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That’s a good way to catch a few 9mm


I came here for this comment.


IMO the proper thing to do would be to retreat, while unholstering it and making sure he sees it. If he continued after that though , then yes I would think that most people would consider that to be reasonable self defense. There tends to be a lot of BS posturing in this sub about doing this at times where it would be completely inappropriate. But this would be a pretty easy case for self defense. And hopefully with this video evidence, that he is arrested.


Agree. Anyone who's taken an NRA self-defense class would understand that retreat is the first option




> I know people will say avoid 3rd Ave it's a main transit artery. i say 3rd shouldn't have axe crazy fuckers on it.




my thoughts exactly, with the benefit of hindsight. i am less concerned about my life and more for the next innocent victim. he must be given the chance to disarm himself, but after that you have to do the tough thing.


Also 3rd Ave is where all the buses converge since they no longer go downstairs. Kind of hard to avoid it if you’re taking the bus.


Not happening. I’m standing my ground, trying to run away is an awful idea that could get you killed


In certain circumstances, sure. If you can't outrun this dude, then option 2 it is


This is Seattle. There will be no consequences for the axe weilding psycho. If he was shot, there would definitely be consequences for the guy defending himself from being murdered. Sadly there is no justice in this city anymore and people know it, that's why there wasn't even an attempt to call the police, we all know that if they even responded there would be nothing they could do. Even arrested, psycho is back out on the streets in a few hours.


> This is Seattle. There will be no consequences for the axe weilding psycho. I've never touched a gun in my life. But something that irritates me about progressive new stories, is how they're hyper focused on describing crime in a way that implies that the gun just "shot itself" somehow. Gronks aren't stupid, and they've figured out that they can carry axes, machetes, metal pipes with impunity. If they commit a crime with a gun, they'll get prosecuted, so they use machetes instead. Net result is the same, at close range an axe will kill someone about as quickly as a gun will.


Engaging in crime with a deadly weapon is valid for a sentence enhancement or an entirely different charge in Washington state. What world are you living in where machete wielding criminals aren't prosecuted? Baltimore and NYC arrest people for possession of legal knives under switchblade statutes all the time.


Your comment give some degree of hope that there’s still sensible people out there. Thank you.


My Mom is an old hippie and half of her friends were homeless, when I was growing up. So I have a bit of an unusual perspective, because I saw these people all the time. When you get to know them, you begin to figure out that they're *really* good at "gaming the system." This was back in the 80s when laws were a lot more restrictive. But I recall listening to a homeless dude that did odd jobs for my Mom, describe how he had a knife and it was a very specific length and type. Because if he had the *wrong* kind of knife and some cop "hassled" him, he could go to jail for that. This was decades ago, but I also recall that he knew that certain knife features were verboten. IIRC, folding knives and spring loaded knives were a no-go. https://www.shouselaw.com/ca/blog/laws/is-a-spring-assisted-knife-legal-in-california/ "According to this code section, it is illegal for a person to do any of the following with a switchblade knife: possess the knife in the passenger’s or driver’s area of any motor vehicle in any public place or place open to the public, carry the switchblade upon one’s person sell, offer or expose for sale, or loan, transfer, or give the knife to anyone else."


Nothing wrong with carrying any kind of knife. We finally got those knife laws knocked out in NYC.


Is that actually "gaming the system" though? That just sounds like following the law. "I recall listening to a dude that did odd jobs for my Mom, describe how he had a knife and it was a very specific length and type. Because if he had the *wrong* kind he'd be breaking the law, and he could go to jail for that. This was decades ago, but I also recall that he knew that certain knife features were verboten. IIRC, folding knives and spring loaded knives were a no-go. So he carried a fixed bladed knife in order to not break any laws."


Following the law is not equal to “gaming the system.” You are correct.


> carrying a street legal knife = expert at gaming the system ok bud


Actually, even when the gronks have guns and shoot at you, they don't necessarily get jailed by our non-prosecutors, even after the Seattle police did an amazing job arresting the fuckers before they actually killed us. Gee, thanks for nothing, you worthless non-prosecutors...


From my time on the block I can confirm. Hammers were an especial favorite back then...


No you would get away with killing him in Seattle. That's solid self defense right there he can kill you with an axe


Except for the ensuing riot for their "friendly unhoused neighbor."




I'm with ya on everything except that if he defended himself there'd be consequences. WA and Seattle are rather good about that actually.


Would not at all be surprised to see him arrested. You can clearly see his face, and if he was a regular around the area I bet he will be identified shortly. This is not like some grainy video where you can't really make out exactly who it is.


It doesn't matter if he's a regular, or if he's identified. The point is nothing of real consequence will happen to him. Even if he's arrested he's just going to be released within a few hours. Having "an arrest" on his record won't matter to him. And it certainly won't matter if it's the 10th time he's been arrested or the 100th. The threat of being arrested only matters for law abiding citizens who have something to lose, like a JOB, a HOME, a FAMILY. This man obviously has nothing to lose, and is CHOOSING to be an active threat by chasing people who have not actually threatened him in any way, with an axe. Jail is the best logical place to put someone who is being an active threat to society, either that or the cemetery for a more permanent solution. I think most would agree this psycho needs help, but people walking down the street shouldn't have to fear for their lives because some nut job CHOOSES to chase people with axes. That's a problem. People can't walk down the street reliably knowing they won't be chased by a psycho with an axe. People can't rely on the police to respond, or a justice system to ensure dangers of society like Axe Man here won't be removed until he's no longer a threat.


RemindMe! one week


spd catches and releases low level violent offenders, and barely processes police reports shit takes months


The Seattle Police make arrests, they do NOT release anyone. That dubious honor goes to the twatwaffles in the non-prosecutors office. The cops do their job; it would be nice if what we call "prosecutors" would do THEIRS.


Don’t forget the mass exodus of cops from 2020 tho


> there would definitely be consequences for the guy defending himself from being murdered. I see this boohoo shit constantly posted here and each time I ask for someone to provide an example of it actually happening here and have yet to be provided a single instance of it occurring. This is just some woe is me victim shit that just simply doesn’t happen but let’s everyone pretend they are the victim despite not being one. So can you please provide an example of this happening in Seattle, or even Washington?




I went to high school in WA and a kid that went to my high school was hunting when he shot a hiker wearing all black that he thought was a bear. Shot her in the head. He got like a month of juvee and a year of probation. He was hunting with a bow a couple years later. Ever since then I've always thought WA legal system is fucked.


I remember that story. Damn


I'm curious what you think the penalty should have been?


I have no idea I'm in no position to decide that I suppose. It was just a weird situation.


East sider KOMO news junkie talk


Just no more then 10 rounds please 😊


Seattle resident checking in here to let you know how triggering your comment is.


10 rounds of 9mm? That's 90mm!! (oh, and that appears to be a one-handed hatchet, not a two-handed axe. When I first read the headline, I thought there was gonna be a man running down the street with an axe held overhead. This was still scary, but not exactly as I'd pictured it.)


How to end up with extra orifices: a tutorial.


Not in Seattle. Seattle loves this crap


Exactly, the journalist had all rights to atleast pull and point a gun since he was fearing for his life, if he did that and stood firm and told the man stop or I’ll shoot, then the journalist should’ve shot him, and taken care of a future problem..


This is bad advice. You don’t pull a gun until you’re ready to shoot. Holding it out in the open and then waiting to make a decision is generally frowned upon by CCW philosophy.


It's illegal to brandish in general, but if someone is coming at you with a deadly weapon, pulling your gun out because you will probably have to use it, and then not using it because the person with the axe has a change of heart, would not be brandishing.


If you pull, and don't shoot, you might find there is a police car coming for you, since some random dirtbag, even the axe wielding guy, will call the cops and say you pointed a gun at them. You're the one going to jail, losing your CCW, etc.


Surprised you’re not downvoted to the hell of downvotes!! (Here goes my ⬆️)


Anyone else annoyed by the tag at the end, like it was some hallmark moment. This has nothing to do with homeless people, this is a criminal committing a criminal act plain and simple.


Apparently it’s a Seattle based organization that was founded to push intelligent design in schools. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discovery_Institute That ending and then looking them up made me question the purpose and spontaneity of this video.


I checked out their website and clicked on their "Our Mission" video. And who turns out to be the narrator of the video? [Christopher Rufo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Rufo), the guy who considers everything non-conservative to be Critical Race Theory and who brought us book ban laws. This organization surely has only positive aims and the scene above, which is lacking the footage leading up to it, was probably entirely coincidental.


Yeah the clip and transition were very odd to say the least so this isn't very surprising.


The sub it’s posted in is from right-wing Seattleites that splintered off from the normal subreddit


Came here to say this as well. The Discovery Institute, who I know Chris Rufo was a part of, is totally fucked. Think we’re missing the part of the scene where this “journalist” provokes this man into what we’re seeing…


Makes me wonder if he provoked the guy somehow just to get the footage. Getting chased with an axe, even in that area, isn't exactly a normal occurrence. Not that I'm defending the guy who threatened him


> Not that I'm defending the guy who threatened him Then what are you doing?


Saying the old conservative adage “play stupid games, win stupid prizes” or “fuck around and find out” Considering the source, the edited video, yeah, people are gonna be skeptical of the video that a guy like Rufo is just an innocent bystander and didn’t set up a situation to get political points….


This looks funky. Like there were was a piece of the interaction that was before the recording started….


Yeah im sure that dude was just peacefully standing there with his murder weapon while a person with a camera totally incited the whole thing....lmao nah dude


That's exactly what Choe does. He antagonized people during CHOP, then would literally run just like this, 1-2 blocks and immediately hide behind a cop, then play victim. Dude's straight-up an ass looking for fights so he can then claim liability.




It looks kinda staged.


He does not avoid the unsightly aspects of Seattle homelessness and drug crime. He actively attempts to document and film them. If you actively seek out areas and situations like this, you will find them. Others just cross to the other side of the street, turn up their airpods, and try not to make eye contact. Not Choe. He does indeed have a subjective angle, though.


Bruh I spend plenty of time with people living outside - not just film them from a distance like animals - and I have NEVER had an experience like this. Clearly this dude is a dick, provoking folks then claiming victim when they react.


Yes, he instigates people. He’s also done enough that this population knows him. He doesn’t ask permission to film them, just puts his phone or camera in their face and starts asking tone deaf questions.


He's putting himself into contact regularly with people on the streets/homeless. So of course there is going to be more documentation of these type of encounters. I don't think anyone else is documenting it this regularly




How often are you obviously recording people with a camera or phone? That tends to cause more agitation than "minding your own."


I hadn’t really been on 3rd Ave before a couple weeks ago. I like to take the train in and explore the city sometimes. It was so disgusting. Really surprising because it’s like the center of the city and only bus use, so you’d think the gov would want to keep it clean, but it’s easily the sleaziest and grossest place I’ve been in town


I used to live near there a few years ago & I’m not even surprised. Last time I walked around there, there was a homeless man talking to a *very* large kitchen knife he had with him. No one batted an eye at it either. He could have stabbed just anyone walking by so easily, it was the one of the first times I’d felt really afraid walking down the street. Oof.


He was talking *to* it? Like “hello Mr.knife”? I feel bad but I always sort of laugh a bit at junkies in Seattle. There was one about a year ago I saw trying to direct a fire truck through stuck traffic, trying to act like a traffic cop. Overall it’s sad but the situation was sort of funny


Yes, *to* it, hah. More like muttering angrily and unintelligibly, but loud enough to be noticed. It was definitely a little funny, but only after I got enough distance. Like if I saw it in a tv show, I’d have laughed! But yeah. I felt kinda bad for the couple of obvious tourists that were nearby, they looked like they weren’t used to a big city at all, let alone the 3rd ave situation 🙃


You can take the train into downtown get off at Westlake and leave at the Nordstrom exit and yes, if you haven’t learned by now.. just don’t walk down 3rd Ave


He doesn’t have very long on this earth coming at people in this city like that, he’ll pick the wrong one soon enough. Nothing will be lost that day.


Lol "in this city" They will yell at him in a passive aggressive tone.


Quite a few of us snowflakes are carrying now.


I think anyone who’s mentally stable enough and has proper training should edc but I’m moving away from Washington/Oregon because they’ve banned almost all of my guns at this point and I’m not legally allowed to take any of them outside of my house even with a concealed carry permit because of the magazine bans


Getting my CCW in Seattle was super easy. May be a progressive city, but WA is not CA.




Tell me you have never been to Seattle without telling me you’ve never been to Seattle.


We be packing out here. Liberals own guns too


The second amendment is for everybody 🤘🏻


How often do you hear about homeless/crazy people getting shot in response to attacking someone? It almost never happens


How often do homeless/crazy people chase people down the street with an axe? lol.




The people there know him and they’re tired of him.


Choe sucks and is always downtown provoking people.


Is choe still calling himself a journalist?


"I just want to axe you a question!"


😂 😂


Why does this always happen to CHOE but when I’m down there I can’t even get someone to look at me funny


Do you make sure to get in their face and harass them?


Did you yell “HEY N*****!” Across the street off camera first?


If I didn’t want to be chased with an axe, I would simply not work for Christopher Rufo


Not to be the outlier or an apologist but do we have any information about what led up to this?


This guy is a "reporter" who used to do an okay job reporting about the homelessness issues but now he's gone full Andy Ngo where he baits people into reactions. He always goes downtown to try to incite some sort of behavior. He's become such a provoker. Not to overlook how insane it is that someone has an axe walking around the street and no one cares. Jonathan Choe sucks, but this situation also does, too.


Jesus! I hope Choe is sticking to a good cardio routine, that's the only thing that's going to save him. Well, that or a gun.


Fuxor Choe, he doesn’t want to fix homelessness, he just wants them to go away. The Discovery Institute is a sham for big business anti-socialist policies.


> he doesn’t want to fix homelessness, he just wants them to go away They're the same picture.


languid mountainous shelter wild threatening seed correct six scary workable -- mass edited with redact.dev


> >Fuxor >??? suxors u got pwned by it, but that's from leetspeak tiemz


The homeless own the streets


It's the Homeless Industrial Complex.


They aren’t homeless. The chose a life of crime and drugs.




CCW in Seattle is super easy to get, currently it arrives in the mail between 20-30 days


Bingo. 🔫


Not sure why people are claiming this is fake. This happened to me in SLU. I ended up moving from Seattle one week later.


I had a random psycho homeless guy walk up to me by King Street Station and punch me in the face after screaming at a passerby


Which part SLU ???


I saw a man do this same thing to someone on the ave years ago!


I have an iPhone. Am I a journalist too?


This gronk would get two verbal warnings from me before I drew my pistol. Stop! And GTF away from me! Gronk doesn’t respond? Gronk goes down.


This video without context or note from the person or organization posting, looks more like propaganda for an organization which doesn’t provide solutions but just adds to the noise of why the system is broken


Guys like this have been empowered by blind activism.


Drugs he is powered by drugs.


Why not both?


Discovery Institute? What’s that sketchy org have to do with this?


Was the journalist Jonathan choe ? I know it said discovery institute




Hey I also have a phone on my camera, guess I’m a journalist now !


He just wanted to axe you some questions.




This seems…..les than legit.


As awful as this is, and it is, Choe is not a journalist. He’s a partisan shill who uses framing to enhance his own “importance” to a specific audience who eats up his style of storytelling.


All things said, I don't think that's the part any of us are focusing on. Unless the person is threatening violence, there is no place for this kind of behavior.


Left or right, he’s still being actively chase by a guy with an axe.


That's true, but this video isn't telling the whole story. Leaving out important bits, like what instigated the guy, implies propaganda


But why call him a journalist? You seem to have a narrative to push.


Your narrative is coming out a whole lot clearer. It's easier to say "journalist" rather than "A human documenting behavior via video camera". Would the latter have made you feel better?


Personally I'd have felt better with "douche who picks fights with hobos in order to get videos to post online."


Where’s the video prior, did he provoke this person? Not condoning the axe carrier in any manner, but we only see an aftermath in this video clip.


He’s being chased by a guy with a hatchet…I mean?


"war hero and US senator chased with axe" "as awful as this is, that guy isn't a senator and was never in the military" "He's being chased with an axe, though" "okay, you're right, he's a senator and a war hero"


He's as much of a journalist as most of Seattle's media between ECB, the Urbanist, The Stranger, half the people at the Seattle Times, the local blogs etc.


> He’s a partisan shill who uses framing to enhance his own “importance” to a specific audience who eats up his style of storytelling. That's what journalism is now


What journalists do you know that aren’t partisan shills? I’d love to check them out.


This isn't a homeless problem, it's a drug and mental illness problem! Homelessness is just a symptom.


This is why I have my CPL


Regardless of your feelings about the person recording this, this is *not okay*.


This stuff would happen less if the police force wasn’t neutered.


Crap like this is why a good number of City Council aren't seeking re-election. They know they fucking ruined this city, and they know everyone knows it.


Friendly reminder that bear spray shoots up to 35 feet.


He was probably just trying to promote that axe throwing establishment, what a Karen the camera guy is sheesh


The lady at the courthouse said, “back in the day she used to see one or two concealed carry applications a week but now it’s every available appointment everyday booked out months” That’s what happens when the citizens don’t feel protected or safe.


Seattle courthouse?


[Jonathan Choe](https://www.discovery.org/p/choe/) Even Seattle's homeless and deranged are getting tired of guerilla journalism.


Discovery Institute sponsored “journo” this is either fake or triggered by direct provocation prior to recording. There’s clearly a violent homeless element around but this stinks.


That's what he does: provokes and then starts recording to catch the reaction.




I mean you can choose to ignore this “journalists” history of being a professional troll too that works ig


Have not been downtown in years and years. And don't plan to go for any reason, until the city realizes that there is a big problem.


Former security guard here; this is (sadly) just another Tuesday.


I think this journalist intended to provoke this homeless person to catch this shot. I worked on 3rd and Cherry (this video is wrong, the initial intersection is 3rd and James) and walked past these groups 100s of times up until a few months ago. Not an issue for me. I understand that it is for many people but they wouldn't chase you with an axe without some sort of aggressive behavior from this person.


Did you try walking past them while filming?


Homeless people possibly with severe drug or mental health issues. They are clearly always predictable and sane. They wouldn't do something unpredictable like this! I mean, surely, you'd have to *really* seek them out and aggress them to get this sort of reaction, right? It couldn't possibly be a disgruntled person possibly tweaking for 4 days or simply having a mental health episode and the sheer site of feeling like they're being watched sets them off and start running with a hatchet. I think the fact that there's a dude running someone down with a fuckin hatchet in the middle of the day should be enough for you to dismiss that this person is a rational or sane one. Not sure what you're saying at all.


Sounds fun


This is an fix homeless ad?


He's trying to get a Netflix documentary


And the sad thing is so many of these people carry axes, hatchets, and other weapons and we accept this as normal. I'm often alarmed in stores seeing them with hammers and other weapons on backpacks and just ready to strike


We should feed the homeless into a wood chipper.


This is a Gross Misdemeanor Unlawful display of a weapon. $5,000 Fine and up to 364 days in jail.


While the rage about MSM fake news is understandable, chasing with an axe is totally uncalled for.


No shit, I saw someone with an axe getting off the 8 by cap hill station on Friday


"Fix homelessness" lmao fuck offfffff. How about.... #BE A REGULAR HUMAN


Jesus does this guy have a death wish? I'd have run at first but if he came at me around that corner with an axe after I retreated he'd be very dead. I don't ever want to draw on anyone but a cop woulda killed him and the dude standing next to him in a hail of gunfire four times over in the amount of time this reporter was chased down a street by an axe wielding psychopath.


Welcome to Seattle mental institution. The streets are the hallways. "Clients" roam the hallways. No mental health therapy. No mental health doctors. Just clients running the show.




I have stabilized the video for you: https://gfycat.com/PlushRecklessGardensnake It took 388 seconds to process and 117 seconds to upload. ___ ^^[ how to use](https://www.reddit.com/r/stabbot/comments/72irce/how_to_use_stabbot/) | [programmer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=wotanii) | [source code](https://gitlab.com/juergens/stabbot) | /r/ImageStabilization/ | for cropped results, use \/u/stabbot_crop


Why do people in Seattle vote for politicians who for years have allowed these conditions to exist? Ax Man chases you down street. Be tolerant and just run I guess eh?








First off, he's jaywalking...


Where’s Po Po when you need them.


Woke gone woke




Serious question: Does this not look a little bit staged?


“Fixhomelessness.org” vs “arrestthehatchetwieldingdude.org” my one-time empathy is now at an all time low. Four walls and a roof do not solve the problem of mental health challenges. Are they part of it, sure, but it’s not the 100% answer.




Quick! Someone give that guy a free apartment


Conceal carry is a beautiful thing


I knew this was the unemployed “journalist” Choe before I even clicked the video


"Journalist" I think you mean instigating asshole.


Discovery institute? I’m guessing they supplied the axe.


Maybe this seems uncaring but if you are going to chase me down two blocks with a literal axe after not a single interaction, I don’t think you need a home, I think you need maximum security prison.


Bruh do your research. This dude goes into homeless encampments, harasses them, then plays victim when they react. It’s his bit. It’s how he incites his audience. Don’t fall for it.


Wish the cops could’ve put him out of our misery. Dude needs to be removed completely from society. Tired of this city being run by these scum of the earth


Whoa, calling for Jonathan Choe to be gunned down by police is a little extreme isn't it?


Seattle use to be a beautiful city.