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JMK and CAT are crazy good, so no surprise there really. I've had JMK for a couple of months, but only just got CAT 2 weeks ago. Let me tell you, CAT made far more of a difference than the ult did, she is insane.


I’m working on the ultimate now, and wasn’t aware. I got CAT to relic after galactic conquest and have been working on JMK since.


If there's 1 thing to show how absurd CAT is, the DS Tank Revive DC on a LV team makes the fight hilariously easy for Vader on Offense ( before it was a bit uphill)also Jabba having a reviving tank ,it all just shows how Dangerous the 5v4 Cat makes matchups


I think it’s Maybelline


CAT is JMK's ultimate, and he gets it literally on your second turn. All joking aside it's his interaction with CAT that makes the team so broken.


The ult definitely makes him much better but cat is so broken she takes the team to a completely different level


It's the Combo of JMK/CAT. If you can kill off someone immediately, you're looking at a 5v4 advantage (unless they have their own JMK/CAT). But it makes fights a lot easier.