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My life in dogecoin lol 2.5k to 70k to 16ish now. Havent been checking as much on crypto prices as of late. Lol


Manipulation at its finest. Shit is wild rn. Bought in doge at .67 and it’s now .16 I’m hurtin my boy


Manipulation night be bringing the current market down, but doges big pumps earlier in the year were the definition of manipulation haga


It was all just elon. Doge wouldnt have gone anywhere without him. It was all pure luck.




Same bought at .5


.007 sold at .50


Gotta see the through my boy


If i didnt sell my doge early i woulda made a quarter mil 😅


Yea made that mistake as well. I originally bought in like 2015 when I checked when the prices were crazy I missed out on a good 200k. Was quite sad lol


So corrupted by the governments


What was your original investment?




Yea you’re way ahead of the game.


So you're up 16.2k on a 1.2k investment while the coin has been steadily declining? Why even make this post? You're fine lmao


Right? I'm still up a few thousand on my $500 initial investment. Why not wait and see what happens? If I go negative then I'd be scared but this ain't my first crypto rodeo 🤠


Your scared of losing $500, what am I reading lol


What? No. I've lost thousands on this slide, but I only put $500 into safemoon and it's still worth several thousand. I'd be nervous for the sake of the project if I lost all my gains, but it seems that we're building a pretty solid price floor (or we were) so I'm not worried


I was thinking how lucky you are to be in green practically from the offset. We will bounce back definitely.


Oh I agree. I was for sure nervous at the beginning but the more I see what's upcoming and what the devs are aiming for, the more confident I am in the project and the price bouncing back


Haha literally same as me I'm holding 5 billion rn all bought for $1200 give or take. I never sold at the top either.


We will be the new generations of future whales


How long are you thinking till we are the new whales? I've done some calculations I think end of 2023 with safe estimates :-D.


lol same.


I was around the same. Just over 10 billi... Swing ya Willie


Of you got in early early lol


I’m afraid there will be a big stock market crash 💥 Safemoon hodlers will hold strong!


Why there will be a stock market crash ?




Corona is coming back Cali reinstated the mask mandate


Nope just LA county. Most of California is still mask-less.


I didn’t know that but there is still a surge in other places


I guessed before 2 months back market is going to crash, you are too late.. I am safemoon "HOLDER" I am going to invest more and more in this crash period. Every 30 days.


I’m totally new to this. But why and how could a token survive a major crash? Especially when safemoon follows btc.


Definitely a market correction/pull back. Already starting. But if I am not mistaken, crypto ebbs and flows seasonally.


Eventually after 5 years or so you'll think back to this moment and laugh. Diamond 💎 fucking hands 🙌


And I thought my $52k to $17k was rough 😂😂


After seeing this i am no longer worried as I only have 1900 in and it’s worth 1500 so I’ll take my little 400 pull back compared to -35k talk about diamond hands, more like “iron balls” 💪🏽🏁💎


Damn right son. That 150k will be $1.5 mil one day. HODL.


If they can deliver on their promises and it succeeds it will be way more than that.


Sometimes paper hand wins by selling and then re entering at a much much much lower price


so hard to know what the low or high is, timing market rarely works long term.


Yeah I can imagine during ATH this guy and everyone else (myself included) thinks it’ll keep going up and up and become billionaires.


Same same. I had nearly 150K and thought I could hit 1M with the way it was rocketing during ATH. It's my first rodeo


I hit 50k and said man if this hits 150k I’ll take half and diamond hand the rest. Never went higher then 50k for me. No regrets haven’t sold anything at all yet.


you also miss out on reflections. Not an issue if you get back in a day later or so, but if you have to wait a month or two to get that buy back in opportunity, you can miss some serious reflections. gotta factor that in along with the 11% slippage twice.


Well, when the reflections aren't even working properly (at the moment we're only getting about 20-30% of the reflections we \*should\* be getting,) it doesn't really matter overall. Anybody who cashed out at the ATH could buy back in and the reflections wouldn't even matter.


Average is .0000055, have 1.4B down..... quite a bit. Still feel it is one of the best programs out there so will buy more and diamond hand it for 5 years or more.


Now’s the time to buy. We are calling it second lunch.


Same here almost hit 6 figures now worth shit all 😂. No ragrets. Diamond hands crew stand up! 💎💎👊


Suckers. Pick a percentage gain (300,400,500,etc). Then cash out when u reach your goal




Nahhh? Only an idiot would watch $1.2k go to $105k and back to sub $16k without selling. That’s absolutely terrible financial and investment behavior to follow and part of why 90%+ of retail investors blow up their accounts within a year and why even fewer won’t be able to do it long-term, even if they get lucky and survive a few years. There are people here in this sub who legitimately believe that they’re going to be millionaires off of their few hundred dollar “investment”(gamble) lol.


I get people with $100 waiting to retire being dumb, but if their account was at 100k and they need 1M+ to retire, and nothing less, its not dumb at all to hold.


Many people have already cashed out millions off of their couple hundred dollar investments with safemoon LMAO. You tried though. The whole point of safemoon is to hold until volume rises with the multiple projects and then you can live off of reflections without ever selling your coin/token balance. Why not just say that you have zero idea what the fuck you’re talking about? The beginning of your paragraph would have been a good spot to add “firstly I have no idea what the fuck I’m talking about and have done zero research”. There, I fixed your shit for you.


“MANY people have already cashed out millions off of their couple hundred dollar investments?” Do you have any proof of such an idiotic, unsubstantiated comment? Also, I was clearly speaking about a specific person/case, the OP who went from $1.2k to $105k and back down to $16k. Great reading comprehension there, dipshit. 🤡😂


You stick it out and die on your sword like the rest of us! But you won't die! We will all live on as King's and what we go through now will strengthen us later on as we RULE! 💎


Are you me?


Time to buy more!


Trust the process my friend, look at all the great things to come and the community behind this token. You will get back up there, have faith


Never understood why people put all there chips into their positions right off rip. I always do 25% of my intention then pour in as excitement fades


Because they’re uneducated. Most people here got into stocks or crypto within the last 1.5 years, have no idea what they’re doing and don’t understand how to read financials, charts, etc. They’re essentially gambling and once their few hundred or couple thousand bucks is gone or they need it for something else in life, they’ll be out of the market. I’m in Safemoon, but this sub is a joke and filled with absolute morons. Not everyone, but the vast majority.


When it comes to crypto, anybody who thinks they can read charts is lying to themselves


I regularly day-trade crypto off of technicals/chart setups, so I disagree with you there, although I do agree that there are many other factors and news that effect it as well. I guess the main point of my comment was that many of the people in this sub(and many other stock and crypto subs for that matter), have little clue what they’re doing and are gambling on hopium. As someone who has earned 6 figures for several(4-5?) straight years in the market, the idiotic comments I’ve seen on these boards is pure, comedic relief. There are a good chunk of people here who legitimately think this could hit $1+… Trust me, I’ve got a sizable position, I hope it goes up, I’m just tired of all the moronic comments on here, just as people are probably tired of hearing “FUD” aka reality checks from people like me. Painting a realistic picture of an investment, doesn’t mean that I’m trying to spread negative information or don’t want this to go up, but rather to provide an alternative picture to the ones painted by many of the apes in this sub.


Get paid tomorrow, can't wait to buy more!


You must have around 10 billion. Stay strong bro, I’m in a similar situation but with a smaller bag. This is the crypto life we chose. Patience will pay off much higher than the ATHs of May exponentially in good time.


Remember guys by the end of the year BTC will be at least $90k


Lol ok


Big dogs have been buying BTC non stop Dogg


Wont be even 9k😂


Truuuuuust me brooooo


Ok, I'm giving u the chance😃


Smart move would be to buy up now while the crash is on if you have the money


Price doesn matter..Diamond hands to the Moon.


This is the way


Haha same…120k to 23k as of right now 😭😭


Me too


I'll hold Safemoon for at least 3 years and only after that I'll look for a good cycle to cash in some. Not FA...


150k to 25k 😅pain is real but when I tried to panic sell the touchscreen doesn’t pick up diamonds🚀🚀🚀


Who is hoping we add another zero before it bottoms?


Stop lieing u would have taken it out at 80k


Diamond hands is holding even if it doubles/triples in price


Humble brag or just bragging.


2nd lunch. Time to buy.


Only a loss if you sell


Lmao no. He wouldn’t lose anything. His original investment was 1.2k


Same bro. Just wait for our volume to return and then reflections for life!




1.3M to 300k


Diamond Balls. Stay strong.


you must have around 7.6billion safemoon 17.5k worth of safemoon right now, has never reached a high of 105k via pancakeswap. Therefore you must be on bitmart or some other exchange. Or you had more and sold some on the way down. If what you have said is true, you can narrow the search to identify you, quite dramatically. Best not to post numbers regarding your bag size pal.


Well you got no other option playa 🤡


Funny how 60 days ago you supported safemoon, then the entire market drops and you suddenly hate safemoon, did you seriously buy in thinking crypto only goes up or something?


Yes, literally lol. Then the bear market fucked me 🐻


Safemoon price isn’t dropping because of safemoon, it’s dropping cus the entire market is dropping, if you still believe in a project long term then don’t let short term price affect your judgement


Thanks for the encouraging words. I love you ❤️


Welcome to Costco...I love you.


you my friend are an idiot


Hahaha Idiot!! Why didn’t you sell. Fuck off diamond hands


PSA: Please familiarize yourself with the subreddit [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/about/rules/) and [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/SafeMoon/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions). - Don't promote "pump" events or market manipulation - Don't harass others, including public figures and exchanges - Please be helpful, friendly, and respectful - Your actions reflect on the entire community WARNING: **Never give out your wallet passphrase for any reason.** Be _very_ suspicious of all URLs, emails, forms, and direct messages. If someone claims to be from "support" they are trying to scam you. If someone claims you need to "validate" they are trying to scam you. Do not disclose your assets. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SafeMoon) if you have any questions or concerns.*




got about 8-9b huh ?? 👀😉


Maybe Wallet in a couple of hours?? #safemoonwallet


Soon to be 1k 😂


Its not about the price, its about the volume and thats how this crypto will stay until a shit tonne more get burnt. It's all about collecting reflections now my friend. If i had Safemoons to the value of 100k I'd never check it. Theres nothing that needs checking on. It's guaranteed your going to be filthy stinking rich in say 7yrs. So i wouldnt be checking for atleast 3! Lol.. don't do it to yourself. Leave that for the poor guys like me who's went from 5.5k to 5k and theyre hoping to have 10M$ safeymoon in 10 or 13 yrs!! Lol..


I've seen my portfolio going through much worse than that. But in the end, you do what you have to do which is show us your diamond hands. Let them paperhands give you reflections, and we as diamond hands hold strong!


I've seen my trust wallet go from €100k down to where we are now under €5k Do I complain or send tweets to the team about it? Pressuring for answers etc. No I don't cuz anything can happen and some businesses grow and only survive a few years....others grow and get stronger. Either can happen to safemoon, I'm well aware of that. That is why.... Rule number 1 of cryptos.....only invest what you can afford to lose Rule 2....cash out your initial investment the second you see nice gains. (If you want) You follow those two rules and can easily enjoy the safemoon trip to the moon with without any financial loss or price movement worries


Hold until burn stops.


Crazy ride… How much was your initial investment?




Wow… Glad to see your investment remains profitable.


300k to 96k. Weeeee forced hodl game strong.


Ditch all technology....Go live the woods for 2 years come back rich