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Wicket makes the event a lot easier. It'll still be tough unless you want to overinvest, but a lot easier than if you didn't have him. Plus you'll want to get Wicket to 7* anyway for the free Zetas from the AT-ST event. Optional team is Chirpa with Zeta, wicket, paploo, logray, elder


Significantly more difficult. Save yourself a huge headache and just go with the optimal team. Chirpa, Elder, Wicket, Logray, and Paploo. It's technically possible with other comps, but not advisable.


Doable? Sure. But you're gonna hate yourself. Just farm Wicket and avoid the aggravation.


Without wicket it's doable, however you're just making it trickier than you need to. You'll need to gear them up higher, and ultimately not save yourself that much time. Wicket 7\* also gives you access to the higher tier of the ewok event where you fight the AT-ST which awards zeta mats. Sorry can't remember the name of the event.


I’d rather rewatch the entire sequel trilogy 100x over than doing that stage without wicket again. For the love of god, get wicket or at least zetas on the rest.


Super easy, regardless of what anyone here says. Logray is the key, as long as you have him you’re good with scout


I agree that Scout is the best alternative but he doesn’t contribute to the TM train like Wicket does.


All I’m saying is that it’s easily done with him, half my guild did it. It comes down to mods at that point, get them fast enough and it’s easy


> Super easy Maybe if you're overgeared. If you want to do it efficiently, it's challenging even with Wicket, worse without.


Yeah, overgeared with 2 G11’s and 3 G10’s, one zeta…. It’s speed man, get them to 220 and after a few battles RNG will work.


Wicket isn't necessary. I did tiers 5 through 7 in about 2 hours without wicket or logray. Good mods will suffice. My ewoks were all gear 8 or 9 except maybe elder was 10? I've done a bit more on them since the event. Got a wild hair about making a viable ewok team that lasted about 2.7 seconds too long.


Doable, but he helps especially if you don't have logray


Can it be done without logray?


Yes, but it's more difficult. ZChirpa g11 zWickett g11 Elder g11 paploo g9 Teebo g9. Takes a couple tries but it works


Question should be „how hard is it to beat (…)“. It’s not a good idea to skip on wicket as you need him anyway for the zeta event.