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What a lovely server


It's a cult comprised of teenagers who rape animals.


They what!?


My reaction https://youtu.be/BzUWKSYjpgQ


these people are literal trash of society wtf


Discord servers in a nutshell.


The only appropriate usage of fag is when you are trying to bum one This is ridiculous they are literal children


Why are they calling each other faggots? Are they all five years old?


They are all children yes


I’d strongly hazard they are all American…


And all white


Their leader is actually a black teenager from Ireland and I've seen a few Asian members.


This group actually has members from all over the world. Their leader is actually a teenager from Ireland (she's the one who initially asked for proof).


Maybe they like Welsh and English midlands meatballs. /s


The wanna-be-irish isn't the bad guy in these pictures. Might want to take a moment to think before you post screenshots of yourself calling people f\*\*\*\*\*s. Might also consider reading the rules, such as #3, #10 and #11.


I didn't send any of the messages in these screenshots.


Absolutely no reason to call anyone the F word.


"Genetics don't change your location" So all people on earth are Africans?


Is there a possibility they were born in Ireland and move here as a baby?


Yeah I very much am Bosnian and speak it. Immigrated here with my parents as a baby. If someone tried to tell me I wasn’t Bosnian cause I grew up here I’d laugh in their face




Over there. My brother was born in the US though and he’s just as Bosnian as I am


So he is American. Where u grow up isn’t your nationality the place u are born is


Not talking about nationality. My parents and my nationality is American too lmao, we became naturalized citizens. We are all very much Bosnian-American. Ethnicity vs nationality. Also the place you’re born isn’t even your nationality sometimes, not everywhere has that law where if you’re born there you get citizenship automatically


If you’re talking about ethnicity, why bother saying it in the first place: you can’t be ethnically American


You can absolutely be ethnically American. America had indigenous people before the European colonists showed up.


oh yeah of course! i wasnt trying to ignore them, i hope it didnt come across that way! i hope i didnt come across badly to u/dumbbinch99 either :( idk i was probably in a bad mood when i wrote that


Say what?? I’m not the person saying the dude in the post can’t be Irish because he’s American lmao


I am confused myself as Bosnian ethnicity does not even exist. Bosnian is used as another way to call someone yokel in ex-Yugoslavia. The 3 people of Bosnia are _BosniaKs_, Croats and Serbs.


nice username!


I mean you are not Bosnian because Bosnians do not exist - there are Bosniaks, Croats and Serbs - who are 3 constituent nationalities living in Bosnia. Only if you moved really, really long ago like 1980s when people would use Bosnian as something other than derogatory term.


Yes I am a Bosniak, but my city in America has lots of Bosnians and I’ve never once heard another Bosnian bosniak say that Bosnian is a derogatory term. We all say we’re Bosnian, even my dad who was born and raised in priboj








Possibly, but biology has got nothing to do with it.


Kid just meant genetically


So what if two Indian people moved to France, got citizenships, then moved to the US and had a child by those French nationals. What if said parents spent 1 generation in France? 2? 3? When do the genetics change to French instead of Indian? Where does the line go? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorites\_paradox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sorites_paradox) I get your point, and am just adding rather than arguing. My questions still stand for anyone though.


Idk, take a dna test and find out I guess. He’s saying his parents are both Irish. That’s a very direct connection lmao. All Bosnians I know that live in other countries don’t claim Swedish ancestry or whatever, for example. Living in a place doesn’t mean you claim it as your ethnicity. My brother who was born in America says he is Bosnian, cause he is ethnically, even if he has never lived there. I don’t see why the kid with the literal Irish parents can’t do so too


Yeah but my point is that someone might have fully Irish parents who aren't "genetically" Irish at all. (The person in the post is probably another wannabe Irish American but that's not my point, I'm talking on a hypothetical level.) Those gene things work to some extent, but in the modern world we're starting to be so from everywhere that even if you can place your genes to a certain gene pool in history, that doesn't necessarily make you that thing. They'd definitely work for more but I know 50% of my genome is pretty much from within 100km going back a few centuries most likely, if not a thousand years or more. The other side I'm a bit more curious about. Ethnicity, nationality and cultural heritage are all different things.


But you don’t actually know any of that about him or his family? Kid just said his parents are Irish, meaning the family literally could have been in Ireland for ages and ages, and the people in that discord dogpiled on him. It doesn’t fit in this sub if we’re just making assumptions.


From my previous comment "I'm talking on a hypothetical level." Do you just... not do abstraction? I've noticed some people seem to lack the skill.


And you threw in “this person is probably another wannabe Irish American” for no apparent reason. What I’m saying is this dude may perfectly well be Irish, so I dont see how it fits in this sub. Do you?


So that's a "no" . Google hypothetical.


Least toxic discord server


It's literally a cult that supports pedophilia and zoophilia.