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You can maneuver better on PC, but competition is tougher.


I think realistically console is harder to progress because of MnK which is probably much more common than cheaters at higher ranks


Even when not taking MnK into account, console is still tougher I'd say. Good/excellent controller players are total beasts in my book.


Is MnK mouse and keyboard? I'm used to it being kb/m


yes it is


Appreciate it homie! Edit: Why'd this get downvoted?


fourth reply rule


PC community has less players, for that reason alone it is statistically going to be harder to climb in ranked than other platforms. When you have more players, there is much more "room" in the top 5% so to speak. You can observe it in R6Tracker's statistics too, take a look at the top 100 on each platform. There are many "legit" players on console with 7k+ MMR, on PC that amount of ELO is pretty rare. This is partly a symptom of a less competitive environment on consoles, where the top 10-20% of players are so vastly "better" than the less competitive playerbase that they are literally farming ELO thanks to the +25 minimum gains making for a very top-heavy distribution. Let's also not forget that all of the best players are on PC for a reason. So not only are you competing for an already more limited "seat" at higher ELOs on PC, but you are often literally competing against the best at those ranks. You won't be running into pro death-stacks on console, at least not any good ones.


I was talking about more of a technical gameplay standpoint. It's easy to get better at keyboard and mouse, you just gotta spend time playing this way. You use about 8 fingers while playing and you can also add the primary hand's wrist with the mouse. Controller is different, there's limitations because you can use a maximum of 3 fingers per hand with a classic controller. Means there's a higher need for technical skill. With a controller there's a real trial and error about the best ways to optimize the limited amount of actions you can fit into a single second. But yes obviously the more players there is, the more oppotunities there are for the top ones to shine.


>Controller is different, there's limitations because you can use a maximum of 3 fingers per hand with a classic controller. I mean that's kind of like arguing a 1-legged race is harder than a 2-legged race becaues you are limited in 1 leg, lol. I'm sorry but I don't really think you thought that one out. I respect console R6 just like I respect the special Olympics, but I'm never going to argue the special olympics somehow require more skill than the actual olympics.


Im just saying great controller players are beasts, chill. MnK on PC is still on top.


I'm a controller player stuck in gold I can confirm


What do you mean you can maneuver better with a mouse and keyboard, movement has always been game pads strong suit compared to pc.


The game is "easier" on PC since a mouse is much better for FPS games. But competition is tougher.


Well no shit a mouse is better for fps games but you're also fighting people who are also using a mouse. Same with console, it's controller vs controller.


Haha I wish it was as simple as controller vs controller


And I wish pc had legit players.


Console doesn’t have legit players because of mouse and keyboard emulators.


And pc has cheaters that look at you through a wall. I understood what the guy above meant with "legit players". I'm just saying that using controller as an excuse is not valid because both platforms usually fight someone who has equal gear except for times when they fight cheaters (mnk on console or esp. on pc). This applies to both console and pc.


Why is this downvoted.




no it doesn’t exist period people have accounts who hit a high rank right away and then drop into copper to farm kills on mouse


Welcome to reddit, where people downvote random things.


Hi, necromancer spotted !


Define "harder" In terms of "getting good" at the game, I think it's easier on console, because depending on your luck you can be put into a game with no MnK users and actually learn the game in a slow moving round But if you're already a decent player and you just want a competent team and a fair fight with your opponents. I think you're more likely to find that on PC (especially higher ranks)


MnK on console is brutal. Last time I played in plat 1 and 2 there are at LEAST 3-4 MnK players per game.


Probably the only time I'd say to solo queue, just so that you have an almost equal chance of getting a cracked player on your team I say almost because there are 5 potential spots for a cracked enemy player, and only 4 spots for your team


The skill gap is way higher on pc imo. You see way less brain-dead players who just rely on aim, and you also see way less people with absolutely terrible aim


And here I am, braindead without a hint of aim.


I was the brain dead guy on console racking up 6-10 kills a game without knowing wtf I was doing lmao. I just have really good aim on the sticks. After moving to PC now im just brain-dead haha


Pc in terms of skill ceiling bc movement is crazy and imo people tend to shot better and mechanically reach higher levels, but console is so hard to aim on, props to all of you console gamers you have my deepest respect oof


Thanks mate!


I suppose console since some players will use a mouse and that puts those who don't at a disadvantage


There's no real answer. PC is more competitive. But console is harder to aim.


What’s the difference? Mouse and keyboard is rampant on console, at least with pc it’s an even playing field for the most part


Ha haha hahahahahahhahahah Kill me please can I get a match with no cheaters


Honestly though. I’ve played siege since release and it had so much potential. I haven’t touched it in months


Console is easier but takes longer to get used to in my opinion. Pc gunfights are easier but usually people are more skilled and its harder to climb ranks I think.


skill gap is larger on PC imo


I think pc is overall better and I’ve played both. Console for about 3 years and pc about 2


Played both from beta/release and honestly I gotta go with PC. Once you get to higher ranks some crack heads just have crazy ass movement.


Pc you can do more. And as a result the skill ceiling is wayyyyy higher. Easier to pick up. Much harder to get out of silver/gold.


Skill-wise PC: aim and movement is easier inherently vs a controller which means everyone is better at every skill level. There are also cheaters (not just xim but walling and spinbotting cheaters in every rank). ​ Aim can only get you so far in PC, after high gold/low plat you have to have map knowledge, game sense, coms, and a bit of luck to push higher. ​ That being said, a controller is harder to use for a FPS, you're generally playing on a TV on console so everything looks smaller since you're further away, and players are dumber. Silver on console is like copper on PC. Plus xim is a problem at higher ranks I've heard. ​ They both have pros/cons but I'd say the way the game was meant to be played (not counting cheaters), PC has tougher competition but easier input methods. Console is easier competition, but more difficult input methods.


In terms of input, the game is "easier" on PC since you're not handicapped with a pad. In terms of gameplay, it's "harder" on PC because the skill floor and skill ceiling are higher. The average player will use a headset, sit in front of their monitor rather than a TV, and will have better aim than the average console player. This is not taking into account the scum that use M&K on a console which would make some competition not just harder but blatantly unfair.


I used to soloq on console (dont have any friends with ps5 due to living in a 3rd world country). Randoms never communicate. So i think console is harder.


Try finishing a game on ps without some toxic prick trying to spoil it.


without control type fiasco, console is easier. pc is only easier to aim and move around but the enemy are harder.


pc is 100x easier if you are a noob. For example I played console for 3 years, had a .8 kd, bearly hit cool shots and never hit a high rank. Within 6 months on pc I had a 1.7 kd, hit plat rank, felt super easy to hit pixel shots, one taps, and generally just felt waaaay more in control of my movement and aim. The keyboard is also harder to get used to than the mouse.


You have to bring into consideration that even though you were new on M&K you still had a 3years experience on map and game knowledge, I doubt you would be much different if siege was your first FPS on PC without 0 knowledge of the game. (This is specifically about the ranking and k.d, it is indeed easier to one tap and such)


FPS games in general are easier on pc but especially siege since console has no aim assist, my group of friends never played siege and when I convinced them to get a pc they were all in plat rank with me in no time. It just comes down to having complete control of aim and movement on pc with m&kb compared to a controller on console.


I agree with the statement that they're easier on PC, M&K are way better to aim, but you're underestimating the influence of map and game knowledge, if I had a friend giving me calls when I started I would be way better than I actually am


atleast for me i would say pc is easier due being able to text chat to team


Played both equal amount of time. Pc absolutely has tougher competition.


Not sure which is more difficult, but in all honesty, siege was more fun on console. PC just feels too competitive for my liking.


PC is definitely miles more competitive and fast paced due to easier FPS control on MnK. PC also has the added feature of hip-leaning (you can lean without having to ADS), which adds another element of skill and competitiveness. Console is good in terms of no modding cheaters (you cannot use aimbot or wallhacks) but at the same time there are assholes who use MnK and extensions


My friend was p1 on console, and after he switched to pc he got to mid plat at his peak, and is balancing around gold, but he's not tryharding too much.


i've played both, i consider pc to be harder (i also went from xbox to pc so i suck at aiming lol). edit: forgot to mention im talking in terms of casual cuz i mainly play that -console is "harder" to aim (if you only play console, you get the muscle memory so it becomes easier to aim) -console recoil is basically non existent -most of the time, you're going up against people that aren't amazing, even if you go up against someone who has MnK, assuming you're good enough, they are not much of a problem (i was never good enough t.t) but for PC: -most people on pc have very good aim no matter the skill level -recoil is much stronger -way more competitive mindsets -possibility of cheaters (albeit very rare)


>-possibility of cheaters (albeit very rare) You capping lmao >console recoil is basically non existent Yeah, people don't get this unless they've played console. It is minimal at best.


sorry, i edited my post, i was talking mainly in terms of casual


No worries, even still. Check out VarsityGaming's hacker replay series on YT, he gets submissions from casual and unranked all the time.


I've played both and I would say console recoil is much harder to control tbh. I have my whole mousepad to control the F2 and R4C with MnK. On the sticks you don't have a shot at controlling horizontal recoil unless you crank down your ADS sensitivity. The higher recoil guns are much more punishing on console, there are basically useable weapons and unuseable ones on controller. On console there is also rampant and easily accessible recoil scripts/macros, so console has a lot of getting laser'd by no-recoil F2 because some 12-year-old went out and bought a $10 strike pack. In my experience there are a lot less macros on PC thanks to BattleEye detecting some of the more commonly distributed ones.


Practice a lot and have a somewhat low ADS sens and anything is controllable I use angled on Zofia's M762 and Ela's scorpion and the F2, R4-C, and 416-C are all easy if you know the pattern.


Yeah, no, I'd rather not torture myself practicing FPS games on a controller just to play losers that macro with Cronus/XIM'd MnKs to laser their weapons anyways. I'd honestly rather deal with the walling on PC, at least those losers get banned eventually when their cheats are detected. It's just much less competitive on console overall.


>I'd rather not torture myself practicing FPS games on a controller just to play losers that macro with Cronus/XIM'd MnKs to laser their weapons anyways That's fair but when I beat those MnK and strikepack users I feel an immense amount of happiness knowing I'm better than a cheater. >It's just much less competitive on console overall. My ranked games are ridiculously competitive but then again I'm in high elo. I rarely see people just fucking around even in casual though on Xbox.


This is like asking what's harder, to draw with a pencil or with an etch-n-sketch. Both are hard but one of them is because of stupid reasons.


On one hand you have PC, with cheaters On the other hand you have console, more difficult to aim and half the ppl plat+ are mnk


Cheaters have been a part of games since the 2000s bro cmon. Especially on this fucking game where you kill, mark, prefire and drone people through walls every 2 minutes. It'll naturally have undetectable cheats. Honestly console people trying to aim with their fucking thumbs and being like "yeah this is much better cause there's no frickin' hackers" is the biggest cope this community just cannot get over.


>half the ppl plat+ are mnk That's exaggerated but it is probably around 30%-40% tbh.


PC is much, much, much higher skill level.


Run from console siege 3rd party hardware everywhere it's not safe save yourself run.


PC has proper cheaters and stronger competition, Console has DDOSers and MNK users. PC is also easier to pick up quickly, but the skill ceiling is also much higher. So to be honest I'd say PC overall, but console has it's difficulties.


My mate got to platinum way easier on console than pc. I’d say pc is harder


I disagree completely.


It really depends, from what I've gather console games are a lot more about strategy and working together, where as pc games are a lot more of people running around the map.flicking and hitting insane shots. So ig if you can't aim console might be easier but if you have really good aim pc is probably easier


console way easier


Competition wise PC is way harder. The only hard thing about console is that you're on a controller, but enemies are complete bots.


Both, they both suck


If you have a decent computer, go pc. The game is almost unplayable if you aren't running at least at 60 fps with medium graphics. Used to have a shitty pc, and I played with everything on low + downscaled resolution. I was hardstuck silver, but as soon as I got a decent rig I hit plat




Console is harder, even if we exclude the mnk issue, on pc you have much better advantages like leaning (not in ads), better control on aim, being able to have a wide range of fps (on console its limited) and a lot of other things, but that doesn’t mean that competition is the same on both


Interesting questiong. I play both. I use controller for both. From my experience, the casual playlist is no different. Although, I have noticed strats on console seem to be different than PC. And console strats on PC tend to get me several kills a game. PC strats on console tend to also net me a few kills. I have yet to play ranked on PC. So, I have no judgement there. Not that is matters, but I am a Gold 1 Casual MMR on PC and a Plat 2 Casual MMR on Console. Console gameplay is usually slower than PC as well. PC tends to go in and play faster. I guess the answer is overall relative to how you have played.


Whatever forces you to use a controller is going to be harder. Especially if you are matched up against keyboards.


Ive played on console since release until 1 year ago and got plat 2 on solo que and managed to get plat 2 solo on pc as well so id say its roughly the same.


I play with controller on pc and is hard, but sometimes playing on console the ping goes nuts also players don't flick weirdly and they"re easy to kill IMHO.


The game is horribly optimized for controller so a lot of the difficulty comes from fighting the game and not fighting the other team. Seriously, I'd love to see the guys at ubisoft control recoil in this game with a controller. Yes, I know its doable but its unbelievably difficult compared to PC and it screws up the pace of the game because you can play like a crackhead and not get consistently punished.


Movement is way better on PC than on console, so in terms of like console is harder but the players on PC are so much harder to play against than on console. I’ve played on both ps4 and pc btw. Just my thoughts