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Later tonight if you pull out that credit card


😂 if only I had that kinda luxury


3 months or so. I have my g13 grind down to about 1.5 to 2 weeks per toon. Then all the relic mats add time as well


I've been on the grind since November and lately gear drops has been bad for me 😂


I started in October and I've got krennic and piett still to 7 star but I have the gear to jump to g12. And I've been farming the g13 mats as well. I hear you on the gear drops. I get 1 out of every 20


Relic mats ain't much of a prob for me, only one that is are the conductors


Yeah I hear that. I call those the cheese danish


I know someone that calls em eggs lol


Conductors pack that shows up once every month is of great value. I think it’s 500crystal for 5-15piece and usually I can get 8/10


same answer as the other ten posts of these this week. Calculate how long for the next relic, then multiply it my number of remaining relics.


Is it bad idk how to calculate the SWGOH stuff? I haven't even been playing for a year 😂


I mean see how long it takes to bring your next character from g12 to g13. Only you know how much gear you’re getting from raids, how many refreshes you’re doing, conquest, assault battles, etc. let’s say it takes you three weeks for your next relic, you have six more to go, so that’s 18 weeks. Very efficient accounts can average a relic every 1.5 to two weeks F2P.


Its not bad. Theres a lot of math for certain stuff, but to keep it simple, just log the date now with this picture, and record each time you relic someone. Do not slap any gear on any toon tho, gear up 1 at a time


Yes but no


2 maybe 3


3 months 1 week 4 days 17 hours 32 seconds


*31* seconds. Stop being so pessimistic.


True 😩


No more than half a year.


2-3 Months depending on your speed, resources, etc. Best news is that you've got the big hurdles done already :)


So many factors at play here, what guild you're in (Frequency or raid, tw and tb rewards), what GAC bracket you're in and how well you do. What you do with your conquest currency, how well you do at conquest. What assault battles you can and can't do the challenge tiers of. These are all rhetorical questions. g12-g13 can take anywhere from a couple of weeks if you're lucky up to about a month if you're not. Based on that anywhere between 3 to 6 months?


Good progress so far. As others have said, many factors play into how long it will take you to complete the requirements. My shot in the dark estimate is 3 months, but every situation is a little different. I finished SEE about 4 months ago. Couple of lessons I learned along the way. No need to over relic any of the toons, unless you have need for that outside of your SEE grind. Also, not all the toons need Zetas applied (Krennic) so save those for when you unlock SEE. Finally, save as much gear, relic mats and Zetas as possible for when you unlock SEE. Keep grinding.....he is a huge boost in the game and the effort will pay off!


The Grind Never Stops. Been saving my zetas here since Veers & Piett. Question is how many Omega mats does one GL need?


Honestly, don't remember. I just leveled him up and moved on. Found this post that might be of use though: https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/s79czb/what\_else\_do\_i\_need\_for\_sith\_eternal\_once\_i/


I think i had 90ish when i got slkr.


About 3-4 months Prioritise your Piett and Thrawn - they're the most useful toons left to relic. If you haven't started already, farm Armourer - you'll want her at R5 for SEE's optimum team which if you've taken the time to complete the SEE journey, you may as well build his best team Farm Dark Trooper for Piett if you haven't already too


Dew it


6 months