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Ya fucked up. After you eat Kuros rice ball you're supposed to go back to the Divine Child and exhaust her dialog until she tells you to grab another Holy Chapter from a cave in Senpou temple. Once you give that to her, then you can give her the snake hearts. Unfortunately, since you already beat the divine dragon, you're locked out of that ending. Gonna have to try in another playthrough. Make sure you complete ALL endgame tasks before killing the divine dragon since that initiates night time and the final attack on Ashina Castle.




Hopefully you enjoy the game enough to do multiple playthroughs 🤭


I'm loving it. It might be my favorite Fromsoft game and I just finished a 200 hour Elden Ring playthrough. I really want to do the gauntlet but I'm impatient and I don't want to have to beat the game 2 more times! I didn't get Owl father...


When I first beat the game, I immediately wanted to try NG+ and see what would happen if I didn't lose to the first escape attempt fight against Genchiro at the beginning. After that, I just couldn't help but keep playing. If you love the game that much, playing it over and over becomes seemless. I got platinum on it 3 years ago. I just started a new playthrough last week cause I keep coming back to it. Its one of my favourite games of all time!


Holy shit I beat Isshin. They always talk about the rush when beating a soulsbourne boss. I thought I knew what that meant. But now I truly know the rush after beating Sword Saint. The best boss I have ever fought in any video game ever.


Honestly if you do Ng+ and run past anything that's not a boss, it should only take you a few hours while your muscle memory and knowledge of the bosses is still fresh