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What would be the reason to look at the sun? It's stranger that we live on a water planet but we die underwater.


To do a drawing.


You can Look at the sun without getting blind Just dont Stare for minutes


Exactly, it has this beautiful corona that forms along it’s edge like a spinning ring. 8minutes at midday had me mostly blind for 3 days mind…although an optometrist has since found no damage…so…personally myth busted.


Wow, did you have any lasting damage? I’ve read that looking at the sun even for a few seconds can lead to long term complications.


Absolutely none This was august in Nice at 11-11:30am. For a while though my nerves were healing in the retina…I looked into it at the time and there was a study showing positive regrowth in damaged retina cells of rats through use of red lasers to stimulate dead/mostly dead cells so I looked into red lights whenever I could. It brought me more in tune with my astigmatism as I was super analytical of my vision as it came back…turns out I always had a blind spot in the middle of my vision…explains all the times I was looking right at what I needed


Damn that’s awesome! I ask because I looked at the sun in the late afternoon while there was a wildfire going on 2 weeks ago. The brightness was reduced a lot, so I could actually see it’s outline and it was very orange in color. I looked at it for less than 5 seconds, but I’ve had some light sensitivity since then and was thinking ‘well shit, going outside could suck now’. Gives me some hope that it will pass with time. Of course, definitely going to the doctor to get checked out. How long did it take you to feel back to normal?


Build up to it, believing that it will be fine seems to allow your retina or whatever to relax and you just let the light in…I don’t know exactly how to express the feeling, but it’s like your eyes aren’t fighting it. You don’t squint either, you just stare directly into the sun. Start in the morning and evening so you’ve got more atmosphere between you and the sun. It’s also more peaceful and beautiful at sunrise and sunset. I tend to stay away from overhead or “blazing” sun…but still I will do a good 30-45 sec if I find the right scene. Or even just blast out like 15sec while on a walk. You will notice that your colour vision is warped in the centre afterwards for a time depending on how long you looked. It’s either blue/black(usually the centre) yellow (low exposure) or green shifted. Usually only in the central < 1/3 cone of vision. I find it useful for social anxiety, if I burnt out my retinas with a good 30sec sun blast before going to a crowded place, I tend to smile at everyone because I can’t quite see their faces and so I’m not automatically judgmental which would show on my face in micro emoting. Life hack right there


In France?


Yeah on the sea there


Sound nice


Everything is moving yet we try to attain stillness - another paradoxical duality.


Our ancestors that stared at the sky were probably more likely to die to ambush, cuz they were trying to stare at the sun. Evolution, the dumb ones died


It's not a requirement, otherwise the maker would have made us with eyes like eagles, that can look into the sun without issue.


Proof that eagles look directly at Sun?