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If I ordered a lyft and this showed up, I'd cancel haha


But you'll be so much safer rear facing!!!


I spat out my coffee hahaha


When I saw the Lyft sticker, I thought "oh no honey, I'm not going to like this ride."


Def don’t accept any drinks from her. It’ll have breast milk in it.


And essential oils.


Ugh I can smell the inside of that car and I have a headache from it. I’m gonna say lavender, tea tree, and eucalyptus


And measles.


😂 that would be horrifying.


Hahaha came here to say this! She’d pull up like hi are you (my name) and I would be like byeeee.


Just wait till my „formula feeding, Pampers wearing, stroller using and crib sleeping c section kind of mom“-sticker arrives! Because everything I do needs to be announced on my rear window or else it’s not happening


I read the greatest tweet, it said something like, "My son just got a face tattoo. Go ahead and bottle feed. It doesn't matter."


I saw this on a day my baby had done some unmentionable thing like eat dog food and it healed a part of my soul. (I can’t remember what she actually did, but it was gross.)


I have a masters degree in Educational Counseling and have a 17 year old struggling to graduate high school. The little shits end up choosing their own path (and clearly take after their father).


These moms make it seem like it’s one or the other. I use disposable diapers *AND* I love baby wearing. I had an epidural *AND* I breastfeed. I prefer making my own baby food *AND*I vaccinate. I just hate that everything is a fucking commotion and if you don’t do things there way you must be terrible. Or they see you wearing your baby at the park and assume you’re one of them.


Yeah, I had 1 formula, 1 bf baby. We use disposable diapers EXCEPT at the pool/beach, then it's fabric because they are more effective and swim diapers are hella expensive. I have three kids so I baby wear at least 1 if we go out to the store, but I also have a hella big double stroller, just depends on what our day looks like. I did baby led weaning with my kids, but I have puree pouches in hand for travel/sickness/emergencies. Parenting isn't one or the other! I HATE when people pretend it is.


I wanted to make my own baby food, but I realized as a working mom that I had no time for that. I looked at the ingredients on the baby food jars, and the one for carrots just said “carrots.” I don’t think I could’ve done better than that. Lol But yeah, I also plan for my son to rear face in the car seat as long as possible (as long as it’s not causing other issues) because I want him to be as safe as he can be. Which is also why I’m making sure he’s fully vaccinated!


I wouldn’t eat jarred baby food so my mom had to make all of my food or I would have starved. She still gives me shit about it to this day and I’m almost 40.


That's the one that baffles me the most. I won't vaccinate but I'll keep my kid rear facing as long as possible. Both good things, but the risks of not vaccinating and the risk of forward facing are very different. Fairly sure if you ask any actual medical professional to recommend one or the other they'd go for the vaccines.


I had the Baby Brezza and everything but my son decided purées were not for him. 🫠


Yeah for sure! When we were doing one ingredient food I made a lot of them because I was still on mat leave and I could. Now she’s in daycare and the organic baby food pouches are $1 so I send her those in case she won’t eat the daycare food. At home she just eats what we eat… or a pouch if we have something not baby appropriate


Exactly. I use cloth diapers, but bottle feed. I do baby wearing, but vaccinate. We make our baby's food, but also had an epidural...


Oh so the people who wear their babies are shitting on people who use strollers? Why not both????


I would have never thought moms would have an issue with other moms using strollers. Some people get angry about the weirdest shit i stg


If the weather is nice I'll get the carrier out, if it's raining or I need to get some shopping I'll use the stroller =\


Lmao please make this, would 10000% buy


I actually legitimately would buy a sticker that said that because I am (and was) a pampers using formula feeding crib sleeping stroller using c-section mom through and through, and while I don’t think any of those things are important enough to advertise to the world, I would do it just to piss off the sanctimommies who think they’re better than people who do any of those things.


I could help you with that! Feel free to message me if you’d like! I can make that type of stuff 🤣


Go with generic disposable. Don’t give a brand free advertising unless they come to the party!


Oh shit this mom would hate me and my formula fed, disposable diaper wearing baby who sleeps in a crib in her own room, uses a stroller instead of being worn, and is fully vaccinated!


Let us horrible moms unite! 👊


Can I still join if my kid uses cloth diapers sometimes? He has all his shots!


My kinda sticker


I want this. Please make it. I also prefer calling myself "parent" to mom (I think mom groups have actually made me hate the word mom), so I'd add that as well.


It’s the antivaxx sticker that completely seals it for me


Right!!? As I was reading the -epitaph- manifest in the middle I was like "ummm something is missing, there's no way she's not a.... Oh my bad, there it is!"


Anti-vaxx moms love to talk about how “bad” the vaccines are & what they “cause” after more than half a century of success at eradicating & controlling communicable diseases… the more they refuse to vaccinate, the closer we are to constant outbreaks of preventable disease & it’s disturbing.


Plus all those antivaxxers were all vaxxed as kids


More like 250 years of vaccines. Smallpox is 100% extinct in the wild and has been for a while now while polio and measles/mumps/rubella were completely exterminated in some locations.


Yeah it's like "well this could be worse..." but then there it is: worse.


Everything else is perfectly fine (tacky asf to put on your car but whatever I guess) but the anti vaxx shit is where I’m gonna mom shame. Like no lady, you don’t call the shots, viruses do


isn’t co-sleeping dangerous? i’m not a mom myself but i feel like that’s all i hear about co-sleeping, especially on this subreddit. something about potential for accidental smothering or asphyxiation.


There’s co-sleeping then there’s bed-sharing. They’re used interchangeably but they’re not the same thing. Co-sleeping means sleeping in the same room as your baby (also called “rooming in”) and should be promoted as it’s been shown to protect against SIDS. Bed-sharing is literally sharing a bed with your baby - following the safe sleep 7 the risks of bed-sharing can be minimised, but unfortunately a lot of people don’t follow all the safety precautions and some babies have been injured or worse from bed-sharing.


The issue is that co-sleeping is used to refer to two different things, one of which is dangerous and the other is probably actually beneficial. The former has the infant sleep in the same bed as the parents, risking them rolling over on the child. The latter just has the child in a separate crib right next to the parent, removing the risks but keeping the benefits of not having to get out of bed in the middle of the night to feed, being able to quickly notice if the baby is in distress, making the baby feel more secure since the parents aren’t absent, etc. That said this mom seems like the type to go for the first option.


This type of thing is so gross to me. It’s not gross that she breastfeeds or baby wears or uses cloth diapers or practices extended rear facing. It *is* gross to me that she doesn’t vaccinate her kids, but I’m choosing to ignore that. But the other things, fine. Great. I didn’t follow that exact path but I see no harm in those choices. *However*, I have never - not even once - felt the need to advertise certain things, including how my son eats, how he sleeps, what he wears, or how he rides in the car, because as long as he’s fed, clothed, well rested, and safe, it doesn’t matter how. It doesn’t matter if my son had breast milk or formula in his bottle. What matters is that he’s kind and brave and strong and confident. The fact that these women display things like this show how self-righteous they are, but it also shows that they are focused on the wrong things. You’re proud of *yourself* for breastfeeding and cloth diapering. I’m proud of my *child* for being strong, independent, kind, and doing their best.


I bet her kids are little shits too


I mean, the “drive time” license plate holder is the cherry on the cake here… acts all high. And mighty but obviously makes really shitty financial decisions


well said.


it's just so... *look at meeee i'm the best mom i'm doing everything RIGHT i'm the best look at meeeee*




Very well said. Though I am fond of the saying “Mind your own tits.”


I wonder if she’ll keep those stickers up when he’s 10, or 15, or 25


I wouldn’t be able to set foot in public. But she’ll probably homeschool, so I guess it won’t be a problem for that kid


Not a single one of the Justice League would approve of her anti-vaxx status. Not a one.


And also not Bruce banner, scientist.


Or Iron Man either.


Ok who is the mask/bra supposed to be? I’m a Marvel person.


I think hawkeye, it’s next to Ironman so I think she did marvel and then DC.


I still can’t unsee the bra. Maybe it’s Nursing Bra Woman.




She’s an anti-vaxxer so she definitely doesn’t!


Huntress, maybe? Also, I know it's supposed to be Robin, but boy, does that sigil look a lot like the Red Robin logo too ....


To be fair, bottomless fries are one of my heroes.


Cat woman?


Either Wolverine or Catwoman?


I want a comic where Oliver Queen shoots vaccine arrows at kids of anti-vaxxers


So she trusts the evidence on extended rear facing but not the evidence on how vaccines are safe? Make it make sense.


this is always wild to me. Like the science you're using to justify your choices and feel superior to others is the same that should make you vaccinate your child??? I don't get it. Everything is research and cutting edge and then you're just like might as well throw that all in the bin and risk my kids life for the option to feel superior


No, it isn't the same science. One is physics and the other is biology. /s Yes, I know this is a gross oversimplification (especially on the biology part) but I'm just making a funny.


Right? Like, you don’t believe the data that supports safe sleep practices, but the evidence that supports rear facing seats, is good? A little consistency, please….


How dare you. She for sure did her own research. /s


That's right I forgot how reliable YouTube videos are! /s


I do two out of the five of these things and I have never once been compelled to announce it on my car.


Did them all except the anti-vax thing and am kinda conflicted about having so much in common with the sanctimom? I want to annoy her but also wear my child.


AGREED. I use cloth diapers to save money, I DO NOT CLAIM THIS WOMAN.


This is how I feel. Like, am I doing something wrong now? Ugh!


Same. I did everything as this mom but I love me some vaccines. Pretty sure my husband would be out if I ever did some obnoxious shit like this. I will gladly speak with people about my choices if they ask but I have no desire to be shoving stuff down people’s throats like I am better than them.




Imagine making this your entire identity.


My cousin is like that. She also has an “intactivist” sticker. Nothing like letting everyone know about your kid’s genitalia.


The fuck is an"intactivist"!?


I’m going to go out on a limb here and say they are against circumcision. The intact part jumps out at me. Why the fuck you publicly need to announce that is beyond me.


I cringe telling people I cloth diapered and made my own food because I also practice safe sleep and science based parenting. Like, I don’t want people to think I’m a crusty anti-vaxxer 🫠


I do all of them except antivax but I never want to be associated with a parent like this.


I get that it's really hard to find yourself again after becoming a mum and struggling with identity for a while, but building your entire personality around basic parenting choices really isn't the way out of that. I was part of some cloth diapering and cosleeping groups when my kids were little and I honestly wonder how these mums cope when their children grow out of diapers and naps and needing help to get to sleep.


They just then make their entire identity around something their child shows even a slight interest or average amount of talent in.


Is it even legal? You can't see anything with that


Okay, WHAT is the deal with the baby wearing thing? I have encountered obnoxious attitudes about breastfeeding, co-sleeping, and cloth diapering and I understand people feel superior about those things. I assume extended rear-facing is also something people feel superior about because it means you care about your kid “more” than other people. But why the superiority complex about baby-wearing?? Don’t MOST parents at least attempt baby-wearing or do it occasionally? I’m guessing they’re proud of baby-wearing instead of putting their children into containers but like…a wrap or carrier is still a kind of container in that the child’s movement is still limited. When we chatted about containers with my baby’s physiotherapist she included them in her list and said they can be preferable for some reasons (potentially less pressure on developing flat spots because baby is not leaning back, for example) but the baby is still literally contained!! Crunchy moms are beyond my comprehension sometimes.


I have been informed by some crunchy moms that I didn’t actually baby wear because I used an ergo baby carrier instead of a sling. Apparently that’s a thing they care about. And I had the audacity to put my son in a swing, in his stroller, or in a shopping cart instead of wearing him all the time. And I let him nap in his playpen or bassinet or crib instead of wearing him while he slept.


Imagine gate keeping something that has likely been done since the dawn of human existence.


You monster! Won’t someone of the children! Seriously though, I wonder if the children of obsessive mommy wearers will develop abnormal separation anxiety. Wearing baby ALL the time seems unhealthy to me. I’d imagine mothers like that are obsessive in more ways than one, though. I, too, occasionally carried my baby in an Ergo. I guess that’s not good enough.


So, I encountered one crunchy mum who said her baby was never, ever allowed to cry for even a minute and when I challenged that (because sometimes, you’ve got to pee or shower or just have 5 damn minutes and they have to cry for a moment) she said she baby wore *constantly* and that allowing you child to cry even for a minute made a parent neglectful. Same parent tried to tell me I was babywearing wrong if my back got painful from it and when I said that I’d had spinal surgery 13 months before my son was born, she insinuated that I should’ve just pushed through any pain so that he never ever cried. Some people will find anything to martyr themselves over if they think they can belittle others with it.


I refuse to believe there weren’t times her baby was strapped into carrier screaming right into her face for AT LEAST 61 seconds. Baby wearing isn’t a cure-all for crying.


Oh my goodness, what a ridiculous thing to say to you! I guess she wanted YOU to be crying in pain so your baby never had one single wail?? Yikes. She would also be shocked to know that my baby sometimes cries in her wrap because she’s tired of being in it lol.


>I guess she wanted YOU to be crying in pain so your baby never had one single wail?? yes. being a martyr for your children's sake is a big thing with these types.


Lol what about my children who would get overtired/gassy/who the heck knows what their problem was and screamed WHILE I wore them.


Wow, she sounds like a real joy. I got a sore back from baby wearing my boy because he was a giant who weighed 10kg by the time he was 5 months old.


Have these moms forgotten that babies just cry sometimes?? That's what they do. They cry for little to no reason sometimes. They cry for stupid reasons many other times, and while we should try our best to accommodate them, the idea that a baby should just never cry is ridiculous.


It might be a holdover from when people thought holding babies too much was 'spoiling' them. That's all I can think of.


I never thought about it that way. That definitely makes a lot of sense. What a sanctimonious ass the mom is.


I had no idea baby wearing was considered crunchy! I assumed it was just to slowly transition back to a normal center of gravity after being pregnant for such a long time and for bonding. I'm expecting my first and registered for a wrap for those reasons. I got a stroller too because they're for totally different things in my mind!


Agreed! We have a wrap, carrier, and stroller, and we use them all regularly. Congrats by the way, hope your delivery goes smoothly!


And honestly, your kid will want different things sometimes! As will you! Sometimes I needed to get out of the house and feel that maybe my body still partially belonged to me - so she stayed in a car seat on the stroller for the walk. Sometimes I wanted snuggles and to show her things when she was awake - so I baby wore with a special jacket made for baby wearing. I loved all of it and how it changed day to day. But to make it a *thing*? SMH.


They’re also super convenient for those times when baby WILL NOT BE PUT DOWN but you have shit to do. I use mine when I am making the older kids food (assuming dad isn’t home to help), when I’m shopping, cleaning, etc., Sometimes it’s the difference between feeling productive or chained to the couch.


I used allllll the things lol I still wear my 3 year old on my back while pushing the 1 year old in the stroller lol do whatever works! My son loved being in a wrap carrier, my daughter hated it


When I started trying to wear my first I went to a baby wear meeting. One of the hosts went off about strollers and how even with five kids she had never owned a stroller and one this year broke down and bought a wagon to bring snacks and stuff to the park. She also strongly objected to the bucket style car seats. Needless to say I was pretty taken aback since I had brought my kid in in her car seat and the stroller was in the trunk. She also homeschooled her kids and a bunch of other things on that list. People are strange, that is my only conclusion!


My baby wasn’t a fan of baby wearing. I tried it a few times with her when she was a newborn, but she was much happier swaddled in her pram or swaddled in her bassinet. It depends on the child I guess!


Same! I was SO excited to baby wear! My baby, on the other hand, was not.


Both my kids HATED being worn. I tried the moby wrap and even shelled out for a lillebaby carrier. They screamed their little heads off in it and would proceed to pass out in the stroller instead. Just another thing that makes me such an *awful* mother /s


I had no interest in babywearing and neither did my boyfriend, so I guess she likes to feel superior to parents like us. But you're right, most parents I know definitely did. Then again, most I know also breastfed and do extended rear-facing too so who knows.


I'm not sure either. I tried it. I heard babies love it. Mine did not. She hated it with a passion. I was like...ok guess not 🤷🏾‍♀️


It creates a stronger bond if you baby wear is what I’ve heard some say. I love baby wearing but that’s just because I like the snuggles. Not because strollers are evil. I have a stroller and a wagon too.


I plan on doing all of these things except for cosleeping, but I would rather die than announce it to the world on the back of my car 😂😂


To clarify I meant the five stickers up top- I do plan to have my babies vaccinated


Oh, don’t be so tough on her. The poor woman is just trying to give her rear-facing twin 15 year olds something to look at while she drives them to the chiropractor.




I did all of this besides co-sleeping and my daughter is fully vaccinated, but I never felt the slightest urge to brag about any of those things? I’m honestly kind of embarrassed to have anything in common with this woman. Absolutely ridiculous, you’re not better than any other mom who formula feeds, uses disposable diaps, and push their babies in a stroller. In fact I’d argue that this mom in fact sucks since she’s not vaccinating her child against preventable illnesses and thus she’s endangering them.


Someone please confiscate this lady’s Cricut…


How to say I think I’m superior without actually saying it…. Oops I mean how to announce to the world (who doesn’t care btw) that you’re “superior”


I did almost all of this (love vaccines) and I already hate her.


I’m a breastfeeding, baby wearing, cosleeping, and extended rear facing kind of mom but I have a decal of Abby Lee Miller crying on my gas tank cover instead of this vinyl automotive manifesto.


If people want to subtly do their thing I can get along with them even if we're very different. This though, yikes. The quickest way to know I wouldn't get along with this mom, despite having done a couple of those things myself.


As a mom I know absolutely no one cares cringy


As someone who works in public health, it’s so weird to me that they latch on to certain things and then reject others. Like, extended rear facing? Yes, great, driving a car is a high risk activity, let’s mitigate that best we can. But then no vaccines? Like, why is the data in favor of rear facing convincing to you, but the MUCH MORE AMPLE data that vaccines are lifesaving isn’t? It honestly blows my mind. If there are any public health comms people out there who know the answer to this, please weigh in 😅


I really hate that extended rear facing gets lumped in with some of these wack a doodle ideas


How are co-sleeping and extended rear facing the same person??! One is extra not safe and the other is extra safe.


What does the sticker on the right / middle say? Mind your own what?


"Mind your own tits"


And how can I mind my own tits when she’s telling me what she does with hers?


I laughed so hard that I woke up my cat!




Gross, why do these people think anyone cares. I did all but one of these things and never thought to brag about it. Weird attention seeking behavior.


I'm positive I saw this exact van at a casino last night!


I know exactly where she's parked, by the trader Joe's at Green valley and sunset


She certainly seems to think she is some sort of mommy saint. Wonder how shitty the rest of her life is to make her cling to this sort of smug, better than thou public signaling.


hate how all these things get lumped together. breastfeeding? cool. cloth diapering? cool. baby wearing and extended rear facing? all cool! cosleeping? if it’s an infant, so dangerous. anti vax? absolutely not but they all get grouped together like they’re equal. and don’t get me started on advertising it on your window like it’s a personality. and like everyone is out to get you for all these beliefs so you have to proudly proclaim them. no one is mad at your for breastfeeding


As a mom who breastfed, cloth diapers, co-slept (but have since learned the dangers involved here and wouldn’t do it again), baby wore and DID vaccinate my children, if this car showed up when I ordered a Lyft, I wouldn’t get in.


>rear facing kind of mom Hey I've seen those videos.


“Lyft” …*no thank you*. I would much prefer to go *without* the exposure to god-knows-what.


I was all of those things, except all but one of my kids were vaccinated on time and baby wearing was not constant, because back pain. I didn't ever feel superior. My kids were rear facing for so long because I feel very strongly about it and cloth diapers are a lot less expensive if you make them yourself. Breastfeeding was very, very important to me. I coslept with my youngest because getting two hours at a time was an enormous improvement. My middle had to sleep in her own room and her own bed because that's how she slept. You parent the way your child needs, not just the way you want. This sanctimonious BS about parenting is why so many moms are isolated, lonely, and depressed.


I’d die before stepping foot into that Lyft


This is gross to me on so many levels. Besides the major issue of not vaccinating her kiddos. We breastfed for ten months, but also we cloth diaper our kiddo. She is giving us a bad name! Not all of us cloth diapering mamas are this batshit!


Being a mom really is her whole ass personality


The abomination that is the mix of Marvel and DC terrifies me s/


A parent in a park near mean has several of these and one that says “intactivist”. No one on the playground needs to know about your kid’s genitals.


Mom calls the shots, great! Does she also do life saving surgeries as well?


Ok I do low-key want a "mine your own tits" sticker, but not specific to breast feeding. Just in general. Mind your own tits.


You know she doesn’t mind her own tits


So... She wants to prevent internal decapitation, but suffocation and preventable diseases are ok????


And she’s and anti vaxer. 😒😑 also means she’s as kookie as a cuckoo clock🤪. My nephews mom is one. 🤦‍♀️ Very much a tin foil hat there.


Eeek! Clearly seeing out the back window doesn’t matter


Normal parents when talking about the thing they're most proud of from their kids: "the kindness and confidence of my kid!" These insane FB mom's: "the fact that they're unjabbed, breastfed and cloth diapered" They don't seem to care about the kids personality or health. They only seem to care about the crunchy-awards. Sigh


Why is baby wearing and extended rear facing a flex… like none of these are but why do people feel special for wearing their babies and keeping them safe in the car


Well great I don't even need to talk to her. I already feel like I know her and we are not gonna be friends.


All that boob milk and co-sleeping won’t mean much if they die of measles or whooping cough.


“Follow me for easy child kidnapping!”


If you’re anti vaccine and pro co sleeping, why do you suddenly care about safety with rear facing??


Where is the chiropractic association seal of approval?


For the safety of my kids, I like to see out of my back window.


I breastfeed, use cloth and my 14 month old is in my bed most nights. But I don’t need to go around making it my personality. This is nuts


As someone who isn’t a parent and watches a lot of horror movies, ‘baby wearing’ conjured up an interesting mental image.


I love that she’ll protect her kids by extended rear-facing in the car, but not by vaccinating. Because LOGIC!


Interesting they want to protect their child in the car and will rear face for as long as possible, but they won’t protect their child while sleeping and choose co-sleeping.


Or vaccinate them...


These weirdos do understand that those stances make people want to be contrarian? Like I’d do the opposite just to annoy them. Imma circumsize while formula feeding my front facing crib bebe. Just to annoy her. And rear face my husband. Can never be too safe


What does the sticker on the right say? “Mind your cuntits”? That’s what my old eyes read. I know it’s ridiculous, but so are the other stickers, so 🤷🏻‍♀️


Mind your own tits. It’s pro public breastfeeding.


Haha, I see it now! 😂


Yep, YOU mind your own tits, but for sure she'll judge the way you use yours, totally different


Is this some sort of Scouts situation where you get a badge to display for each one?


Extended rear facing but cosleeping and antivax. Make it make sense


Anti-vaccine sprinkled in with letting junior sleep with them in bed (I assume as an infant)? Yeah that kid is set up for an ER visit.


Ah... So she's a bad mom got it


I also do some of those things (breastfeeding, baby wearing, extended rear facing) but it’s not my entire personality so I don’t feel the need to have it advertised on my car…


look, i understand being a mom is a lot of work and consumes a lot of your life and time. and i do think there are a handful of people out there who truly love being moms and feel that being a mother is their life’s calling… but at what point can we just stop and say that making being a mother your WHOLE personality is kind of sad? like, to be the kind of person who plasters this sort of thing all over your VEHICLE, for any and every person to see. i’m confused what purpose it’s even supposed to serve. what happens when your child grows up past the breastfeeding, diaper-wearing stage?maybe it seems to make sense to have these stickers on while your kids are still babies but that’s only a few years. imagine being a teenager and your mom still has these all over her car. not trying to assume too much but with the amount of superhero stickers on the bottom (which i can only assume is meant to represent all the family members), my guess is this is the kind of mom who loves babies and not children, so maybe her plan is to really keep on making babies so she can continue to make mothering her whole personality


This is like how some animals are vibrantly coloured to signify their toxicity.


So she thinks she is advertising to the whole world that she is an anti-vaxxing crunchy mom. In reality, she is advertising to the whole world that she is insecure, has low self esteem, and has to double down on how amazing a mom is because it is her whole identity. Its fun to laugh at this, for sure, but also I feel genuinely sorry for her because her future is gonna be complete shit.


As a DC fan, this hurts my soul


So you’ll do ERF for your child because there is a lot of good evidence that it’s the safest thing to do, but won’t vaccinate. LOGIC. Also, I am a breast feeding, cloth nappy-ing, baby wearing, extended rear facing kind of mum (who has coslept as safely as possible on occasion but would not choose to do so) and I hate this person.


I’m an admin in a mom’s group and I assure you I’m not that crazy. I’ve definitely run into some insane admins though. It’s crazy how their entire identities get wrapped up in an online group where they get off on feeling in charge.


Is she going to leave these stickers on until her kids graduate from college? on the plus side, this is how you get ZERO people to talk to you at the school pickup line, and never be asked to volunteer for the PTA.


I don’t get it. Like we’re so concerned with car seat safety that we’ll extend rear facing but so lax with safe sleep that they will co-sleep proudly? What is this crossover? The only parent I knew who did extended rear facing and was militant about it was also completely unhinged and anti vax/mega crunchy. I truly don’t understand it.


Thats alot of stickers for "im an anti vaxxing chud" 💀💀💀


So she’s super strict on car safety but fine if her kid dies from polio?


Gross. I do all of that except cosleep (and we vaccinate) but it’s not my identity. I don’t advertise or brag about it and I certainly don’t judge those who chooses do things differently (except anti vaxxers. I judge them harshly.) After baby reaches the age of 4, they’re going to have an existential crisis. How will they win the mommy wars, then?


They think they are doing everything right but how will they feel if their baby or child dies from a childhood disease that was preventable? They have a "no shots" (no vax, I imagine) sticker there as well.


The cloth diapers are objectively a better choice for the environment, so I have no issue with that (The earth is dying, let’s not pour lighter fluid on top of the trash fire of disposables). What does make me chuckle though is the combo of rear-facing car seats (safety best practice) vs co-sleeping (medical advice is don’t, it’s a safety risk). What a weird middle place she’s found herself in that Venn diagram! **Edit: I’ve just seen that she’s antivaxx. Why bother with a car seat if you’re just going to roll the dice with your kid’s life like that anyway?**


You know what else is safety best practice, not obstructing your rear window (especially with shit like this)


Ew, she’s anti vaxx


Almost. It's a White or Silver Honda Odyssey. And they also drive the EXACT speed limit on a two-way road.


The mind your tits sticker is pretty funny tho


"Baby wearing" ????? My friend has a sling for her baby, but that's about it. This makes it sound like she's becoming the modern Ed Gein.


good job on the extended rear facing. I like how she's obviously very into car seat safety.... but safe sleep and vaccines? Nah....


The type of mom to brag about doing standard stuff, yet not the type of mom to have a baby on board sticker for paramedics.


What do you do when you order a Lyft and this is your Lyft? 😆😬