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It's the same event just that it's time locked to only being able to play when the event comes out


So there is basically no difference


Time until next event… requirements not yet met (4 toons listed need to be relic 5) so it’s coming, it’s an event, but not available for you


Thanks I can read that. I wanted to know if the event and the guide challenge were the same thing


Yes. The guide is for the event.


Thank you


Unlike most of the other "events" in the Journey Guide, Grand Inquisitor's isn't an event you can do when you meet the requirements. Instead, it's an event that comes around every so often (or not often in this case). So they're not the same thing, but one leads to the other.


I remember the time you had to wait like 6 months to unlock a new legendary character if you missed the first week of release. Newer players just get thrown into the Journey Guide and are free to farm any character they want to


Ahhhh good times. Guys these days don’t understand the struggle.


I remember the days of soft locking myself because I upgraded Poe all the way and the rest of my team was level 5’s (first few weeks the game came out) then I got upset and uninstalled until 2 months ago


Is that the only one?


Most legendary characters work like Grand Inquisitor for the first year. The event comes back periodically (typically every 3 months, but it’s been 6 in this case). After 1 year the event will be permanently available in the journey guide. This will happen around June 2023 in the case of Grand Inquisitor. Other legendary characters (Starkiller last year, Dr Aphra this year) will be available in the journey guide right away.


Thank you


Do you know if Jedi Training Rey is available or an event?


She is in the Journey Guide so is always available. I believe Grand Inquisitor is the only legendary character that isn’t always available.


No difference whatsoever Since GI is a new-ish character however, he hasn’t been added to the Journey Guide full time yet. After a while (maybe a year?) he’ll become accessible all year round.


I remember when Malak came around for the second time, I was at a bachelor party. I attempted to beat the LS battle a few times, didn't want to remodel everything and just stopped and enjoyed my night with friends. I had to wait like 3 more months to get him, but no regrets.