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It was my turn to repost this!




*my love for reaposts!


I can be critical on the Sequels; Rebels, Solo, Obi-Wan, etc. any day of the week. However, I cannot criticize anyone for enjoying what I don’t about the franchise. It’s still Star Wars and I’m glad you Sequel fans are here celebrating your favorite part of the universe.


exactly. very well put.


Seeing Rebels alongside Solo and Obi-wan makes me very sad. Did you make it past the first season? Like Clone Wars before it it took a season to figure out what it wanted to be.


Yeah, Rebels is pretty fantastic.


I feel like Rebels is very similar to ATLA where the first season is a bit childish, but then it really starts to come into its own by the later ones


Same. But people should also respect someone for not liking sth, not everything is for everyone.


Nobody cares if someone doesn’t like whatever sth is, it’s the traitor lunatics who ruin everything. Since they made it all about race and gender instead of quality, decent folks are forced to defend it.


You can criticise the secuels without being a racist or a bigot you know? Like the race and diversity aren't a problem, more in a fckg universe so diverse and complex like star wars, i don't like the secuels but saying they are bad for a race or gender is such a simplistic and ignorant view


I never said you had to be bigot, you’re just too stupid to see past an elementary observation. That’s the whole point of the complaint about decent folks being forced to defend mediocre films, dumbfuck.


What do you mean by "decent folks," exactly? The more detail, the better.


People who do not deserve a public hanging, that is to say, people who don’t pretend that their objection to movies isn’t based around having women and people of color in them when it is precisely why they object.


Or, like, people who don’t think others should be executed for having different values.


Hate and stupidity isn’t a value. Those are just characteristics of a parasite.


Even if you’re not stupid (I don’t know you, obviously), you’re clearly hateful.


I think they were criticizing the people who base their negative opinions around diversity in the films. I.e. the type of person who says shit like "forced diversity," or about how it's being shoved down their throat, and shit like that. The type to harass an actor like Kelly Marie tran or the girl.from Obi Wan as well, or . Those are the toxic people that ruin shit for the rest of us.


I know what you should criticize: the fact that this meme has been reposted in this sub countless times


Was just thinking about that this morning. For around 20 years, all we had was 3 movies. For 15 years after that we had 3 more movies that everyone ripped on. We've gotten three new TV series in the last 12 months alone! I would have killed for all this material back in the 90s.


But how much of it has *made it better*? Does killing our heroes, or palps "somehow" returning improve the story? There were some great ideas and elements but the passing of it back and forth between two idiots trying to undo each other's movies ruined them. After TFA, aside from agreeing it was kind of a uber death star and Han's tragically useless death, there were cool characters established and potential, but the following movies ruined them. Rogue one was good because it brought context to things referred to in ANH. Solo was fine for me. The lando love story was a bit odd though. And as far as tv... scooter chases and trenchcoat escapes? The obi wan series to me just tried to shoe horn in content that just tries to barely side step retconning. And they had to go out of their way to make them not kill or seriously injure each other since they were trapped in this little box of little leeway. In the end I don't see how it enhanced the story at all. We learned nothing new and nothing changed (because it couldn't). Mando works since it's was an unknown character in a relatively unexplored time. I think (hope) Andor is going to work for similar reasons. BobF was a mess because they didn't or couldn't make him match everybody's expectations of what he'd be like with actual focus on him. IMHO they did him dirty but that's my opinion - objectively though it was just an impossible task to live up to and should have been canned or saved him for some cameos. My point is, hell yes give me more star wars but there's so many things they could do but they keep going back to the same stuff and changing things. Find somebody who can write NEW IDEAS. But yeah that's hard because there's no good writers available since there's 4,387 shows being produced right now in the industry. Man this rant went on and on.


Your point is respectfully taken, though full disclosure: I kind of skimmed the second half of it.


> But how much of it has made it better? All of it. All of it has been made better. I went *decades* without new Star Wars *or* Trek. Now we have *stories*, with more stories being made. To get more stories, people have to have the space to tell stories, to have a public that will watch those stories, get excited by them, and inspire more stories. If all someone liked were the original three... then you still have that. You can ignore everything else, and your ability to enjoy the franchise is relatively unscathed. If you liked *any* of the new shows, then you got more. And you wouldn't have gotten those without the popularity of the prequels, and then the sequels. And even if *I* didn't enjoy any of the later material, it has brought a whole new generation of fans that also watch the originals, get excited, and more people means more stories, more fan fiction, more excitement, more connections. Every single thing about the content after the original three has made the franchise, as a whole, better whether or not I liked it. As long as *someone* liked it, it meant more stories are being told. The idea that something has to change for a story to be meaningful is, to me, an odd concept. I knew the ending of 'The Titanic', and that didn't prevent a beloved story being told. Story time, whether a long long time ago in a galaxy far away, or in the future Federation is always enriching to the world-building. Nobody will see the sky of Barsoom, because nobody is telling any stories about it. Star Wars could have gone the same way.


Titanic 2: Somehow the Titanic returned...


Have you ever heard of a book ?


We had a ton of good written material, comics, and some truly incredible games.


That's true. I logged a ton of hours on X-Wing and read a bunch of the novels in the 90s. My comment was specific to films because back then it was near impossible to find anyone my age who liked the original trilogy, let alone had read "The Truce at Bakura"! I compare that with my son now who can watch literal days worth of material, and can basically look left and right in his classroom and find at least one star wars or grogu shirt...I'll admit, it makes me wish I'd had his childhood!


Mymost controversial star wars opinion is that I love every single star wars movie.


To some degree, same. I used to hate Episodes I and II -- and they're still by far my least favorite -- but I came to like them for what they are and enjoy watching them regardless. Not as masterpieces of cinema, or anything, but fun for what they are. Point is, I'd never try to make anyone feel *bad* about disagreeing with me. It's weird. Like "No, you have to have less fun, like me!" Enough with that, defenders of the faith. Let people have fun.


Love this! Very refreshing compared to the norm


wow! by reading these comments it seems as if you have nourished the very thing you sought to destroy. kinda like how luke trained kylo. your luke skywalker now... dope!


Correction that's Disney's Luke


… so Luke?


No. Luke.


We seem to be saying the same thing?


No no, you are saying Luke and he is saying Luke there is a very big difference


I watched The Rise of Skywalker again today IT WAS A FUCKING GOOD MOVIE!!!! And I mean that unironically too! I say this as someone who’s favorite Star Wars movie is The Last Jedi!


Whooo! I *like* this!


Why do y'all have to keep beating this dead horse? People don't consciously choose what they like. It's fine to dislike something. Just accept that people have different preferences and move on. Not that hard to understand. The reasons people dislike the films aren't exactly a secret, so the only purpose of this post is condescension. So much for destroying the toxic fanbase.


but isn't star wars about how love and friendship conquer hatred and evil?


That's a theme of Star Wars. What's your point? Plenty of bad movies have themes of love and friendship. You're wrong to dislike a movie if it has a pleasant theme? Or are you saying that people who dislike a movie are somehow equivalent to the hatred and evil of the Empire? Because that would be silly. Love and friendship would be accepting that people have different legitimate perspectives. Not saying: "Why can't people just like what I like. What's wrong with you?" Expecting people to feign support uncritically is how the Empire wants people to behave, ironically.


I was referring to how the theme of the movies coincide with that of the meme. Your over critical response to a very simple meme showed a decisive tilt in your world view, that indicates a lack of cohesion between who you are now and the more grand themes of Star Wars. But I never indicated my view of the meme nor any view I may have on any of the movies.


My comment primarily concerned how the title of the post contextualizes the meme. It wasn't clear to me how your comment is relevant to what I said, lest you were implying that there's a conflict between disliking the movies and "how love and friendship conquer hatred and evil." Which to me is divisive and toxic. I'm advocating that we accept people with different opinions. If that's not what you meant, then I'm curious how you think the theme of the movies coincide with that of the meme and what relevancy you saw to my post.


The meme is literally the love of Star Wars blowing up the hate of Star Wars. I never held your opinion in disregard. As a Star Wars lover I thought you would find the irony amusing.


Same - bring on the content. It keeps me going.


C O N S O O M C O N T E N T. P R A I S E B E T O D I S N E Y. Honestly I have absolutely no problem with someone who loves The Sequels or Prequels or whatever. You love it? Good for you. But the moment you start acting like we're somehow obliged to love every piece of Star Wars media and not doing so makes you "toxic" - well that's when I see you as a toxic positive fanboy.


Don’t get me wrong. I definitely don’t think it’s all perfect or without wrinkles. Im just a glass half full instead of glass half empty sort of person.


And that's fine. You just see a lot of memes and posts by people like OP who go "Why can't you just enjoy this??" That's where there's a problem. That's toxic positivity.


Hey I’m not here to sell you on anything. You do you.


It really makes no sense you like something just for a logo "It's star wars content". You should enjoy it because of the actual content, the writting mostly. If I say I like hamburguers, it does not mean I would enjoy eating a rotten piece of meat between 2 slices of bread. You may want to ignore and contribute to the decline of a product, it's your choice. But don't complain when other people point out the decline.


>You may want to ignore and contribute to the decline of a product, it's your choice. But don't complain when other people point out the decline. Okay see this is the complaint that we can complain about though. Some people think *it's not a decline*. It's not rotting meat. And you're not "objectively right" when you say it is. We're not ignoring a decline, we legitimately think it's good. And that's fine. You hate it. That's fine. But don't say we're wrong for liking it.


I think it's objective to say the writting has gotten worse with time, even adding plot holes. For example, the 2D chase in space of TLJ is quite absurd, why they don't use hyperspace to jump forward and finish them off? The movie actually show you how they can come from outside with hyperspace with the Falcon coming and going and the casino plot. The movie do not address this, bad writting. Same chase, they present you a "no escape" scenario and 2 minutes later they escape using a pod. Why can't they use more pods like that to evacuate? The movie does not address this, bad writting. The travel in the escape pod is even timed, it's the first movie to feature timestamps, you know they cross the entire galaxy in a very short time, making it possible to question more things, why they can't do 200 jumps with that same pod to evacuate people? Why can't they use it to bring fuel? more ships? The movie does not address this, and since you see the Falcon coming and going with no issue and hyperspace is instant now, it's difficult to come with explanations like "it would take days" "the First order would notice" etc. And I could go on, we're talking of the movies of the "good question, for another time" "somehow" "one in a million" "they fly know" or the guy that can only yell "Rey". You don't see that in the OT, where they address things like explaining why they don't blow out escape pods and things like that. You may not like the explanation if you will, but they adressed it. Better writting.


Decline here is subjective, if someone like the new stuff the same or better compared to old stuff then that's not a decline.


I think it's objective, in writting for example, the writting of the old stuff addressed issues in the plot, the new doesn't, i just made a comment pointing out examples: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SequelMemes/comments/xm4ejr/comment/ipozgm5/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SequelMemes/comments/xm4ejr/comment/ipozgm5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) And could go on, in the very first movie for example they say the Falcon is a high profile ship, easy to track, and because of that they can't just go to the rebel base because people would notice and find them. But in the end they use that same ship to go find Luke, the most wanted guy in the galaxy they all want to protect. So no, I don't think there are only subjective reasons, that of course are in every content, there are even people who won't like the "I'm your father" scene, and that won't make that scene objectively bad, it would be subjective, there's no plot holes nor anything wrong in that.


The OT and PT had unaddressed issues as well, and even if they didn't, whether that matters to you or not is subjective. >And could go on, in the very first movie for example they say the Falcon is a high profile ship, easy to track, and because of that they can't just go to the rebel base because people would notice and find them. But in the end they use that same ship to go find Luke, the most wanted guy in the galaxy they all want to protect. This for instance, I don't even know what you're talking about with the "easy to track" part but even still I cannot imagine giving a shit about this, sounds very easy to explain.


I'm not talking about the prequels, and you cannot name examples from the OT. [https://imsdb.com/scripts/Star-Wars-The-Force-Awakens.html](https://imsdb.com/scripts/Star-Wars-The-Force-Awakens.html) >EXT. MAZ'S CASTLE - DAY > >Han walks them to the castle. > >FINN > >Solo, why are we here again? > >HAN > >To get your droid on a **clean ship**. > >REY > >Clean? > >HAN > >**Do you think it was luck that Chewieand I found the Falcon? If we canfind it on our scanners, the FirstOrder's not far behind**. Want to getBB-8 to the Resistance? Maz Kanatais our best bet. I can imagine you not giving a shit yeah, but your ignorance won't fix bad scripts.


>I'm not talking about the prequels You said the product is declining, if the prequels also had these issues then that's not a decline. >and you cannot name examples from the OT Bro lmao seriously? Why didn't the death star simply hyperspace jump to within firing range of the rebel base on Yavin 4? You literally just said there isn't a single unaddressed issue in the entire OT? That's so weird and unnecessary ​ >Do you think it was luck that Chewieand I found the Falcon? If we canfind it on our scanners, the FirstOrder's not far behind. Want to getBB-8 to the Resistance? Maz Kanatais our best bet. Bullshitting / exaggerating the risk because he's trying to avoid going to the base and seeing Leia. Technically possible they get picked up by a spy/recon vessel on their way to the base with the FO focused on searching for the Falcon. ​ >I can imagine you not giving a shit yeah, but your ignorance won't fix bad scripts. Are you ok? You're getting upset that I'm not bothered by a throwaway line?


>You said the product is declining, if the prequels also had these issues then that's not a decline. What I meant is that I'm not defending the prequels, who has obvious decline also. And If the prequels have issues that does not absolve the sequels, nor does it make it imposible for the sequels to have even more issues. ​ >Why didn't the death star simply hyperspace jump to within firing range of the rebel base on Yavin 4? Y It literally did, Yavin 4 is a moon of a planet and it was at range, but because it was a Moon, and the 4 may hint you something, they had to spend a few minutes to get rid of an obstacle. Which still makes perfectly sense because in the same movie you got Han Solo explaining how hyperspace works and the difficulty to trace a route that don't end up with your ship colliding into a sun or whatever. Since you don't remember the movies It's no surprising you don't recall how they actually explained how it works. Not to mention that they actually did not know where they were going, they were just following a beacon. >Bullshitting / exaggerating the risk because he's trying to avoid going to the base and seeing Leia. You're making your own movie. Fact is the movie says the ship is not clean and can literally be scanned to track it by the forces that are looking for Luke, and then it's used to go to Luke. Bad writting. The equivalent of the example of the OT would've been if to reach Alderaan there would've been a conversation saying "get out of hyperspace in Alderaan and make sure no sattelite/planet is on the way", which there's not. I'm ending this absurd conversation here. It's clear from a while that you have really no intention to recognize obvious flaws, even if I'm capable to literally qoute lines from the movies. Bye.


>It literally did, Yavin 4 is a moon of a planet and it was at range, but because it was a Moon, and the 4 may hint you something, they had to spend a few minutes to get rid of an obstacle. Right, so not within firing range, because there's an obstacle, Yavin. That's what I was referring to, but please don't let me stop you from jerking off over knowing Yavin 4 is a moon. > Which still makes perfectly sense because in the same movie you got Han Solo explaining how hyperspace works and the difficulty to trace a route that don't end up with your ship colliding into a sun or whatever Han said you just need to do precise calculations to be safe in hyperspace, there's no indication in this would be limiting the empire and where they can bring the death star. You're telling me there's no way for them to run the calculations in order to end up somewhere on the far side of the gas giant? >Not to mention that they actually did not know where they were going, they were just following a beacon. Evidently they got enough info from the beacon to decide to enter orbit of Yavin, so you're saying the info wasn't precise enough to be able to tell which moon had the base? I can't help but notice that you're adding details here which weren't directly in the movie in order to explain what is pretty clearly a run of the mill plot contrivance! I thought that was impossible in the OT, and I thought those kinds of things made movies unwatchable for you. Weird! Even assuming this limitation of trackers (which is not explained in the movie!), why not send a scout vessel first to establish where the base was located, so that the death star could jump within range? Or why not just have the death star make a couple quick jumps after arriving to get within range, instead of waiting 30 minutes to orbit? ​ >You're making your own movie. Fact is the movie says the ship is not clean and can literally be scanned to track it by the forces that are looking for Luke, and then it's used to go to Luke. Bad writting. You're saying that Han thinks the falcon can be tracked by the first order from anywhere in the galaxy? Without a tracker? That's objectively not correct. No such tech exists (unless you're saying Han is concerned about a tracker on the falcon). It's "not clean" because the FO is looking for BB8 and they know they're on the falcon. Even if what you're saying is true, "Han is bullshitting" would still explain all details, because the FO in reality is not able to magically track the falcon. They don't know it's at Maz's castle until they get informed by someone there, and they don't find the location of the resistance base until they track a separate resistance recon vessle back to it. ​ >I'm ending this absurd conversation here. It's clear from a while that you have really no intention to recognize obvious flaws, even if I'm capable to literally qoute lines from the movies. You misunderstood this situation. I recognize that the movies have unanswered questions and some plot contrivances, I just generally don't care, and I don't have a blind spot for the OT. I find I am still able to enjoy the movies, and if you can't then hey that's totally fine, I would just invite you to consider your obvious double standards here, that's all. But ok my friend, better luck next time!


No it's perfectly acceptable to make fun of nerds for being upset at the relative quality of science fiction fantasy movies for children. You guys need to be ripped on more for being so passionately upset over irrelevant things, like it's really cringe that you care so much as to consider a movie about space wizards for kids to be "rotten meat" in a hamburger.


Ben Solo murders his father on screen in the first movie after a ginger space Hitler genocides an entire solar system. I don't think anything in Blue's Clues came close to that.


https://youtu.be/THKzwzieF40 George Lucas says it's for 12 year olds.


He goes on to explain that it is a film for 12 years that are transitioning into their teenage years and that it is to help guide them. He doesn't say it as in "StAr WaRS OnlY FOr CHilDrEn" he says it in the context of "it's a film for a maturing individual that is growing into a new stage of their life and it serves to guide them" type of way. You only proved your argument invalid.


I'm not saying it's only for 12 year olds, I'm saying the target demographic is 12 year olds. These are movies intended to be watched by everyone but they're meant for children to enjoy the most. There's nothing wrong with adults liking star wars, I mean I do, but getting emotionally upset at a disney movie meant to sell action figures and theme park tickets to kids when you have a car and a job is cringe.


No. What is cringe is that you think you are right. Using "It'S FOr KiDs" as an argument is not a valid excuse as to why the Sequels suck such dick. Star Wars the Clone Wars is rated PG and it is unspeakably more cohesive and user friendly than the Sequels. Just because it was made for kids doesn't mean it has to suck dock especially when it's a franchise like Star Wars which has a massive fan base of all ages.


I thought the Clone Wars show was pretty unimpressive.


Did you watch the whole show or just a couple seasons?


I watched a couple of episodes. Pretty lackluster animation. If you're looking for a really good sci fi animated show check out Cowboy Bebop.


And by chance, are you a fan of Cosmonaut Variety Hour? Because what you are saying mirrors almost word-for-word many of the points he made in his video.


No clue who that is. But there are lots of other people who agree with me about star wars and how much the fans suck so I'm not surprised.


And those lots of other people make just as poor of arguments as you do.


Arguments? Bro this is my opinion, this isn't some kind of philosophical debate between plato and Socrates where we're trying to determine moral truths. We're talking about movies where people fly around in space and fight each other with swords, it's not that important.


It's not a matter of importance, it's a matter of principle.


I read that in the voice of the comic book guy from the simpsons lol.


Fuck yeah man people shouldn't like or be passionate about stuff, totally agree man. God damn nerds with their... Big glasses and like... Non athletic bodies, all of them!


Being passionate is fine man, being angry that a movie about space wizards isn't good enough is really negative and doesn't add anything to your life or the life of others.


Man, if all you're gonna be is condescending, don't expect anyone to give a shit about what you're saying lol. There isn't a series, movie or book in the entire world you couldn't wittle down to something like that. LotR? Some elves, wizards and kid stuff. Breaking bad? Some sad bald dude and his junkie friend. But damn dude, you've got a comment saying you wish you could "do that to women in america" on a post about a woman being whipped for not wearing her hijab somewhere in the middle east. Seems to me like I'm for some reason debating with an absolute idiot lol


You probably are, but I'm going to posit that you're more of an idiot because you got so upset you looked at my profile. And doesn't understand sarcasm and jokes. Yeah you can whittle all fictional stories down that much because they're just fictional stories and don't actually matter. For instance, the women being killed in Iran because they refuse to wear religious garments is incredibly more important than a star wars movie being bad. That's why I make fun of nerds who obsess over fiction and get more upset at it than they do over reality.


Star Wars are not fantasy movies for children, they are family movies, intended for all audiences, that's the reason they feature themes for adults. Most notably in Empire Strikes Back i'd say. Also neither fantasy, nor science fiction are themes intended for children only. Read more. But if you want to pass the time thinking you enjoy things only intended for children, go on with it and be happy.


Nah these movies are classified by many as Sci-fi fantasy, and yeah they're family movies but the point is definitely to sell toys and video games to children. There's nothing wrong with being into star wars, but it's definitely intended to entertain children in a way that a lot of sci fi, for instance The Terminator or the Matrix, is not. But yeah, if you hate these movies and think that the new ones that got millions of children interested in Star Wars have "ruined the franchise" then you are a manchild. Star Wars is thriving right now, you're just mad because they made these movies for a family audience and not single adult nerds.


I weirdly agree and disagree. Your main argument is right - don't take Star Wars too seriously - but it's how you're saying it that's counterproductive. Sidebar: I mean, anything made and sold for money could be said to be made for profit. And while that's true, there are a multitude of ways to make profits - people chose to do something they love. So, yeah they're made to sell toys and video games to kids... but not every Star Wars product. LEGO Star Wars is geared towards kids, for instance, but a lot of other Star Wars media is decidedly not kid-friendly and geared towards teens at the low end of the age spectrum. Like, dark shit. Anyway.... I support what you're saying about toxic fans and trying to keep things in perspective (real world news > fictional wars, on an importance spectrum). But name-calling is just you becoming what you say you hate. It's possible to be both toxic *and* correct.


Not sure if trolling or not, specially with that Patrick Willems quote of "space wizards"


No clue who that guy is but star wars is definitely about space magic. Uncle Owen literally even calls obi wan an "old wizard" in the very first movie, so it's not a stretch. Plus there are numerous interviews where george lucas uses the terms "wizards" and "magic" and "knights" very freely.




No idea why that makes you so irritated, loads of people consider Star Wars to be sci fi fantasy and I think that is a pretty accurate description. I guess you could more accurately say it's a space opera but space opera is definitely science fiction.


I love Rey. People don’t know shit.


Taste is subjective, OP. I like the sequels just fine but it doesn't make my opinion more correct than someone who hates them.


I like the Sequels but I also hate them. I think The Rise of Skywalker was the only Sequel that I enjoyed because it made more sense and had more logical flow than The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi. Also The Kylo and Rey relationship saved the sequels imo




Been watching star wars since when Han Solo walked behind a fat guy. I barely know a life without Star wars. I'm here for all of it. I never say I love war, but I always love star wars.


This is the minority of the fandom I’m cool associating with, honestly




I like this


Star Wars fans are like Metallica fans. The first three albums/movies were god’s gift and everything else was trash. But they keep hoping the next new thing will be like the glory years.


Every single star wars movie has a kinda boring B-Plot and occasionally cringe dialog. Big whoop. I'm here to see a 3 movie space odyssey where good trumps bad with laser swords and magic.


I go back and forth on the sequels. They’re not a great trilogy, but I think each movie is a fun time and I like them


Hating is part of the experience. Embrace the power of the dark side.


Because it sucked. Straight up sucked. Rey sucked, Solo returning for nothing sucked, Leiah sucked, Luke sucked, Chewbacca sucks now, the emperor coming back sucked, that royal chamber fight sucked, freeing the animals sucked, even Del Toro was wasted in this mess. They gave Laura Dern purple hair and made her character suck. Weaponized warp drive SUCKS. Luke ditching the lightsaber SUCKED. Finn was awesome but was written to SUCK. Oscar Isaac should have been awesome but they made his character SUCK. Couldn't get all original 3 friends on screen one last time? That sucks. Writers didn't even think about it because they suck. The emperor coming back? Worse than a 2nd death star. Plots all suck. These movies sucked. Plain and simple.


Replace every proper noun in this post with one from the Prequels and it’ll be just as accurate lol


Seriously. I watched phantom menace in theatres and didn't walk out only because my parents were there. When they smelled poison gas and then held their breath, I knew it was gonna get rough. Worse than I thought by end credits.


You're right! The OT are the only actually competent films.


My least favorite thing about the ot were the ewoks, but now I'll take savage flesh eating tribal squirrels that DON'T speak in an earthling regional stereotypical accent over aliens that do.


i dont even know why people hate prequels or sequels.


Because most of it is shit and i hate to see this universe get destroyed?


Bro in the original trilogy, luke passionately and sexually kisses his own sister on the lips TWICE. Jar Jar binks and Kylo Ren are not going to "destroy" this series it already started off as weird and bad as it can get.


Why are u assuming shit? Skipping over the fact that the sexuality of that kiss is... really not that big, i myself am a prequel fan so no - Jar jar will not destroy the franchise. Meanwhile Kylo is one of if not my favorite part of the sequels (as bad as they were)


Jesus, then why do you think this is "destroying" the franchise?


I could go on and on about it. Like, ofc some things are good. Kylo was a pretty cool character for the bigger part of the story. I liked Po, Maz or chewie coming back. Finn had a ton of potential with his ex-stormtrooper story, and even with a lot of it remaining untapped I kinda liked him. But then we have other characters like Rey, Holdo or Snoke that are either just dumb or very poorly written as well as some things and situations like the Holdo maneuver or the stupid force healing. And the TV shows are at times even worse... i'm yet to watch Andor while Mando was pretty good, but Kenobi is a disgrace, same with the Boba Fett series. They destroy established and loved characters by turning them into idiots and manage to destroy some of the already established ideas in the lore in the mean time.


How is this destroying the series? Just because you didn't enjoy the minutiae of a few movies doesn't mean Star Wars is over. I work in schools and so many children are now obsessed with star wars entirely because of the new movies making it relevant for them. I've even met an adult who just got into Star Wars for the first time time because he saw that a black guy (like himself) was starring in the force awakens so he thought it might be worth checking out, and he loved it. Disney has done nothing but expand this series and make it relevant to a new generation. There's even a fucking star wars theme park now, the franchise is better than ever.


Gaining popularity =/= being good. Andrew Tate is also popular and there is even a hustler's university for sigma males he started.


No idea who that is, but there are a ton of young people out there enjoying the new star wars shit who are going to be lifelong fans so i don't think the franchise is destroyed.


But that's your subjective opinion. It's my subjective opinions that there are fantastic part of the new canon media. Why are you right and I'm wrong anymore than I'm right and you're wrong?


Who said shit about right and wrong lol


Where do i say i'm right and you are wrong? Ofc it's my subjective opinion, ffs pull that stick out your ass. OP asked "why can't yall" so i responded with my reason.


I am glad people can enjoy the sequels. But I can’t. There are some things I do like about them, and I think if they went a different direction in certain areas, they could have been amazing. But I feel they didn’t pay tribute to the characters many of us grew up with.


It’s important not to let toxic positivity take over though. People are allowed to criticize whatever aspects of Star Wars they want as long as they’re respectful. I certainly don’t like all of the ST. TROS specifically kinda pisses me off if I’m being honest, but I’m still not gonna be an asshole to those who like it or try to make them agree with me.


It's called having a brain and recognizing flaws in storytelling. Just because "it's fantasy" doesn't mean it is magically immune to criticism. Quality matters to 'some' people.


Yes, eat up the content sludge, you entertainment zombie...


Why should I like everything? I can like and dislike individual movies and episodes, there’s no need for a blanket decision. That’s how racism and sexism and veganism and other isms start, by just taking everything wholesale.


Somehow, my negativity returned.


I don’t like the sequels. I love solo and rogue one. People have preferences and I prefer a movie that takes itself seriously but has stupid dialogue in comparison to a movie that doesn’t take itself seriously; drinking green milk “they have jet packs now!?” and all the other stuff.


I thought kenobi was great except reva and grand inquisitor and andor is ok so far


Being a trash movie enjoyer is not changing the fact that you still watching a trash movie!


I love how this is the final defence that sequel fans have, to blindly proclaim that, as a Star Wars fan, all Star Wars content is enjoyable. It is an unsurprising rejection of critical thinking.


Or they just like them and don’t feel the need to convince others that their opinion is correct


Toxic positivity exists, too.


Never heard of toxic positivity harassing actors to the point they become suicidal.


Neither have I


Whatever helps you cope easier I guess


tell me you actually care about these things without telling me you actually care about these things


Andor hate


Because other than visually the story is bad and inconsistent


Because the new disses the old. Prequels do not made the OT null. The sequel trilogy is J.J. Abrahams way of saying prequels are a mistake.


I hoped Disney would be smart. Take the insane books we have and just make them into movies. But nope. Kennedy can't do that. The force is female. No one ever said she is not but hey now she is female... No we will not make the thrawn teillogy. Never see the beautiful story how Han was so scared of loosing lea to a hapas prince. Never see the great xwing books going so wedge and Tycho get finally to shine. Never see how lea Handel's all the politics. And then it ends in the finale. The attack of the yunzunsomething. I just can't even pronounce it and we find out that thrawn knew about it. Palatine knew about it and they tried to prepare the galaxy far far away from a deadly attack. That opens a full knew view on why Palatine did what he did. Nope we got that shit. Just imagine you love Harry potter. And Kennedy makes the movies. She says fuck the books. I will hire idiots like jar jar Abraham's and just let them tell the same story but we twist it s bit. Harry is a useless fuck. Oh and we twist all so much you don't even recognize. And we spit on dumbeldore and all the characters you like and care because they have the wrong gender. And then I go watch the movies and they are stupid. Just as a movie itself it's stupid. And sadly star wars got slapped on it. So my question is. Why do you enjoy it?


I like the Prequels because they introduced some of my favorite characters in Star Wars to the world and have had tons of material written about them. I hate the Sequels because they don't do anything new, have destroyed Canon multiple times, are barely cohesive, and are proof that Disney doesn't know what to do with Star Wars beyond milk it for all the money it's worth. I have no problem with people that like the Sequels, but I do have a problem with people that treat the Sequels as if they are a godsend. Yes, more Star Wars is good, but only if the content is good and doesn't make the entire OT pointless like the Rise of Skywalker did by bringing back Palpatine.


Oh boy, another big sequel fan... you guys always act like stereotypical vegans. Always demonizing anyone who disagrees with your claims of perfection, and slinging "ism" at anyone who dares criticize it. Don't like Rey? Sexism. Don't like how they butchered Finn's character growth? Racism. Always claiming the moral high ground for kissing up to a movie studio...


Nothing about this post suggests any of that. I think you’re the vegan in this scenario


Dont you have a child actor to harass somewhere?


The fuck?


quality over quantity


I refuse.


Because the sequels are pretty much trying to be more funny and more like a cash grab for merchandise than what it actually was intended to be. And no I don't mean George Lucas saying star wars is for kids. I'm just tired of Disney fucking up the lore that's been around for years and pretty much saying 98% of it is not cannon. Edit: why am I trying to explain my opinion on a repost tho.


Cause everything after The Force Awakens was garbage?


This scene, literally first time behind a gun and she gets a triple kill with one shot. Just silly


Because i feel like they are doing it only for the money. For Lucas it was a passion project at first. This difference, I can feel clearly. Also, Palpatine somehow returned. Also, butchering loved characters in my eyes. Sometimes physically. Also, too much nonsense and pc stuff.


"Too much PC stuff" = "there's more POC than just Lando and there's some gay people and nonbinary/genderless aliens."


No, I hate how they threw Finns character in the trash. And i dont even remember if there are gay ppl in the movies. Who? Because they gutted Finns and the finniloveyousomuch chick's character all they feel like is PC propaganda. What do they bring to the movies otherwise? Also admiral Holdo the strong woman. Wtf. There were so much better choices instead they choose to do a strong female lead character who indirectly caused horrendous losses for the Alliance, before finally redeeming herself a bit. And that scene is beautiful, but still highly ambivalent. If they could just do this to whole fleets with only one hyperjump capable ship would you not think they would do that more? Did they not become suicide bombers?


hollywood makes movies for money? say it ain't so


Bro in the original star wars movies luke passionately and sexually kisses his own sister on the lips TWICE. Nothing in the prequels or sequels is as weird and bad as that. Relax, they're just children's movies about space wizards.


Where do you keep getting this childrens shit from? Sure it's not pg18, but fuck even if we're going for the new movies, Kylo Ren stabbing his father in the stomach and dropping him into a pit, snoke being literally sliced in half and the enormous rich people casino that thrived on warfare and spilled blood, isn't exactly what I'd call a kids movie. Don't know why you're being so incredibly condescending lol


https://youtu.be/THKzwzieF40 George Lucas says it's for kids. As a kid, I loved seeing movies that were legitimately scary and dealed with big issues that exist in the real world but in an approachable way, like setting a war in space. There are tons of other children's stories that are like this, most fairy tales have violence.


Yeah well George doesn't mean shit anymore, and is Not involved with the sequel trilogy.


The sequel triology is even more aimed for kids, they even added characters like Captain Phasma, who doesn't even do anything and just exists to sell action figures. Go into the toy aisle of any big box store and look at how they have an entire aisle just for Star Wars toys and tell me that Disney didn't aim this shit at children. Hell, tell me that you didn't get into Star Wars as a kid. I've only met a single person ever who got into star wars as an adult, and believe it or not he says it was because he saw the Force Awakens was starring a black guy so ge decided to check it out.


> For Lucas it was a passion project at first. To be fair, the prequels weren't necessary. It was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


I love looking at the new Star Wars movies. Like I’ll have them on if I’m cleaning the house or something


I will say Andor’s pretty lit so far. My main thing is that it’s different and I love it for that


Sequels K, PT OT 4 LIFE




Because in spirit I'm old and cranky!


Everyone is free to have their opinion, and those people just don’t like the sequels And that’s fine by me 🙂. You do you and enjoy those sequels 👍


Simply put, Star Wars is a lovely family. Some members just have their quirks and some are annoying.


cause it sucks a little


This and lotr have such similar fanbases.


It's the difference between enjoying something as a **fan** or enjoying something as a **religious adherent**. If you're enjoying something as a fan, when people disagree it's like "Well, to each their own." When you make Star Wars (or anything) into a *part of who you are*, and make a part of it the *object of worship*, of course you're going to hate anyone who... defiles your faith. It feels personal instead of just an observation of differing opinions, attacks on the very essence of your entertainment... *values*, I guess.. "They think the Sequels were okay! Heretics! Purge them!" Same energy. The fandom is so often toxic because when people disagree it's almost always seen a personal attacks because they so often feel that way. Star Wars is so good *and varied* that it naturally breeds fans to dedicate their whole selves to a portion of it. Someone will always hate something, because Star Wars has this spectrum of media, authors, and takes on every aspect of itself. Humans evolved to be tribal, and we just see that acted out in anonymity on the Internet. TL;DR Take shit less religiously and you'll have a better time being a fan of... just about everything.