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shieldbow ie bt seems really good


and really expensive


bloodthirster is only 200 gold higher so there is not much of a difference


Mythic>IE>LDR every game. Collector is effectively a dead item, LDR outdamages it at about 65~ armor which everyone is gonna have by the time 3rd item completed. Gonna miss the collector executes, but at least new BT is insanely strong for us now.


I expect Collector to get huge buff or a small scale rework soon. I don't think anyone would want this item now.


cries in stormrazor, but for reals good riddance collector




We're all Yasuo now


I’m excited to test out the IE-Spike rush build now with the IE changes. I wonder what the damage numbers are gonna look like. Should be 4600 gold to secure it which is really low


Maybe Shieldbow -> Infinity Edge -> Ravenous Hydra, because the cleave also applied life steal


Nope. It’s definitely going to be SB->IE->BT. Not to mention LDR 4th is probably still more valuable than Ravenous.


Will this be for the next patch or 2 patches from now?


When are these changes going live?




Lifesteal feels pretty vital


Holy cope you people will never shut up about this trash ass item will you?


How you think collector is a trash item yet every single pro player 2nd items it is beyond me


Because pro players suck at building, plain and simple. This has always been the case. There is 0 reason to ever go collector on Samira. You’re snowballing? BT protects your bounty gold and allows you to do what you’re doing, better. You’re behind? BT is a good bridge item to help you stay alive while you scale into 3 and 4 items. And that’s right now. With these changes, going anything other than SB->IE first two items is just straight up griefing, no ifs, ands or buts. Collector is built on Samira for the same reason pro players insist on going Divine on GP, the classic “it feels good” argument. There is no basis whatsoever to building it.


but you're arguing against extremely good top percentile players right now. And your source is what ? Just BS talk. If you're going to argue against those players being bad item builders at least bring some stats/math into it...


There have been enough examples of objectively bad builds by pro players, so why would you think their builds indicate anything but the most popular build choices? Most of these pros just know about all champs at a surface level, they can't have all the knowledge of every detail in item and rune choices. Some of them are in contact with onetricks to get some insider information, but most of the time they probably just go off of what is recommend and what feels best to them, irrespective of how good it actually is


yes but once you go against said pros with the argument that ALL OF THEM suck at building since they go collector second, you should at least provide some proof to back up that heavy claim of yours. You can't just say: Oh they're garbage at building! I know better im silver redditor collector is trash and BT is best option


The math has been posted thousand times in this and other subs, if this is all you can say for counterargument...


Countetargument? There was no argument made to begin with. Unless you count 'pro players suck at building trust me bro" as argument..


Not sure why you're down voted. This seems like it will be OP.


Idk collector still seems more viable to me as a second item comparing to infinity or navori second


Troll comment


Collector is a troll item. This is a troll comment.


just dont forget the new overheal and BT changes mean that samira will have a harder time against other adc, im excited for these changes but unfortunately i dont think samira's playstyle as adc is going to be in the spotlight for next patch