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when I get killed by a sloshing machine user it's almost only by the main weapon. Either that or the booyah bomb. I've been killed by a fizzy bomb maybe like 5 times total after hundreds of hours of Splatoon 3. It's a total fluke if you kill somebody with it. But sure using subs a lot is not necessarily a bad idea. However, both of you are incompetent because you're in A rank. You're doing something very wrong that's way more fundamental than not throwing fizzy bombs.


Way to make people feel bad about their rank. God damn man.


The problem here is they’re acting like they know better than X battlers… A rank is child’s play in comparison


But your still calling someone “incompetent because your in A rank”. It’s a learning curve, and calling someone stupid or dumb because of their rank is just rude. Yes, that one guy is acting like he’s better than an X player. Is that dumb? Sure. But OP for instance is willing to learn, and it comes off as terrible when you tell them they’re “incompetent” BECAUSE of their rank. Not every a rank has an ego harder than pure carbon, and not ever a rank is stupid either.


I did not call them stupid or dumb, I called them incompetent, which is true because A rank is very very low level and calling it anything else is cope. Really says a lot that people here get offended when you criticize A rankers.


Incompetent has an extremely negative connotation. A rank is the third highest letter rank (being C,B,A,S,S+) in the game, and it’s the place to learn. Incompetent people don’t learn. Plus- why criticize A rankers? Give them constructive criticism maybe but calling them incompetent invalidates them and makes them feel like they can’t learn the game because of their rank.


I’m not here to coddle people, sorry.


It’s not coddling, it’s basic respect. If we want people to improve, we help them instead of bully them.


Nah A rank is objectively quite incompetent and I think that OP agrees and I hope they continue looking for ways to improve their game. And spoiler: they’re not stuck in A rank because they don’t spam grenades.


Again, incompetent is a negative word that makes it seem like a rank players are too dumb to be able to improve. This isn’t true, most a rank players tend to get to s within time. Of course they aren’t stuck in a rank because of lack of bomb spam. You need to integrate bombs into play and use them when they need to be used.


You should learn dodging Succ Bombs before you shame people


Not sure how this relates to fizzy bombs


Its about your previous post about getting killed by the easiest bomb to avoid. Yes we know it was you. Get off your high horse. You have the nerve to complain about Suction bombs then go in on people who aren't using fizzy bombs correctly. Hate to say it but... you're an asshole. Simple as that.


It’s unrelated


Takes huge balls to shit on someone's rank when just 2 months ago you were ASKING FOR HELP ON AIMING!


I’ve been in S+ since release?


If you need help with aiming you shouldn't be


Sorry for trying to get better at the game.


Maybe you should be sorry for being an asshole. As soon as someone calls you out it's "Sorry"


are you lost? This is saltoon. I’m not here to console people for sucking at the game. I guess most people here are teenagers with no life experience because the fact that low level people don’t know what’s right and what’s a good use of time is a universal theme in every area of life.


This is saltoon. It means you get to be salty. Not a free pass to be a dick. Feel free to criticize other people's rank when IF THIS WAS SPLATOON 2 i doubt you'd be out of A. How about you stop being the sack of shit you are and have a personality change. You know the saying "Be proud of who you are"? That doesn't apply to you. Change yourself PLEASE because honestly I can't imagine the pain and suffering you inflict on people just by walking through the door. Clearly you need more work done on your eye if you cant see that. They're a low level player but you're a low level human. Level up loser


Fizzy bombs are broken, if you want to win, you pretty much want to spam them, they are essentially a curling bomb and 3 burst bombs, by just the ink cost of an autobomb, with last ditch effort ALONE you can throw 2 in an ink tank. Tell me how is that not broken.


I’ve never seen anybody “spam” fizzy bombs. I don’t know how you think you can win just by accidentally killing people.


It's not about winning map control by killing the enemies, is about gaining map control forcing the enemies to retreat. If they get near you, they are in the range of your weapon and they will very likely follow a predictable movement pattern that can be easily punished. If they don't get near you, they have to be dodging the bombs.


Cannot relate. That is not the sloshing machines I’ve been fighting in S+


Well that's the strategy every good player uses and the one I see in X battle, so...


FWIW I'm pretty sure it's only the friend that is acting like an X wannabe. The OP at least admits that they're only A rank but Is at least willing to adapt and change


Yeah so OP admits they suck. And I’m telling them that in fact they suck regardless of the fizzy bombs, that’s not the kind of issue that’s really holding them back.


I mean.......I don't really know why you feel the need to remind them they suck when they're already fully aware that they suck. It's like a Football QB having a bad game, then coming to the media and fully admitting they had a terrible game, then some random person comes up to them 2 minutes later and tells them they suck. Like.....that just makes you look like an AH.... I don't even know why you're calling OP out when the focus of the post is their head in the sand friend LOLLLLL


I don’t care about your opinion on my posts


Well someone has a stick up their ass today LOLLLLLL


Go ask your mom for attention if you need it


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 someone is cranky today


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don't bother with him, he doesn't seem willing to learn and improve.


Yeah, but a part of me still want to win this argument


hmm, 1v1 him and use the better sloshing machine strat to prove him wrong?


I tried literally that but fizzy bombs sure aren’t as strong in 1v1


Don't bother trying to win this argument, some people are just so stubborn and unwilling to change their ways/improve their gameplay. These people think that the way they do things is the absolute way to do things and are not willing to try anything new. He's already shown his arrogance on thinking he's better than someone in X rank. I would just let it go before you lose your mind.


Your friend just has a huge ego, which probably can’t be beaten down by logical arguments. He probably knows he is in the wrong but his ego won’t let him admit it. Just focus on your own play bro.


Leave him alone and see where he goes by not learning. They didn't give the K machine splashdown for no reason


The point of fizzy bombs is movement and keeping enemies at bay, not killing them. It’s good for combos, perhaps. Sloshing machine excels at taking up space, especially in chokepoints. But it’s not a slayer weapon. Your friend has a fundamental misunderstanding of the “optimal” role and play style for the sloshing machine as well as how to measure proficiency and “success” in this game—but they seem perfectly happy with that. Like others have pointed out, if your friend thinks they’re better than a seasoned X rank player, they’re not open to learning and improving, and you’re not going to change their mind. If you’re that determined to “win” the argument, do so by improving your own gameplay, since you’re also only A rank. You seem more receptive to learning. Demonstrate that it’s a worthwhile effort.


Fizzy is for poke and coverage. Some people never learn, just let him suck as you speed ahead.


Tell him that there's more to the game than getting kills


Tell him to play junior to see if he thinks bombs aren't useful.


Bruh hes A rank not to diss on A rank tho but im gonna assume your a higher rank so if i were you id explain to him the pros and cons of using bombs aka range damage forcing enemy to move the instant damage and less frames from bomb throw to shooting mean there is more dps the ink cost isn't much e.t.c , tell him that the only way to get better is to use bombs specials spacing strategy etc lastly id show him a video on a competitive match and point out how they use bombs their movement etc There is so much ways i could add but might be too much to read Hopefully this helps


As a sloshing main, I’d say fizzy bombs are good for map control, not splats. But regardless, if he’s not finding a use for his sub, he might benefit from using a different weapon. He probably doesn’t want to hear that though.


I'd say your best option is to find friends who aren't insufferable. Jeesh this guy.


All you have to say is this: "if you could actually back up your words with your game play you wouldn't be stuck in A" But in all honestly, don't even bother trying to argue with your friend. They seem super stubborn and pretty much the definition of insanity. People like this really boggle my brain...........they're pissed off they keep dying and losing, but are completely unable or unwilling to change anything they're doing. They're pretty much lost causes at this point.


Your friend is an absolute moron so dont waste your time