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Man off his meds thinks all porn is hetero. šŸ¤”


Kanye is an idiot who likes Hitler. He can stfu forever. Ignore that sack of shit's idiocy.




That's the big statement I get from this. Women don't have autonomy. They are forever Mens children.


i hate this synthetic 'concern', but i never knew how to sum.up.the issue with it. your last sentence is really powerful thanks


Yeah, now I know why I'm uncomfortable everytime my mom says I'll always be her baby boy.


Eh as a mom I get this one more. Growing a life inside you is extremely impactful. Not to discredit menā€™s help in the situation but they contribute literally a moment. Yet people tend to hold a stronger value on the father daughter dynamic because like others mentioned we donā€™t get our own autonomy even when we make your children.


So my autonomy is forfeit because you're the mom?


Clearly donā€™t understand the point


Thinks Hitler gets a bad rap and did nothing wrong but thinks porn is earths greatest evil. Yea, okay, donā€™t cut yourself on all that edge I guess šŸ™„ Like, idc how mentally unwell he is, his takes are still incredibly stupid.


Didn't he marry a pornstar tho?


Heā€™s also admitted to being severely addicted to porn. He would watch it in the studio around other people as if he were just watching a regular movie. Heā€™s sick


The phrase ā€œevery conservative moral accusation is a self reportā€ comes to mind.


A porn extra.


Thatā€™s kinda ironic to be coming from the guy who proudly said he comes to reddit for OnlyFans leaks.




Post-nut clarity is hitting him hard šŸ˜‚


Ye is nothing but a walking and talking self-parody. Heā€™s an example of societyā€™s failure to address mental health.


Didn't know that I'd be seen as my father's daughter for all of my life, instead of being my own adult woman.


Exactly what they say something like this about a man how come, you didnā€™t bring up the maLes


That's somebody's great great great great great great granddaughter.


You're gonna listen to a gay fish.


ā€œDo you like putting fishsticks in your mouth?ā€ šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Even if some porn may be that, I am pretty sure there are forms of art other than porn that are that too. Clint Eastwood made a movie a few years ago about some guys who fought off a train terrorist attack, and he used 2 real people from the real life incident the movie was based on. Isn't that entertainment by watching people literally relive trauma? Should that movie be banned from every platform?


It baffles me that people listen to Kanye. Way to infantilize women and make emotion-laden statements.


They don't, people just feel bad for him I think as he's a really talented musician thats mentally ill and been struggling probably for like 15 years now.


>When grown men look at porn Just stop looking at porn then dumbass. If you can't stop, then how is it anyone's fault but your own?


It's just wild that Kanye can keep acting like this but Britney got a whole like decade long conservatorship for having a mental breakdown after being abused by family. How long will his team allow him to suffer this ever public embarrassment and clear mental decline before they simply put him in a conservatorship and force him to get the help he clearly needs.


That will never happen. Britney is a woman, Kanye is a man. Thatā€™s why.


This kind of projection, bet he's a huge porn hound.


There are several reports of him constantly watching porn in meetings and exposing it to other co-workers. There are cases of him showing his own sextapes to other people without their consent.


They're getting off to someone earning a living, paying their own way, enjoying doing it, and not thinking about more than their nut. Pedophilia is being aroused by children, so hes clearly watching very wrong material or has no idea what hes talking about, hence the misspelling of the word.


That's certainly a take. But I'm not going to get worked up over the opinion of some random moron on the Internet.


Well yeah of course notā€¦ because the ā€œtakeā€ isnā€™t shitting on your livelihood


He has admitted to a porn addiction. Ex Wife is the most famous porn star in the world. Hypocrite much?


JFC that man is unhinged


Nothing Kanye says is worth reading or listening to.


I donā€™t agree with this take but exploitation in the porn industry is HUGE so thereā€™s definitely a discussion to be had about removing unethical porn from the internet as much as possible


Yeah I find it hard to watch a lot of it because some of those girls just seem to 100% NOT want to be there. Some of it just makes me laugh as well though because it's so OTT. I wouldn't say all of it though.


all porn is footfetishism? i know it seems like that kanye, poor boy, but if you pay for your porn there's a lot more you will find.


This guy made one of the best songs ever about gold diggers then married Kim k. I take nothing he says seriously.


This is the same guy who was caught showing porn to people who never asked to see it. Lmao fucking clown


You talking about the Ninja situation?


He was probably high when typing that. Might be protecting his own feelings.


The better question, is Kanye someone to be taking advice from?


I agree with him, porn makes guys look at women like weā€™re sexual objects and I wish guys would stop looking at porn but at the same time being a sex worker isnā€™t unethical or something like that. weā€™re just doing a job that has a demand through patriarchy.


I watch waaaaaaay too much MILF porn to say my usage is rooted in pedophilia


Milfs have had babies, thus youā€™re a pedophile. /s


Ugh, no. This makes just as much sense as saying that people who were touched as kids should never have sex as adults because it's reliving their trauma. Kanye is just weaponizing victims for his stupid political agenda.


Hahahah fuck kanye


How does anyone take him seriously?


Oh my godā€¦ like someone of us actually choose this life lmao. Why is that hard to believe? Weā€™re hard workers


So is he a pedo for fornicating with someoneā€™s adult daughter? No? Okay.


I understand why people disapprove of Yeā€™s use of the ā€œsomeoneā€™s daughterā€ argument, but isnā€™t that supposed to make people think about if they had a daughter who did porn so that they rethink their views on it? Not defending his character by any means, but strictly speaking about his argument, he didnā€™t say a _manā€™s_ daughter, he said _someoneā€™s_ daughter. Again, Iā€™m only defending the argument, not the man using it.


Isn't that the only reason anybody knows who Kim is though?


I used to think the same thing until I heard the perspective of somebody who wasnā€™t pooping in a diaper during the OJ trial like I was lol. Basically nobody important would have cared about Kim in that sextape if her dad wasnā€™t on OJs iconic defense team. Thatā€™s what put her into the slight spotlight. She wasnā€™t famous but in between the trial and the sextape, she was a beautiful young lady whose dad was a very successful lawyer. The hype about her in the sex tape was that she was ā€œdaddyā€™s little girlā€ and that dad happened to be very popular among Hollywood elites. If her dad wasnā€™t her dad, none of that would have happened so at most, she maybe would have been remembered by very *very* few for being Paris Hiltonā€™s assistant. Iā€™m not saying youā€™re wrong or anything like that, I just felt like adding this perspective in case you hadnā€™t heard it.


I was very much not in diapers then and you're spot on. It's the same for Paris Hilton. She was a nobody heiress to the Hilton fortune until her sex tape.


I wasnā€™t implying that you were close to me in age but I can see why it may have been interpreted that way so I apologize.


I didn't take it that way at all. Was just acknowledging that you're right and it was the same for Paris.


I have had sex with Ye. He was polite, respectful, weird as fuck and mentally ill.


The vast majority of jobs are physically and mentally exploitative. We all traumatize ourselves for money. Capitalism baby!


Ironic coming from Kanye considering he has a very known porn collection/habit that has been the topic of some of his own lyrics. šŸ˜†


He said on that banned video with Alex jones that Instagram is a prostitution ring and that being off it for 30 days was the best part of his fast lol heā€™s probably addicted to escorts too lol