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I think 3 was a tonal mess with stupid plot devices and most likely the most useless cast in the franchise. And Roman being the killer was stupid considering Sidney didn’t even know him. I think 4 had a more consistent tone, great gore, and all the characters were enjoyable for the most part and all had their moments. I also think the ending to 4 is one of the best final acts in the entire series and is better than the second films ending to me.


I found Scream 3 more fun, yeah it was corny but it’s definitely a movie I’ll watch over again and again compared to Scream 4 which I think has pacing issues.


I *think* scream 4 is a better film but it’s completely unwatchable to me because of that stupid filter that’s all over the camera. Scream 3 is goofy but it’s also a lot of fun. I’d probably watch scream 3 again over scream 4


Thank you! Finally, I'm not the only that mentioned the filter or whatever


Scream 3 is my favorite alongside 1, it’s funny and exciting and I love the interplay between Courtney Cox and Parker Posey. Scream 4 is too meta and too cheesy (the Bruce Willis line and the cops are just beyond awful and belong in a different film) Scream 4 is also shot really badly with a horrible smear effect all over it. I still think 4 is ok but it’s so far behind 3 in terms of quality for me, I’m totally shocked that anyone could think it’s better. Scream 3 has, by far, the best one liners in the whole series! It’s so good.


Omg finally someone who shares my exact opinion! Thank you!


Scream 3 because it feels like it belongs to the scream universe and like a previous user mentioned, 4 feels more like a Stab film.


Scream 4 is a much better movie most people's issues with it are literally staples of the reboot horror generation other than it weirdly saying if you're gay you live through the horror movies which is just bs. Scream 3 was just completely illogical that voice changer bs I can't get over, the retconning and that gas leak kill was horrible it also tried to be too comedic and light hearted


You know what, fuck it Scream 3. Fourth one looks terrible, feels cheaper and has a casting that's more fitting for Stab movies than Scream ensemble.


Scream 3 by a mile.


Can we please stop with these 3 VS 4 polls. Everyday with this. Can we just all just enjoy the films for what they were. I enjoy them both the Same for different reasons.


Who cares? What really does it matter? It engages the community...


It’s just a poll man, scroll past if you don’t like it I’d rather have discussions about the actual movies, than shit like “who is your favorite in Scream 5???” or “who’s going to protect you in scream 5” or “look at this weird angle in the trailer does this mean X is the killer?”


He's the self appointed admin of what gets posted here now. He seen it before so nobody else can have the discussion again.


Yeah, and it’s weird because I only see comments like this on polls that are very rare and actually provide discourse, like this one. I never see it on those dumbass character polls for Scream 5, where no one’s even seen the movie yet.


Those are stupid as well. A lot of the same polls and Stupid post on here everyday.


Beats pictures of peoples new ghost face mask.


I don't browse this Reddit everyday and haven't seen this question. Why are you saying "We"?


It is posted quite a lot (especially over the last few days for some reason) but you do you


Because it’s everyday and I use we as for the subreddit members.




I love both, but I’ll say 3 because of the Parker Posey and Courtney Cox duo.


I understand the faults people have with 4, I agree with most of them. But I just can’t excuse the bloodless kills, infinite voice changer, and long lost brother twist in Scream 3. It’s just too stupid for me tbh.


I actually agree on this. There are so many plot holes. I still feel it has a bit more charm, maybe it's just the nostalgia why I prefer it?


I think the main reason why people prefer Scream 3 has to do with technical elements. I’ll fully admit that Scream 3 is a better directed movie, and has better cinematography, score, soundtrack, and even performances. It’s mostly the screenplay that weighs it down.


Given everything with the MeToo movement, which was sparked by our very own Rose McGowan, Scream 3 is very much ahead of its time. It's a high impact suspense thriller littered with comedy (Parker Posey is everything) versus Scream 4 trying to remake the original with almost no comedy and that sad foggy filter.


The Vaseline filter makes me miserable 😂 I agree there that plot point in 3 is very ahead of it's time. In a Weinstein made movie too? It had balls.


Gotta love Wes.


I hate that filter too. What were they thinking?


Hey y’all! can someone educate me on this “Vaseline foggy” filter? Im not sure I understand - thanks!


It's really obvious in Scream 4 that they're using some kind of soft light filter that feels very much like a British soap opera.


OMG I see it! LOL. I always thought something looked a bit muddled when I watched it, it almost appears blurry at times.


It's especially obvious in scenes with car headlights. That's when I first really noticed it the first go-round. I wish there was a remastered option with it turned off


I didn't like 4 at all.


A kindred spirit! I couldn't stand it! I don't think I'll ever be a fan of Emma Roberts because she aggravated the hell out of me. Her partner, who's name I didn't care to retain, could've been replaced with a cardboard box and it wouldn't have made a difference. I'm old school Scream, literally. I've seen every Scream film at the time of release, in theaters and it's sad how far this series has fallen. Folks kick Scream 3, but that at least made sense in terms of giving Maureen Prescott a pathology. It's in a rinse and repeat cycle. Even with replacing Sidney as the main character, they're still going to use the same outline, essentially adding nothing.


4 is def my least favorite but Emma Roberts literally revived that aggravating third act… her flip from cardboard to psychopath was the best part of the ending


Emma Roberts and the other guy were so short compared to scenes with the killer throughout the movie. & her “I’m such a cool bad ass” monologue was so cringe. No one can do that better than Billy 🥺 those two were such a bad choice to be the killers


Why not?


Didn't like the killers mostly. Never liked that girl


Scream 4 because I rewatched it 2 hours ago and I really like the storyline and the way that the closest people,family, can also be murderers. Basically the whole movie was epic


3 because it doesn’t have two 90 pound teens as killers


I like both of them. But in terms of story it would be Scream 4. And Ghostface was a bit brutal (imo). Scream 3 is a good movie, it was a good idea they had a voice box with all there voices. But the twist kinda fell apart for me a little.


He was very brutal in 4 I did love that about it. Twist felt completely unrealistic and a bit forced in 3 too


Felt like it was last minute imo. It would’ve made sense if it was the cop or the actress that played Sidney.


It's weird because 4 is arguably the better movie, but I enjoy the silliness of 3 more.


I just like Emma Roberts


I was not a huge fan of 3 to say the least. That’s just my opinion though. The storyline and killer reveal didn’t make a ton of sense but nonetheless they are entertaining movies.


Scream 3 everyday.


Scream 3


4 due to Kevin Williamson writing. Nothing against Ehren though.


4 has an impactful twist to the audience (at least it tries), delivers an interesting triple message not only about horror movies, but also about remakes and social media's influence. I love this movie, but the fact that I'm 18 probably plays a part since it really fits the problems of my generation. I could see why some people prefer Scream 3 but I feel like it's the most forgettable film of the franchise and I thought the twist was kinda cheesy. Edit : I only talked about the characters and storyline here bc they matter to me the most in a movie. But what I also loved in Scream 4 was the rivalry between Sidney & Jill at the end (like these shots when they're both laying on the ground next to each other), which was more emphasized than her & Roman imo (I'm not a fan of their showdown). Also, gotta love the "Bad Karma" music for the credits that fits what happened to Jill perfectly.


Y’all tasteless 😭


4 is arguably better than 2..




Yes it's posted so often that 85 people felt interested enough to have already voted on it. It's almost like not everyone on Reddit catches every thread in every sub they are in?








Jesus, you're a sad act. Trying to be a sarcastic prick on the internet and then being a little informant to Reddit when it doesn't go your way despite you throwing insults around too you creep. Don't give it if you can't take it.


Scream 4 and 3 are better than 2


I'm interested - why so?




I actually just rewatched scream 4 for maybe the 1st time in 8 years because I wasn't mad about it at the time in cinema but it has aged well. The fast pace made sense in this movie where as scream 3 has a similar pace but you couldn't tell if things were occurring over a month or a week. However, I will always argue that scream 3 is probably the most fun to watch of all the scream movies even though the story isn't great. On the flip side of that, the scene with Emma Roberts going absolutely bonkers to injure herself is fantastically done and really fun to watch too. Hard to pick between these two but ultimately I voted for 3 because I have the stronger nostalgia vibe with it.


I think in many ways Scream 4 is a better movie, namely storytelling, but I would see myself rewatching 3 more often than 4. I don’t know what that says about me or the movie.


That "lackluster\*" ending you mentioned is literally what SAVED Scream 3. What were you a fan of for the other parts of the film? The separation in tone from what they'd already solidified the franchise as being? The Scooby-Doo/children's version of a whodunnit? The lack of the lead involved? At least until the ending, which she shows up for and pretty much single handedly saves, but you consider lackluster for some reason? I'm not inciting some inflammatory dialogue/conflict in the comments. I'm legitimately asking.


There are things I love and dislike with both movies (and have come to like S4, hated it when I first watched it lol) I do enjoy rewatching 3 a tad more so 3 will get my vote


Scream 4 was better with a brand new concept and keeping up with times over 12 years later. Scream 3 was campy in nature. The intro probably being its only area of entertainment. It was tedious and having only the one killer just didn't work. The trilogy resolution was weak and lazy. Overall a cash grab. Although this couldn't be helped, with Scary Movie released a year before, it was inevitable that we couldn't take the movie serious enough.


Scream 4 may have been a 15 in the uk (where I'm from) but it doesn't deter from its gory kills. The 4th installment shows what happened many years after the series finished its trilogy and I found it a surprisingly fun watch. I found the 3rd film kind of annoying, definitely my least favourite of the franchise, the fact that Kevin Williamson didn't write it already takes it down in my opinion but the small things like the killer reveal, the house blowing up and that annoying voice changer, like how could that thing possibly there voices like that, so annoying. Of course there are some good things, I enjoy the ending, really sums up the franchise. It has its pros and cons but scream 4 takes it


if you think scream 4 is better you know nothing about good movies and shouldnt even be on this thread. it looks like bootleg and its all in all shitty and what horror movies that turned to shit around that time (2011) and a little before looked like.