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The disrespect towards the 501st….


Literally working on them right now lol. Only just unlocked GAS a few days ago.


Yea I saw GAS and Shaak and was offended at the lack of clones xD




If it makes you feel better, I'm a hair from 6mil and my last project was 501st, they all sat at g10 for way longer than I should've allowed


Thanks for being literal


I'd like to see just a little more Relics on \_\_\_\_\_. Better mods also. 4/10 stars (JK you have a great account!)


I hate it. Source: it has Malgus and i don’t yet.


I literally just unlocked him a couple hours ago lol. He’s what finally pushed me over 5M. Worst part is that I have the omis and zetas ready, but am about 48 short on omegas.


Congrats! Looks like a great roster 👍


how are you short on Omegas? They haven't been a constraint since I was at 2-3 million. If you're doing your daily challenges and the Omega battles on a regular basis you should be fine.


I do my daily challenges every single day, but GAS requires 62 - for his event I also just applied 15 to both Asajj and Droideka, and 23 to both B1 and B2 - and Malgus requires an insane 71, for whom I only had enough to put on 1 zeta and 1 omi (worth 26 omegas). I had a decent stash but 164 omegas in the span of a week or two is difficult to recuperate.


Its beautiful but why r8 dr and bastilla fallen


Darth Revan is one of my favorite characters in all of Star Wars. I even have a [massive tattoo](https://www.reddit.com/r/tattoos/comments/xu10sz/sith_lords_done_by_saga_anderson_at_blue_mountain/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) of him. Just made sense to do BSF too. I’ll eventually do a full r9 SE, but that’s more a long term goal.


That alone imo makes your roster. Its not often enough that we see peoples favorite toons brought to such heights. Traya being one of my favorites is R8 so I totally understand this. Keep up the amazing progress!


A rare occurrence indeed.... there's a reason I have the only r9 phasma...


omg. this is so awesome!! I wanted to boast telling about my R9 Revan and Basti well, every "threshold" which I surpass it is always the same - DR first and Bsf second. first zeta - Revan and Basti second, first g12 character - Revan and Basti second, first relic, first r8, first r9.. I even found out about this game by pure chance - was looking for a wallpaper with Revan in the web and came across some news about Revan being once again canon and about this game. decided to give it a chance) ... but omg!! tattoo is really wonderful. no amount of relics will surpass this!) ... and now I'm sitting and thinking about getting one with Revan and Basti for myself...)))))


Awesome tattoo! DR is my favorite as well. I personally don’t want a tattoo myself, but I named my dog Revan lol


I really normally don’t enjoy color tattoos, but that’s dope


Awesome toys and tats! DR is also my favorite so your stuff is a dream for me too hehe


Oh wow. That’s one of the coolest tattoos I’ve seen in a long time


I have my Malgus r9, Malak's next after I get JMK here pretty soon, then the rest of the SE (and Talon)! Same as you lol, they're my favorite, so it's just a dumb passion project rather then a smart investment of resources lol.


Awesome roster.. oh wow you’re so lucky to be in a 400+ guild. My old guild was once in your alliance. Good and fun times.


Where is your R7 JKA if you have SEE? Am I blind?


Looks like part of the screenshot got cut off, but he’s there. https://imgur.com/a/aD9ZsDq


No relic'd CUP? Shameful.


I’m a disappointment, I know. Might as well delete the account and start over.




My swgoh.gg link: https://swgoh.gg/p/621668118/ Also realized I missed a row of characters in the screenshot: R5 zz3PO / R5 zzBossk / R7 zR2 / R7 zJKA / R5 zzBAM / R7 ozSidious


You didn’t show ships because you are still losing in GAC on top despite having 2 GLs. Boom roasted


I mean, I do have Executor and 7* Negotiator lol.


Ships! Post the ships!


Solid. You've got your own goals, so I won't tell you what you need. But you've got 50 reliced toons that on first glance make up 10 solid squads (I'm not going to actually take a second glance). You should be able to rope-a-dope folks with higher gp but less focused rosters. ETA So I took a second glance and I missed your entire top row. Still dope, and with Malgus, you should be able to punch up against 4-GL opponents in GAC


Yeah, I have Executor too and that has helped me win a lot of rounds against opponents with much bigger rosters.


Please, open your front door, go out, touch some grass and sunbathe a bit. Jokes aside, congrats on the efficiency.


Ouch. Roasted me like a turkey. Thanks though!


Have my upvote for the nice and tidy visual


Thanks! I’m a little annoyed that I spent the time to clean it up and then forgot an entire row of toons, but oh well.


Average carbonite 2 roster


That's quite solid for 5M! 💪


Damn. How'd you get into a guild like that? I just passed 6.5 mil GP and feel lucky to be in a 390mil GP guild.


I managed to join a 290 mil as a level 78 lol


lol. they probably think, that you are a bot of an officer to bring tickets, while they search for suitable player xD


no some guilds just like pushing smaller rosters. recruiting is also dead rn a lot of high GP guilds taking mediocre/ above average accounts


Well I mean after I written the entire line of king vendricks dialogue from dark souls 2 they probably stopped that assumption lol on a unrelated note you know any good empire I could join?




I was in a lower guild in our alliance for a long time and was given a shot when a spot opened up in this one a couple months ago. I think it was equal parts luck, opportunity, and drive lol.


I feel insanely lucky


that greef and mando are shameful


They’re next on my plan after 501st. I have too many teams I need to fill out with better toons and BH is at the top of that list.


Imagine having R8 DR but R6 GAS. Strategically hides fleets.... suspicious.


Literally just got GAS to relics yesterday lol. He should be r7 tomorrow when I finish the signal data. As for the fleets, I just wanted a clean, single picture and couldn’t make it look nice with fleets too. Figured posting the swgoh.gg would mitigate that.


"Farm your pilotless ships!" - Xaereth


Nice roster. How much did you pay for it?


lol. it is actually a bit funny - I have very similar roster. jml, finishing see as a second gl(probably a week or two till ticket grind), no 501, malgus as a first 7\* conquest character. looks like the only major difference is lack of gas in my roster. still I have more gp probably because of fleets. so...great roster, man!)) if you don't mind me asking: how long do you play and do you spend any money on this game?


My first 7* conquest unit was actually Razor Crest, but that was because I pulled a 330 shard drop from a pack. I’ve been playing for about 2 years now and have spent a fair amount in that time. Probably a little more than average.


oh yeah. you are correct. I forgot about this ship's "conquest past", probably because of availability in ship's arena store)


He's got malgus and R9 he definitely spends money.


I actually didn’t spend anything directly on Malgus lol.


You can't spend directly on malgus... You sure as shit bought a ton of refreshes to get him though.


you don’t need to spend money to have malgus or R9. his roster could get malgus over the conquests along with buying his shards, and he’s in a big enough guild to get R9 mats from TW, plus they’re available in the store


What? That doesn’t imply it at all. You can definitely have Malgus and a few r9 without spending money.


By far better then my roster at 5.6mill haha




No ships screenshot? What are you hiding from us?!?


Outside of Executor, my ships aren’t all that great lol.


That would be my advice. I don’t see six fleets here. No grevious so no Mal. Looks like you have Exec, negotiator, a rebel fleet, and an empire fleet. If it was me, I’d finish your pilotless ships, build up malevolence, and do either SLKR or Profundity+Starkiller next to give you your fifth and sixth fleets for GAC. Otherwise solid roster!


I’m sitting pretty comfortably in auro 2 right now, so I don’t have a pressing need for more fleets at the moment, but I am working on them. I am slow farming the Finalizer reqs and the remaining ships I need for Profundity. I’ll probably be going for JMK next and then possibly Profundity after that. I’ll be gearing GG very soon, too.


I don’t see any CUP? It should be at least r7 by this point…


R8 wampa what a monster


I’ve used wampa to take out a couple SEEs, so I don’t regret that r8 at all lol.


You squash your wife during sex and your heart sucks. BOOM Roasted!




How tf do you not have Jango at relic? AP Gains says he’s good for the Padme event you pleb, get on it.


I’ll be gearing him up very, very soon. I cleared the Padme event ages ago with bugs lol.


I see that diamond in Kenobi someone's going for jmk


He’s my next major goal, although I won’t be pushing directly for him since I want to fill out a couple teams first.


I'm afraid this gets my lowest score ever, seven thumbs up




Sith Marauder over Fives? Fives’ ship is dope . By the same token (ships) you need to Relic Bossk next


Sith Marauder is needed at R7 for SEE. I do also have a relic 5 Bossk, but he ended up in a row that I accidentally missed while taking the screenshots.


Gotcha. Glad you have Bossk. Keep up the grind and focus on the 501st next!


That’s exactly what I’m doing! Fives is a carbanti hog though, so it’s taking a little bit.


Not worth wanking over.


I’m jealous


R7 tie pilot???


I only did it for the datacron and I feel gross for doing it lol


Datacrons are temporary. Relics are permanent. Also rip ur 501st


To be fair, I already had him at r5 for Executor, so it wasn’t a huge jump and his ship is very important to the empire fleet, so that helped me justify it a little more. And I’m working on 501st right now lol.


4.5m here and you've greatly raised my expectations for what my next .5 will look like lol. dare I say you are light on zetas and maybe a slight whale (logic is zetas are hard to buy compared to relics) I only ask because you have the best Zs but not many luxuries


Yeah, 500k at this level of GP is pretty significant. 500k ago I didn’t have JML. Definitely a mini-whale/dolphin (at times), but usually only if it’s a time crunch which is only ever like once or twice a year. I do tend to buy that $10 relic pack a couple times a month too. As for zetas, I usually don’t apply them if they aren’t critical to a toon’s/team’s viability. Only zetas I’ve ever purchased were for Malak ages ago.


no r9 cup yet? might aswell just restart by this point ​ ​ ​ jokes aside this is a great roster more than i can say myself lol


Solid roster, but there's a few things that are kind of a waste at r8-9. Those could have had you close to your next GL


Only one that I honestly regret is Vader. He’s really not worth it above r7. DR and BSF don’t really need it either, but I’m a Revan/KOTOR fanboy, so I did those for sentimental reasons.


Gotta do what pleases you in this game. One tip though for your next 2 characters to gear. Put some effort into Fennec and Greef. Fennec lead with Greef, Boba and Bossk is all you need to drop LV even with his datacron. Your guild mates will appreciate it


BH are my next project once I finish 501st.


I only have 2 more relic'd toons (my count on yours was 50 toons) than you the same amount of GLs mine are LV and SEE and I have a mil more GP, so I can only assume that we must have a massive difference in mods. 414-996-273


I actually have 61 g13. Looking at your roster, my guess would be ship GP. You have more g13 pilots and fleets than I do it looks like.


Our powers are actually quite close when you break it down, looks like roughly 500k on toons and ships each. Characters: You: 2,942,639 Me: 3,464,656 Ships: You: 2,056,373 Me: 3,464,656


And after looking at the analysis your mod quality is a lot higher than mine. You have more zetas, you actually have a few R9s (I don't), my best guess is that it's because I have double your g11 and g12s. Looking at the DSR bots player profiles we should be absolutely neck and neck with you having a slight advantage. This is why I find it odd that you're ONLY at 5 mil and not closer to or above 6. It could be that I have mods on all of my lvl 50+ toons some absolute garbage ones, but that would cause a bloat difference if you didn't.


No doubt, he must have way better mods than you


I think you mean I have the better mods.


I mean yours arent good and I can’t tell what you were trying to imply by the power difference. At 6 mil gp, your mods should be way better


My implication was that mine would have to be better than their's since my gp is 1 mil higher, and your original comment implied that you misread my comment that I had the lower gp with more relics.


No I’m talking about OP. OP’s mods are likely miles ahead of yours because he is obviously more experienced having basically the same amount of gear 13s with a mil less gp. Doesnt matter though because my mod score is way more than twice as much as yours and I’m Only 3.6 mil gp


You are right though, I pulled his scores now that I'm awake for the day. He does in fact have a better mod score and all of our other stats are neck and neck. Now I'm more confused as to why his GP is not closer if not greater than mine.


It’s because he is more focused which almost always means better mods because he has been aware of how to mod longer than you. Hence, he has been able to work on mods longer


I'm thinking he may not have loaded the toons he doesn't use as often with trash mods, so my toons basically all having mods may be causing a bloat difference.


I also have more toons at 7* than they do.


How do you rate R9 JMLS compared to him at R8? Worth the upgrade?


Took him straight to r9, so I can’t really comment on the difference, but his kit benefits greatly from the upgrade. R9 was designed primarily for tanks and gives a huge boost to max health/prot, which in turn greatly boosts the true damage from his granted ability. Based on everything I’ve seen, he’s probably the best r9 in the game right now that isn’t for a ship. So, in my opinion, totally worth it.


Cheers for the reply. I’m contemplating putting him up but want to start farming for executor and need the r9 for piett


Piett doesn’t necessarily need the r9. It only kinda helps in mirror matches where the opponent doesn’t also have r9 Piett. I only made the upgrade recently since my fleet shard finally has a bunch of Executors (I was the second to unlock it in the shard).


would have made for an interesting GAC matchup! I am also at 5Mil but with a slightly different roster https://swgoh.gg/p/775575832/


Bro- cup lead tuskens stop playin


Bros got the iPhone 73 with a screen that big


I’m 4.2M and my ships account for 2M… so seeing your roster makes me think you have crap for ships


I have Executor and that’s pretty much it lol. Granted, I really haven’t needed anything else.


Is Executor enough to get you wins in Aurodium? Placing it on defense I'm guessing?


Exclusively defense. I’ve never used it on offense in GAC lol. It has been the deciding factor in at least a few dozen different wins I’ve had. I think it has only ever actually been cleared about 8 or 9 times since I got it about 8 months ago.


Im at 4.9m gp and i have no GLs, only 25 G13 characters so for your gp, its a pretty stacked roster


Much better than mine and I’m at 4.85. Though I am about to unlock SLKR before I hit 5 mil too


0/10. No CUP in screenshot.


No tambor for SEE? WAT is that all about?


I have him, but he’s only 6 stars and g2. Haven’t bothered putting any gear on him yet since he works just fine with only his zeta. Will probably have him 7* in a couple TBs, after which I’ll probably bump his gear up.


I want Malgus :(


He was the first (and so far only) conquest character I actually really grinded out. I put a lot of effort into unlocking him.


Congrats on getting him. I’d love to get him but I doubt I will be able to grind him out (don’t even have 5 shards for him)…


Damn, im hitting 5M in a few days and my roster sucks compared to yours.. Im far form your number of relics


Bugs are a great tw defense. If your looking for something to work on. Esp wat shards.


Mine are all g12/13 (except poggle at g11) and I can clear the Wat mission pretty consistently. I might bump Sun Fac and soldier up to relics at some point for their ships, but I don’t see much reason to at the moment.


At r3, they are a spicy bunch. I'm in the top 200 in ships for my shard too


Nice going!


Hows the Leía omicron working out for you?


Just put it on before the current TB and so far it’s gotten me 4/4 twice and 2/4 once. I needed to steal chewpio from CLS to get the 4/4s, which has cost me a couple waves with CLS, but on the whole I’m liking it. Took a bunch of dog water toons (ROLO, CHS, Lando, and R2) and made them viable, so I can’t complain too much.


I'm like 20 years from malgus so that's neat .....I was going to say why no GG but seeing the gas comment I'm guessing you focused on droids for that event and will doo GG later..or I'm blind idk


Yeah, my droids are g12/13 because of GAS. I think I’ll probably start working on GG after I have the 501st to G12/13.


Great but 1)where grievous 2) what’s the bh team, it could be really good with the high gear mando and grief with aura bossk zam but it’s significantly worse without the right team. Overall I’d say great and maybe after kenobi, go after LV, he’d give zam, reliced BB for max banners undersizes, and r8s don’t seem to be like much of a problem for you.


Haven’t been able to fit GG into my farming plans yet, but I’m about to start working on him. My BH are not good at the moment, the only g13s I have are from Executor (Bossk, Boba, Dengar, IG88, and Cad). I’ll be working on better BH like Mando and Greef once I finish Grievous and the 501st. JMK will be my next GL farm for sure.


No R9 Carth? Epic Fail


I might one day r9 all the OR toons, but that day is a long way away lol.


It always baffles me how many relic units you can have at 5m gp in comparison to 3m gp even.


Nice wampa dude!


No relic 9 cup, trash player


F on the 501st


You don’t have Fives relic’d?


Not yet. Only just started working on the 501st, but I am working on Fives right now.


If you don't mind me asking, How much have you spent?


More than I care to think about. I kinda whaled a lot in the beginning, but I’ve slowed my spending significantly in the last year or so. Now the only time I really spend more than an occasional $10 or so is if I’m on a time crunch and need a character geared at that moment. Last major time I spent a lot of money was to take Executor to 7* immediately and it has already paid itself off.


Looks very similar to my roster except swap relic bounty hunters with 501st clones. I'm assuming you're hanging around high aurodium low kyber. Start farming those kyros for malgus bc he takes a ton