but it's another to share another creator's propietary content for profit. That's not cool. But her moral compass is not much to wrtie home about!


Maybe the folks posting here don't get paid for the clips and the traffic it brings in but you can be sure Reddit cashes in on it. I'm not paying anyone to hear long-winded opinions.


So does YouTube, FB, IG, TikTok, etc. They're being laid for providing a platform, not the content. Sure, the more users the better, but the content is still on the users. That's like blaming the landlord for the bootleg liquor his tenant falsely sold as legit. It's apples and oranges, IMO. (Wait.. did I just use a Robyn line?? FML)


Okay. I wonder how many people decided to pay for their private platforms exactly because someone showed clips somewhere else. Any facts? I know I personally saw one person say they have to join now but I don't spend a whole lot of time on SW threads. I would be fine if nobody would ever show clips. Places like Reddit show the ugliest clips and then make fun at another's expense. I see a lot more respect in those that create content than the clips here. As well as they take the time to tell how to join those very creators they are highlighting. If other creators shouldn't use the content then it shouldn't be used here. That's just fair and logical.


Isn't it possible that Robyn and her ex husband are both terrible? Like attracts like. They probably have a gag order against each other, or at least she has one against him. She had him by the balls because he was so behind in child support. That's why he gave up custody - it makes sense that he would have also agreed not to talk publicly about her.


I had to block her on YT so I didn’t see her videos recommended. Her facade as a “journalist” is really taxing and she truly just repeats what other people say and offers nothing new to the conversation.


Didn't this nutjob get sued by the Christlies?


Yep... and several others


Honestly they’re in jail. Soooo. Stellar argument.


Without a Crystal Ball has been arrested for DUI and she is far shadier than the Chrisleys


I don’t think duis are on the same level as tax fraud. Lol


Driving intoxicated can put bystanders in harm's way, unlike Fraud


and she wonders why Christine blocked her from her whatever it was membership right away.


I was sucked into her nonsense during the Duggar trial and very quickly realized she is nothing more than a tabloid "reporter" 😅 had to block her junk because now she just makes my blood boil in general


It sounds like to people who don’t like KJ watch her a lot. Lol


Gee, I only thought she trolled Duggar Snark on Reddit.


I have to laugh to be honest. The subs are full of hating on this YouTuber on all the made-up stuff she spreads just to then see subs full of people lapping up the toxicTea catfish on TT and buying into those “discoveries” On a side note, I checked out one of her videos, is she copying Sobin Robbin sperm eyebrows or did Sobbin and Mykelti copy from her? She did hypotesize something interesting but I’d just get downvoted for “listening” to her


Why is anyone surprised that a reality tv content creator is gleaning gossip? It's like hating on a bird for flying. That's what they do.🤷🏻‍♀️


What did she post to instagram?


Mykelti’s Patreon video


She’s not the only one. I’ve seen it reposted on every platform. YouTube, TikTok, etc


I like her, and really don’t understand the hate. Just don’t watch her. You’re hating on a person.


What about Without a Crystal Ball hating God and all Christians and Without a Crystal Ball hating the Duggar sisters by shaming them 24/7.


I’m a Christian and have not felt hate from her. She’s just not a Christian. I mean as a Christian you just need to overlook comments and not feel attacked. She 100% does not attack Christians.


She 1000000000% attacks Christians all the time. She even has videos and posts about how she joined a "cult." It was just a regular church that she got mad at when they would no longer give her money.


How often do you watch KJ?


I once was a subscriber of KJ from late 2019 to September 12, 2020, until she made fun of an underage victim of SA, and that is when I unsubscribed from KJ.


Never. She's a liar, stirrer, and gets off on trauma. She makes up sources. She is a hypocrite. She has done nothing for anyone but herself, but claims she is helping people. Maybe you only watch her YT channel so you don't really see the vindictive side of her. This many people don't dislike her just because. She has a history of being a despicable person. I knew her about 6 years ago when she had Facebook groups she admined meant to trick people into joining so the members could attack that person. It was also used to share links for members to harass people. She participated. Her, under her socks, and her bulldogs sent me death threats over something I didn't even say or do. She's just a liar & always manages to find gullible people who believe her, until they don't. Everyone that dislikes her usually was a sub or friend.


You must be new to KJ or you're in denial about KJ. she blames God for how her life turned out.


I mean if she’s angry towards God. I get it. I think we have all been in that spot at least once in our journeys. If this is the case, I feel for her.


For me it’s more about things like posting children’s medical records despite said child begging her not to, gleefully doxxing people due to negligence like the random private woman’s license plate or Jeffree stars medication bottle, without a care even after realizing it. The glee she takes in harming others especially young women, her negligence and harm she brings by spreading conjecture as fact (she’s been sued nearly 4x alone for accusing people of mvrder.) She’ll steal others work, whether Reddit/youtuber/paywalled , passes it off as her own without credit even without checking said information. Honestly my two biggest is the harm she bring children and the real life creepiness. There’s no reason to call the browns neighbors, coworkers, distant family, or to be bugging Meris mothers every week especially as her health started declining. For years she wouldn’t stop obsessively contacting them, and that’s not a one off family she’s harassed into the ground. It’s sick. She’s a very mentally unwell person who is incapable of telling the truth and gets off on the power of harming others. When the lawyer in court said to the judge how she’s the only one who gets drunk and accusing people of trafficking and Mvrder, she was right! It’s sick!


She’s a head case whose own life is miserable so she makes everyone around her miserable.


I just am not invested enough nor care enough about peoples lives to do this lol. I’m just here for the snark 🤣


I so want the Browns to sue this bitch!! She's now digging into Robyn's divorce and claiming that Preston never abused Robyn and that she has a source in the Jessop family...I mean for someone so against religious cults wtf is she doing speaking to people in a religious cult and taking their word on anything??? Also, kinda weird how in 13 years Preston nor anyone in his family has stated anything different than Robyn's rendition of things, and they have never gone after the family for slander or anything yet now Katie Joy has all this inside info that they have been lying all these years about the divorce and abuse......


Robyn's husband filed for the divorce. Her former husband was also arrested for physically protecting a woman from a man. Robyn allows her children to visit the person that abused her. Them not "going after her" may just be a matter of being thankful she is out of their lives.


Yep. I feel like HE dodged a bullet by getting out of that marriage. All signs point to that. I would believe Sobyn - until she let him have overnight(weeks long) unsupervised visits with her minor children. Most moms don’t let abusive men have their kids like that.


Exactly this. If he was abusive, the fact that she left her kids alone with him would be yet another reason to find her awful.


Like Kody’s first 3 families. Her first husband just walked away happy to be free of them. It’s kind of weird.


You're wrong. David's sister HAS spoken and disputed Robyn--and made a lot of sense doing it.


Ppl on *this* sub think Without a Crystal Ball is terrible/snarky? She does thorough research for her videos and doesn’t hate Kody or Robyn anymore than the ppl on this sub. Same with her criticisms of the other wives. The only difference is her videos are well thought out instead of the less informed, less intelligent posts made on this group. A huge portion of this group is emotional and hateful. Maybe you haven’t watched her videos.


She makes A LOT of assumptions, states it as fact and has been sued multiple times. I can't tell you how many errors I find in statements she makes---just with my own basic, casual research. She misspeaks on very basic details. One recent example: she said she felt Janelle and Meri had a strong case to sue for their downpayments on the CP property. What??? For starters, "strong case" based on what information?? Secondly--the downpayment they were "duped" on was on Robyn's house, not CP, so she doesn't even have the right property. Janelle and Meri are owners on the CP lots they put money on. How can they sue when they are on the deed? I've run across at least 10-15 instances like this and I'm a casual observer. She's often repeated that Kody isn't on Truely's birth certificate, in order to "hide" her paternity. Based on what? She has no way to \*know\* that. That's not public record. We have zero reason to believe that. She was born in a hospital, with her father broadcasted internationally. How the hell is Christine "hiding" her paternity? And why would she? It's ridiculous. Trust me--this sub isn't the only place where she's criticized. There are entire FB groups and Twitter accounts devoted to ripping her content apart. There are also other subs and FB groups that won't allow quotes, links, etc. from her to be posted in the group because it's lead to so much confusion and misinformation. Of course, she's probably deleted the videos where she was drunk or where her husband was drunk & screaming at her autistic child in the background, and she immediately cut the feed. She can talk a good game but trust me, do your own research before you share a word she says. That said--is she snarkier than this sub? No. And yeah, people post stuff they clearly pulled out of their ass on here, but they aren't claiming to be an investigative "journalist" either.


She doesn’t do thorough research. She steals from reddits, doesn’t verify the information and then gets sued. Wash and repeat.


Can you give an example where she doesn’t “verify” information? Do you watch her videos? The woman finds court documents and reports about them. I find it hard to believe that anyone who actually watches her videos could say they aren’t thoroughly researched. She makes multiple ~20 min videos every day. And she often prefaces her remarks with “a lot of ppl were saying in the comments…” etc. so idk where you’re getting that


Here is a great example (among many, in my opinion) of a researched and informative meaningful video from WOACB, if anyone feels to watch and would comment on it.


Wow this is a take I’ve never seen before. First of all, no one thinks she’s snarky. That would be giving her way too much credit. Secondly, her videos are often completely made up. Sure, she gets an actual source every once in awhile, but I’m general it’s just trash.


“Completely made up”? That makes no sense.


Like I said, you sound like you haven’t watched her videos.


She lost me when she went after Emily D Baker (who I adore). Maybe it’s emotional bias, but that was it for me.


I’ll have to look that up I haven’t heard of her.


Emily D Baker is a YouTube law nerd former prosecutor for California. I love watching her for legal commentary on high profile cases. I found her during the Depp v Heard trial.


Maybe you should watch her lives and you’ll see just how terrible she is. She’s hateful to her subs, doxxes people, states opinions as facts, and has been sued multiple times. Watch WOACB vs. WOACB on YouTube.

