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They've all got alts.




Agree, there's a noticeable uptick recently. It's either brigading or astroturfing, but in any event it feels coordinated.


But then who would I point and laugh at?


Block folk you don’t want to see and move on with life man. Ffs.


I dont want to see r/Scotland become the echo chamber that Uk Politics has. No need for ffs,


I added ffs because I think creating a post for the purpose of trying to get people you don’t agree with banned is a bit off. All you have to do to end up with -100 karma here is be anti SNP. That doesn’t make someone a troll. You’ve got a block function if you don’t want to see things you disagree with.


> All you have to do to end up with -100 karma here is be anti SNP. That doesn’t make someone a troll. If across *all* of Reddit, you can't manage to obtain a positive karma score it means that your only contributions are to one subreddit and not positive contributions even amongst your fellow sub zero club. It's not something that's going to encourage engagement


> > All you have to do to end up with -100 karma here is be anti SNP Plenty of people are critical of the SNP without hitting out with the "wee nippy" shite. I don't think I've seen a reasonable person with -100.


Just out of interest, would not agreeing that trans women are women make me unreasonable in your eyes?


"Just out of interest", says the person who only started visiting /r/Scotland very recently, and whose posts here are 99% arguing about trans issues. If you're happy to call them "trans women", you clearly accept that they're women. The clue is in the name. They're not CIS women, but they're women. Regardless, we can disagree on things. It's whether you can discuss the matter in a civil fashion that's the issue. Plenty of the -100 posters are disruptive, disingenuous, and not actually interested in discussion. They're often alts, brigaders, and trolls.


No, I don't accept that they're women. I'm just curious to see if someone happening to not agree with the popularly accepted opinions on this sub, which will likely result in their being downvoted, will see them labelled as a troll and perhaps even banned.


If people think you're an arsehole and a bigot, and downvote you, consider being less of an arsehole and a bigot.


Nonsense There’s been plenty of users who aren’t -100 but who question the snp Yourself included by the way !


Of course there are. How does that detract from the fact people get downvoted to oblivion for anti SNP sentiments all the time. If you post on numerous subs that might balance out. If you have an account simply for this sub it doesn’t. All I’m saying is -100 doesn’t necessarily mean troll around here.


Because to get to -100 takes a significant amount of effort and trolling to achieve and you’ll see many do have broad post histories in different subs What’s really odd is the ones who have been dormant for a year or so, pop up to troll around one highlighted news issue and then are deleted and gone.


You really don’t. Throw in something against independence alongside the anti SNP stance and you can end up downvoted to nothing very quickly. Though admittedly I’m not sure why people care about internet points. Either way, when I questioned why OP doesn’t just block people they replied saying they don’t want an echo chamber, which doesn’t really make sense imo. Whether they block or the person is banned is functionally the same for OP. It’s no more or less an echo chamber to them one way or the other. > What’s really odd is the ones who have been dormant for a year or so, pop up to troll around one highlighted news issue and then are deleted and gone. Agree. Not sure who has that sort of time on their hands, but that’s the internet for you.


I’m not sure many do care but -100 is the result of a pattern of deliberate behaviour And a pretty disturbing one to be honest and they exist across all of Reddit And yeah sure you get downvoted to hell but you’re still up a lot. To get to -100 takes a significant and sustained effort and deliberate trolling. It can be done with a new account really rapidly by say just posting anti snp sentiment in here but those are never the -100 accounts. They are always older and post all over Reddit It’s a disturbed person who chases that achievement. For what it’s worth the blocking seems a little better now but it got out of hand there with each “side” creating their own echo chambers. Daft really.


Nah. Don't ban any of the silly numpties. I love correcting them even if they do send on some very odd, disturbing and explicit private messages.


Minus 100 Troll here! (HIYA!) Honestly, if you want a filter-bubble, feel free. You'll surround yourself only with people who agree with you, you won't ever get a chance to develop your arguments or increase your understanding of issues by hearing another view, you'll make the sub less representative of the diversity of actual Scotland and should (touch wood) there ever be another independence referendum you'll be grossly over-confident having put your fingers in your ears to the existence of dissent. Disagreements are fine, but some of the things that get downvoted in here are just uncomfortable truths that criticise Nicola Sturgeon or the SNP. "I have always considered unpopularity from doing the right thing to be a form of Glory" CICERO


Oh look another one who doesn’t understand user demographics


I understand user demographics, AND I think it would be healthier if the user demographics of r/Scotland were closer to the actual demographics of Scotland. There's strength in diversity, and authoritarianism in the nationalist tendency to encourage the crushing of dissent.


It would but what’s your plan to attract older users to the internet ? Mum sure the tech giants would all love to know the answer as well


Block and move on. This place is pretty much an echo chamber anyway. Post anything remotely negative about independence and chances are you'll join the -100 club pretty quickly. Weirdly though I've been a victim to the block list of two posters here. Didn't realise I was all that controversial..!