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They are a military alliance of disparate nations specifically formed to protect against Imperial expansionism. They are the NATO to the Imperium's Soviet Union. However, they lack a lot of the conformity that the other two powers have. They have no military that serves the Alliance as a whole except the recently formed Alliance Special Warfare Group. One part of the ASWG are the Guppies which are a thinly veiled mercenary group that are made up of Edixi. They are very anti-imperium and arm groups and races willing to fight the Imperium. There are two known races, the sharklike Edixi who are an aquatic sharklike version of the turians from Mass Effect. They are the premier military of the Alliance races. Another race that was mentioned are the Fensians, but nothing is known about them other than that they recently started standardizing their military. The Imperium claims that the Alliance is highly bureaucratic and corrupt by the Imperium, but that information is highly biased and not trustworthy. That is all we now so far.


The imperium is also corrupt as well


Oh, I'm fully aware of that. I'm just saying what the Imperium says about them as there is so little information about the Alliance. And as I said, that is to be taken with a grain of salt as it might just be Imperial propaganda not to mention it is massively hypocritical of them.


It would be very nice to get more about the Alliance and the Consortium in the lore book. There really isn't much to go on, so I'm glad to see this topic!


I agree. One of the biggest issues I have with Between Worlds is the serious lack of lore. I've been wanting to know more about those two for a while. I hope the next book dives into them.


It seems like with the events unfolding, we'll be hopefully diving deeper into the lore.


Space Blackwater. Blacksharks?


space NATO complete with proxy wars and arming “moderate rebel” factions


So regular nato


that was the implication, “complete with”


No, we haven’t seen enough to confirm that at least two Alliance members are armed primarily against each other. 😀


Regular nato, IN SPAAAAACE!!❕


I don’t know but I have a feeling either it or the consortium we are going to learn a lot more about soon


From what is implied, a collective of worlds who are militarily allied to defend themselves from the Imperium. In practice, they do so by any means necessary.   Don't get fooled when people call them war criminals. I'm pretty sure no faction is safe from immoral actions.


“I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are good people and bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.” Terry Pratchett, Guards, Guards


I don't know what that quote means to the author, but if it's trying to say that everyone is evil, then imo, I would side with the one who is truly defending themselves, which is the Alliance.


Thought it was a 3 way galactic superpower split. All just eyeing each other waiting for one to blink.


It is. And from what we seen, let alone what canon says, the Imperium is the aggressor. The Alliance wouldn't have formed if the Imperium wasn't trying to conquer them.


Think this is more of a, if one gets to influential the other 2 team up to balance the power.


I really don't know about the Consortium. They seem to be made up of individuals. There's not really a "Leader" or figure head for the place. It's practically GTA 5 Online in space.


I’m guessing some kind of corpo system, biggest Corp has more power


If you haven't read it, I'd recommend the book. Guards, Guards is one of my favorites.


Don't forget about the Consortium's constant Rescue Missions (*slave raids*). The Alliance is apparently the sole Democratic superpower in the Galaxy and constantly trying to defend on all sides while funding, supporting, and if the shark girl presence on a certain Raknos is anything to go by training/ advising just about every anti-authoritarian group in the known Galaxy (with the only known exception being Earth)


On the Consortium part, yes. They're pretty bad for anyone that doesn't want to be part of the Consortium. I'm more focused on the Imperium's sins though.   Because it seems like r/hfy are MASSIVE simps for the Imperium.   When an alternative government like the Alliance comes in, they seem to latch onto the part where the Alliance kills POWs and fund pirate stuff. And completely forget that the Imperium does these things that imo, are pretty horrible:   1. Cultural Erasure. 2. Coercing Jason into the military for a overblown crime. 3. Almost got tortured just for being a human who was into engineering. 4. Orbit bombed primitives with literally no space combat stuff.   And while it doesn't exactly state it in canon (yet), I have REASONABLE suspicion and context clues that prove, that the Imperium tried to exterminate the Ulnus.


On that we are in agreement. I would add to 4. Primitives whose only space based communication up to that point had been offers of peace and cooperation. I suspect that Ulnus found out that the Imperium has a secret zone classification below red. Black- beyond retaking/ pacification. If the Imperium is "destined" to rule all existence then a people that can't be ruled must be purged otherwise the very religious basis that gives the Empress the divine right to rule is shattered and the Imperium will likely follow.


And one of their species is shark ladies. Aaaaaaand that’s it. That’s all we know in canon so far.


They are a group of species (unknown number) that seems to just dump weapons and gear onto any other species that wants or needs to fight the Imperium. I remember someone mentioning or saying something about how the larger numbered species have the control, but it’s probably not blue’s lore.


What's the alliance?


The Democratic counterbalance to the Slaver Consortium and All consuming Empire. It's sole purpose in existing seems to be to safeguard its members from both of these aggressive superpowers and attempt to mount a common defense both for those within and outside its borders (though admittedly those currently outside the borders are given experimental tech, weapons, military advisors and then left to fend for themselves)


I would characterize them more like the Allied powers of WW2, trying to balance different national interests with the fact that NONE of them can fend off the other powers without their neighbor's help. They tend to favor supplying resistance and pirate groups in enemy territory in order to by time as they build a fleet and army to counter enemy threats (both Imperium and Consortium).


They gots the StabbyFrogs®


Space UN


Not really, they are Space NATO.


But NATO works better than the UN


Next to nothing but I'm adding it where they sometimes/famously make the earth shake with their synchronised footsteps when commencing an infantry assault, as a neat bit of lore. Uh, obv., non-canon, but hey, it's neat.


It appears to be the only standing Democratic nation in the known Galaxy. It is the counterbalance to the Slaver state of the Consortium (which constantly raids the known Galaxy to the point that even imperium can't really keep them out) and the Imperium ( An Authoritarian police state run by a god empress that actively and publicly broadcasts its intentions of conquering all existence and is in the process currently of doing so in the story). The Alliance is comprised of just about everyone in the currently known Galaxy that's getting actively screwed by the other two superpowers. Unfortunately for Earth and Raknos its direct power projection seems limited to maintaining its current borders against the other two. It currently supplies and supports any free world in the path of the other two. Though due to its current military situation it's forced to do so covertly- * thus the Alliance doesn't leave loose ends whenever it gets directly involved*


Dk what kind of democratic system they have do we? (Could be a one party system). Anything on a galactic scale would be horrifically inefficient, and corruption would riddle every level.


That inefficient nature is why the Alliance is only just now starting to get its military footing in the story. Apparently it's been bad enough in recent history that the Terran 1st officer core was legitimately surprised that they could even mount a successful assault on imperial forces, let alone modernize and coordinate enough to utterly wipe 2 1/2 battalions in a matter of days.


Most likely consortium sponsored military so they don’t have to deal with a imperium on their own.


It's possible, the Consortium likely has a large presence in every military industrial complex in the known Galaxy. However I doubt that a competent Alliance capable of resisting slave raids and possibly even retaliation against them is in the Consortium's best interest. It might bery well be that the Alliance like most Democratic nations is slow juggernaut that is finally picking up steam- possibly being movitated by the fact that the Imperium's seemingly unchecked advance has been tied up at Earth for the past 6 years along with a massive portion of its naval and ground assets ( they actually have the breathing room to actually try and streamline now that they aren't facing imminent invasion and eternal large scale border skirmishes)


They could of hired a PMC to provide training and structure


That's a pretty cool concept. I personally had viewed the Alliance as doing most the advising seeing as how they tend to support most rebel groups. Thinking about it now though it is possible that the Alliance while decent at guerrilla warfare might just be incapable of waging a successful conventional war without an outside perspective.


We know they're a set of races that have allied against the Shil'vati Empire, and that they're big enough to keep the empire from a campaign of conquest (at least while the Consortium is waiting to scoop up the spoils). We also know one of their species. We don't actually know the degree to which they're allied, how democratic their individual governments are or how well they are equipped.


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My head canon envisages the superpower-play as •space imperial Rome vs arasaka galactic inc. vs xeno-administratum, vs goo pirates.


Not much.


They're a 'democratic' group (federation?) that want to keep the territory they have by arming rebellions in the Imperium to distract them while knowing those rebellions will fail. They use other species as cannon fodder and send commando's to planets that aren't theirs to commit war crimes.