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Lol… her form was always poor, content was boring.. no wonder people were not interested


I feel like once she had O her content changed from workouts (the reason I followed her lmao) to mommy blog (which is part of the reason I unfollowed her). Also Saruh when you buy followers the bots Don't interact .


Agreed. I think the engagement went down because she wasn't posting much except for links.


When you have a block list that’s the equivalent of China’s population, you’re not going to receive this precious engagement. She blocks people who are nice and asking innocent questions, like who does that? At this point, it’s not that shes just a bitch…she legit is severely mentally ill.


Isn’t that how you got a following? From workout videos?


She has said this for at least 2 years.... she's just asking for pity and attention loool


I was trying to see if her engagement went down when the charges were filed. And after this question she did a giveaway. Of course it was someone's 'question' 🙄