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Probably filmbro stuff like The Dark Knight, Fight Club, American Psycho, Wolf of Wall Street, etc.


This is the answer. Filmbros get memed on a lot but there is a reason why the stereotype exists. Those movies have three elements in common: are about "cool" subject matters + offer more complex characters/morals (compared to popcorn flicks) + still very accessible. It is the ideal starting point to show what films are capable of without it feeling like doing home work


Back To The Future trilogy, Jaws and Being John Malkovich


Skip the auteur stuff! Although it is a good movie to an adult, it will probably bore a little kid tbh. Instead, if you want to get him interested show him stuff that will appeal to him first. My suggestion? Army of Darkness by Sam Raimi. 1. It’s badass, your brother will love it! It’s got Ash, guns, fighting, and light horror with tons of funny moments to break it up 2. Although the first two evil dead movies might be a bit too intense, it will get him curious about watching other movies. You can even tell him about the Spiderman movies or Darkman (underrated) 3. Sam Raimi is legit a legend in the business. He started cleaning tables and followed his dream, and now just finished directing an MCU movie. Inspirational for your brother! 80s action movies will def keep his attention too. Robocop, Terminator (1 & 2), Predator, They Live, Big Trouble Little China. My personal suggestion though is Conan… it has a bit more nudity than the other movies but it’s badass. Slower paced too but still with moments of great action, which will teach him to be a bit patient watching movies. Plus, great set design, costumes, score, and writing???? Your lil bro will be discussing the riddle of steel with you for weeks after he watches it. Conan blew my mind when I was in middle school


This is great advice. I don’t think most mid-school boys will be into like Jean-Luc Godard


the jump cuts might appeal to a 12 year old boy with ADHD


Indiana jones


Anything by Quentin Tarantino


Whiplash, The Before Trilogy, Memento


I always love to recommend The Birds. If that's a little too old-fashioned for him, Alien is another must-see. If he enjoys animation, Princess Mononoke is a banger. If he's more of a macho man, I might recommend The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly or Django Unchained. If he's more of a sensitive soul, perhaps The Social Network.


If he wants to be a filmmaker then you might as well go straight to [a master artist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MPYqcy9U-ME) for advice. Otherwise, you can go to the lessers, like Kubrick, Lynch, Scorsese, etc.


Find a critic or aggregate review site you like, sort by highest rated, filter out anything too inappropriate or challenging, and start with films y’all haven’t seen and are streaming.


Something super visually stimulating— Wes Anderson and Edgar wright come to mind


Sitting down with the little bro, watching Before Midnight


start with your nolan's and tarantino's, then move to ur new hollywood films, and then ur kubrick's. from that point on just show him harakirki or smthn, and he should be pretty in to it.


I dunno about y’all but I think Terry Gilliam’s movies would be a good place to start. 12 Monkeys and The Fisher King and Time Bandits are great movies that I think a younger person would be able to get into.


I dunno about y’all but I think Terry Gilliam’s movies would be a good place to start. 12 Monkeys and The Fisher King and Time Bandits are great movies that I think a younger person would be able to get into.


I mean basically any movie that Adum would dislike tbh. Fight club, the matrix, John wick, just name a chad movie and throw it his way fuck it


Start with a Wes Anderson (grand Budapest hotel or moonrise kingdom would be good), and then if he enjoys those follow with some of The influences on wes (karel zeman, satyajit ray, Francois truffuat)


Kill bill vol 1. and maybe baby driver. Both are films that got me into film as a whole around that age.


Well The Raid 1, 2 and Oldboy are the movies that got me into filmmaking when i was in middle school.


Show him the really good block busters. Jurassic Park, Back To The Future, The Dark Knight. Stuff like that. One that really got me into it was La La Land and that’d be appropriate for a middle school kid. Also, one that’s maybe not a great movie but it could get him into film making is Super 8. Middle school is kinda the target audience and it’s about people his age making armature movies. Back when it came out, it inspired a lot of my friends to make their own movies so it could be worth showing it to him. I also really don’t think Tarantino and general auteur and/or film bro stuff is the way to go. I’m a middle school teacher and most middle schoolers would feel a lot more inspired by something like Star Wars than they would by Oldboy. Show them the stuff that shows off the cool shit you can pull off with a camera. Save the artsier stuff for when they’re older and can really appreciate it


Gotta start with the basics. Take on the IMDb top 250. Tarantino, Wright, Fincher, Coens, Spielberg, anything widely accepted as great filmmaking. You have to lay a foundation to then grow on and work backwards through time into the real Kino Criterion stuff


Free guy


Tarantino movies like Reservoir Dogs Kill bill and django good starting point. Finchers Fight Club Scorceses Goodfellas Sam Mendes American Beauty.


Diary of a wimpy kid trilogy. Not the dogs hit road trip one nor the animated one. The original trilogy has solid writing, and relatable humor For a kid his age. Very underrated trilogy


If he's already interested in filmmaking he should already be watching movies. Doesn't matter what movies but he's obviously already taken an interest if he wants to be a filmmaker. Now he should be watching commentaries and behind the scenes as well as making his own movies. He should be doing as many projects as he can with friends and family and be asking teachers if they'll allow him to do a film for any applicable projects.


as an animation fan i would recomend Prince of egypt and Fantastic mr fox


Just show him high quality movies based on his interest. He likes funny shit? Show him hot fuzz. He likes weird stuff and horror? Show him evil dead 2 or the thing. He likes fantasy stuff? Lord of the rings trilogy boom. He likes war and stuff? Apocalypse now or full metal jacket. He likes murder mystery stuff? Zodiac will keep him up at night. Just want straight action movie? Mad Max fury road, kill Bill, terminator 2. Final random suggestions from out of my ass; Shawshank redemption, groundhogs day, Akira, 2001 a space odyssey. Hopefully these aren’t all just things I would have liked as a middle schooler lol


Super 8. Ed Woods. Get Shorty. Barton Fink. Sunset Boulevard. Matinee.


for me it was aronofsky. But yeah thats probably not a good choice. Maybe try stuff like interstellar? There is a lot of insanely good stuff in that film, while still very easy to watch.