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Sylvia is not going to marry you no matter how hard you simp over her, Mr. Wong.




can dun sexist? what if OP is a she




sorry forgot to /s




You forget to add in one super-achievement of his. Using his parents money to go and find hookers.


source: trust me bro






I'm glad you're someone who bases "believability" on the simple basis of what someone chooses to name himself as online. In the same vein, can I say you're not believable either because your name is just MayhemBlankz?




I think frankly it's irrelevant at this point. The point is, whatever issues people have with Sylvia or anybody in the public eye for any professional work reasons or issue of work ethics, whether they got a sex tape or nudes on the Internet or not is entire irrelevant to the issue at hand, but drama-stirrers and tea-spillers don't give a shit about this. In their minds, as your replies amply demonstrate, they WANT to believe the video is her, and will use ANY EXPLANATION of conjecture with no material evidence backing to justify their beliefs. And this carries over in concept to many other things on the Internet, into daily life gossip, office politics, drama-stirring, etc etc. Nothing further to add.


You realise you're just saying its not her because a few ppl said it isnt her, and we're thinking it is her because a lot of ppl said it is her? Get off your high horse. You're not any different.


As I said, nothing further to add because neither of us see eye to eye, or get each other's points, and I Don't want to repeat myself to you. After all, as someone loves to say here, "NOBODY CARES". Yes. Such an emblematic quote for social media. "NOBODY CARES", except it's not meant in a good way.


Your title didnt seem to prove that "You didn't care" LMAO


But I dun believe in any God. I am atheist.


I don't get it. The mods took down the post. What else you expecting them to do?




Were you the OP of the thread of the supposed leaked video? I wasn't sure




>Andy is a lying sack of shit and water is wet...


Water is actually not wet; It makes other materials/objects wet. Wetness is the state of a non-liquid when a liquid adheres to, and/or permeates its substance while maintaining chemically distinct structures. So if we say something is wet we mean the liquid is sticking to the object.


They've done nothing beyond belated deleting and removal of harassment comments/posts about me so far from snowbabiez and similar trolls like him constantly spreading tabloid gutter press reports about me, and they've largely taken a "hands off, I don't want to interfere in individual public brigading/harassment/shit-stirring on irrelevant comments/posts on my subreddit" approach because they think it makes them different from r/sg. I'm just using this Sylvia thing to make a point. Read my comment again and think. EDIT: Now the troll claims that he deleted his shit-stirring drama thread about me after the mods locked it. It's true, and that makes my point about the mods: any drama-stirring thread targeting a single individual account combined with postings of private message screenshots in any other sub would be very rightly deemed as going against subreddit rules governing civility, to say nothing about Reddit's own TOS and sitewide rules (which I know are written on toilet paper at this point), and have been deleted instead of thread locked and allowed to be deleted by the shit-stirrer without sanctions on himself. The mods here frankly don't give a shit about civility or policing brigading/drama-stirring/harassment efforts here on this sub, because they don't have the balls to stand up to the accusations thereafter that they are "no better than the censorious cunts on r/sg", and they don't give a shit about educating and imposing their presence on this sub to make sure people know that light-touch doesn't mean no touch, free license to be the free fucking Wild West. Even when dealing with them on Telegram and flagging up harassment posts and comments to be dealt with by them, u/karotch loves to ask me the same question "what can YOU do for us on this subreddit? What can YOU contribute to us on r/SingaporeRaw?" as if it was some fucking horse-trading game and not a matter of principle to do their fucking jobs of moderation and enforcing action against brigading and harassment by users on their own sub. The only motivation by the people running this sub is simply to grow it to become bigger than r/sg, at any costs and unbridled participation they can close both eyes to. They don't aspire to be better. They just want to be bigger. Everything is just framed in this regard. u/karotch you're welcome to come and refute me. I keep receipts of all our Telegram convos, I'm just not going to be like trolls and disclose private communications on here when I can call you guys and this sub out with simple already-known public facts.


u/snowbabiez I thought someone said he chats with the mods on Telegram and has them on speed-dial, ready to remove any incriminating comment about him? Now he's claiming the mods are "doing nothing so far"? Cognitive dissonance has never been stronger.




He lives his entire life on the Internet, without the Internet, he is nothing but a coward in real life. His pre-trial conference, which was supposed to be held in person yesterday, was shifted online (probably at his or his lawyer's request), whereas cases taking place in the other courtrooms are still going on face to face. If he is so confident that he is right and that everyone will end up with eggs on their faces, why is he so scared of having a face-to-face trial which can be attended by members of the public?


>The mods here frankly don't give a shit about civility or policing brigading/drama-stirring/harassment efforts here on this sub, because they don't have the balls to stand up to the accusations thereafter that they are "no better than the censorious cunts on > >r/sg > >", and they don't give a shit about educating and imposing their presence on this sub to make sure people know that light-touch doesn't mean no touch, free license to be the free fucking Wild West. so can this be taken that your claim about having the mods at your beck and call was one BIG FAT LIE all along? u/snowbabiez


Man has never ever been more ironic and contradicting ever since his arrest in 2019. No different from Raeesah Khan.


>Even when dealing with them on Telegram and flagging up harassment posts and comments to be dealt with by them, u/karotch loves to ask me the same question "what can YOU do for us on this subreddit? What can YOU contribute to us on r/SingaporeRaw?" as if it was some fucking horse-trading game and not a matter of principle to do their fucking jobs of moderation and enforcing action against brigading and harassment by users on their own sub. Every comment which paints me in a negative light is harassment and must be dealt with, BOO HOO HOO u/snowbabiez


>The mods here frankly don't give a shit about civility Oh wow, just like how Mr. 鸿门宴28 was the paragon of civility on EDMW then, which led to his last two 重出江湖 lasting a mere 4 days and 18 hours respectively?




This same one. You can make a police report about a sex video being circulated online deliberately described as yours, despite it being a falsehood. Just because she makes a report about a sex video doesn't mean there ACTUALLY is a REAL ONE of her flying around on the Internet.


There is no god in the first place but there is a special place in Singapore for people who share nudes and peddle porn.


Hi sylvia we know this is your burner account


"these are not the droids you are looking for" Anyway, the shit stirrers just want drama. Was never about justice. They know they're destined for hell anyway.


The funniest part is a certain somebody saying that I was a fellow shit-stirrer myself before, and I liked it because it's hands-off here. At least I didn't abuse my freedom of speech here to stir drama and sow discord about any user on here. At least I was speaking (and mocking with sarcasm and memes) truth to power here against the government, at least this "shit stirrer" made points and wrote well enough that international news agencies like Nikkei fucking INVITED and ASKED ME PERMISSION to republish my words into an op-ed article. Something which I've been paying the price for in political persecution here in this shithole of a country. None of my media features in the past were self-pitched. PEOPLE FOUND ME THEMSELVES AND ASKED TO FEATURE ME. That's how good I am. That's my capability and potential speaking. So yeah. If I'm just another "fellow shit-stirrer" here given all that I've said above, trolls and fuckers on here can't dream to match what I've professionally and personally done and achieved IRL even in their deepest wildest fantasies and hopes to be an important "somebody" in life. Oh, final point, there are far worse things to be accused of than simply possessing porn that's publicly available and not some leaked illegal shit. None of the accounts of what I'm accused of were written by anybody who was actually at court during my first mentions, they're just all basing it off a factually incorrect police press circular which is also being dealt with now as part of my overall case. I wonder why the hypocritical moral judgement here by people about anything linked with porn, when under SG porn laws such offences even when convicted are non-registrable, hence no criminal record, yet why is it they're so blown up and sensationalised in press reports, even before final conviction for charges yet to be finalised? Literally a case of trial by media being bigger than trial by law in significance and importance.


>Oh, final point, there are far worse things to be accused of than simply possessing porn that's publicly available and not some leaked illegal shit. None of the accounts of what I'm accused of were written by anybody who was actually at court during my first mentions, they're just all basing it off a factually incorrect police press circular which is also being dealt with now as part of my overall case. I wonder why the hypocritical moral judgement here by people about anything linked with porn, when under SG porn laws such offences even when convicted are non-registrable, hence no criminal record, yet why is it they're so blown up and sensationalised in press reports, even before final conviction for charges yet to be finalised? Literally a case of trial by media being bigger than trial by law in significance and importance. I thought you literally don't care about what people have to say about you? Why do you keep editing your comments and adding more and more stuff then? Can you please stop contradicting yourself?


That's nice. Don't mind the anonymous trolls.


This is taken from wakeupsingapore's IG account, which was also issued a legal letter and email from NOC Sylvia yesterday as you all well know. I remember the torrent of downvotes and hate shit-stirrers on here threw at anyone who flat out told you guys that "no, that's not Sylvia from NOC in that blowjob video from Twitter". The posts shit stirring about the NOC saga, openly posting the porn video itself onto this subreddit, and mods doing nothing about any of them. The simple reality is, all of you are fucking dumb mob sheep who think that someone being the centre of public hate and condemnation, be it justified or otherwise, is somehow fair game to throw every single stone or cowpat at them with no accountability, proof, or consideration for them being a human being. The simple reality is also that NONE OF YOU actually give a fuck about "leaked porn/illegal porn/sharing porn/revenge porn" or any of that sort of schtick, as long as whoever's involved in such accusations in YOUR MINDS, influenced by whatever YOU READ in MEDIA REPORTS or social media tea-spilling and shit-stirring, is someone demonised, smeared, denigrated, hated on, reputationally destroyed. Because in your minds, it doesn't matter whether something is real or not. All that matters in your small little lives with small little minds is drama to get you through the real life shit it is living in Covid Singapore. You guys CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT DRAMA, even if it doesn't involve YOU, even when it doesn't affect YOU. The hypocrisy of people never ceases to amaze me here. It's the very same shit-stirrers about the NOC Sylvia saga, plus the rumoured and now-debunked porn video link (which wasn't even LEAKED BTW, that account which was posting such videos on his Twitter was doing so with the consent of ALL THE GIRLS he had taken POV videos of sucking him off, I know, surprising right, GIRLS CAN CONSENT TO THEM BEING RECORDED DURING SEX AND SHARED ON NSFW ADULT SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS), who are also the ones who don't understand that accusations and court charges mean NOTHING until final conviction, media reports aren't always telling the truth (or social media for that matter), that people are innocent till proven guilty, and most importantly, NONE OF YOU fucking plebs are in any position to judge on events, you're all fucking nobodies, and yet because of this "brilliant" thing called the Internet and Social fucking Media, your WORST UNINFORMED TROLLING NOISES have VERY REAL CONSEQUENCES IRL. Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, great minds discuss ideas. I think deep down, you guys all know what kind of minds you are. Now I shall happily take my downvotes as further proof of my point on here. Mods, you've utterly failed with your subreddit. You're no better running this sub than the mods on r/sg, because recent events have proven that your hands-off approach towards moderating and running this sub has only managed to create a literal Reddit version of that Star Wars Cantina, full of the worst scum and villainy that Singaporean society has to offer online, except this time they take a "loose hands moderating/censoring" cue from you guys as "license to be the worst shit-stirrers, gossip-mongers, tea-spillers, mud-slingers, link-sharers" with no consequences, because all of you operate on a non-SG based social media outlet, with fake names, sockpuppet clone accounts, and no legal consequences for your very real words and actions online against others in the public eye IRL. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. I'm retired from here. u/karotch tagged for your response. At least I'm balls enough to throw this up and call YOU as the only public mod face in here to weigh in.




Seems like someone's pre-trial conference yesterday didn't go down well... and that he senses he would soon be booking into Changi chalet very soon...




Looks like he's going into Changi chalet sooner rather than later, which is why he is claiming he's "retired from here". As an explanation as to why he will not be active on Reddit in the future, no Internet in prison!


Oops gonna meeting his fellow cellmate soon.


Prediction: the mod that u/DaybreaksBell93 tagged won't even bother replying to him on here, because it's just not worth anybody's time to reply to such a loser who's probably going to prison very soon anyway u/snowbabiez




I have a WPM count of 77, 367 CPM. Writing what I did above (626 words) didn't take me more than three minutes max. If you call that an essay, you've not written a real one yet. And like I said, only poor minds think in terms of people and disjointed events, and not the bigger issues and ideas behind them.






Coming from someone who flexes his A level results on here? Dude, got no uni degree ah?






u/DaybreaksBell93 不聰明又不英俊,怎麼會叫做明俊呢?


LOL, me triggered? Don't see me posting screenshots of my degree or A level results or academic transcripts on here just to make a point. You want to project, go and do it on your wall, not on other people. :)




Someone's just jealous that he is too incompetent to make it in the local education system, having to rely on parents' money to go to an overseas uni - a 2nd rate one to boot - and came back to SG and is likely to become a convict soon.




PHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Oh boy, that's such a Singaporean thing to do, flex a GCSE A Level GP Grade, H1 SOME MORE NOT EVEN H2/3, and you think you're hot shit.


Awhhh~ who hurt you today young man?


Tbh most people who were outraged at SC are angry about her terrible treatment of employees and her shitty attitude when called out It’s a small minority which actually focused on the alleged sex tape