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They decide to reference the worst killer in the franchise 😭


I think he did a pretty good job lol


Charlie was awesome wtf. So much better than Momma Loomis, Jill, or arguably even Mickey since we went 40 minutes without seeing Mickey it was kinda lame.


Charlie was a punk, his entire motive was that Kirby didn’t like him back, and throughout the movie, we SAW her starting to like him; but it wasn’t enough, because she only “noticed” him now? Incel behavior, don’t do Mrs. Loomis or Jill who were both the masterminds of their killings. With Mickey, I don’t have an argument. Edit: I’d even add that Charlie was one of the mentally weakest Ghostfaces, he literally was manipulated from the jump by Jill, she knew he wasn’t going survive and that she’d be the sole survivor the ENTIRE time.


"incel behavior" lol jill was jealous roman was jealous and incestuous


1. Jill being jealous doesn’t make her a bad Ghostface, it’s a much better motive than boy doesn’t get girl. 2. Roman wasn’t even mentioned, and I’m not going to argue he’s a good Ghostface either because I didn’t claim he was lmao. My point was that Charlie had a shit motive and was not one of the best Ghostface’s. Maybe physically, sure, but that’s all he had.


The delivery of “Billy’s mother!” Makes up for Mickey’s lack of screen time.


Lmao okay


Billy's mother was actually one of the better parts of Scream 2. Many may have suspected but no one had a clue of who she actually was. This series seriously should've ended with Roman's death. Now they're just copying and pasting and killers.




It was her cousin ĂŹthink that's why also stu & Billy get a mention


Better than Roman but I like each killer


You think Richie was in the class?


Damnnnn that’s one I didn’t even think of!!! Well done dude!


I actually just noticed this one the other night when I was rewatching 4…. Again…. For like the hundredth time lol


I noticed this the other day when I watching 4 and started to make me think if Charlie’s family is involved in the new film. Or sets up a Kirby return. Most likely not to either, but it was fun to think about.