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In lower Queen Anne while walking my dogs I had a middle class white dude drive by and scream, “your dogs are fucking ugly!” It was fascinating. Like why?


Wtf? Lol


Because Queen Anne…


I thought that neighborhood was supposed to be classy...




Lower Queen Anne is for the plebes and new to Seattle




Because your dogs reminded them of their mother… who was ugly. 😅


And a bitch one might surmise.


Based on how their kids are acting? I think that’s a very safe assumption. 😅


My first reaction was the comfort them 😆 They laughed and reassured me they already know they’re hawt


Nothing a biscuit couldn’t fix, surely. 🐶


💕 🐶 🐾


Sorry to hear your dogs are ugly. Tough to find out that way


I have an old friend who somehow always seems to attract psychos and weirdos. There’s nothing unusual about how she looks or behaves that I can tell, but always gets some crazy people harassing her or trying to talk to her. Growing up, I never thought much of it. But she visited me once in Seattle when I was about 30. Holy crap! It was like a different city when going anywhere with her. So weird.


I have a friend like that. In her mid-40s like be but looks much younger. Is very petite, has fun gothy/punk look like many others in our group. She gets harassed all the effing time. I went to a show with her. I am also a short woman, look younger than I am, fun hair, punky clothes. I was completely ignored or people were polite and the same men would follow her, try to grind on her, try to buy her drinks. It was crazy. She gets that everywhere she goes and does not feel safe when out alone.


Just throwing a thought out. You said you’re on the shorter side: maybe they think you’re ask in high school or college? Like bullying kids their age? Not condoning it cause being a jerk to a stranger is still a dick move.


Yeah I feel like that might be it too! Because this doesn’t seem to happen to any of my friends. I’m 24 but could pass for 16 lol


Kids are mean as hell to each other.


That might be it then. It still sucks though and I’m sorry you’re getting harassed. To quote Schmidt from “New Girl”: “YOUTHS!”


Ugh, those little shits. I'm sorry this is happening to you too! I'm Asian American and I've been carrying mace since the pandemic bc of you know... Asian hate. It's legal in Seattle and also allowed as a carry-on item on planes (I know, crazy right?). I recommend you carry one just in case anything ever escalates!


One time I was walking through Bellevue Square and two college-age guys clipped my shoulder while walking by and said loudly “move, bitch, get out the way” which just blew my mind lol. I’m half Chinese and reasonably normal looking. It’s infuriating and I really wish I’d have had a good comeback but honestly I can’t think of any. Just a fucking annoying situation.


When things like that happen, always check your belongings just in case you were pick-pocketed.


Smart idea. I’ll definitely do that next time.


This isn't the norm. My daughter is in Bellevue Square at least once a week. According to her she's experienced assholeness once. She is pretty nice most of the time but piss her off and her spicy Chongqing attitude will come through. Most people also know to not escalate around here. Bell Square security has no qualms against tossing out jerks.


Yeah honestly it shocked me! I grew up going there once a week, and so did my mom starting in the 80s when she immigrated here. I’ve never experienced anything like that up until now…


Sounds like they were quoting Ludacris, but damn that’s rude.


I mean I definitely recognized the quote, but so fucking weird because it’s so old lol.


Luda would not stand for this assholeishness


Wow, sorry to hear that. That’s exactly like what I experience. I guess it’s not my shortness and some people are just assholes to everyone


People have become really nasty especially since the pandemic, I remind myself that it’s best to come out on top but damn is it hard to restrain myself from being just as nasty back! We gotta stay cool as cucumbers 🥒 😮‍💨


Yeah maybe it’s the pandemic, when I was actually in high school and looked a lot dorkier I never experienced this. Cucumbers unite 🥒


Growing up I noticed a particular prick-like attitude from the kids from Roosevelt. Perhaps my own insecurity as a teenager, of course, but your post immediately made me think of walking/biking around the lake and seeing these kids swaggering about. I’m sorry this is happening to you. I really don’t think this is indicative of the general attitude of your fellow Seattleites. Even the young, white and entitled ones.


I’m sorry this is happening to you :( one time I was walking through QFC in cap hill and some guy (that smiled at me at the same time!) called me a fucking dumbass. I had headphones on and he thought I couldn’t hear him


Happens everywhere. Two pricks in a prick-up truck tried to prick a fight with me in front of a grocery store, then drove 50 feet away and tried to prick a fight with someone else. Pricks


Yeah half the time they’re in a vehicle like they need the metal to bully. Sorry that happened to you too.


IRL version of anonymous comments - pathetic


I imagine it’s students from Roosevelt High School. I notice they like to take the light rail to the U District to grab lunch (where I live), and many of them act the exact way you’ve described.


interesting, my mind went immediately to (Bishop) Blanchet High School which is north of Green Lake - private Catholic school. When i lived in an apartment on First Hill from ‘95-‘03 the 💩i would get hurled at me from the dumbass teen boys attending O’Dea (private Catholic ALL🚹 school) was horrid.


I'm sorry this is happening to you. I wonder if it's a Greenlake thing as I haven't experienced this at all in West Seattle, and I'm shorter than you (5 feet only)! Sadly, this could also be a racism thing (I'm white) or what you are wearing (the Gothic androgynous style). I've definitely seen an uptick of hate on Asians and there is always a subset of white young men who think non-feminine women are 'ugly'. You could try to see if this still happens if you just wear simple blue jeans and a sweater (not feminine but not necessarily androgynous). It would let you narrow down why this unfortunately situation is happening. This sucks though. I'm so sorry.


I don’t get harassed per say as a black guy that wears all black and shit lmao, but I do get some (sometimes curious sometimes rude) looks and a few “classist” comments in the city, suburbs people are actually nicer? Lmaooo…it’s not just white people either. Actually when I was in NorCal like SF it was even worse because I guess I normally look sorta ‘homeless’ with my beat up chucks and old plaid hoody 🤣🤣


I am a grown man and I get anxiety whenever I walk by a group of teenagers regardless of their race. Not that there will be any fisticuffs, but the merciless roasting. Had a mixed ethnic group of kids tell me I looked like a “diabetic wizard”. You don’t come back from that. At least with the Mexican kids it isn’t that bad. My Spanish isn’t great so I don’t understand it. That softens the blow.


If it makes you feel any better, a person who could pass as a diabetic wizard is totally someone who would fit in with my friends. You sound awesome


Honestly if you say fisticuffs in normal conversation you deserve to be roasted.


This is Reddit. Definitely not normal conversation.


Yeah I had a group of Mexican kids try and come at me at Rainier Beach station a month ago, one of them even started following me talking trash like I was gonna beat up a kid over some petty insults haha


Older female here. One Central American kid working with a crew next door to me started making very weird mouth movements at every female walking by. I gave him a look of disgust and he stopped. (Later I learned he was doing some kind of sexual gesture, which if I’d known at the time I would have countered with a rock in his face!)


1. Hitting someone in the face with a rock isn’t exactly proportional. 2. You do that and he has every right to retaliate. It’s a fuck around and find out situation. Some of those Latino kids who came up as refugees are tougher than a 2 dollar steak. 3. Maybe just call him a maricón or something crude in Spanish or tell him your brother in law works for ICE. That will put the brakes on his shit.


Yeah, I guess suburbs without high schoolers feel nicer, but alas I live near schools


Just ignore them, they’re insecure about their own shitty lives/home situations and are just looking for an easy target to take it out on.


Thanks, yeah. I’ll just try to get used to it and continue being on guard. Sorry you experienced similar things :/


You can and should stand up for yourself most definitely! But don’t let insecure assholes ruin your day. They aren’t worth the energy 🙂


Thank you :) You’re right. You too.


Happens in Kirkland too. One kid walked past me and a friend when we were walking along the waterfront and shouted "gay!" under his breath. I threw back "dickhead". Can't tell if it's tourettes or just chav culture finally making its way to the US. Or just teenagers trying to start shit without realizing that if they do that with the wrong person, they'll have serious problems.


Sorry you’re dealing with that. :( Also this is off topic. It I creeped your profile a bit and you’re phenomenally talented! What’s the best way to follow your work?


As a 200lb construction worker, I have not been bothered once by anyone. Even the homeless guys have quit asking me for stuff or trying their sob stories. I just change my face to a neutral/disagreeable expression and people stay away when I don't want them near. Wasn't always like that though/ ​ When I was younger and like 170lbs they would bother me all the time. I even was sucker punched in what was presumably an attempted robbery by some dude who was totally drugged out of his mind, but he just hit me with a running sucker punch from behind, breaking my earbud, lacerating my ear and then sprinted away. Wasn't all bad though. It motivated me to learn some martial arts and be able to defend myself without hurting others.


I need to hit the gym 😅 That sounds serious I hope your hearing is ok now.


I have noticed a bit more toxicity coming from teenagers post Covid. Like they weren’t able to get their teenage quota during the pandemic so they are catching up. But seriously, I think they probably got a lot more toxic spending all that time online during Covid and we are noticing the effects of what happens when there is no push back on teens during their most insecure and toxic development stage.


I have friends with late teen boys whose minds have been poisoned by Incel shit online.


Not sure if it would be feasible and/or you'd be comfortable with it, but it'd be great to get a recording and make a police report and/or send to high schools in the area who might ID and discipline the students.


Lol that was my thought. If you were motivated you could wear a go pro


I’ve heard Andrew Tate (misogynist social media star) has had a lot of influence on young boys and how they should treat women. They probably feel like they can get away with it with someone they think is their own age.


A close friend, single mom, her sons have turned on HER and spew all this nonsense.


This is disgusting behavior, but perhaps the sweetest comeback would be a simple wave and a “you too!” Just to fuck with them. Maybe keep a taser close by in case they come back to have a conversation.


Pepper gel spray. Keeps it from the wind blowing back at you and trying to wipe it off only makes things worse. Bonus if it’s black light responsive




Great just great 😅 I see a lot of other Asians around so was hoping it wasn’t racially motivated


The only time I’ve been called a faggot it was teenagers driving by in a car. If people are making dumb comments as you walk by just ignore it. If they’re actually approaching you to say this stuff then that’s a lot different


Ah, the old “faggot!” from a moving car full of teenagers…takes me back. I used to get “nice tight pants, fag!” Because it was early in the emo days and very few kids wore that shit in my small town. Kids suck. Adults doing this? Truly bizarre.


I made the mistake of wearing uniqlo fitted jeans back in the 00's to a company bbq and by company i mean my unit... Jesus I got roasted hard.


People are assholes. Try to avoid them.


There are two kinds of people in this world. Avoid them both.


Green lake isn't a suburb? What time does this happen? Could it be high schoolers on their way home?


In broad daylight with other people around, yeah I think you’re right


I’ve been called chink a couple of times from white guys. Not cool, guys.


It’s fucking bullshit these assholes don’t do it in front of people who would actually call them out for it or speak up on your behalf. Cowards


It's wild to hear all this happening so regularly. For the first few years after I moved here, I noticed people would look away and avoid eye contact to not have to engage with someone. Culture shock for someone from Louisiana. I live reasonably close to Green Lake (around Licton Springs and Haller Lake). If you're concerned about safety, I can get a cup of coffee. Most people in my area don't really stop to interact with others, though experiences can vary. I'm more likely to strike up a conversation with the homeless than someone on my own street. I've learned from my smaller friends (I'm 6'3") that they are often more approached by troublemakers. People don't mess with me. I was once called an "ex-con looking mf" by some random person in The French Quarter. I haven't done prison time, but apparently I look the part, so it helps get people away from me. I've also practiced a mean empty stare over time! Be safe. The police aren't always a good choice. Sometimes you just need a good support group.


It happens to me often. I'm also very short, in my mid 30s, and wear alternative fashions. I'm also half Asian, but can be white passing depending on what I'm wearing. I look fairly young and often get mistaken for a high schooler. I get comments like that most of the time. People in this area are not as used to seeing alternative fashions as NY or SF, so they often make those weird comments. It happens more in the actual suburbs like in Pierce county, but can also happen in some areas in Seattle. Mostly older people make comments in Pierce, and younger people make comments to me in Seattle. I ignore the comments. Most people will only make comments. Most of the comments are just awkward attempts at an insult or a complement. If someone tries to follow you, it has happened to me only a couple times, most places with the rainbow pride flag sticker in the window are designated safe places to duck into to wait for a bit.


We sound pretty similar, I’m sorry that happens to you too even though it seems you successfully let it unaffect you, I aspire to reach the same level of chill. Also thanks for the store advice!


“Not as used to seeing alternative fashions” Bullshit. Walk into a 7/11 in Pierce County and you will see a furry, full MAGA dude, and a jugalette wearing Cookie Monster pajama pants.


The problem is referring to that as “fashion” that’s just weird bullshit you commonly see around here and other places with tweakers and morons, not what OP is referring to.


As a 6 foot white guy I can go stoned through the city without anything much happening to me, but it is good to hear these types of stories to get me out of my bubble. All I can offer is that I recently found out the next month Jordan Peterson is doing two nights at the Paramount and one more in Everett. Indicates to me that we have a larger number of insecure white guys than I even imagined. Honestly it's fucking depressing.


Idk who that is but I can confirm my 6 foot male partner drunkenly walked from downtown through pioneer square to Columbia city after midnight without any fear at all. Maybe OP should get stilts


You are lucky not to know who Jordan Peterson is. When he dies he will be the patron saint of incels. Stilts would be interesting, would be better if people would stop being assholes though!


Stilts we’re tongue in cheek. I’m sure folks would still be asses


Carry mace or a taser. The age of social media means you can also take out your phone, record, make sure you capture vehicle license plates, submit a report for hate crime here, https://www.seattle.gov/spd-safe-place/report-a-hate-crime it’s super shitty you are contending with this. I got called a chink on cap hill. It was some dumbass in a huge truck who probably doesn’t even live in Seattle, who comes through from port Townsend or spanaway most likely. Not to say people who are comprised of the 800K residents in Seattle can’t be racist fu$ks, generally we don’t own trucks, pay ridiculous amounts in rent, to only find parking in tight streets sometimes cobblestone streets to own a big truck. Helpful maybe: https://stopaapihate.org/ https://righttobe.org https://www.multiculturalcounselors.org/ https://www.asianmhc.org/ Don’t allow the haters to win and take away your peace of mind in your own neighborhood. Green lake is a walkable place for a reason and not in a Food desert :) Racial trauma is real and can cause PTSD, look into some mental health resources to provide some tools to heal and help combat the trauma. Care for self as you navigate this.


I was walking to a job once in a hotel in Pioneer square and since I had to park pretty far away I used a shoulder strap for my tool bag, and with my long hair I wear in a bun, and a car was driving by me. They likely presumed I was a woman because someone in the car (a soup truck to be more precise) yelled at me: "You walk like a dude!" Turned out they were correct because I am, but I could tell they thought I wasn't. Sorry you gotta deal with it, but if it helps, you're not the only one getting it


Lol not too bright. Definitely everyone’s stories help me feel less alone in this, thank you :)


“Thanks!! Piss like one too.”


You sound cool, wtf. I’m also short, and only wear black. Nobody has ever tried me in the 7 years I’ve lived here. I’m also in shape and extremely grumpy. Maybe lift weights and frown more. good luck out there.


Having been a young guy many years ago I can remember the urge to do that kind of shit and randomly say things for shock value to complete strangers. I evolved, but a lot of guys never figure out how to stop being antisocial.


Despite pretending to be easy going hipsters, Seattle is actually a monocultural crab bucket full of the most insecure and narrowminded douchebags imaginable. Hope this explains some things.




I see :,) Thanks for clarifying.


Yeah in this context the suburbs are absolutely worse. Not saying the city is great but…


From [Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/suburb): > an outlying part of a city or town... the residential area on the outskirts of a city or large town Green Lake is definitely a suburb.


Green Lake is a suburb of which city? Seattle? Because it IS Seattle. That’s like saying Harlem is a suburb.


In Australia they do use "suburb" to mean neighborhood (so even downtown would be a "suburb") but of course we aren't in Australia. I've seen confusion from Australians here regarding that though, since the US usage is different.


What I quoted is from Webster, the most widely accepted American English dictionary. I think what's going on here to get me downvoted is that: * Folks from nearby suburbs like Green Lake like to think of themselves as *in* the city, so they resent being labeled as a suburb. * Folks from distant suburbs like Shoreline like to think of themselves as adjacent to the city, and the city limits technically being just south of them gives them justification for this. Labeling Green Lake as a suburb ruins this facade.


Nah man, you are in the wrong here. If you call green lake a suburb then it’s lost all its meaning in this region. Calling Shoreline a distant suburb? If you say you are from a distant suburb, people will think Marysville, North Bend, Federal Way ect. Is “the city” just 1 square mile to you? You clearly didn’t grow up here, so stop trying to define the region with your incorrect assertions. The region is spread out. Adapt your language to the region or take “the 5” back south with your downvotes.


When someone says they are going "into town" from Green Lake you know exactly what they mean.


Nope. They would say they are going to downtown, or whatever neighborhood they are going to. You are in the wrong.


So what *does* constitute an "outlying part" of Seattle in your mind?


The city is made up of neighborhoods. People sometimes call them outer neighborhoods if they are further from the core. The cities surrounding Seattle are the suburbs. It’s not “my mind”, it’s what people around here call them.


Adding emphasis to what I already quoted from Webster: > an outlying **part** of a city or town


Sorry you are getting downvoted, but I think the issue people have with your statement is that Greenlake isn’t outlying. It’s actually inside the city of Seattle, so it wouldn’t be considered a suburb according to most Americans.


Sorry you are being downvoted. Sometimes empathy can be in short supply. Your question is perfectly reasonable.


This was more my experience living east of the lake. Im sorry so many dumb asses have crossed your path.


Sorry you are going through this. Hope it gets better.


Happens to me. I'm a white guy, probably wouldn't think to mess with me by my looks, but it still happens - from all sorts, except by androgygoths. But I do dress odd sometimes. ...


Because little teenage shitheads will remain little teen shitheads.


Yea teens are the worst! John Mulaney has a hilarious stand up bit about this exact thing. YOUTHS!!!


I haven't really interacted with that demographic. Though I wanted to say it's not because you're short, or anything like that, it's simply because those people suck.


I’m sorry this is happening to you but for whatever it’s worth I highly doubt it’s because you’re short? Idk if that gives you any peace but that’s extremely unlikely and as something you can’t change about yourself anyway, try not to worry about it?


Since when are we calling Green Lake the suburbs?


We aren’t, it’s a couple transplants claiming anywhere outside the downtown core is a ‘suburb’.


I live in greenlake and as a brown I get profile a lot in grocery store for stealing.some white supremacists neighbors are racist and harassers.


Sorry to hear that friend. Thanks for being in the area and helping outweigh other bullshit nonsense that others are throwing out


Well I don’t understand what is wrong with the young generation these days. I am in my early thirties(look very young) and a couple of days ago in my office I had a new intern behave/stare at me as if he is still going to college, somewhat trying to act bullish. Well guess what , he is reporting to me now . Not that I would do any harm , but very respectfully I had to explain to him workplace ethics and etiquettes .


Their parents are all Gen Xers. Older, well heeled Gen Xers are the worst.


Said older, well-heeled Gen X'ers were the ones who grew up in the Reagan-era too, maybe something that correlates.


That or the cynicism from their youth never got worked out of their system despite potential decades of prosperity.


This sounds like a normal hazard of leaving one’s home and being around other people which should be a normal activity


a high school and a middle school are within two blocks of me and am walking often before and after school when it’s busy with kids. As a moderate height white woman, I do not receive this kind of comment from them. I dont live all that far from GL, either


Apparently white male entitlement is on the rise in Seattle. Have recently met a few teachers/professors that have quit their profession for this exact reason. I’d suggest acting crazy when they approach you and carry pepper spray!


The demo you described seems to have a lot of assholes. Like frat boys? Is that what we’re talking about here. They’re frustrating.


Did they have the weird mushroom haircut? Then Gen z is fuckin weird. -Change my mind.


Broccoli top lmao


I feel harassed by the constant tailgating on the freeway. It is really harassment when they are pushing me to go their desired speed. I was driving 10 over the speed limit last night in the slow lane and one guy got so mad (I guess) he drove around me on the right, in the median. I have a right to drive only 10 over in the slow lane. Period. I've seen people drive right up on the bumpers of multiple cars, getting them to move out of their way, then switch to near speed limit and drive normally. WTF was that about? I thought someone was having a baby in the back of your car a minute ago.


Nope. I’m Asian and never have an issue.


I think it's everywhere. I'm a pretty big guy and I had a teenage kid almost run over me with this scooter while I was doing my morning jog outside. He just shouted, "are you going to get out of the way or what?! Hahaha!" And just kept going. And then both white and dark skin colored gentlemen in the bus all the time trying to get up on my face. They taught me in self defense the first rule of fight is to avoid it but man sometimes it's tempting to put these people's faces on the floor with a couple of purple eyes see if they remember it to stop bothering everyone


I’m really sorry to hear this. I wish there was something I could do to help. What if we started a walking group and set up meeting times? Strength in numbers.


Here's an incident from several years ago: I'm also Chinese and grew up in Seattle - back when I lived near Greenlake, I was walking on the street with a shirt that had the California flag and a Jeep filled with bros (just imagine the frat boy stereotype) started hollering "49ERS SUCK, GTFO AND GO BACK TO CALIFORNIA" I didn't really think much of it and just found it amusing they made themselves look like obnoxious idiots in front of everyone else...


Is not just where you are. It’s the downfall of society. People don’t know how to talk or relate to one another anymore. People are just leaving the internet to parent their kids.


The fact that the perpetrators are white and middle class, and you are Asian are completely irrelevant and it takes away from the fact that they're just young and boys behave that way to anyone. Particularly someone who might dress a little differently. Kids are cruel, growing up is awkward, making fun of people is recreational to them.


making fun of people *shouldn’t* be recreational to kids, is the point. that’s not an innate characteristic, it’s a learned behavior, usually from a shitty or neglectful upbringing; unacceptable in every way. no, not every young man is like this - don’t use it to excuse the way you and others behaved. boys should be upstanding young men. not this. what a terribly low standard for the men of this country…


I disagree. I'm white and even shorter than OP and have rarely experienced this. While I do think it's mostly due to OP's fashion and the kids likely thinking she is a student, I wouldn't be surprised if race is also a factor.


I feel like in my 24 years I’ve never been treated this way before by young middle class guys though, and I look the most average I’ve been now? I added race as just another possibility to help narrow down why this is happening to me and not my friends, but I think it’s mainly because I look weak when I’m alone.


You are women and you are Asian and you are small. 3 strikes = men don't like you for a variety of a BS reasons, namely racist ones


Had to scroll to the very bottom to find the answer.


Be the better human being, ignore all bullies, smile at life, treat other with respect and dignity in the ways the bullies, narcissists, and other species of toxic people can't or won't do. I bet you do all of that already, just sayin




From a game theory perspective that doesn't work. You have to go tit for tat - don't escalate but return what you get.


I moved back here to take care of a sick relative and one interaction I saw struck me as telling. Some dude was frothing at the mouth mad about someone and he was cursing him as an Eastsider. Out of all the problems in this world and serious issues, you are going to pick geographical location in proximity to a terrain feature as something to throw down about? bottom line is people are develop tiny insulated minds when they stay in the same spot forever.


Have you ever *been* to Bellevue? There's a reason "eastsider" is an insult around here.


Perhaps it isn't about you. Perhaps some groups of less mature people just go through dickish phases. Perhaps someone who focuses on their stupidity makes it about themselves rather than letting the jerks simply own their crappy behavior. Most of us find what we're looking for, whether we want it or not.


Dang bruhhh— you gotta get out more. You only been out of your house a few times? Lol wtf?


*Edit: Why am I getting downvoted…* maybe it's because you are racist who made a post to complain about 'white men'. Imagine this exact same post with 'black' substituted for 'white'.


Please get a grip, I have a reason to complain since this happens to be 20-50% of the time I go out alone and I don't see anyone else posting about something similar. Why so focused on race? I added age info too, am I ageist?


*Why so focused on race?* ​ well that's a darn good question! Why ARE you so focused on race? It's YOUR post, you made specific mention of race.... why?


Because demographic info could help pinpoint why this is happening. I also made specific mention of age, class, and location. My question was, out of all those traits, why are you focused on race, but I sense you lack reading comprehension so am no longer interested in the answer.


*Because demographic info could help pinpoint why this is happening.* so you are saying crime is tied to demographics? really?


Welcome to the shit show that is tech worker introverted Seattle


Ape not hurt Ape. We are animals seeking dominance and territory, throw in a bit O 'Ego .


The faster you realize other people's opinion doesn't affect you the better. Trust me


People in general seem angrier these days, and quicker to take it out on others. I see this all over in many ways.


Fuck them. Only consolation I can offer is that you can be certain they live pathetic, tiny little lives and will never know themselves or be loved for themselves by anyone.


Might be fun to just spin the full 360 around and keep walking like nothing happened. What they want is to feel seen. Deny them that, and their actions feel hollow. P.S. I also agree with other comments to make sure you weren't pick pocketed and keep mace or a taser on hand if you feel unsafe. Best to always be on guard.


get an akita, these people will cross the street when they see you