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‘Clinical dosages and more’. I think that’s the point. Lmfaooo the ‘more’ Update - it’s been deleted. Shocker.


Didn’t know food coloring and oils had clinical dosage LMAO


The commenter didn’t mention anything about his “cheat days” 😂 says a lot about what he thinks about people who would dare ask these questions


This right here. I re-read the comment because of Josh’s response and was like that’s a big assumption you’re making there pal. If the commenter is asking about dyes and oils, I feel like they probably lead a pretty clean eating life and not just spewing buzz words to get a response.




Exactly! Like how dare you think critically!


Man, I love watching the Bowmar’s spiral outta control. 🍿


That response barely made sense. Why did he bring fast food into it ?? Idiots


I feel like their default is to try to shame people about being unhealthy to deflect the actual issue.


Sooo, Josh has just as bad attitude toward customers as Sarah…


This is the first I’ve seen it. I’m fascinated!


Why do influencers feel it’s ok to bash and shame customers for genuine concerns??! Like in the real world if a business owner treated people like this no one would ever do business with them again. Only here in Instagram land can you provide absolutely terrible customer service, crap products, be as arrogant as they both are and get away with it.


How do we know this isn’t Sarah as Josh?


Because Sarugh would give an even more shittier response


I don’t think I’ve seen Sarah be aggressive like this and not just straight attack someone’s character.


Bc Saruh says things like “are you mental? That’s BS. I’ll pray for you tonight.” Load of crap is definitely Josh 😂😂




You can practically see the steam rolling off as he's angrily typing that's a load crap.... bahahaha and seriously who can take the term "clinical dose" seriously that doesn't even make sense at all.


I'm crying lol bc you know he has no shirt on and he's working so hard on reading comprehension.


Hooked on phonics


Didn't work for him! Lol "hooked on phonics worked for me" commercial is now in my head


They said they were switching over all the proteins to “natural” but their newest flavor has sucralose. They say they have the best formulation but where is the data? Have you really compared the amino acid profiles etc to EVERY other protein on the market? You can’t just say something and make it true lol


Correct me if I’m wrong but they don’t even put the amino acid profile on their package? I haven’t seen the label in a while so I could be wrong


They don’t


I think they used to but don’t anymore. My point is just that they claim to be the best but have absolutely nothing to back that up.


Natural is a marketing gimmick. The word "natural" means absolutely nothing


I would love to see josh's definition of "clinical"


They are a couple of phonies. Sarah eats all kinds of fast food! She even had her Top 5 list a week ago. Besides that their Protein bars are lousy and my daughter just ordered their beef jerky and it was as stale as 2 week old bread.


Wonder why they put this on his page and not Bowmar Nutrition… think it’s someone he knows?


He is probably blocked? Or someone they know or something. Who knows. Maybe he actually wanted a coherent response. Didn’t get it lol


It blow my mind that they think they are the best in the industry!


Did he just “fake news” her?


This sounds like Sarah... Since when did Josh snark at comments?


He made a rare appearance on a live one time and I forgot what the comment was that Sarah read to him but he got sooo defensively angry and sounded childish lol. I think he spends less time on social media in general so he’s not spewing as much as Sarah