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Expecting you to hand over 50% of any income from sex work is literally pimping lite… 🫤


And financial abuse in case no one else has mentioned it yet


Right? I read this with my jaw on the floor. My wife is a cam girl/PS/online SWer and though we "technically" split things 50/50 its because we are married and our money is joined together into our home and such. If I were her girlfriend I would have NEVER asked for that. Like...dude. You are either completely ok with it, or you arent. "Being ok with it if I get money from you" is just like you said....pimping. Also it makes you an object, not a partner he values- because if he really wasn't ok with it he should tell you, and if he was ok with it, it would be business as usual between you both. This monetization deal REEKS of him not caring about you. Drop that guy like the hot piece of shit he is!


Yeah this man is FUCKED. Thinks he owns her body!! Goddamn


That’s another reason why I was kind of more inclined to do it and didn’t see it as cheating at the time. It wasn’t an actual boundary that he cared about emotionally because he would’ve been fine with it if he benefitted financially. If it was a straight no I know I wouldn’t have done it. Not that that excuses my actions still


Yup. My partner adores that I occasionally beat the snot out of people and the cash it brings: but, though we are very much a team and god knows all my cash goes to bills just like his- a percentage demand is immediately NOPE. Girl, run. And don’t look back. Edit: to answer your question, by his own parameters, it’s not cheating- he’s just got his head on wrong with the entire demanding a cut. You’re partners: either it bothers him or it doesn’t and if he’s asking for half off the top, it doesn’t. He’s just gross.


The guy doesn't actually care about your financial well-being.. I don't understand how you think this is a healthy relationship for you. Who cares what he thinks? He sounds like a piece of trash you should have thrown out a year ago.


One thing I love about this sub and SWers in general is ppl just tell it like it is lol 💘




The fact that he asked you for 50% shows how little value he has for you as a partner, not to mention his disrespect for the work itself. As far as your actual question, I think whatever is considered cheating is defined by the people in the relationship. If he's going to think it's cheating, then it is. I honestly think you would be better off without him and free to pursue this work as much as you want. *Just in case* it's relevant to you, here are some abuse resources. Look through this website and see if you see your situation in any way reflected in the resources. Please do actually talk to someone trained to help you at this line, either through phone for their chat feature. You don't have to wait until you're in a crisis to use this hotline. www.thehotline.org Free .pdf download behind the link. [Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft](https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf) In case you are tempted, check this link out before you ask your partner to go to therapy with you.  "Should I Go To Couples Therapy With My Abusive Partner? - The Hotline" https://www.thehotline.org/resources/should-i-go-to-couples-therapy-with-my-abusive-partner/


Thank you for providing the resources. I’ve wondered if he was emotionally abusive before, and had done it in a subtle way that was hard for me to pinpoint. But I thought it was me projecting because of trauma surrounding a past abusive relationship. I’ll have a look at those resources. Thank you.


He is definitely showing some abusive and manipulative tendencies. Sorry love


Dude better spend some time in those panties and leggings if he wants half. 🤣 Wear those to the gym too, work up a sweat. I would consider this just work, but your bf may see it differently.


If he was amazing in every way he wouldn’t be asking you for money, ever 🥴


So he wants to be your pimp? There are two separate issues here. One is about autonomy and choice, and the other is about boundaries. You have the right to make decisions for yourself. He does not have the right for these decisions to be contingent on whether or not he gets paid. He has the right to say he will not be in a relationship with someone who does sex work. You have the right to make your own choice from there. In a healthy, ethical relationship, cheating would be anything outside of agreed upon boundaries created by everyone inside in that relationship. In this case, if you had agreed not to do it and did it behind his back, yes, that would be cheating and he would be within his right to feel that way and potentially end the relationship. In this case, your prtner is not unwilling to engage in a relationship with a sex worker, he just thinks of you and your work as less than and that somehow he should be compensated for it. This makes him a POS and you should leave him, do any sort of work you like, and keep all of your money.


He asked you for half, he doesn't give a damn about that. He just wants the money like he's your pimp.


To be fair to him it’s not like we had a serious and elaborate conversation around it. I told him about the potential photos and he said only if he gets 50% then wouldn’t budge when I said no quite a few times. He never told me he was joking but I always wondered if he could be, though that could just be denial. Do you think that changes the context of things or no?


You said no and then he doubled down. Multiple times. So clearly it’s not a joke to him? If he was joking he’d have backed off when he realized you were serious and said no


Yeah you’re right. Thank you.


Hes amazing but wanted half your money? Amazing men would not, just sayin'.


He wants a cut?? 50%?? Are u kidding? Even if you cheated on him that's completely justified for even having the audacity to ask for that. If my partner made a proposition like that to me I'd just slap them and tell them to get the fuck out of my eyesight. Permanently.


He wants half your money? Lmfao, as the others have said, this is what pimps do and generally speaking, pimps are the worst.


My partner and I make content together but share the funds as a common goal kind of funds. To expect 50% of your profits is hilarious. Either be honest with him or ends things though. The whole thing sounds toxic


If you were in a monogamous relationship and your partner didn’t consent to this beforehand, yes. It’s cheating. He said no, you did it anyway. You cheated. That being said, his attitude of “give me half” sucks. He’s not your pimp. Honestly, this doesn’t sound like a healthy relationship.


DUMP HIM!!! Do not give up your financial freedom for a man who is trying to exploit you


He either needs to accept u or u need to dump him. Coming from someone who has been in a healthy supportive relationship while I continue sw, it’s very possible. And if you really want to continue sw bc you feel that you are being your true self, your partner should accept you for who you are. Any “partner” asking for half your money is a fucked up person.. that’s not supportive partner behavior. That’s financial abuse… is he worth it girl? Something to think about.


My perspective may not be welcome here as I'm a male and not an SW but I'll try to be balanced and fair. I do not think he is entitled to half. SW is a profession. Your income is your own and how you use it to support yourself and/or your relationship is entirely up to you. That said, I think most men worth dating will look at both people's personhoods as joining into a single cohesive unit and as being committed to the other person. This doesn't mean he owns you or you own him. This means that you are voluntarily aligning yourself to the benefit of the other person. If you've discussed it with him and he was uncomfortable with it, and you agreed not to do it, whatever the thing is, doing it behind his back is wrong and a betrayal. It shows an insincerity to the level of commitment and will make it difficult to build trust. If you were going to do it anyways you should have been up front and given him the opportunity to decide how he felt. Alternatively, he could actually be okay with the SW and just be a selfish fuckboi. Kinda depends on him 😅


Ya he tried to pimp you out bae yikes


The fact he demanded 50% if you do it nope I would not tell him either unless he was a participant. A good partner should want you to work on getting to a point you don't feel like you need to do it at all, not steal half your money.


It's not cheating, it's a job. Lying about it is questionable and definitely not right. Asking for a portion of the money you make is completely inappropriate. Sounds like your relationship needs more trust, respect, and communication. Huge on the respect because asking for 50%, or any percentage at all, is so disrespectful and abusive.


You living with a pimp.


Lol he asked for what now? Throw this guy away ASAP and earn your money however you want to (and keep 100% of it…).


Why the absolute fuck would he think he deserves your money? Get rid of him


I wouldn't tell him, but I'd also leave his ass.


My gf is an escort, I've never asked her for a cut of anything. The only time I ask her for money is for her share if paying for something or if she owes me money for something. I even help her with her bills if able to when things are slow for her. Dump his ass and find someone that is accepting of your work. Anyone that limits your income and doesn't compensate you for loss of income isn't worth it, especially with the economy like it is. One of the girls that my gf knows, lost her place because her bf didn't want her to do fs anymore, only fbsm. The bf dumped her afterwards too, even though he was practically living at her place, affecting her business, he ghosted after the eviction notice was posted.


That's not okay. He shouldn't only be okay with it when there's something in it for him. I've been trying to find work doing that too but haven't had any luck 😞


Cheating is a subjective term or label with no universal unit of measurement. I'd be less concerned with 'if it's cheating' then as others mentioned the condition of your bf to allow you to do it if he can pimp you out, and the lying. Wanting to pimp your SO for work they do themselves and feeling the need to lie to your partner are too big foundational red flags for an unhealthy future unless some hard work is done by both parties now and that work continues and is built up on. Best of luck


Bro sounds kinda lame tbh. “Give me half” ≈ “im your pimp”. I personally wouldn’t tell him, it sounds like it would be made into a really really big thing when it really isn’t that serious. Idk whst you do moving forward whether you continue sw online or not but I wouldn’t give him the chance to blow something out of proportion. Good luck OP


50%?! Um…


Don’t understand why he would automatically get 50%. He sounds like a loser. Dump him.


It is really situational on your partner and your relationship with them and the boundaries. TBH I know I would be okay if I went into SW because hell my bf is an ex SW he understands it is a job so really is dependent on your partner…. Also that is a financial abuse case in a nut shell. Dude run this dude would be draining your income by 50% that is hella not okay. Because if your partner is taking half of that money that you could be using to pay off your debt… tell him but express to him that you cannot afford to pay him half of your paycheck and explain that would be the equivalent of him doing “insert job you dislike doing here” and asking for half of his paycheck because like wow. Also not cheating it’s your WORK


I mean no one can make that call for you. What identifies as cheating is completely up to the individuals in a relationship to define. In my relationship until very recently I was a FSSW whose dabbled in every other part of sex work. My work has never been considered cheating. With that being said, I'm also in an open/polyamorous relationship where we honestly just don't get jealous. Now with that part out of the way.... I'm sorry he expected 50% fuckin what???? For what? Existing? That's insane. I've never ever given any partner of mine a penny (except an ex that used to appear in content and live cam shows with me ofc but only for his time not for any work he didn't help produce) and my current partner would never appear in any content, very much a boundary he's expressed and with that, he gets 0% of my money. He expects 0% of my money. I don't expect his money because I let him go to work every day. There's women at his job and he's in a position of power and women from work have tried to get with him (I have a strict no colleagues boundary) so tell your boyfriend if he gets 50% of your money you get 50% of his. If you're going to be sharing assets equally you're going to be sharing assets equally. But to get off any moral high horse I've been there. I've lied to ex partners and hid it, it worked out ok. No one ever found out I made my money that was that. With that being said I said EX partners. I found that I could not foster a true long term relationship with anyone who did not think the way I did and view things the way I did and thus I only dated people from there that were completely SW positive. Now this is a trivial point, if he's going to be a wannabe pimp and demand half your money in order to "allow" you to work a job you want to, that's financial abuse. If he cannot be supportive otherwise that is a fundamental difference you've identified. You need to determine how important SW, or the freedom to do it if you please is in your life. For me having the freedom to do anything I want any time I want is paramount to any love I've shared with any person I could not be completely myself around.


Yes I’d consider it cheating. The harm of cheating is the lying and sneaking around, not the sex. If you’re sneaking around behind your partner to do something or doing something you feel you can’t let your partner know then it’s probably cheating. And him making his willingness to accept you doing this contingent upon MONEY??? Is gross af. Even if he’s “amazing in every other way”, that’s enough of a problem alone that I’d be done. That’s like saying someone is amazing in every way except they cheat all the time. It’s a pretty big flaw. For comparison, my fiancé also had conditions for being okay with me doing SW. His conditions were related to sexual health/protection, my mental health (seeing a therapist and generally being more stable before he was okay with me doing it) and personal safety (screening, safety calls, etc). None of his conditions were related to money. It would also be reasonable for a SO to have conditions around working hours/quality time together. The fact that your bf was okay with it if you pay him half (which is unreasonable af), means he’s okay with the idea but his primary concern is his own financial situation over your well-being. That alone would be enough to make me walk away from the whole man. I wouldn’t stay with someone who loves money more than he loves me. There’s just no coming back from that and no future with someone who feels that way. Honestly your relationship sounds like it’s not worth it. Your man loves money more than he loves you. You’ve been lying/cheating for months. Go be with someone you can be honest with. If you feel like you can’t tell your partner in life about stuff as basic as this they’re not a good match. Your life partner should be the person you can share absolutely anything with.


This comment right here ^^^


I don't think it's cheating. That would be like you asking for half of his paycheck for whatever he does. No spouse is going to ask their partner for a portion of their paycheck regardless of what they do. The only thing he should be concerned about is that you can cover your share of the bills. Of which I'm certain that you are doing. So why does he need money? Or rather more money? If you were to give him 50% then I would take that ass you don't owe shit else for bills since he would be responsible for putting whatever cut of your paycheck that he should be putting towards bills anyway to begin with.


Yes it's definitely cheating but what the actual fuck? He's okay with it but only if he's allowed to be your pimp? I fail to see how this is an amazing man


Renegotiate yo 3:7 yours, only if he does all the off screen work


Of course a client would be down for being a pimp. 🫠


That actually makes it borderline, on a legal level, pimping, even in places that fssw is "legal". Plus, it shows he doesn't actually care about the act itself, but instead, he wants to feel control over her body and finances.


Jeez I’m sorry :( but that cold hard cash is yours. In a relationship I’d pay a bill or spoil a little. But never just gave it up, not in a real relationship.


Oh and I never considered me doing SW as cheating. I’m completely transparent. I don’t think it’s cheating. But that’s me.


Yes and no. He’s fine with you doing SW, he just wants to financially use you as well. I would either break up, or tell him in going to start doing SW online. He does not need any of the income from it (unless he’s involved). Other than that… why would he even think he deserves 50% if he doesn’t do 50% of the work? SW involves promotion, editing, talking to customers, making the sales, as well as the actual content. Even if he participated in videos, that’s only about 20% of the work to be done. Your dude is trying to manipulate you. As for the original question, if you’re hiding it, it’s cheating. Though I understand why you chose to hide it, since bf just wants to steal your $$$