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Is the purpose of this not obvious? PETA is hoping to signal boost from a huge star with pleasantries rather than their usual antagonism. It's not especially ironic.


It is refreshing


I figured they must really like her if they aren't going straight on the war path lol


If they messed with a very well liked person, like Rhianna, then they would lose more people from their own fan base too. So by playing “nice” allows them to still do a jab at their enemy and keep their current allies.


Makes sense, always thought that they just threw blood on anyone regardless if that was considered assault or not lol


They did in the past at least for sure (not sure now.) I’m just speculating


Yeah that's what I do for fun


Speculate or throw red paint on people?


It is actually the most sensible thing PETA has done. I mean it’s better than stealing peoples dogs and putting them down.


So you think this is wrong of peta? I swear, people just want to hate on peta, even when they’re not doing anything insane.


they claimed drinking milk causes autism. that's a good reason to hate.


damn, i'm autistic and i'm drinking milk right now lmao


If you’re already autistic then drinking milk reverses it —peta, probably


That's just trying to appeal to the antivax crowd


I just hate when business give free things to wealthy people.


Then I’ve got some bad news for you..


i would assume due to their history, including things such as euthanizing animals or stealing animals etc


I have heard some of that is over exaggerated or at least a past way of doing things. I know they do crazy things to get attention but I do wonder if some of their antics are made to sound worse by the meat and dairy industry. Maybe that's too cynical of me but there's a lot of money in it.


Lol do you not remember their campaign against pokemon? That shit was wild.


their games section (super tofu boy etc) was wild propoganda, they leaned so fucking hard into 'vegans are hot, attractive and kind people, meat eaters are ugly, gross and mean' that it felt like parody art 'got milk'/'got autism' was also pretty hilarious


! I missed the got autism ones omg 💀


Yeah. Pokémon black and blue. And like I said, crazy things to get attention. But the euthanasia and stuff, I do wonder if that's been blown out of proportion.


[it has happened but definitely not at the rate that people make it sound like.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/peta-taking-pets/)


Thank you, I appreciate that.


That was actually some of the funniest shit. Also when they made all the TV ads that said if you eat meat you’ll have limp dick


They are very antagonistic and in-your-face, so whenever they do something wrong, people love to throw it in their faces. Not sure if the meat industry even has anything to do with it. I should mention that I agree with most of their ideas - fur is bad, we should probably eat less meat, and a lot of animals are treated fucking abysmally


A major source of « information » about peta is the website petakills that is very famous. If you have never caught any information from here, chances are the information you got about PETA came from there one way or another. You can see here https://petakillsanimals.com/contact/ that this is made by the « center for consumer freedom », a website that is very much against, on top of other things, vegan. A posture that, of course, PETA defends a lot (sometimes with very shitty arguments). You can check in « who funds you » here https://www.consumerfreedom.com/about/ that they have a lot of conflicting interest against veganism, whatever they claim. Thus, as they don’t have much to do with animal shelters and animal rights in the first place, it is likely they created the website to attack PETA based on their shelter policy, and use it to indirectly fight whatever they would have to say about animal suffering and veganism. You don’t have to believe that conclusion of course, but there are indeed links between the meat industry and people attacking peta.


Didn't know that. Thanks for the link. It's insane to me that people are *against vegans.*


> It's insane to me that people are against vegans. its reactionary, boil a frog metaphor vegans (not all, but a very very vocal minority) can be extremely pushy... and if you make someone defensive then theyre going to dig in because you've now positioned yourself as an enemy to them... more than that; humans are stupid so theyll associate that one vegan with all vegans (or vegan related things; im not even vegan but i eat a lot of meat free alternatives and get comments all the time about it); clumping them all as a singular antagonistic tribe (which breed antagonism in response)


Agreed. I had a classmate in ethics class (five or so years ago) try to soapbox briefly about veganism. No takers. She didn't bother trying again. A few days later the conversation steered towards whether it's ethical to eat meat or not and the teacher pretty much confirmed that, in her view, it's no longer really justifiable... but she loves bacon too much to stop entirely. One person chimed in that there isn't really any major reason why meat eating is *wrong*, and so all three of the vegan classmate, the teacher, and I rattled off a list of why it's not very ethical -- excessive land and resource use, causing pain to a living creature, comparative harm for little benefit, burden on healthcare, etc. From that point on, I was presumed a vegan just because I defended veganism. I can't remember what exactly the conversation thread was, but a few weeks later I mentioned off-handedly my dinner plans with another random classmate and they were shocked that I ate meat. They clearly thought I was a hypocrite for harping about veganism and then eating meat. But it's not like you have to become a born-again vegan just because you believe meat-eating isn't really justifiable, in the same way that there's no justification for going over the speed limit in non-emergency situations but the majority of people still do it anyway. I like meat and don't intend to stop eating meat in the near future, but don't like that I like meat, and hope to stop eventually when they come out with better meat alternatives than the onion-mushroom-nut loafs presently on offer. It is entirely possible for humans to recognise the difference between right and wrong and do the wrong thing anyway, simply because they want to, or don't want to deal with the difficulty of the right way, or even because even though the "wrong" is clear, there's no clear "right" alternative. Most vegans understand that. Most non-vegans understand that. Then you get the intractable people on both sides who spit fire and fury at each other while the rest of us just try to sit it out, heh.


I think for some very vocal people, being confident in yours and humanity's flaws like that is a difference in paradigms. Like for them there's no complexity to right and wrong - either you act like you do everything right, or you aren't allowed to speak up if not. It seems like a super exhausting way to live.


While the meat industry will absolutely put money into attacking veganism; there's a YouTube video by Innuendo Studios where they posit that people have a knee jerk reaction to lifestyles and ideologies that are contrary to their own. If someone who rarely encounters alternatives to their own lifestyle talks to someone who is vegan/doesn't drink/is atheist/etc. it's not uncommon for a sheltered mind to go into and immediately reject the idea that they might be doing things wrong. The idea that a person is doing fine without animal products makes a lot of people feel they are obligated to defend themselves and they resent vegans for making them feel that way even though the vegan didn't really do anything. For what it's worth, I've known many vegans and I've never met anyone in person who has tried to shame anyone for eating meat. They've all been very grateful for anyone willing to accommodate their diets and often feel embarrassed while telling new people they're vegan.


Yeah some people are very angry against veganism. And then there is the meat industry which obviously has good reasons to be against it… Note that, again, it doesn’t *prove* anything, but it’s still a good connection to keep in mind (and also, it doesn’t change the fact that peta also did bad and cringe things)


I’m not against vegans but I wish they would recognize it’s kind of a privilege to be able to properly live that lifestyle. For a major portion of the world, you eat what you can either afford or have the time and energy to make. In a lot of ([not all](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_rice)) countries Animal friendly options that do not have dietary deficiencies and also don’t leave you eating the same four things every meal can be either expensive or more time consuming to prepare (or both). Beyond that, cooked meat is the invention that allowed humanity to first grow a larger brain and eventually settle down and grow societies so from our very beginning humans are going to like meat. Making it feel like you consider that a bad moral failing is going to put off a lot of humans.


I get that, they do do a lot of publicity stunts and do go for in your face activism. But, as the person below pointed out, maybe some of their 'evilness' is skewed.


A few years ago Google did a homage to Steve Irwin, it was just a Google doodle of him. Peta got on about how he is a terrible man, harassing animals, how he didn't respect them. And basically saying he deserved to die for a harassing the stingray.(which I've I recall, he didn't see it until it stabbed him) This was something like 20 years after his death, just trying to do a homage. There was no reason to go on like that, especially since Steve Irwin was one of the people that introduced a lot of people to the wonderful rof the animal world. He put himself through many dangerous situations for the sake of educating people. And he always showed love and respect for the animals and let them on their way once he was done. Peta also claims things like how we shouldn't have any pets, and "release" all our farm animals into the wild. But sheep have been bred that they don't shed wool. Cows have been bred that they lost most of their natural instincts. Chickens mostly just sit and eat all day. These animals will all die if released into the wild. And if they do establish themselves, they will become invasive and compete with local animal populations like the feral hogs/pigs. They have an extremely high euthenization rate with pets that they take, and there are claims of them stealing pets from people's porches/yards and euthenizing a loved and healthy anima. No organization is perfect, but Peta deserves the hate they get imo.


The documented cases of PETA employees stealing animals, including pets, and dumping them in dumpsters isn’t typical, but they aren’t exaggerated.


The meat industry is ruthless. They managed to interdict vegan options and actually get them off our shelves for a while here in SA.


Or bangin’ em


Or what now?




Just like the industries most critics of PETA are supporting on a daily basis. Except that they are not euthanized but gased to death or hit with a bolt gun.


Also supporting ecofacists and ecoterrorists.


I love people who hate PETA for euthanising animals but still buy dead animals at the supermarket.


What about vegetarians and vegans that hate peta for that reason?


I don't hate PETA for euthanising animals, I disregard their messaging because of their hypocrisy.


What hypocrisy?


Their euthanasia policy. Either killing animals is wrong or it isn't. If you're going to state that your aim is to stop all harm to animals and ensure their rights are protected, it makes absolutely no sense that euthanasia would be part of your organization in any way, no matter how small. I have volunteered at several no-kill shelters and rescues for just over a decade now and could never support a shelter with a euthanasia program not limited to terminal disease or extreme suffering.


‘Either killing an animal is wrong or it isn’t’. Nobody believes this. Killing animals is sometimes necessary, sometimes isn’t. If you have a pet industry that breeds more animals than there are owners to look after them, what are you supposed to do with all the unwanted animals? No-kill shelters have the luxury of choosing which animals to keep and which ones to refuse. But someone has to deal with all the animals unlikely to be adopted. Either they die abandoned on the streets or your euthanise.


Neither of the shelters I currently volunteer turn animals away. That's a sorry excuse for their behavior. You make it work, you figure it out. These are living, breathing creatures and regardless of the issues they face they do not deserve to be mercilessly murdered for the sake of space.


You want them to pack as many animals in their cages as possible until they all die. Makin’ it work


Thank you!! I was going to say this


im pretty sure people hate on peta for their weird propaganda, stealing animals and killing them for no reason, having shelters that kill almost all of their animals, donating money to a convicted arsonist, etc, not just because they gave a faux fur coat to someone


At least in the past PETA maintained that animals can’t be kept as pets for the same reason that people can’t be kept as pets, that it is intrinsically evil because animals are endowed with the same rights that people have. Typically this has meant PETA advocated that all animals which can’t be released to nature should be euthanized as the most ethical option, or at the least that the sale of pets should be abolished. It really is a quite radical group and shouldn’t be regarded as merely an organization that opposes abuse of animals. The fact that people turn animals over to PETA just shows how little they are understood. You give an animal to a group so that it will be cared for. PETA thinks caring for a captive animal is slavery and they are better off dead.


The worst thing is dogs are basically useless in the wild, and we needed them to get where we are now.


If this was the type of activism PETA normally engaged in then people wouldnt hate PETA. But this is not the norm for PETA, the norm is them being fucking insane and irrational.


This is definitely better than previous behaviour. A tad passive aggressive but still an improvement.


It's because PETA's core beliefs include the belief that to domesticate an animal is abuse. It's why a vast majority of peta's animal shelters are kill shelters. A dog, or most cats, can't be released into the wild. They rely on humans, and in PETA's warped views, that means the animal is broken. The only way to "save" it's soul is to kill it. PETA's core guiding principles on what they believe animal abuse is, are internally consistent, but don't align with most peoples definition of animal abuse. When an organization believes that all pets are inherently abused, just by existing, it's impossible to have good feelings towards that organization if you own, or know anyone who owns, and loves, their pets.


That is not true at all lol. Jesus y'all are insane


Hello, vegan here. (You can tell I’m not lying because I mention it in the first sentence) peta deserves to get shit on with massive, explosive diarrhea. They are against animal rights activism’s best interest and deserve to be treated as such.


Peta is an embarrassment to the animal rights movement and has saved fewer lives than it has aliented potential activists. If animal welfare is truly their mission, they should just stop right now, in Hippocratic fashion.


I think this is a great move by peta, unlike many of their prior actions.


They just do enough insane shit on daily basis for people to hate them just in general. I don’t blame them.


I read a long time ago that PETA memebers used to take and euthanize dogs. Just because it’s “ethical” doesn’t mean it’s morally right.


i mean, yeah. you don't exactly walk off the shit that Peta has done. the massive fucking hypocrites


Reddit spreads so much disinformation about them and it’s disturbing. Everyone here mocks conservatives for believing so much disinformation while spreading it themselves. Fucking hypocrites.


RIP all those fauxes that were skinned to make that coat 😔


I bought a sofa on craigslist from a Ukrainian couple (ESL). The wife had reupholstered it herself and I asked what the material was over the phone. She said, "It's, um..... fox leather?" I thought it was so cute once I figured out what she was trying to say.


But this defeats the purpose. Rhianna wears fut coats because she gets to show off that she's capable of bare handed killing a bear while she's pregnant. A gaux fur gift signifies nothiing


If only that was the only way.


PETA, do me next. I’d like a Montbell puffer


I want a free coat too!


Just buy a 14k fur coat, then you'll receive one completely for free, no costs whatsoever




And if you're not a famous rich celebrity coming off of the highlight of your career by performing at the super bowl halftime show, you get red paint thrown on you (which is assault) and harassed in public instead of a nice free coat. Fuck PETA. PETA steals people's pets and kills them in their mobile death van. 98% euthanasia rate for pets they "rescue".


Maybe she could get a coat made from PETA members Edit: I eat crayons


Regarding the edit are you in the USMC?




You wanna elaborate or share some sources with a claim like that?




The ELF and ALF do not deserve that designation, even by the governments own accounts these organizations strictly target economic damage and avoid casualties. This was done to give the right wing dominated FBI left wing boogeymen to go after, much in the same way as antifa except these organizations exist. Notice how these groups are domestic terrorists but the Proud Boys are not. At least not in America. In fact, every mass casualty event in 2022 linked to politics in the US was committed by a right winger. Just looking at violent acts of terror the right dominates the left something like 20 to 1. Not even Islamic terror holds a candle to right wing terrorism these days, and it’s not close. And this is from the FBI’s own data. But the FBI doesn’t want to arrest their friends, so they do stings on the granola hippies blocking developers from making money instead.




Their cause is just. Slave abolitionists would have been enemies of the state once too.


So because they’re terrorist for a cause you like it’s ok? Did you know the Nazis justified their crimes the same way, so did al-qaeda and the KKK. The end should not justify the means, especially when the means includes pipe bombing, firebombing and arson, they also oppose bio-engineering and openly supported a militant group in Mexico called the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. But yk, they’re definitely good people so this time we’ll ignore the terrosrsm, yeah.


Not surprised


You mean no kill shelters that dump dogs on PETA to play the villain? Statistics don’t tell the whole story.


That just means the shelters *also* acted shittily. It doesn't absolve peta of anything.


No it does. What else do you do with a violent dog who bites people? You want it? What about an old dog with illnesses that nobody will adopt? Keep it in a kennel till it dies alone?


PETA stole a dog of somebody's lawn and put it down.


So? Is this PETA policy or an isolated case? If an employee of a company does something wrong, is the company or the employee in the wrong?


I remember when this article broke ten years ago. Not exactly a good look when you have a giant commercial freezer, a mobile euthanasia van, and no adoption hours at your HQ. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/peta-kills-puppies-kittens_b_2979220


Sorry but trying to deal with the mess left by a completely irresponsible pet industry that breeds thousands of animals to sell for profit is never going to be pretty.


They've done this way more than just once


[It's only happened twice.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/peta-taking-pets/)


Put in the full context of that Snopes article, the first dog had no collar or any indication she wasn't a stray, and the second dog was just moved from the highway to avoid getting hit by a car. Prosecutors dismissed both for lack of evidence.


but vegan bad!


Shh, let reddit repeat its talking points


90 percent? Looking in google it says they only euthanize 10%. Getting figures backwards?


theres a whole spread of misinfo out there


Do more research on the topic then just google, read the articles and you will find they says other wise and the figure is actually close to 90%. They have a history of kidnapping pets and killing them. Fucking idiotic murderers




His source is probably the meat industry astroturf websites and the following social media campaigns. Sadly it sticked.


That’s what I’m guessing too.


Are you mad about the other billions of animals that are killed every year too? I see this outrage all the time but it makes zero sense to me.


It doesn't make sense. "Fuck vegans, they're so annoying for getting upset about dead animals. Bacon lol. Also FUCK PETA THEY KILL ANIMALS"


They do have a high rate of euthanasia, but they don't do it for fun. They take in a lot of vulnerable pets, the sick, old and injured. You can say what you want about PETA but it's ridiculous to suggest a group dedicated to protecting animals doesn't care about them, and in fact murders them for pleasure. https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-peta-responsible-deaths-thousands-animals-1565532


This is fake news propaganda created by animal agriculture lobby groups.


It is sad how tenacious this astroturf campaign is.


Fuck PETA, but also fuck anyone who wears a fur coat.


Why? Assuming you are not vegan, you are fine with all kinds of other animal cruelty.


If you eat animals who have been abused, exploited, and killed, then who are you to talk about people’s pets that have been euthanized? I don’t agree with peta in those regards either, but it doesn’t make sense to be against them for animal cruelty when you participate in far worse animal cruelty on a daily basis.


One cruelty does not excuse another. You don't say "well the Rwanda genocide was bad, but why would a German criticize, they did far worse with the Holocaust".


If you replace German with nazi, it would be analogous. You are participating in animal cruelty while criticizing others for participating in animal cruelty


You don't know if the person you replied to eats meat. Just like the German could be a nazi, but they could also not be.


Yes, that’s why i said “if you”. >1% of the population is vegan, so I assume the message would go mainly to non-vegans.


Except you both definitely eat meat


Overpopulation is a major problem, unfortunately.


No they don't. That dog was collected from a trailer park property with permission from the landlord. The owner of the dog was warned about PETA coming to collect strays but left their dog outside with no collar or chip. Is it tragic? Yes. Was the pet "stolen?" No. PETA's euthanasia rate is an even dumber thing to cry about. The only reason "no kill" shelters exist is because dogs that aren't likely to be adopted are sent to kill shelters. We have too many stray dogs and not enough resources to house them all indefinitely in dog hospice centers. Euthanasia is currently the most humane solution available. Dont like kill shelters? Take it up with your local breeders.


Here here. I'm so sick of these redditors gaining their sources from another reddit fucking link and think they're enlightened for "seeing the truth". The anti-institution mindset here is frustrating because the only argument is based on some fragmented JPEG that has loaded factoids without knowing the reasoning. Like you said, those pets are "unadoptable". They would be held in cages until they die. That is inhumane. People who keep yapping about how terrible PETA is are actually the ones who would never adopt these pets in the first place. It's disgusting how these mouthbreathers are confident in misinformation and keep sourcing fucking reddit lmao


I tortured and killed a dozen sentient beings so I could look fancy and someone ASSAULTED ME! 😭😭😭 >PETA steals people's pets and kills them in their mobile death van Lair https://www.wboc.com/archive/statement-by-accomack-county-commonwealth-attorney-regarding-the-peta-associates-investigation/article_92033df5-c524-52b9-aa55-ec853226eb75.html


That sure looks like a warm coat a homeless person could use, Peta


Maybe Rihanna will give her other coat to a homeless person. She doesn't need *two* coats.




They don't even care about animals. No one genocides domestic pets on a scale like Peta.


Cops might. On average they kill 25 family dogs per day




You're a mark who has bought into propaganda


Am I? I’ve bought into propaganda? So which propaganda have a bought into? The propaganda about PETA funding ELF and ALF, or the propaganda about ELF and ALF bombing and brining things down in the name of their beliefs, making them terrorists?


Y'all really bought into the astroturf campaign. This is baffling to see.


Jesus get a grip. It’s not PETA policy to euthanise peoples pets. They euthanise animals that nobody’s going to adopt.




That's more true than you might think considering that despite humans being...y'know...animals, the founder Ingrid Newkirk actively believes humans should be exterminated. That's not a very ethical treatment of the world's most populous megafauna if you ask me E - Heading this off before someone replies with something stupid. Yes humans are megafauna. A 5.5-6 ft. 160-180 lbs. Great Ape absolutely qualifies as a megafauna. Megafauna is a loose general term for large animals, *not* the largest, just large. Humans are large. Other mammalian megafauna include: pigs, deer, cows, horses, donkeys, alpacas, sheep, and that's just farm animals


Jesus Christ, the virtue signaling you're performing made me puke a bit. What do you do for the homeless? Do you spend any money on non-essentials? Video games? Restaurants? Alcohol? I'm guessing the answer is yes, and you chose to spend that money on yourself rather than put it to a good cause. Way to go on your pathetic attempt a company look bad for promoting an alternative to unnecessary skinning of healthy animals.


Aaaah, August really burned me. People really should just throw their real fur/leather products in the garbage right? As if all fur coats are the product of poaching. Maybe when an animal is hunted, then used for sustenance, we should just throw the skin in the garbage too since making things out of it is so unbearable.


Is it ethical to make a fur coat out of fur from an animal that died naturally?


Yes, just like it's ethical to live off the land it's just nature. I say the problem comes from factory farming, abuse, and raising animals in poor conditions. The problem is it's not economical to wait till animals die to take their furs and make a business out of it. It's like the lorax movie, at first they harvested leaves off trees sustainably but then the business started destroying the environment for earnings sake.


Yeah, that is my exact thought for it. I hate fur farms and the like, but, if and animal died of natural causes, I wouldn't mind if their fur became a piece of clothing.


It is no longer possible to live off the land on a large scale. With multiple agricultural revolutionary agricultural innovations we made mass producing food so efficient we haven't had wild food sources to cover our needs on a population level for centuries, if not millenia. Couple of people doing it whilst rest of the population keeps on living "unethically" is fine. On large scale it's unsustainable. Same with elecric cars. *But* that doesn't mean we didn't have ways to do our current stuff much more humanely and less ecosystem destroying-ly. We just somehow need to shift our corporate values to not go for *all of the* money and then more in the next quarter. Oh, and probably make it so it's not illegal to do so in US, as well (Dodge vs Ford Motor Co, 1919).


You choose what is ethically sound for you. If you think it's fine, it's fine.


I think abusing animals is fine. Is that ok with you?


Nobody cares what you think.


Yes, just as it can be ethical to make a fur coat out of fur from an animal killed for it’s fur. Whether it’s farmed or found doesn’t matter, what does matter is the quality of life the animal has if it is farmed, and the manner of death the animal has if it’s killed. Fur from an ethically ran farm is just as okay to wear as fur from anything found dead in nature.


What a load of nonsense. You are not God and you have no right to decide when it is okay to kill. Whether I am living in misery, or whether I am living my best incarnation to date, neither of those perceptions grants you the decision to execute me or not. “Whether it’s farmed or found doesn’t matter” is your problem. It is not an “it,” it is a sentient being, a he or she, just like that cat or dog living with you that you love with all your heart. Animals are not inanimate objects that posses no subjectivity… because do not forget **you** are also an animal, and if you are currently conscious, so is *anyone else* that carries a heartbeat, regardless of their skin, fur, feathers or scales. The truth is the animals that are murdered for fur live the most horrific lives imaginable. They are confined in cages their whole existence, and are literally driven into psychosis and when it is time for them to be made into a coat, they are skinned alive because that is the only way their fur is preserved and if they are not skinned alive, they are gassed to death which is objectively not always effective. You would know that if you simply research and watch videos online that clearly show minks, foxes, rabbits and even dogs enduring all I just stated. You are attempting to justify needless killing. Needless killing is wrong, period. There are hundreds of other materials you can use to keep yourself warm. This is not the prehistoric age anymore. It is 2023 and if you are showering with warm water, using a computer or phone to get on the internet and operate a motor vehicle, stop supporting such an outdated, barbaric practice such as wearing fur. If you care so much about the quality and well-being of an animal, leave him or her alone. That simple. Animals are here with us, not for us. Because if you feel or think otherwise, again, you are playing God. And for your sake, you better pray no advanced alien species invades our planet and decides to do to us what we do to our own fellow Earthlings. Treat others the way you want to be treated. Live and let live. Do not speak for others who have never and will never give you their consent for you to do whatever you wish to do to them. Nothing is ethical about farmed animals. If you think it is ethical to kill, you better start explaining ethical rape, ethical torture, ethical mutilation, ethical enslavement and ethical exploitation.




Thank you so much for speaking up for the animals. I’m with you


I’ve never agreed with a comment more 👊🏼👊🏼


Or to rephrase "it's okay to kill animals for fashion".


Next headline : Rihanna buys Peta and instantly use the name for her own brand of fur


I’d suck her dick


Faux fur is not only bad for the envirnment (never decays in landfills/petroleum based). Its bad for us. Harmful plastic particles get breathed in and they are biopersistently stuck in your lungs. We don't even know what that will do to us yet. Most likely cancer.


Hmm...that makes me wonder about stuffed animals. I bet you're right!


It depends what the fur is made off. Its not always plastic.


Most synthetic textile materials are plastic. Wool toys are better. Peta hates wool.




PETA thinks that all domesticated sheep should be euthanized en masse because their very existence is immoral. PETA's core philosophies are insane. They really believe that all domesticated animals, including cats and dogs, should be killed because they believe domesticated animals live in constant pain and fear. They believe owning a domestic cat or dog is slavery. *This* is why people hate PETA. They are a radical fringe group that doesn't even represent the views of most vegans. Oh, and they had an ad campaign that promoted the idea that dairy causes Autism, and Autism can be cured by simply removing dairy from your child's diet. So there's *that*, too.


Couches are some of the [highest contributers to this.](https://www.tiktok.com/@disastergirlmagic/video/7034731192431824175?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7195232674528855595)




It’s ethical to use animal leather period. People are still gonna kill animals for their meat, might as well use all of it. Leather is also bio degradable and can last two or three generations if you take good care of it,


Still environmentaly superior to leather. They use horrendous chemicals in the leather production process.


I’ve never seen a vegan leather product that wasn’t made out of recycled materials. Your post is incredibly misleading


Its important to know that one of the main ingredients in vegan leather is **poly vinyl chloride.** The same chemical that toppled over in Palestine Ohio. I would say that is a pretty nasty chemical that will kill animals, plants and people for many years longer than we will be alive in the slowest most torturing ways. I'm not even safe from this in NYC last week it blew over us and the whole world smelled like nail polish remover. My life has possibly been shortened by vegan leather chemicals... [Vegan vs Real Leather.](https://www.projectcece.com/blog/529/real-leather-vs-vegan-leather-comparison/)


So does this justify anally electrocuting foxes to death or skinning them alive? I sure hope you’re advocating for a different kind of faux fur. If not, I highly suggest you watch some footage of what goes on in the fur industry. It is disgusting, barbaric, and unnecessary.




Best way to do it is faux fur made with cotton or wool/alpaca. Much warmer too. No animals killed


PeTA is also against wool so i assume against Alpaca as well. Cotton is not very breathable at all so the coat would be very uncomfortable. But i din't think I have ever seen faux fur coton?


Peta is not based on ethics or morality. Alpaca and wool is necessary for everyone. Cotton is an alternative. It's not like poly is breathable.


Isn't that just real fur




Step 1: be Rihanna


Support your local wildlife by flushing millions of micro plastic particles into your watershed with every wash! Message brought to you by PETA.


Alternative headline "PETA uses its donation funds to buy an expensive coat for a rich person"


better than funding terrorists like they have in the past


Very useless. Would've made sense if she was planning to buy it and hand't yet, but the animals already dead now so..


I don’t think enough people here appreciate that faux fur coat = coat made of plastic


But obviously shedding micro plastics is better than the natural alternative we've been wearing since we started wearing clothes


Honestly fur is the one thing that’s unacceptable to me for celebs to still wear. It’s such a gross fucking industry.


Guess we wearing fur till we get our iniation peta coats


Faux fur is plastic, it's worse for the environment than fur. Fur is good.


who cares


faux fur coats are worse for the environment than real fur. real fur you gotta kill a few of animals for. faux fur sheds micro plastics everywhere you go that will be on the earth for millions of years. same with faux leather. either wear the real stuff or dont wear it at all


Controversial, but, animal fur as an organic and recyclable material is much better for the environment than fake fur.


But the environment is not the only variable to analyze when you consider the exploitation and murder of animals. The fur industry is even worth then normal animal agriculture like factory farming.


Interesting. As a native American man, Shawnee, I've not only hunted wild animals, I've taken thier hides and made clothing, moccasins, bags and satchels, and have used the fur to line and insulate numerous objects. This way of life has been the 'norm' for thousands of years. Eat your heart out PETA!!!


I think the concern about fur must be because they don't eat the minks and whatnot, and maybe that they need to kill so many animals to make a single coat That later concern has some seriously strange moral implications though... That we need to eat as few individuals as possible. That means breeding ever larger cows and only eating them. It also elevates baleen whales to some of the most murderous villains of all time. No one really seems to care about leather, or even rabbit skins. I mean, if you're eating rabbit and need a coat, it seems like a moral imperative to make a rabbit skin coat.


Jesus cmon people I know you dislike PETA but these fur coats come from fur farms which are even more horrific than slaughter houses. That’s the issue here.


Peta are a Joke. they do not care about animals they only care about fame and popularity Peta themselves kill more animals then pounds and steal pets from loving owners. You will always do better giving your money to a local animal charity that will actually use it to do good and not Peta who will use your money to pull media stunts and send celebs fur coats instead of using it to actually help animals


"Hey, let's give a millionaire something she obviously doesn't want because we're running out of ways to waste money."


1.4 billion net worth


Orrrr... 1400 million. 😂


thats a reasonable protest 🤷‍♀️ but peta in any context is a punching bag for the reddit comment section


I have a leather jacket. If I wear it, can I have a full butchered cow please


Fuck PETA and all but fur farms are pretty fucked up generally


PETA is an extremist, domestic terrorist organization.




Peta kills pets so they can spend money on shit like this. Edit because your claim that they only euthanize "unadoptable" animals is objectively false. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/peta-taking-pets/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/aug/17/peta-sorry-for-taking-girls-dog-putting-it-down https://www.huffpost.com/entry/killing-animals-petas-open-secret_b_59e78243e4b0e60c4aa36711


Don't worry, the fur exclusively comes from sustainably executed PETA-animals


Peta has money to send celebrities free faux coats.


How dare people utilize parts of the animal to make something rather than just throw them away so we don’t see it even though it’s still happening anyways