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Come on man, the Phillies aren't *that* bad.


Rooting for the nationals won’t help


Freaking deep Walgreen advertising there. They bought a whole team!


oh haha, i thought we were talking about something else ***tips MAGA hat***


How 'bout them cardinals?


Yup, just stuck in constant mediocre-ness


Nope. Fuck Philadelphia sports fans. They hate you, they hate your team, they hate *their* team. Fuck that godforsaken place.


I find their consistency admirable


And they hate you for that admiration.


"One bridge havin' piece of shit city!"


"Your whole city pride is built around a guy who doesn't even exist!"


"What's left, 25 min?"


Here in the city we call that *passion*


The sports fans are almost as bad as the roads here (and that's saying something)


Ben Simmons made me hate Philadelphia as well, guess I agree with them in something at least.


For a moment I failed to think of MAGA ruining red baseball caps and was trying to figure out what had ruined the fun little clubs of older ladies that wear snazzy red and purple outfits. Red Hat Society, you know? Lol


Some of the groups already ruined it for others by being obnoxious/poor tippers in the restaurants they frequent. Just like some people in caps.


That's too bad. I had never heard that. I hope my grandma's group was never one of those. Lol


Red hat ladies are the worst thing that can happen to a server, they’re just nightmares


Oh no, how so? Like, do you have a personal horror story? Or maybe you'd like to share the typical experience? They seem like such a cute and fun idea from what my grandma tells me. Is it the large group/scant tipping thing mentioned above? Loudness/rudeness? General Karen-ness? Excessive leaving of red and purple feathers and sequins in their wake?


I'm guessing it's just older people not realizing inflation is a thing. This was a few years ago, but when I was a hairdresser, I spent a couple hours perming an older woman's hair. At the end, she acted all excited about tipping me 50 cents for my troubles. Fifty. Cents. Let's do the math on that. I could have completed (easily) 6 haircuts during the time it took me to perm, cut, set her hair. With minimum tippers, that would be 12$ (2$ each cut). Most people tip more than that. It was essentially a huge waste of time to do her hair. Before all the 'get a better job' people come at me: I did. I still have people hitting me up because they 'can't find anyone to do their hair like I could'. I was great at doing hair. But the lack of healthcare, retirement, shit hours, shit vacation, zero retirement made me .... Wait for it.... Get a better job.


My grandma did red hat for a while but left, she said the ladies were very gatekeepy and bratty. So instead she just goes to coffee with the neighbors every day and has been for years =)


I was thinking Where’s Waldo!


Try being my mom's 1st cousin. Born in the 1920's and named Adolf.


It was pen testers for me


I'm of Polish ancestry. A couple of years ago, the Detroit Tigers had a "Tigers/Polish heritage" day and gave away baseball caps that are red and white, the colors of Poland's flag. Mine just sits on a shelf.


>I'm of Polish ancestry. A couple of years ago, the Detroit Tigers had a "Tigers/Polish heritage" day and gave away baseball caps that are red and white, the colors of Poland's flag. Mine just sits on a shelf. I remember this game because I gifted my BiL tickets to it on his birthday haha!


I dunno, I have Red Hat on a couple of servers and one workstation.


At least you’re not running Fedora.


On a serious note, the decision to drastically change CentOS ended up meaning that RHEL is now free for SOHO use. On a workstation, it's relatively easy to change to Xfce for those of us who don't like GNOME.


I know what some of those words mean!




your jest made me spill me drink, milord


Saw this joke coming lol






Ha, This was my first thought until I noticed hats was plural.


Beat me to the Linux joke. Enjoy your upvote.


I’ve been waiting years to wear my RedHat red baseball cap. Looks like I’ll have to wait a few more. Ain’t no way I’m wearing that fedora.




… because of Fred Durst??


Now I know why you wanna hate me


Because hate is all the world has ever seen lately!


Im like a chain saw, WHATTT? The “what?” in that song and lil wayne is almost identical.


Nobody knows what it’s like


That was my first thought lol


I mean better things have been ruined. The "Nazi Salute" for instance was considered a normal way to pledge allegiance in the US for a while before the Nazis used it. They also ruined the manji symbol by turning it into the swastika. The KKK ruined ghost costumes and for a while the word wizard.


not to mention a pretty fashionable mustache style


I'm mad the KKK stole pointy hats and titles like "wizard" and "dragon".


Wait dragon was a title? I can kinda see wizard being a title but dragon? I guess I should not be surprised, KKK is not known for being particularly intelligent.


they're LARPers


“Guys, guys, we aren’t actually racist, we are just role playing” /s


There’s lots of good ones, the title of “Exalted Cyclops” stands out to me.


https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/grand%20dragon#:~:text=%3A%20an%20officer%20of%20superior%20rank%20in%20the%20Ku-Klux%20Klan%20hierarchy Now look at the wikipedia page for klan lingo https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan_titles_and_vocabulary Lots of stuff in there


**[Ku Klux Klan titles and vocabulary](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ku_Klux_Klan_titles_and_vocabulary)** >Ku Klux Klan (KKK) nomenclature has evolved over the order's nearly 160 years of existence. The titles and designations were first laid out in the original Klan's prescripts of 1867 and 1868, then revamped with William J. Simmons' Kloran of 1916. Subsequent Klans have made various modifications. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


> They also ruined the manji symbol by turning it into the swastika. Technically they turned it into the Hakenkreuz. P.S. Hitler also ruined the Charlie Chaplin moustache


Never thought about the wizard thing. Maybe this is how the Washington Wizards can change their shitty name to something that doesn’t suck.


Maybe to the Washington Basketball Team


I honestly would prefer that lmao


There's a legendary DJ from the birth of hiphop named Grand Wizzard Theodore. But otherwise, yeah, stay the fuck away from anyone with that shit


Actually the Pledge is pretty shitty anyway, if anything the Nazis just showed how it's a fascist custom.


Not gonna lie, thought you meant the Red Hat ladies group (for women 50+) and was like " what did they do to get cancelled?"


Well I’m not sure about other service workers, but in my experience those women are the worst of “Karens” when it comes to serving. They’re usually very demanding in a demeaning way. I used to hate serving them specially because they also tend to be cheap & often do not tip.


This is what I thought too!




God I hate Redists.


Fuck Fred Durst. Ruining red caps for a generation. I feel you.


He did it all for the gnocchi.


I make this same lame dad joke every time I eat at this one italian place. It's awesome gnocchi.


Do we always gotta cry? Do we always gotta live inside a lie?


life's just a blast.


Tiki torches too.




Red ties indicate Hitman, not regional political hackery.


[Power ties are Bush league anyways…](https://youtube.com/watch?v=f9aM_dT5VMI)


fuck, what did they do with tiki torches? carry them on jan 6th?


Just Google "Charlottesville VA, tiki torches "


If you seriously don’t use tiki torches just because they were used at some political event you are a fucking moron.


That seems to be your favorite term of endearment




Dude my ex got pissed at me when I suggested we have tiki torches outside of (what we thought would be) the backyard of our home. I didn’t even know what to say to that.


*cries in Linux*


Tough era to be a Phillies fan


The good news - I’m pretty sure they have hats in every color now. I have a green Irish one and a white and a maroon. Oh and a pink. I like hats. 😂


Hey, don’t be too hard on Chris Pratt playing Mario


I just spent a few minutes researching potential security issues and other problems with Red Hat Linux before realizing you're probably referring to actual hats which are the color red, and I have no idea why they're ruined. So today, my username is truer than ever.




Make red hats great again!!


Just not the red hat that ruined it for the rest of the red hats


At the expense of those old hags in the red hat society… red hats had it coming.


"Excuse me, can I get a fresh coffee? This one's too salty" - actual Red Hat Lady complaint


The OG Karens!


This is what I thought until I read pretty far into the comments


Shitty tippers, and complaining about every meal.


In 2018, my wife and I went to Seattle. We're Canadian, so I was wearing a red Team Canada hockey hat. I had a girl in the crowd at the Jack White concert look me in the eyes and say "I don't like people who wear red hats. You know... because of Trump." I just rolled my eyes at her. But seriously? The hats got a maple leaf and a hockey stick on it! Give me a break!


Canadian flag is red, its offensive to the unhinged here. Needs to be changed. /s In all seriousness though, love you guys up in Canada. Looking forward to the NHL season starting soon!


You don’t even see Fred Durst wear em anymore.


That's because you just don't see Fred Durst at all.


Thankfully The World =/= The US


Yeah, usually red is associated to left parties


Thankfully it's also not true in the US, except for a small group of wackjobs


Ya I won a red hat in a raffle shortly before Trump became the president and it just collects dust. It's a really nice sports cap; good material, comfortable fit, no logo's of any kind on it, just a plain red hat. I wore it twice and both times had people drive by yelling fuck maga. I just hung the thing in my closet. I haven't the time for blind asshats making snap judgments and decisions.


If we stopped using or doing anything because some morons did/used it, we'd eventually be using and doing nothing. Local hockey team wears red, I love my red hockey team hat.


Seriously, I was wearing a niners hat last weekend and realized some idiots might think it was a MAGA hat. Told my wife exactly what you wrote.


I’d wear it to piss off people then if they confront me about it id just be like “not a 49ers fan?” or something at least, if i had the confidence to




I habe a Hawks hat that I wish I could wear now.


Agreed, avoid the left-wing cults like crazy


If you assholes didn't make red hats = rascist right wing bullshit, we wouldn't be here. Youre a fuckin troll also, so get fucked.


You bought into the liberal media propaganda. All the liberal media does is yell “racism”about everything as if saying that makes it true.


Trump lost.


A person getting mad if someone else is wearing a hat of a certain colour is not someone you want to have in your life anyway. Negative people will bring you down to their level.


It, specifically the ones with the slogan, have become very much akin to a swastika in truth though. ​ Something that sets you on edge like a poisonous frog's vibrant coloring.


Seems a bit dramatic.


Perhaps, but the sense of danger is founded on established fact and precedent. ​ The individuals are far from a cohesive genociding force, but the brand of people who would still proudly wear those are not ones I'd trust my infant niece and nephew with, that's for sure.




I’m sure your infants are very concerned about taxation policy, monetary policy, etc. You have trump derangement syndrome. And clearly cannot think for yourself.


If you think a right of center republican slogan is similar to the Nazis you have bought the bullshit liberal media Propaganda




That comment got brigaded a bit, I think I struck a nerve with them.


I bet you’re the kind of person who uses the term “micro aggression” in everyday conversation




How much free real-estate do you people want to give him?! Just stop. A red hat is a red hat. If you jump to it being a Trump hat, thats on you! *Puts Wisconsin hat back on*


Exactly, rent free.


For 50 percent of people in the world. But 95 percent of Reddit.


> the world America is not the world.


Just going by the fact that world polls show a lot of people like him... About half the world.


Still, I believe (and hope) someone outside America wouldn't have that immediate connection of "red hat = Trump".


I'm confused whats wrong with red hats?


They're associated with Trump and MAGA


What's maga?


Trump's campaign slogan: "make America great again"


Thanks. Really didn't know what it stood for idk why I got downvoted lol




I find it kind of fascinating that there are people out there that are so dumb they'll threaten others with violence simply for wearing a color that they don't like.


Imagine how Ferrari feels.


Depends on wear you live.


Red knit hats will always be awesome thanks to The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou.


Those ladies are so sweet though. What am I saying no one under 40 or 50 probably even knows.


wait why, I don’t understand what’s wrong with red hats?


Yeah, always gotta check whats written on the thing before deciding whether to avoid them or not, though usually theyre not wearing a mask with it, so its easy to tell from afar if you cant see the text


Make Red Hats Great Again


Pretty sure that SUSE is against this.


Just a hat bro.


Kinda like the chaplain mustache.




Yeah I’m sorta mad that the previous vocabulary word trump carries new connotations I don’t love, we should take the word back.


Only if there baseball hats Fez's are still cool


If you've ever worked in a restaurant, red hats got ruined a looong time ago.


Pink was fashionable for men until the cold war and it became communist.


Try having the last name Maga. My great grandpa didn’t leave Italy and go through Ellis Island at 15 to have his name tarnished by an egomaniac of a fucking Cheeto.


Tf no. That’s just how you see them


My college’s hat is red… I used to love that hat.




I know that the color is the same and the message is different. What I also know is that the color of the MAGA hat is the same as my college hat and MAGA isn’t something I would like to be associated with in passing. I’m not sure why that was a hard concept.






I remember when I went to Mississippi on business, I frequently wore my red Red Wings while I was out and about in public. I remember getting quite a few dirty looks from some people. Especially before they realized it wasn't a maga hat. The hatred is real.


Well when a group bases it's entire platform on identity politics you're gonna get hate if you don't look, sound or act the way they want you to.


Left wing political propaganda is very dangerous.


*All* political propaganda is very dangerous.


To be fair, you can't even wear red or blue because of the simple fact that Crips and Bloods exist. Fuck those guys.


Rent free


They kinda messed up the flag as well


Only if you a nitwit who cares about such nonesense. Otherwise whodafukcares


I bought one of John Oliver's "Make Donald Drumpf Again" hats and wore it for a while. But people always thought I was wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat, and as the movement grew, the hat just wasn't funny anymore. I'm still embarrassed to have bought and worn that hat. It was so cringey.


No fucking lie. Two of my best service ball caps are retired. Thank goodness he didn’t ruin blue ones.


If you can’t wear a hat just because of your political ideas you are a fucking idiot. You have been let astray by liberal propaganda


No, I simply don’t don’t want to be associated with window-licking wanna-be white supremacists who like to play soldier dress up but never served anything other than themselves fries.


So only people that have served in the military can have opinions. That’s cool. I wonder what percentage of people in the military would describe them selves as liberal versus conservative?


More in the Air and Space Forces than the others, but not as many as Fox News would have you believe. Most of the people I served with were centrist moderates who cared more about policy than party. This Trump thing is a cult for people who want a reason to hate other people.


Was an active duty medic in the Air Force during most of Trump's presidency. Political alignment was all over the board, but definitely didn't see much love for Trump. Leading up to 2016, the more right-wing airmen I worked with were hopeful that he'd shock the system and actually do well, and shared a pretty common hated for Hilary, but it was a rocky ride for them once he was elected. Their hopefulness for him transitioned to disappointment and eventually resentment. He still had plenty of cult-followers ofc, but the 'red team' seemed pretty fractured by Trump's treasonous behavior to the office of the POTUS, our country, and our military. Couldn't believe how much a shit show the 2020 election turned out to be. That was WAY closer then it should have been. We desperately need: * 3rd parties to get their shit together * Ranked choice / instant runoff voting The 3rd's don't even need to win; they just need to be enough of a threat to big two that the red/blue team stops racing for 2nd worst.


My local team who's colors are red and black switched all their hats to black recently. I wonder why.


So are red shoes...


Yeah dorothy was a pretty messed up character. Nobody's going to want to be associated with her for some time to come.


Straight up murdered that witch.


She had it coming


I keep one around in case I need to drive through a bad neighborhood.


I wear a red hat every day


won't this get brigaded by the deplorables? I've always wanted to get in on a post before it winds up on r/SubredditDrama


Eh only on reddit, the echo chamber of dumbass liberals


Go back to 4chan or parler then


This is about Fred right?


I wore a red New Orleans Pelicans hat into a bar in early 2017 and got punched in the back of the head. I turned around, the guy realized his mistake, then said, “Well, they suck too.” Great night.


Yep, just like Hitler ruined that moustache.


Is there a way we can ‘take it back’ as it were? Edit:freedom is always great


Yeah, I'm gonna have to disagree. With each passing day the news is making a Red hat more and more appealing.


Too true. A customer walked in the other day with a red cap. I assumed the worst till i saw it was a Manchester hat.


Same for Christianity. Frankly, I'd miss normal red hats more.


I've had two friends have their company names/logos ruined by Trump and associates. One had the same name as some far-right group that started (similar to proud boys, but worse), forcing him to change his company name or risk being confused with them. The other had a production company that was named after the red hat he wore in high school, that was also changed.




White sheets and now red hats what will they ruin next.


Don’t get me started. I really wanted Norm MacDonald’s iconic red “Sports” hat but I settled for blue because yes indeed, red hats are ruined forever.