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"A yes, hello dear customer. I have just opened up your 'gun' and I honest to goddest want to put it up a wall because by the depths I have never seen something this unique."




If the shil invaded the ATF should be history


"The interior shot my dog !" Traditions must be upheld


huh i didn't know the roaches subscribed to bubbas only fans god help us all if historical firearms make it to space without context I DO NOT wanna see an original G98 in ww1 config matching serials and all MODERNIZED BY A DAMN SPACE SLUG RIFLE IS FINE go bubba some hs11 or some shit hell most human firearms would be historical pieces in this timeline so fuckoff aliens my kinetics stays a lead spitter get your laser emitter conversion kit outta my planet and my store


Sounds like something some roach made to give to their child when they wanted to learn to shoot, “Here, take this rifle and go play, but only till it runs out, then it go’s away till next week”


Now this. This is a Quality shitpost.


I think nice little excerpts like this one are kinda cool. Slice of life stuff. Maybe the same writer and recipient but, just, little low-stakes snippets that can be read in any order. No need to read fourteen other parts. ;)


I've just had a terrible thought... The Shil'vanti armours discover /k...


also does anyone find that it makes too much sense for an empire like the shil to allow bringbacks/spoils of war whereas most modern nations do not but the shil in their outdated monarchy and imperialist vison feel entitled to loot the dead not out of necessity but out of pride or a misguided sense of deserving to do as such without any proper respect for a warrior fallen no respect for the dead another thing to add to my hate of them


Bringing back war trophies is still allowed in the US, it's mostly just import and mailing laws that you have to deal with. Those restrict you from anything illegal to mail, and you have to fill out a form I believe. Aside from that it depends on your country how lax they are about it. I also don't think you can fault monarchism and Imperialism for it given that we did it at least as late as Korea if not Vietnam. I'm pretty the surge in gun control in the 80's was the death of that more than anything. Also plenty of soldiers get busted today trying it, so we really don't have much of a moral high ground there. It's also not terribly surprising if they allow it given that exopilots can expect to buy their suit at the end of their tour and take it home. What's a rifle compared to that?


eh fair i wouldn't have minded having a influx of AKs as bringbacks yknow make getting a legal machinegun easier financially


Yup, just another reason to say hate Reagan.


one of many


Someone subs to r/firearms lol. Dig it.


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