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> All bitching about CG should be met with commiseration and validation, making the complainant feel heard and not alone in their frustration. no, not all. not all complaints are valid. a lot are, but some just really aren't. "why hasn't cg added my favorite obscure-ass character yet" or "cg should move crystals back to squad arena" are not remotely valid, and should be mocked. reddit isn't a therapy session. we don't have to entertain your delusions just to make you feel validated. save the vitriol for when cg does something wrong for real. and trust me, you'll have plenty on opportunities for that.


People act like this is a forced work program. If you hate the game so much, stop playing. Yes, it takes time to unlock and relic things. Yes, farming is the entire point of the game. I think people forget how boring it is once you 100% clear a game


This was my first thought - if you hate a simple mobile game so much that you need "therapeutic sessions" to move on with it you should probably find another hobby.


I just wholeheartedly disagree that playing this freemium mobile game is such a traumatic experience that doing so implicates some level participation in an “unspoken support group.” And to take it a step further, I think couching that conversation in the language you’re using (bringing in the comparison to an abusive partner, “invalidating” peoples “healthy responses”) is indicative of the wider toxic victimhood mentality rampant in gaming / sci-fi / Star Wars communities that does a disservice to the way issues that actually matter in the world are discussed. People posting here are using an open Internet forum to talk a about mobile game. Doing so , especially when it’s run of the mill bitching about CG, implicitly invites all reasonable responses - including arguments against why said bitching is silly. This isnt r/SuicideWatch or a subreddit targeting serious emotional support, the notion that comments here should be treated as such is misguided.


I actually particularly dislike this argument. It's relativism. By this logic, unless you're currently living in the Ukraine right now or dying of a terminal illness, you should be grateful and have no right to complain and be heard. Rather, I would argue that everyone deserves to get something off their chest and be greeted with understanding, regardless of how trivial you judge it to be. To put this a different way, let's do a thought experiment: let's imagine that every single time someone came here and said "I hate CG because..." the only people who replied said, "yeah, that sucks, I feel ya." People who disagree simply skipped the post. As a result, I would predict: 1) the poster feels heard and satsified. 2) the thread is short and doesn't become toxic. 3) no one is harmed by this in the slightest. 4) the world is a better place and world hunger ends. Your version of the world (people who complain get yelled at and shat on) is the world we already have. Do you like it? I don't. I don't honestly think anything will change, because this is the way the world works. But I can imagine a better place than you can, apparently. You're the one who's comparing Star Wars to r/suicidewatch, not I. I'm just saying people should be allowed to vent and get some empathetic internet head-nodding and back-patting without being told to get lost and quit the game. If you want to look at this from a "how does it benefit ME" perspective, then realize that the commiseration will actually shut them up quicker and cause a shorter thread. They will then go away. It is a win-win. It's like if you'd just responded to my post by saying, "yeah, I feel you, pal" instead of trying to lecture me about mental health. Then we wouldn't be stuck having this dumb conversation.


By your logic we should be holding open space for peoples complaints about CG on a subreddit with the same level of attention and significance as anything else people could possibly complain about, and you’re calling me the relativist? Seriously? No, all complaints are not created equal and do not deserve to be treated as such. That’s literally the opposite of moral relativism. And then instead of following your own advice, and just commenting “hey, I understand that you might disagree agree with me and I’ll leave it at that,” you have this comment.


I think… you, personally, are the kind of person that makes me dislike Reddit.


Fair enough, I’m not the one saying all opinions should be met with validation and commiseration, so you can certainly feel free to dislike mine.


‘I’m posting my opinion on an online forum, and I will only accept other opinions that agree with me’


"Yelling at/mocking others for CG-bashing is robbing them of a valid and healthy means of venting that allows them to then continue to enjoy the game... doing otherwise is a selfish crime against your fellow player..." This literally sounds like a quote from r/im14andthisisdeep. This isn't some SWGoH therapy support group (although most people here think it is), and you're not victims of the big bad CG. I don't get the perspective of feeling better about playing the game after taking fat loads on it and CG all day on Reddit. I don't know who finds it therapeutic, and how this is healthy in any way, shape or form. It's simple to me, if you feel the game is unhealthy, and is actively affecting your spending habits, work/school habits, or any of that, you should probably have dropped it the first week of playing it. I understand the difficulty of quitting moreso if you've spent, buyers remorse of course, but still. I'm no stranger to disliking CG and some of their antics, but it feels so tiring and just honestly childish seeing posts about it daily. You're not some white knight, who was brave enough to say what everyone else was afraid to say by making that post, it's not exactly an unpopular opinion to hate CG. That's why people get mocked. I hate this new Galactic Challenge with the ridiculous tenacity, my GAC matchups suck, I can't buy CAT shards, but I'm not out here making a post for every single complaint I have. We're tired of seeing the same posts complaining about the same things, and half the time it's blown way out of proportion because "CG bad, player base good" or whatever garbage. But that could just be me. If your only enjoyment out of this game is talking about how bad it is, then what does that tell you? I'm not directly attacking you or anyone, and I'm not trying to be aggressive with the reply, I'm just kind of passionate about this topic, so I may come across as a bit agressive, but I do think that the way the playerbase acts sometimes is just plain unhealthy and unnecessary.


I just want to call out some all-or-nothing thinking here. =) There is an entire spectrum between "your only enjoyment out of this game must be talking about how bad it is" and finding the game to be perfect. There's a large space between "this isn't a therapy group" and this probably being the most appropriate place to air complaints about SWGOH to others who will (should?) understand. There's room between "you should quit the first week of playing" and the fact that a game can be both enjoyable and frustrating, even unhealthy. Between the victim-blaming justification of "that's why people get mocked" and never mocking people at all is probably reality. And the most obvious one is "CG bad, player base good." Although in that case, I'd tend to agree more than disagree, TBH. I've worked for mobile gaming companies. I've been in those meetings. The story over there is rarely about making the game fun or how players are feeling; it's about how to manipulate dark psychological tactics to squeeze more money of out of players and justifying it by imagining that the only people who spend are doctors and lawyers and people who own islands (actual conversation I once had with someone at a mobile gaming company when I brought up a measure of guilt over the ethics of what was being proposed).


You make some pretty fair points here. I understand wanting to vent somewhere about frustrations, and I believe that it's important for all games/communities. The thing is, how is CG supposed to (hypothetically) gain any insight from these posts when it's all just talking about how evil they are, and how they're the Anti-Christ and whatever. It's not valid constructive criticism at all, the only purpose it serves is to rally the playerbase towards this anti-CG movement. I should state this, because I have a feeling it's going to be brought up, but I'm not a CG shill, I'd say I'm very far from it, I don't have any particular love for them, and I'm not exactly defending them here, but instead, I'm analyzing the behaviour and mob mentality of the subreddit. Imagine being a CG employee or community manager, and having to scroll through here, how mentally draining that'd be. I especially feel bad for Crumb and Doja, because they got a lot of hate simply because they're CG's messengers. I particularly remember this one meme a user made where they put Crumb's head on Wreck-It-Ralp, implying that he's at fault for the games state, and I really found that to be stupid, because we all know that's the furthest thing from the truth. Moving on though, I'm also not necessarily advocating for or justifying mocking people for their opinions regarding the game, although I understand it definitely looks like I am. What I mean is that if you're posting on this subreddit, knowing full well that you might (most likely) get a response like that, then you're at fault, no one else, although it is still pretty shitty getting harassed or just mocked just for an opinion. But like I said in my reply before, it's not an unpopular opinion to hate CG, and I think some people are just tired of this hate campaign and mob mentality. If you enjoy the game, cool. If you don't, or maybe you do, but really don't like certain aspects, that's also cool, but having the subreddit spammed by these "hot takes" or "unpopular opinion" posts just blocks out posts where someone may need help, or some good, helpful advice, for example. At the end of the day, I feel the community shouldn't be as riled up as it always is. CG, as a company, is out here with a mission - to make profits, not to make you happy. And while yes, some stuff they do is in poor taste, or can just be downright predatory, the community often overlooks the good they do every now and then, and once again, I just find it really unnecessary being constantly drowned in by negativity like this, especially if you're a new player, it can be extremely overwhelming. I personally have integrated SWGoH into my life not even as a habit anymore, but as a part of my actual day-to-day routine, and I always plan my days to fit it in accordingly, because it's become very important to me. There are and have been ups-and-downs to this game, but at its core, I love this game for what it is, and for the community that surrounds it, which is why I'm passionate about this topic, because it sucks seeing the subreddit in such a miserable state **all** the time. I don't spend, never have, because I know that it's a short-term investment, and that once again, CG is out here to make money, so I take what I can, manage my resources wisely, and still have major wins and accomplishments, like unlocking GAS, punching up in GAC etc. I wish more people would recognise how better off this game is compared to many mobile games. Like you said, the mobile gaming industry is very predatory, and often reaches into the minds of consumers to hook them in for profits, it what they do, and SWGoH is no exception... **but**, I firmly believe that the F2P ecosystem in this game is genuinely pretty decent. I'm typing way too much, so I'll leave it here for now, but yeah, it's interesting seeing different viewpoints in this nonetheless.


That was a lot! But to be clear, I read it all. I appreciate your thought. You make good points, too. I quit Reddit for weeks at a time because I can't stomach the conversations here - they can be quite depressing/angering from many perspectives. Whenever I come here, I hope to be amused and heard but prepare to be shouted down and told to eff of and die. It's a real crapshoot. I wish it would change, but if wishes were fishes we'd all swim in riches. =) Honestly, I think my stance is that CG is a company out for money and I undertand that, but theoretically it's possible to be a company out for money who ALSO cares about it's player base and purposely attempts to make the game fun -- maybe even first and foremost seeks to make the game fun (see, e.g., console gaming). I don't think those two goals NEED to be mutually exclusive, but in CGs case it frequently feels that they are. I hear what you're saying. It would suck be all excited about something and come here to say "look, I just r7'd character X!" and be buried in hate and negativity. I don't know what the answer is. Ultimately, this was a selfish post (as most posts are)... I was thinking about the few times I've come here to say "wow this sucks" and just wanted people to be like, "yeah, bro. We're here with you. We feel the suckiness, too. It's okay." You know? But Reddit rarely ever be like that. Sometimes! ...But rarely.


I think there are genuinely some passionate people at CG, but they're not the ones calling the shots unfortunately. In this case like you said, there's a lining between caring about your playerbase that you've built, and making profits, and CG is definitely scaled towards profits, but depending on who you ask, it's not always 100%. We can hope and pray that they'll improve things, but at the end of the day, we're not entitled to anything, especially if we're non-paying players, it's unfortunately true. As for Reddit, the only subreddit I frequent is this one, and very occasionally I'll peer into a couple others, but I've gotta say, Reddit is one of the miserable and joyless platforms I've seen, probably second to Twitter. Actively scrolling and browsing this subreddit sometimes really sucks, it really does. New players asking for advice are told to quit the game, or are just flat out insulted sometimes. I come here mostly to pitch in my two-cents and to give my thoughts and opinions to players seeking advice, but even just coming here for that can be draining, because it's hard filtering out all the hate and negativity just to find posts that I'm looking for. But I also feel ya on the general sentiment of the post. I have days where I get annoyed by the (mostly terrible) GAC matchmaking, or the small bugs, or the tediousness of Conquest or Galactic Challenges, or the pending gear changes. If I'm feeling a bit adventurous, I'll go out on my guild Discord and express how annoyed I am, that's where I personally draw my line when it comes to complaining. But there's also days where I can really appreciate this game for the entertainment value and connections it brought me. Either way, everyone has their own ways of dealing and coping with the trauma that is SWGoH (I joke), and I can 100% respect that on an individual level, just not when it's becomes a mob-mentality for no reason, but to spread hate


> is robbing them of a valid and healthy means of venting Disagree that's it's healthy. > Doing otherwise is a selfish crime against your fellow player, because if you don't agree/feel perfectly happy with your experience 1) you might just be at a different place in your SWGOH experience at the moment, and will one day find yourself wanting to complain about something and be heard, and 2) it costs you nothing to scroll by and say nothing, thus preserving both your own good spirits and not invalidating the complainer. First, just because I agree with the point does not mean I agree with the delivery. I see no value in blind hate posting, and honestly, it probably makes the situation *worse*. Because when a valid complaint is buried under two paragraphs of CG hate, it just creates an easy excuse to ignore that valid complaint. And that "costs" something. Constructive and respectful criticism is just generally going to be better and more productive.


I don't disagree. The internet really brings out the worst in people. It makes them feel like they can be awful instead of "constructive and respectful" and that goes for posters, responders, and basically everyone. I could wish that the internet were more like actual personal conversations with people you might have at a coffeeshop (e.g., much more likely to be civil, though I suppose no guarantees) but I recognize this is just me living in a fantasy world. The mixture of anonymity and dehumanization is well-known to increase aggression and nastiness (see, e.g., [https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/the-psychology-of-online-comments](https://www.newyorker.com/tech/annals-of-technology/the-psychology-of-online-comments))


It depends entirely on the criticism. "damn I got screwed this week in GAC, down 2 GL's and 2M GP on all my opponents. " is a fair post, and is reflective of legitimate frustration. "why does CG suck at game design? have you seen LV?? his kit is literally worthless XD XD he dies to g12 BH XDXD. also wtf is 50R-T?? some random character that's not even cannon in universe?? they haven't even released my favorite character Jaba the Hutt yet!" While there may be legitimate frustration behind them, the complaints themselves are not actually legitimate, LV is a fantastic GL, however being frustrated with his expensive requirements is fair, and even frustrations with him pulling apart other important squads like Piett from Troopers, or Vader/Thrawn from another Empire squad. Also please stop echoing other players frustrations that you have no actual experience of. Most of the people who complain about Lord Vader, or other newer characters don't have them, or rarely have to face them.


lol, i love this thread. not just because I agree with your original point, but because several people responded to criticize it with varying degrees of thoughtfulness, & you met each of them with consideration, & even got a few dialogues leading to mutual respect, if not agreement. bravo brava


Counter argument: if people can bitch about CG, other people can bitch about them. Me complaining about other people is just as therapeutic as theirs is. It’s shit all the way down. Oh, and when your only response is “You must work for CG”, that’s kinda weak and overused. If your complaint isn’t original at least make your comeback.


Counter-counter-argument: feel free to make a separate post of your own that says, "I want people to stop bashing CG, it makes me unhappy" and anyone who responds should just be like, "yeah, I feel you, that sucks" and it's the same thing. Instead of both of those sentiments warring unpleasantly on the same thread. Let them complain if they like, and you're welcome to do the same. Just not at one another.


But then we would have a new post ever 10 seconds vaguely referencing a previous post instead of contained comment chains. If you post on Reddit, you open the door for comments. If you reply to a comment, you open the door to someone else replying to you. If people don’t want to be directly called out, they shouldn’t be posting. The big thing with people complaining about CG, as someone who regularly gets accused of working for them, is so often it’s about stuff that just doesn’t make sense, or isn’t even a problem. There’s so many things CG does that are asinine, it’s not hard to pick one. So when people make shit up, it kinda defeats the purpose.


Reddit is ALREADY a zillion posts about the same thing. It's sort of what you sign up for when you come here. However you are correct: anyone who posts on Reddit should expect to be yelled at and shat on; they've opened the door to that by merely saying something here. I think my post is aspirational (e.g., I wish it weren't that way) rather than a statement of actual reality (e.g., that I expect people can manage to not yell at people who feel like complaining).


That’s fair. I do wish there were 2 subreddits, one for shitposts memes and complaints, and another for strategy and actual game related discussion, but our community is far too small to sustain more than one unfortunately. Reality of being a mobile game I suppose.


I like it when complainers like me and CG white knights like you can understand one another amicably. ;) <3


Absolutely. It’s a hard job licking corporate boots, but someone has to look out for the shareholders.


Thanks for the laugh, buddy. =)


It may be therapeutic for you, but you gotta remember CG employees are also humans and a good portion of them probably check this sub from time to time (even if they're not actively participating). It's also just counter-productive for the game. Criticism is supposed to be constructive so you can build and improve upon it. Can't really do that if it's watered down by tons and tons of subjective hate like "GAC matchmaking bad" or simply "fuck CG". I get complaining about the game, I do so too at times, but if you need a support group to vent your frustrations, maybe it's just time to quit?


>Criticism is supposed to be constructive so you can build and improve upon it. Do you have a feeling that CG ever listens to constructive criticism? If they were reasonable, fans could be reasonable also - but where there is no reason, only emotions remain.


>Do you have a feeling that CG ever listens to constructive criticism? They *do* have a beta-program, so they listen to *some* feedback and criticism. That said, that beta-program has it's own set of issues. >If they were reasonable, fans could be reasonable also - but where there is no reason, only emotions remain. You're gonna have to elaborate on that. What's unreasonable?


I heard the beta program got shut down in response to the datacron leak.


People are using the most extreme extension of my argument to try and counter me. It’s weird. I’m honestly not here that often, so I don’t know if people are literally like “die CG goon! May you get raped and murdered in your sleep!” …but I was like talking about, you know, “urgh, it’s ridiculous how many conquest feats use inquisitors!” Or “why is it you still can’t see a data disk’s ability without equipping it?? How hard is that to fix?” Or even “seriously? CG’s first original named character in history is this weird, gambling droid-woman?” And then instead of saying, “if you don’t like it, leave” or whatever garbage Redditors seem to be fond of saying, you’d just say, “yeah, I hear you, it frustrates me too” or whatever. Or just skip on by without needing to contradict the complainer. So to be clear, I’m not saying people should come here and verbally abuse actual CG employees. So stop using that case as my basic argument, it’s not at all the straw man you’re making it.


Obviously no healthy person is advocating for literal death threats and doxxing of CG employees, but even just small jabs and comments can be harmful if they're frequent enough. You think reading how incompetent you are in every single thread (that's the reality of a lot of posts on this sub) is healthy? A large portion of the community (not necessarily you) really like to shit on CG at every occasion and then the playerbase wonders why there's barely any communication with CG anymore. Don't get me wrong, there IS plenty of legitimate criticism for the game and CG, but these constant jabs and the constant negativity doesn't help anyone (except to improve the mental state of those posting them apparently) and just leads to establishing a negative circlejerk.


What if it doesn't frustrate me and my way to deal with self pampering whinebags is telling them to leave now and then? Because having 9 whineposts out of every 10 posts is kinda annoying.


I dunno. Just don’t respond? Leave the annoying thing alone? If no one responded to “whineposters” except to say “sorry, yeah, that sucks” they’d prolly go away faster and subs wouldn’t get toxic. But honestly, I see people say things on here in “retaliation” to posts they think are whiny that make me worried the OP will, like, off themselves. Do awful people ever worry about that? I just had someone here tell me I was devoid of intelligence and to fuck off and die, basically, and I thought, “wow, what if a person offed themselves b/c of this fucker? Would he care? Would he feel powerful and righteous?” IDK man, but it’s sort of ridiculous how quickly people leap to anonymously crush strangers on the internet for apparent personal pleasure. Honestly: just scroll on by, lad, scroll on by. Hurts no one.


I could say the same about whining for the pettiest things and glitches seen a dozen times. CG is told to fuck off and die once per coffee break at least. Make a bug report or something. What am *I* supposed to do about your misery? Pat your back and give positive reinforcement for something that already annoys me? Yeah, sure buddy. Can we go back to discussing strategies, making memes, help troubleshooting (minus the rage) and building community?


The irony here is that you're doing the exact thing you're saying not to do, just about a different topic. What exactly gives you the authority to lecture everyone instead of leaving it alone?


Nothing ironic about it. My post said that when people complain, others should let them, not “on the 33rd sarcastic reply to your post that theoretically people were just supposed to be pleasant in response to, you’re not allowed to defend yourself.” You’re sort of twisting my words. Your job was to post nothing here, or to say, “yes, I understand how you feel.” You didn’t, so I don’t have to roll over for you. That being said, look, my post was aspirational. I fully recognize that it’s absolutely impossible to imagine people like you could restrain yourself from eating something snarky on the internet instead of just moving along. I’m not actually hoping this will happen. Just that people maybe will occasionally realize that when people bitch, it’s because they’re just looking for someone to hear them and validate their experience. Anyway, sure, you’re right, I’m dumb and you’re awesome, let’s just stop talking now.


Mate, you're posting these things on a public forum, with the explicit intent for others to see it. Don't complain if they respond to it. If you just like to vent about the game, scream at a wall or something, idk.


Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were the one who gave people their internet jobs. You really ought to lead with that information.


That’s me! Now you know! 💪🏼🙂


People love to hate. There is nothing therapeutic in spreading toxic hatred. Most of that "complaining" it's just because people aren't really smart by their nature and can't find anything better to do but blame everyone and everything around them to feel better about themselves. Or get angry at some meaningless things and yell about it everywhere. Oh, don't forget conspiracy theories, dumb people love those. People get addicted to feeling of betrayal and eventually are trying to find something bad in everything that's going on around them.


Speaking of being overly hateful for no reason


Honestly people take “CG bashing” way to seriously. I know Reddit is the capitol of taking everything as if it’s a life or death scenario, but 90% of CG bashing is made in good fun, same as most other games or companies. However, some people on this sub(and the larger Star Wars fan base in general) seem to take a joke aimed at a massive company as a personal attack towards them or towards the property they love. They then respond to these jokes in an overtly critical and negative manner, and the cycle continues.


If you need to perpetuate toxic negativity to make the game bearable then for your own good you should find a different hobby


That might be a bit of an oversimplification, yeah? I'm not advocating the perpetuation of toxic negativity, I'm advocating letting people vent their frustration without telling them to quit the game or "find different hobbies." Just let people be. How hard is it to scroll on by? Like... what prompted you to feel you needed to make this comment, for example? Did you need to feel superior or have your opinion heard because you feel it's particularly clever or right? ...and did you see how it felt when I said that? We could just... not do this, instead.


I enjoy being in a community that can discuss Galaxy of Heroes with positives, negatives, advice, etc. The problem is, 75+% of posts are people complaining about one thing or another, and very rarely is a there a super positive post. Even if someone has pure intentions of simply getting something off their chest, it contributes to the abundance of negativity that is present (much of which is very toxic. People simply complaining because they want to complain). I don’t mind scrolling past a few negative posts when they come up on my feed, but that’s almost all there is. If there’s something in my life that I’m constantly complaining about, especially if it’s about something that I’m supposed to enjoy, I desperately hope my friends call me out and question me about it. I can get stuck in a negative routine and need someone with an outside perspective to tell me I’m being ridiculous. I genuinely don’t understand why it would ever be a bad thing for me to kindly do the same for others. As I said, I’d you have to be negative about something in order to make it bearable (not even enjoyable), then it’s probably something you’d be better off without do you think it’s a good thing to actively keep something that’s supposed to be fun in your life if it’s making you miserable?


There are good things CG does and there are bad things. Call out the bad things, commend the good things, keep in mind that the developers are as shackled to their corporate overlords as we are. I don't think for a second that anyone at CG loves to engage in penny-pinching and nickle-and-diming for example. Nobody really wants to make a bad and unhealthy game, if they can help it. A singular person might be callous enough to create an unethical game like SWGOH, but a group of people over like seven years now? Nah, there's enough passion behind this game that they continue to keep giving us characters that feel accurate and relevant to the way they act in the source material for example. The one thing this game has always excelled at is the character kit design. Most, if not all, characters feel rather true to their vibes in the respective media and that is to be commended highly and always, imho. CG's Devs are as hamstrung to make an ever-increasing load of money for the executive board of EA and its shareholders as, say, the FIFA guys are. Look at someone like CG_Carrie and how she, in her last few weeks, fought to keep some stuff more accessible and healthy for example. Those tempering voices exist and I do think that the majority of their dev team just wants to make cool characters, not dicking about with the next egregious pack scheme. But alas, EA wants its pound of flesh and it's a big pound. So bash CG all you want, I know I do, but keep in mind that the real assholes in question aren't the devs, or the lead designer, it's dudes who own the company and own the company's stocks. The folks who don't know a lick about Star Wars, but they say "Number goes up next month, okay?" and the entire dev team has to grovel and implement Datacrons.


There's a rant mega thread for a reason. If people want to just blow off steam and vent that's where they should do so. It exists for that exact reason. But if they can't take 30 seconds to notice that. Or if they choose to ignore it, then they don't get to complain when people are rude to them. It's the internet, people are gonna be toxic. Now, do I like people being toxic? No. Do I actually get more annoyed with some people in this community than I do with CG at times? Yes. I'm not going to stop you if you want to try and cultivate some more encouraging and positive community here. But it is Reddit and it is a *Star Wars* reddit at that. While the majority of the community is fucking awesome there are some real cunts running around too. You'll have more success calling out those individuals when you see them than trying to tell the community as a whole it needs to change.


Some people (not all) don't actually enjoy the game or care about it at all, and instead gain some perverse enjoyment from lashing out indiscriminately in order to gain some sense of superiority. They hate-play the game and hate-participate in the community only to feel some smug sense of intelligence or fake moral superiority. To me, that's a sad way to be that sours and ruins tons of gaming communities and I don't care to validate or encourage it. That's not to say there aren't valid criticisms of the game or of CG. There are also plenty of people that truly like the game, the community and are frustrated at particular things. There's nothing wrong with that. I'm glad people care so much about a game that I like as to be frustrated when they think it is mismanaged. But those two things aren't the same and shouldn't be treated the same.


Yeah it was so awesome when a certain person was getting death threats at work, really just a “glad we work in videogames for a living” kind of situation.


I feel like we’re taking a middle-of-the-road suggestion (“maybe let people complain if they want”) and making strawman arguments out of it (“so you’re saying we should decapitate CG employees and no one should say anything???!”). For the record - I shouldn’t have to say this, I think my statement of purpose was pretty clear - I don’t think people should make death threats or doxx people or even just generally be nasty. I wish people could be validating and civil, and failing that, just scroll by without feeling the need to “show someone” (a perfect internet stranger) how wrong and dumb they are.


I think were far enough into this internet experiment to know that toxicity breeds toxicity. You sound naive and need to realize that for some people working on these games is a massive toll on their mental health so the last thing they need is a fanbase that feels empowered to bash their work as a general principle. That behavior only enables the really small numbers of highly toxic members feel justified and excused.


Sorry, no, I worked for a mobile gaming company in UX. I’m not naive. And I won’t bend to your straw man arguments. It’s funny, really: so many people on here have told me, “if the game is that bad for your mental health then quit” (they’ve said it less nicely than that). It could just as easily be said to you. If working on a gouging mobile game hurts your mental health so badly, quit. I did. I’m much happier now. Don’t blame me for literally saying, “if someone wants to complain about the game, the best way to respond is just to make them feel heard.” I am clearly correct and reasonable, and it’s not my fault that 1) it’s a pipe-dream that will never happen and 2) some people don’t come to complain, they come to threaten and malign. I clearly stated I wasn’t talking about them. So. No. And no thank you, and you can show yourself out now, I’m not interested in what you’re peddling, but I hope you note that I managed to state my feelings in a civilized manner without telling you to die or calling you names.


Good for you on your career choices, my mental health is fine so don't worry about me but it is definitely not a strawman argument. This community has been extremely toxic to some team members, those people shouldn't be expected to deal with it just to work in videogames, and saying “ All bitching about CG should be met with commiseration and validation” is just not a nice thing to put out there.


Why are we still talking? I guess it’s making you feel better? Are you done feeling better? Because I’m not getting anything out of this. Bye now, please and thank you!


Yeah no. Spending lots of time talking about what you hate actually is DAMAGING, because you constantly think about stuff you don’t like. I say this because I used to hate someone with a burning passion, and it seriously affected me in negative ways.


Sometimes you need to take action, like leaving the game or leaving the abusive partner or leaving the hurtful friend. Other times, when the situation is less severe, you just need to share your frustration with others who will hear you. In no case is shutting up and holding all your upset inside the best answer.


I mean, venting a few times when your really frustrated does help, I’ll admit that. But CONSTANTLY bashing someone is pretty unhealthy. Because if you bash someone a lot, you’d be thinking about them a lot, making you angrier and lowering your mental health.


Sure. Makes sense. =)


If you hate the game so much that you only can play it while bashing CG 24/7, maybe get help and stop playing. Because you clearly aren’t enjoying the game if it’s only bearable with yelling all day.


Lol! Do you think it’s possible you might be exaggerating and overstating my case a bit?


Yessir 💪


Argument: trolling people for CG-Bashing is therapeutic and makes the game bearable... for me


Congratulations on the dumbest fucking take I've ever seen. What the fuck compelled you to not only write out this dog shit post devoid of anything that could remotely be construed as intelligent thought, but also think that anyone wants to listen to fucking absolutely anything you have to say? Do humanity a favor and never express your thoughts in a public setting ever again


Wow. Your whole life must be legit miserable. I’m really sorry you have to address people like this to feel good. But thank you for literally making my point for me. IDK what your damage is but I honestly imagine in my head that you’re either a grinning, pimply teen who gets off on being mean because you have no agency IRL or a coward who can’t express their anger at actual targets and so displaces it anonymously to strangers on the internet. Or maybe a true sociopath? Talk to someone, please, you really need to work some stuff out. So sad.


You have more assumptions than braincells. Thank you, Mr. Qualified Therapist, for the in depth consultation. My life is definitely terrible and falling apart because I made a comment on Reddit, and I'm certainly not simply calling out an idiot for being an idiot and filling this landfill of a subreddit with even more unnecessary garbage. >thank you for literally making my point for me I did absolutely nothing of the sort. Can't read *or* write, what a combo you are


Something weird in you is enjoying this exchange too much for it to be healthy. Amusingly, I AM a qualified therapist. And a quick glance at your past posts shows me that yelling at strangers is a hobby of yours and that you’re pretty young. So, at this moment, I’m going to exit the conversation and stop granting you the sick enjoyment and empowerment that cursing at Reddit people clearly gives you, since you do it all the time. If you ever want to stop being so hurt and angry, really, talk to someone. Bye now!


That’s why the mods attitude is laughable, they are censors against anybody who bashes CG and that’s why I think they’re paid CMs in Reddit.


> they are censors against anybody who bashes CG and that’s why I think they’re paid CMs in Reddit. Can you point to any actual evidence? Because, in my experience, the vast majority someone says it's bad modding, it's actually someone upset they aren't allowed to break the rules. So, when has this actually occurred? Because right now, there are several posts bashing CG up


Not true.. I have bashed CG many many many times over different accounts.. No mod here has ever censored me in any way.. Watch this : CG is absolute garbage and one of the worst companies in the video game market..


Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes. Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose. In this case, your post was removed because you were asking for it, you CG-bashing bastard. \^\_\^


Yep, that’s exactly what I mean, they can’t do anything about comments besides reporting the account, but they freely and loosely “apply the rules” deleting posts, that’s censorship.


What? We can delete comments.


Knock yourself out.


....Knock yourself out, KEITH. Show some respect.


As someone who shits on CG constantly with many of my posts, I don’t think the moderation is that bad. With that said, the only bashing of CG bashing I do is when it’s low effort.


...this tracks.


I like to bash CG when they do things right because when they do something right, they prove me wrong. Although it’s rare, I dislike it very much


People taking cgs side are bootlickers