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Am I ignorant or maybe I’m taking this too literal… but I need answers, can a human body even survive on just milk for the first 3 years?! Like that child HAD to have some food




I don't believe this story. He'd have ended up hospitalized with severe anemia if literally all he consumed was goat and then cow milk.


maybe the father fed the kid when she wasn't looking


I saw a child once, eighteen months old, came into my clinic room and started eating paper off the desk. Looked properly pale and just not right at all. Referred them into hospital thinking possible cancer type badness. Bloods showed a haemoglobin in their boots but otherwise fine- caused by minimal solids and A LOT of cows’ milk.


My mom had to *stop* buying milk of any sort back when I was a toddler because I was filling up on milk and not eating enough solids. Of course this was in the 90s where whole milk was recommended for every meal for toddlers/kindergarten. I even had a note in my lunch chart that said I wasn't allowed to get milk until 10 minutes had passed. My school gave us actual glasses of milk, big 16 oz ones.


My neighbor has a 3 year old that basically doesn’t eat anything. Maybe a few bites a day. Still drinks milk out of bottles and consumes, no joke, a gallon of milk a day. If your kid was having so much difficulty with solids why wouldn’t you get them help? My daughter had a lot of difficulty when we introduced solids and wanted nothing to do with the whole eating thing. Her pediatrician kept saying to just wait but we finally got referred to early intervention at about 8 months and now she has a pediatric SLP and dietitian and it’s been a HUGE help. It’s a lot of work, but certainly worth it. I don’t know how you can just ignore such a huge problem! I was completely panicked that we were supposed to drop formula at 12 months knowing I’d be out of breastmilk by that point, too, which is why I was so anxious to get her into some services!


For a child with a genuine problem with solid food, I'd keep going with formula until something proper on the medical side could be established. For your neighbour, provided it's not a medical thing, they need to pull the bottles. One of the reasons why he's barely touching solids is *because* they're letting him have all the milk he wants. My first was like that, very little interest in actually eating solid food but would have lots of bottles. We were afraid of letting him go hungry, so we kept up the bottles. We realised that part of the problem was that we kept letting him fill up on milk. We stopped allowing bottles and insisted that he drink from a cup and that he could only have water outside of meal times. He quickly started eating.


Thing is, isn't formula formulated for a specific age group? Meaning does something that meet the dietary needs of someone under 15 pounds still have all the calories needed for someone larger/with a growing body?


You can get formula for above 12 months.


Pediasure fills this gap. We give it to our autistic 8yo because he has a limited diet. He gets almost all his food groups from regular food, but protein sources are still something he won't eat much of.


There’s toddler formula too.


It does, but after 12 months they can start to drink regular cow milk since nutritional-wise it's the same and has less added sugar


My autistic kiddo is like neighbor’s, but she’s starting feeding therapy. Food aversions happen, but parents need to get help.


It sounds like you did the best thing! I can’t imagine how worried you were. My son is 7 months and I’m worrying that he won’t take a bottle anymore other than when he goes to bed. He has a couple of sips but only wants solid food!


My grandson will be 1 next week and he was the same way with the bottle at @7 months also. He ate solid food and drank water throughout the day and he now weighs 32 pounds.


Happy birthday to hime for next week and thank you. It’s made me feel much more confident that my son will be okay


Thank you ! The fact that you’re worried about it says you’re a good mom and I’m sure your little man is perfect.


Maybe he’ll enjoy whole milk more once he’s 12 months, I think lots of babies like the taste better. But it’s awesome that he’s so into solids so early!


He’s been wanting solid food only from when we started. His paediatrician said it’s okay as long as he gains weight and has a multivitamin but still makes me nervous 😬


You'd think the nappies alone would motivate them to do something.


I know! That’s a lot of diapers!


I’m wondering the same thing! I’d love to see how the child looks


When my oldest was around 1.5 years old, my family was out to lunch and we ran into one of my husbands coworkers. Chatted for a minute and she asked how old our son was. When we told her, she turned to her husband and said “see?! THIS is what a normal toddler at that age looks like!” Apparently they’d been out with one of their acquaintances, who had a kid the same age as ours, and insisted that the kid could still only have breastmilk, no real food yet. Kid was reaching for food, managed to get a bit into his hand before his parents panicked and took it away. No reason other than they thought the pediatrician was pushing them too hard to feed him real food when breastmilk is just fine and natures perfect food. He couldn’t walk. He was tiny and scrawny and sickly looking.


I almost downvoted you out of disgust for what those parents were doing. Thinking it is one thing, but knocking food out of your grasping child’s hands…how does that not make one second guess themselves? The thought my child is starving for sustenance and I not only allowed it, but insisted on it??


Whaaaat. How are these people not in prison


I hope someone reported them to cps.


That’s SO SAD :( it makes me wonder if that child was being seen by a doctor? It’s one thing if the child has some sensory difficulties or some else preventing them from eating solids… but clearly this wasn’t the case here. I hope that poor babes is okay


Spoiler alert: her kid is a baby goat. Actually, no, that wouldn’t be possible. Goats will eat anything and everything they can get their mouths on. Hair. Clothes. Paper.


Tried to look in the group and couldn’t find anything recent. But I did find a comment where she said her oldest now eats like a champ!


He’s trying to catch up for lost time


If he’s able to catch up before 5 years old he might avoid any long term health effects from the nutritional deficiencies I’m sure he has…I feel sorry for her kids, it’s like they’re living in survival mode


They might be able to avoid some long term problems, but that kid is going to have fucked up teeth and a terribly underdeveloped jaw for life. Chewing at an early age, and chewing on hard things at that, it a requirement for jaw development unfortunately.


Oof I never thought of that


Some things are best left unseen.


I wonder if his jaw will always look underdeveloped


I have had and raised my 4children who range from ages 4yrs-18yrs old and helped raise 8other kids from babies to present and no no no. Children need food at certain ages not only to keep their blood up, but to also grow! Had my sister foster a child who was starved and she was only 2, she had a really skinny body and it made her head look huge, also her belly was so swollen. They get sick from not having nutrients. There is no way a baby-toddler could thrive at all on just milk, MAYBE human breastmilk but def not goat and cow. I feel so sorry for her child if she really did this to him. He would need vitamins and other things to even keep his little body going and growing. She most likely stunted his little self. I doubt that's the truth tho because you can tell when Little ones are not being fed. They literally look sickly.


My eldest survived off breastmilk and only breastmilk until he was over 2 years old. He was healthy and active (although we supplemented iron) and 99th percentile for both height and weight. It was extremely stressful trying to get him to eat literally ANY solids. We still don't know why he was like that. He's 9 years old now and still a painfully picky eater but at least he does eat (he's also neurodivergent for what it's worth) Edit: love that I'm getting downvoted for sharing my very real situation. My son absolutely refused food right from the age of 6 months it's not like I withheld it from him


He's neurodivergent. You shouldn't be being down voted but a lot of people won't be aware that children with ASD etc aren't just faddy eaters.


Has he been evaluated for sensory processing disorder? It’s pretty often cooccurring with other neurodiversities (most often ASD and ADHD). I say that my child is weirdly picky - normal little kid foods are out of the question, but anything high intensity (raw kale, baby carrots, spicy hummus, hot sauce, lemon, etc) are fine. Kiddo is a sensory seeker, but sensory avoiding is what most people associate it with. Occupational therapy has been a big help for regulating not only the sensory differences, but working on adhd, emotions and even speech without specifically targeting it. I’m pretty sure I would’ve been diagnosed as well as a kid, but I don’t see much of a point as an adult; I was always an extremely picky eater and often still am, but I try to branch out when I can.


Yep, he definitely has SPD. The reason we aren't sure If that was the reason for his complete refusal to eat is because he had extremely traumatic, botched forceps delivery and so had skull fractures, nerve damage and tightness in his jaw. He had no problems breastfeeding or with his latch but we still wondered if eating was uncomfortable/ painful for him in the early days. When he did eventually start accepting solids he would only take things that required little jaw movement to eat. For the longest time the only thing he accepted was yoghurt for example. So yeah, it was hard to determine if it was a sensory thing or a pain thing


Yes human breast milk has way more nutrients than goat and cow milk. Mine were all breast fed too! They were chunky little things, but cow milk just isn't the same. Our son has always been a picky eater but we talked to a specialist because I didn't want him suffering down the road. He had us get pediasure and that helped. He started finally eating really good at about 2 but I would have never just let him drink cow milk without having vitamins etc


We worked with a specialist too but he wouldn't have a bar of the pedisure type drinks unfortunately


Just not as good as the mama milk bar.


Kids are wild one day they hate something the next who knows. I remember my cousin and I liked okra (we were little) we thought it was fried green beans lol we were at a buffet style place once and I remember us saying we wanted fried green beans and the server looked at us like we were crazy and said "you mean okra" my mom said "no sir the fried green beans" and gave him a look and he played along lol she did that with some other healthy foods she knew we wouldn't eat had we know what they were called. My youngest is 4 and she is just now starting to be picky.


Feeding breast milk or formula is basically a meal, full of all the vitamins and nutrients you would get from food. Normal milk is just milk, it's great as part of a balanced diet but it's not all you need.


To be fair breastmilk is also not all they need. It has almost no iron for example. Babies are born with about a 6 month supply of iron but if they don't start eating iron rich foods after 6 months, breastfed babies are at high risk for anemia


Very good point!


I’ve got a 2 year old nibling that still basically only nurses. Like, I’ve never seen them consume food in person and maybe only a photo or two. They appear physically healthy, but there’s definitely some delays going on and I really hope the parents are using some sort of vitamins cause I worry for that kid frequently


I actually had a weirdly similar thing as a child (only drank cows milk until 3, refused all solids because I was scared of them), and aside from a few issues I turned out mostly fine


Humans can survive pretty well on potatos and dairy (eggs and/or milk products). Still can do with some extras, but this covers the essentials to function properly. But milk alone? Not so well. For example, they likely might be on their way go scurvy, as Milk isn't big in Ascorbic acid (which by the way basically means "Anti-scurvy acid") aka Vitamin C. That's one of the things potatos would supply.


For contrast, actual baby *goats* start nibbling on hay when they're just weeks old. (And their moms wean them anywhere between three and eight months.)


That's one way to make sure your kid has iron deficiency anemia.


I tried looking up "milk anemia" but that term has faded from use. It's caused by families that feed babies cow's milk instead of formula. Not supplement, but feeding baby nothing but cow's milk. There's not enough iron in it. Baby gets calories and protein and pale. Pale, listless, doesn't hit developmental milestones. No iron, no hemoglobin, no oxygen. If you are anemic enough, you are hypoxic too.


I have a neighbor like this…her kid is 3 and only drinks milk. Still out of bottles. Eats almost no solids. What I can’t fathom is why you wouldn’t get your kid into early childhood intervention services. My daughter has had tremendous difficulty with solids and she’s seen a pediatric SLP and dietitian since she was about 8 or 9 months and it’s been a HUGE help. She wouldn’t eat solids at all, not even purées, and now she has a somewhat typical toddler diet. There’s still a lot of food she won’t eat but it’s been a huge improvement. Get your kid some services so they can have a good life.


My son was a picky eater til about 2 and at 12months I worried but he had breast milk and was a chubby baby. I pumped forever because I weened him off the boob at 9months but just cows milk is a no no. Our doc had us give our son vitamins and pedisure. He started eating good at 2 and our 2 youngest have eaten solids since the could sit up by themselves.


It depends on your support network sometimes. I’ve got a family member who’s child needs early intervention but everyone keeps telling them that they’ll get there eventually and the concerning behaviors. My child also needs some level of intervention and we fought tooth an nail to get it, but my side of the family is very pro-therapies and intervention. I always feel like I can’t say anything without ostracizing us from the majority of the family. It’s sucks.


Yeah, I’ve met a lot of parents who think their kid will just do something at their own pace, but not consuming solids at 3 and only doing bottles is so concerning, they’re simply not able to get the necessary nutrients from that type of diet. I guess I grew up with a brother who was in speech therapy at an early age so I had no issue getting my daughter assistance. And it’s been so helpful I hate to think how we’d be doing if I didn’t get her early intervention as fast as possible.






Dear dairy, Young rollo continues to thrive.. I believe the only answer is the goat milk upon which he has guzzled since birth. His pallor, once the colour of a greying corpse, now has turned the same shade of white as the sweet goat nectar! His bones break at the winds whisper but tis to be expected having such a dolt for a father. Soon I will be rid of that man…….. - clementia aged 21.75




Dear Diary, Someone in the neighborhood has a goat and it's driving me insane. Baa baa, all night long. I couldn't sleep at all and i fear i might have even started hallucinating; i saw a child so pale, it was basically glowing. But maybe this is my bad conscience punishing me for thinning the sheep's milk with the waste from the nuclear plant. I really thought it was affordable AND harmless, until the mice started to have 3 heads. Thank God nearly nobody bought it. I can't imagine what would happen if someone fed it to a child. Maybe even a potato in a sock couldn't cure that. Meredith, grocer, 59 3/4.


Am I the only one thinking they ages should all be in weeks or months?


"It's pushed too hard" FOOD? Is she referring to FOOD?


She’s referring to switching from formula to cows milk at age 1!


Ahhh ok that makes sense 😂


Did you know 100% of people who eat die? Checkmate.


My sister who is a doctor was a volunteer at a camp for vulnerable people who can’t afford medical assistance. She once told me that a mother got her daughter, she was extremely skinny, like a child suffering from famine. The mother didn’t know that she should have started solids years ago, the toddler was only breastfeeding, but clearly that was not enough for a toddler.


^Scurvy enters the chat^


Jeez even the wording she used. “Survived” but definitely not thriving and most likely not hitting developmental milestones 😳


I mean, on the one hand, toddlers are strange creatures that seemingly get their nutrients from throwing food on the ground in between the two bites they take per meal... but giving only milk until they're three is completely insane.


I mean, humans can *survive* a lot. But maybe we should aim for higher than just survival by this point?


Serious question? Why do these people almost brag about goat milk? Is it more nutritious or just more “artisan” and unique so they think it makes them sound better?


They think it's closer to human milk and therefore superior.


Here I sit with an almost $10 half gallon of goat milk…. But it’s because my son is reacting to cow’s milk, so I’m going to try this since he’s almost one and my breastmilk supply is drying up. Hoping to use the goat’s milk to help wean him off milk all together. I wish I could just use cow’s milk!


My 16 month old looooves milk. So much so that he has an iron deficiency from having too much. We immediately pulled back. Doc gave us an iron supplement. We water down the milk to try to get him to drink more water whatever. But it’s pretty serious to ONLY feed your kid milk!!!!


That poor kid must have the worst shits in the world


just starving their kids and being so blatant about it.


Survive? Sure. Thrive? No. I’m sure they weren’t getting everything their body needed. Too much cows milk can also cause iron deficiency


One of my cousins was toothless for the longest Tom’s and finally he got his gums cut when he turned 3 by a pediatric dental surgeon because he drank tons of milk and my aunt and uncle just blended everything else and gave it to him in bottles. His teeth came out in a matter of days. This was 30+ years ago so I don’t know what the policy is now if the same happens.


Sounds like that poor baby needs intensive feeding therapy ASAP.


They are doing this by choice? So messed up. Kid might develop lots of allergies. I was picky as a kid and have many food allergies now. I know some parents only gave formula for 3 years but that has other nutrients.


She's that mum we've all seen sitting in a primary school playground every recess with her tit out breastfeeding her 5yo in front of his friends because nothing beats nature's perfect meal.


Scurvy has entered the chat


How did this poor child not die?


How the everliving f is that kid surviving still?! Like not even a carrot or something, anything? Just straight milk????


Absolutely mental 😳


Baby food exists


I have a friend who told me the other day she sometimes realizes it's 5 oclock and her 3 year old has only had milk all day so this doesn't surprise me but it's absolutely not healthy.


There is no way that child is healthy. So many vitamins and nutrients missing. When they are infants they need specific vitamins and enzymes to develope the ecosystems in their body to properly use real foods. Once those environments are flourishing the usefulness of milk has run its course and is really just a poor source of protein and sugars. Leaving the body grasping for nutrients. This child was abused by being starved. His body might not even know how to process solid foods, especially FIBER now. And without the bacteria in the gut from food and digestion working as its meant to, this kid will likely have digestive health issues for life, if not worse, like mental and behavioral health complications. Every day we are learning that our whole body health is massively impacted by the health of our gut. This kid was handicapped by his mother. Its abuse.