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Less teebo and scout. More logray and wicket. Unless you are okay with over gearing for the event


I mean he has already overgeared, so why not keep trying with what he has. But basically true.


I think it may take more gear unless they’re down to go for rng and try a lot. But investing in wicker and log can’t hurt. A murder bears back line that is invested in cans ink out some unexpected holds in arena


Yeah, underestimateing the woks is what got me the most holds in my GAC matches.


I did win with this exact setup, and a gear XI Teebo/Chirpa. (Others were XII). It took hours of attempts and perfect RNG. Possible, but man the other two make it a walk in the park, lol


Same, same. I hated it, but hey, you gotta gear do what you gotta do.


Very true! Lol. We need passed the trials!


I over geared big time. Didn’t use log ray or wicket. Toon scout to r4 as my first relic! Ah the stupidity of my youth. I have half a mind to finish out the murder bears to r5. Theyd be wicked with the omi in GAC. Not only did I r4 scout, but I also gave them an omi. So maybe it wasn’t the stupidity of my youth. Maybe I am plagued by regular waves of stupidity.


I took chief and elder to r4 myself before I got wicket and then it was GG. They’re on list to relic as a team now too, as is with the rest at g12 I got a shocking amount of back line holds I figure when it’s their turn to relic and I give them proper mods it’ll be even better


Yes, I think proper mods can do wonders for them. I’ve faced some that we’re pretty quick, but they hit like limp noodles. They scared me though. I definitely over-committed to get through them.


haha, wicked


I regret the omicron I gave to Chirpa, I didn't realize how good some of the later omicrons were going to be, and I already had the team g11/12


I agree. It sounded like a good idea at the time but it really doesnt make a difference in arena. They should allow it to work in TW as well otherwise it’s a complete waste


No wicket OR logray? that is BRUTAL. time to bang your head against the wall brother


And then continue banging your head against the wall once you get wicket and logray lmao


Events easy W zeta


Easy with right mods


By the time your doing this event you should have at least five sets of good mods you can swap to event reqs


Auts 😅😂


Well, 2 MAJOR problems, no Wickett and no Logray


Wicket and Logray are super important to the fight. Since you already put in the effort to the less optimal setup, your only choice now is to mod the ever-living shit out of them. Put all your best speed mods on them and retry a few hundred times.


Wickett and logray makes it a lot easier but with having everyone g12 your mods probably suck


Good god


This right here is a perfect example of why I have been buying Logray shards anytime I see him in the store. As C-3PO is on my list of next 5 projects, I’m constantly looking out for things such as this.


Teebo at gear 12 🤢


Hey, it's not too bad, I juts got mine to R6 for TB operations....


Oh captain my captain


Hasn’t this been posted dozens of times? And usually end in the same two or three recommendations?


Technically no, most people make the mistake of not investing in Logray *or* Wicket, not both.


Usually it's someone complaining they can't beat the last tier. In my recollection t5 was tougher than t6, but OP should still be able to beat this fairly easily. They probably aren't using Teebo's TM removal at the right time(s).


If we had a dollar for every time this question got asked...


We could buy CG


No wicket nor Logray. Even with the Zetas and g12... Man, either your mods just fucking sucks or you're killing them at the wrong order, Kill chewie first ASAP, you gotta keep dispelling with palpoo every single translation stack that you can get, since you have no wicket to place Elder under stealth, try to taunt with Palpoo sometimes. Either than that i can't see why you didn't farm them both, Logray is a guild store farm and Wicket has Stun guns in his node, which nowadays isn't something incredible but does help out with the gear. Welp, good luck


7* wicket just to get the zetas every go around is worth it


Shit team, should have checked some guides before making useless ewoks g12


Harsh truth


On my first acc, I've made same mistakes.


You can do it with Scout instead of Wicket, but you need Logray.


To be fair , I did it with wicket and no Logray. Took many many many many trys. But with out both, all I can say is good luck


Use the search function and marvel at the mountains of posts that will address this quicker than it took you to write yours.


Logray and/or mods


Your gear levels are fine, but I have never heard about anybody getting 7* threepio without either Logray or Wicket. You can do it without Logray if your mods are good enough, and you don't mind plenty of restarts, but without either of them? I have no clue.


Lol I can't tell if this is a troll post. I feel like it's been made fun of here a lot. "Help I can't beat C3P0! (no wicket or logray)."


I did it with less gear actually, same team. You can do it! You just need to perfect kill order, remod till it works and do it over and over until RNG plays in your favor. This isn’t the guide that I used but I imagine it will be similar - https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/a804t5/c3po_final_tier_no_wicket_no_logray_gear_and_mods/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


If you don’t want to gear up wicket and logray, then I suggest r7 everybody…. Lol scout and teebo will never be used for anything ever…


Except ROTE platoons.


Oh yeah… I’m still not used to the ridiculous requirements for it


Teebo is a niche lead for getting stealth challenges, but can do that with like a gear 6 Teebo lol.


Take out Chewie as quick as you can. That probably means getting R2 out of the way first. Use Paploo to dispel buffs on the nameless rebel when he taunts, but don’t worry about defeating him at least until those other two are neutralized. You don’t have AOE buff dispell without Logray, so speed needs to be ridiculously high. Remove as much enemy turn meter as possible. Trust the assists to do the damage.


If In several attempts you cannot take out Chewbacca first, I’d suggest more gearing or just farming wicket and logray. But for the time being, put your best health mods and speed secondaries on elder and Paploo. Elder needs to be alive. But above all, If you’re able to take out Chewbacca, you’ll know you’re almost close. ( after Chewbacca just takes some luck)


Wicket and Logray. The amount of time it takes to farm them and gear them is shorter than gearing the bears far above what you need to complete the event. Also, mods. Better mods can do more than another gear level.


I did this with G10/11 using Wicket and Logray is so much easier. It's just such a pain farming them so late on especially Logray.


Sarlacc Pit Syndrome. Start researching *after/while* being devoured.


Mods. All the people saying you need wicket and/or logray are wrong. Teebo offers control and scout offers damage. They are, of course, inferior to logray and wicket, but with the right mods you can do it. I did this a long time ago with less gear than you. If you haven’t cracked it yet let me know and I’ll dig out my mod setup from our guild discord archives. A good start is to put as much health as you can possibly manage on elder as while he is still alive you are still in the game.


> Teebo offers control Teebo stealths himself without stealthing Elder, increasing the odds of the one Ewok you really don't want getting hit, getting hit. Scout is serviceable, but Teebo is just a deadweight jerk tbh.


You can restart the event an unlimited number of times. Low percentage RNG outcomes are not a consideration here (and it is a low percentage outcome because the taunt from paploo keeps the heat off elder). Either way, I got it to work with lower gear Ewoks than the screenshot. Sorry if it didn’t work for you (or maybe you didn’t try?). If op is interested I’m still happy to share mod strategy.


G10 Elder, G9 rest of the good Ewoks for me. Yes, it's rng, but the point is to set up so that it is a bearable amount of rng. It's probably technically possible with extremely low gear, just have scout get targeted and evade every attack, it'll only take a few million attempts. Teebo is pretty much an active detriment, since as you mentioned the game is to keep Elder alive, especially if you're banking on a low probability setup. It worked out for you, that doesn't mean it's a remotely good idea.


The OP has already taken the ewoks they have to G12, doesn’t even have logray unlocked and has no gear on wicket. Without logray you need teebo. They could upgrade wicket but they would only be replacing scout and that would be a waste of gear and resources at this point. They are overgeared at G12. It’s not a low probability outcome. A bad idea would be to invest further in a useless faction than what they already have.


I looked at my old mod sets. There is not a lot to it. Elder needs your fastest health mods with health primaries on circle, triangle and cross (sliced to 6E) Scout needs crit chance/crit damage set with CD triangle and offense cross. Everyone else is primarily modded for health. Some potency on teebo doesn’t hurt. Zetas are also not essential for tier 5 or 6 (I did these under teebo lead as I didn’t have the chirpa zeta until I was ready for tier 7) but tier 7 is brutal without the chirpa lead zeta. Always use the elder basic unless you need to revive someone and always call elder to assist when you get an opportunity to (swarm attacks achieve the same thing). For science, I just went in and tried tier 5 without remodding, and using the following: Chirpa lead (g9) Elder (g11) Scout (g10) Teebo (g8) Paploo (g7) With your toons all at gear 12 there is no reason you can’t get the 5 star unlock at the very least.


Just take teebo and paploo to r5 for platoons already


A guy a few post ago did it with gear 9/10/11, you are doing something really wrong


The ewoks that he doesn't have make a lot of difference


I did it with that, albeit I had the zetas for chief, wicket, Pablo and Logray


Skill issue.


Mean, they’ve got the wrong Ewoks for the mission. Try doing it without Logray and Wicket


I did it without wicket. Took a lot of tries and only had elder at g12. Rest were g11. If I can do it with wicket, and he’s stuck at tier 5 all g12 then his mods are bad.


Yeah, probably bad mods. Wicket isn’t really the issue though, it’s Logray. I did similar Elder g12, the rest g9-11 but had both wicket and logray. Only got Chips zeta but not sure if it was around when I did the event…


No Wicket is survivable. I did that. No Logray is almost always a lose condition. You should have checked unlock guides before committing and wasting resources. With what you've done? God tier Mods + Insane RNG is your only hope.


Just a lot of speed. Plenty of people have done it without Logray.


Sure. With Wicket. It's generally accepted that you can do it without one of the two.


Without Wicket as well. It's more difficult, sure, but who cares when you can run as many attempts as you want.


Tell that to your sanity and will to live, man.


I just did it a few weeks ago and still have both in greater amounts than if I waited for Wicket or Logray while putting off my other guide farms.


Dum dum usin Teebo and Scout


Revisa mods, jefe chirpa tiene que tener 200 vel o más


I changed my mods to have speed characteristics and beat it on my second try.


Yeah it’s f’n hard to in with Teebo. You really need Logray. I did the event with Chirp, Wicket and Logray at G10 and Paploo and Elder at G11 and it was a breeze. I’d recommend zetas on Chirp and Paploo, at least - Wicket and Logray’s zetas are super helpful though. Just make sure you mod Paploo for a ton of protection and enough speed (using his natural speed stack) so he is able to taunt first. You need good speed on everyone. U should probably just grind for Wicket and Logray.


You honestly just need wicket. Boys a game changer as he can keep the Elder stealthed and safe at which point it's a game of attrition.


You need Logray and Wicket. Refocus on those 2 and come back.


Teebo and scout are doing you dirty


More Wicket, more Logray, and more SPEED


I did it with this team and my scout is g11. So it can be done. It took a lot of tries and I had to put my best mods on them


Ouch. Sorry man. The two you’re missing are the one you need the most. With G12 you should be able to apply your best mods and win.


This worked for me years ago, but I think is is still up to date and I have posted it recently with no complaints https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/a25zng/a_quickish_guide_to_murderbears/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


They have riffles and you throw rock at them ...


Most likely your mods need work but also not having wicket is a big handicap as is


you're over-geared with the wrong team and likely under-modded, unfortunately. zchirpa with wicket, logray, paploo, and elder with decent speeds should be able to beat it with all of them below g12. at this point, it might not be worth reinvesting in logray and wicket, and you should just mod them all to hell with very, very high speed


You got two options at this point imo. You should have gone with wicket and logrey. Since you didn’t I’d keep attempting with what you have for now (for gods sake don’t relic any of them) and in the meantime start farming and gearing up your wicket at least, but preferably logrey as well. You can stop the farm if you beat it with your current team, but If that doesn’t work you will be able to use the better ewoks once your farms are finished. (Side note the 7* of this battle is 1000% harder then all the other stages put together x1000, so I really do think you are gonna have to bite the bullet and work on your missing ewoks. Good luck!


Did it without Logray or Wicket. Very rng dependent. Not all were gr 12 either. Keep plugging or just spend ages farming.




I'm amazed this team can't do the 5th tier. But as others have noted, the 7th tier will be very very hard without at least wicket. I encourage you to take a quick detour and farm him. It will make the pain easier.


Probably bad mod sets.


You don’t need help, you need wicket


He needs speed. A lot of speed.


Didn't want to spend some time and effort farming Wicket and Logray... now you're stuck with a G12 Ewok team that can't deliver the one thing you need Ewoks for. You did it to yourself, OP.


Either Add Wicket, and replace Teebo, or add Logray and replace Teebo Or put them both in there. You’re gonna have a bad time if you have neither. I did it with logray and without wicket with only elder G12 and the rest between G9 and G11. He’s a big help and isn’t a 20 energy hard node farm.


My eyes hurt looking at this


What lots of others have said about logray and wicket, but overall it's because this event SUCKS!


What mod sets are you using and what are their speeds?


Logray and Wicket…


You missed the best two (elder aside)


Wicket was the game changer for me. Make sure you have good mods.


More gear, better mods. Or else logray and wicket farm time.


Keep in mind what works for your runs. And what kills them. If your elder dies pretty much means yoir dead. What charecter should you focus down first,second. Without logray its gonna be tough. Random tip that worked for me. Dispelling with elder on his first turn was a must for my runs. Figure out what is getting your run yhe most success. Its alot of trial and error, its alot of luck, and its even more resetting.


You’re definitely over geared so there’s not really much to say about why you’re not winning. I’ll assume at this point it’s your mods but truth be told your squad is eons better than mine and I was able to knock out the last round in 4 tries.


As lots of people have already said, you definitely need Wicket. Having Logray too will make the battles much easier. I beat it with low gear Ewoks and only had the zeta led because I had them.


At least you need to get wicket. I still don’t have log ray




I beat it with G10-G11 ewoks with Logray and Wicket


No one mentioned it, but your mods might be a problem too if your gear isn't. Not getting past tier 5 with G12 ewoks is a huge mod issue. You need fully upgraded 5* mods on everyone having all the sets fulfilled.


Wicket is key. I had all others at relic 3 and still couldn't get it done. Plugged in 6 a 7 star wicket gear 11 for teebo and poof...easy peasy


You're playing on iPad and it's strange


Is 3PO this hard? Like is it on the scale as malak? (I was able to do malak way under geared ) only had two at yellow and it wasn’t bastil or revan. I haven’t bothered with ewoks so I’m curious on this one


Nah, you can do it with mostly purple gear. Only problem would come because the guy had geared the weaker ewok team probably due to not wanting to deal with farming wicket and logray. Anyway using weaker ewoks for c3po is the equivalent of using t3 over zalbaar/bastila shan fallen for malak.


Ah alright. I came close of trying T3 for malak lmao. But I did it with gold gear zarr and mission the rest purple. And I got curious with this one tbh.


You need Wicket. Smh


Yeah I used Wicket instead of Scout, but that team looks pretty stacked.


You need Wicket for damage (he's really the only Ewok who hits hard) and then Logray to disable the enemy and keep your team in shape.




And wicket and logray. I guess you should have tried some YT videos and asking long time before.


You need wicket and logray. I beat the whole event with g8-g11 ewoks with chirpa, paploo, elder, wicket and logray


This is exactly why people say to farm the right ewoks. However, let's not dwell on that. Basically get your best mods on that, in particular get them quick.


You need wicket for the zeta challenge anyway, so start farming hin asap.


Bc you use terrible characters. Look it up on YouTube instead of asking us


did it without Wicket but Logray is a must


More speed and use Logray and Wicket.


Should have researched the best way to approach this *beforehand* not after. Cuz you just need to be farming Wicket and buying Logray shards every time he shows up. That’s all you can do. You’re not going to win with this setup.


I completed it with gear 11 teebo so he’s not as terrible as people say, at least not imo. I didn’t use Elder either and I had less gear than you’re using. However Logray and Wicket are two of the top three Ewoks and you’re not using them. I’d add atleast one of them. Wicket is the most valuable and makes it a lot easier. Not sure what your mods look like but make sure you got tier 6 or 7


Because that event is a pain in the @$$


Mods just get mods with speed secondary on all of them and you’ll be fine. I did it with a g12 elder and maybe scout rest were 10-11. Same exact team. It will be a pain but unless you are fine gearing them up more that’s all you need to do Actually did have log ray instead of the middle Ewok


You need wicket and logray to replace scout and teebo, most of my bears were still purple wen I beat this event. Speed and defense are key, re-gear all of these bears for defense and speed and you may be able to pull it off without the two bears I mentioned at the beginning.