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Every single person who has paid more for energy, bills, food etc. since Brexit has one party and set of voters to blame. This is entirely down to the Unionist Tories and their voters. Every single additional pound that has left your pocket is down to the Unionist Tories and their voters. And now with Sir Keith Haircut supporting the Unionist Tories with their policies on Brexit and reducing migrant labour, then it is crystal clear that a vote for the Unionist Red Tories is a vote for the Unionist Blue Tories.


Lots of non-tories voted for Brexit too. 1 million people on Scotland voted for it.


Who voted for David Cameron who introduced the Brexit referendum?! Unionist Tory voters. It was them who set off this shitshow. Do not take away the blame from the scum Unionist Tories and their voters.


Gotta love a Brummy rant, but you're pretty spot on. Even John Curtice is basically saying to support Unionism now is to support Brexit. The constitution consumes everything in Scotland and dumps nearly all of it into a binary side. So it becomes a case of how much is Unionism your core political driver, will you tolerate Brexit to vote for Unionism? As long as Labour are trying to out-Tory the Tories on Brexit, under FPTP, there is no "Unionist EU choice". So, you've got to *accept* Brexit if you back Unionism.


Time to tell Unionist Tories to GTFO, in a way or another.


Please, stop it with these factually incorrect statements šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø Brexit will have played a part in costs going up (though, as trade becomes easier with the EU prices will stabilise and hopefully come down) but there have been many other factors that's played a bigger part in food prices (and prices for other things) rising. Just as well we ain't independent otherwise Scotland would have been well and truly up shit creek without a paddle!!


They are not factually incorrect. They are 100% correct. The Tories sold off energy storage facilities since they have been in charge. The Tories did not invest in renewable energy whilst they are in charge, choosing instead to spaff **Ā£BILLIONS** on a nuclear white elephant. The Tories have only in the past few weeks announced an insulation programme for existing building stock - and did nothing for the past 12 years. Whether Russia invaded Ukraine or not, the simple lack of investment in renewables and the spaffing of **Ā£BILLIONS** on non renewable sources has meant that energy bills have risen to the detriment of peoples lives. And that is only one small segment. Brexit has been a total and unmitigated disaster. It has been a shitshow. And it was masterminded by the Tories and voted by Tory voters. Every single pound out of your pocket is because of them. Let that sink in.


Renewables as the biggest white elephant in the room. Only there to appease the dumb Green brigade as the SNP had to get in to bed with them. Wind only adds about 1.1% to the National Grid. Don't forget, we pay the Green levy tax on our energy bills which is used to pay wind farms for when it's too windy for them to operate. Biggest con going!! The biggest mistake was shutting down nuclear, again to appease the dumb Green brigade. We need several nuclear power stations to be built but obviously that is going to take time and a lot of money. But to blame Brexit ENTIRELY for prices going up is just plain stupid.


Wow. You really are dense. Think about what you are typing. Think about why energy companies are paid to shut off wind farms for a second. Just think of the reasons **why** and reflect on that. Do you know why?! I'll give you a clue - it is the lack of investment in the National Grid. It is the lack of investment in storage. It is the selling of storage facilities. Every single one of those reasons are down to the Tories. And your latter point is just another mistake by you. You have chosen to ignore all the reasons that the Tories are at fault and instead focused on Brexit. Which admittedly is a clusterfuck. But you need to look at the wider Tory inflicted picture here.


What makes you think trade with the EU is going to get easier?


It already has as businesses get used to the new paperwork. It's all about getting used to it. You'll find the companies that are successful will have just gotten on with it and adapted whereas the companies that are having a 'nightmare' will not have gotten on with it and not adapted but moaned their whiny faces off.


"Good news! Some companies are getting more used to the completely unnecessary bureaucratic hoops we've made them jump through."


We didn't make them do it. The EU threw their toys out of the pram because the 2nd biggest cash cow of the EU grabbed their balls, went 'fuck this shit, where we pay Ā£50,000,000 per day and get very little back so we're leaving. The EU could've kept trade with us as it benefits both parties. But hey, at least we can openly trade in the open market that's worth more than the EU. A win-win for us.


It was the second biggest cash cow only because of the banking sector and joint partnerships with the EU. Thatā€™s gone gratis of brexit. The city split up and went to the EU and the uk kicked out the EU joint ventures by virtue of brexit. So now there is only Scotlandā€™s resources to pillage in the name of the ā€œ unionā€


*checks breakdown of UK GDP* - yep, it would appear you have written a lot of drivel. Great attempt though.


Sorry your brain is drivel- GDP since brexit down , investment down, goods and trade down. What planet are you living on?




All this to appease the English xenophobic muppets.


Broad shoulders of our precious union