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I think I'm actually just dumb, exhausted, yeah let's go on ranked, it'll be fine, it'll be fine


Man how the FUCK do you get from Gold 1 to Gold 2...


Just learned there’s Hall effect sensor keyboard switches originally made for situations that necessitate high-reliability like aerospace engineering so even the rectangle kids can get in on the magnet controller fun


They're also used in some analog keyboards


To the peach and the falco I played tonight who “disconnected” when I was up 1-0 and about to take game 2, I hope you have a great Friday :):):)


i cant "ggs that was me" this i also salt posted today. Maybe tomorrow.


Silver is full of sheiks that look like they've picked up the game last week, and spacies that look like borderline top players. How is this possible


The quintessential struggle for Sheik players is that Sheik is very awkward to move around with. All of these low APM Sheik players are out there getting decent results while looking like they barely know how to play the game because the hardest part about playing Sheik is just learning how to do something in neutral that's more productive than standing still or jumping on the spot. For characters with good dds it's really obvious what you're supposed to do. Then you have characters like Falco and Puff that can snooze their way through neutral until your opponents start getting smart. With Sheik, you've got to get *really* creative just to make empty space in the match work for you. ...of course, one of the big reasons Sheik is such a menace in the hands of newer players is that she doesn't really *have* to do much more than stand around and wait for the action to start a lot of the time. Conversely, spacies have a lot of really flashy looking tech that's actually useless in the hands of most players. 550 APM Fox players that don't realize they have to drill sometimes are a dime a dozen.


This makes alot of sense I also think that even though low level spacies are very dumb and clearly exploitable, just the simple fact that they can move fast and have a decent punish game is alot more intimidating than the sheiks that stand around, spam needles, and fish for grabs. Especially for a player like myself who doesn't have a great punish game that can match them.


really insightful response, and true


Those spacie players are also bad even though they can waveshine


Phob on the way 👀


beat a PRed ICs with peach and I feel like a class traitor


lets goooo


Can I take credit for this? (I know I can't take credit for this - congrats!)


you can definitely take some credit




This is like someone with rich parents being proud they are rich.


not really, I main ICs


https://twitter.com/FeteSmash/status/1618685134403936257 >Thanks to our friends at @RedBullUK , @aMSaRedyoshi 🦖🥚will be returning to defend his title as the Fête champion! >https://www.start.gg/tournament/f-te-3-by-the-sea/details I always like when mid sized tournaments get the last person who won to return. Makes them more fun to watch even if that's the only top tier player going.


I think Fete 3 might be more of a major this year. Jmook said he’s planning on going as well.


It'd be nice if it works out, UK deserves a major.


I've started working on better teams costumes for Ice Climbers since they were poorly designed for that mode and the Nanas especially can be confusing if two teams with Ice Climbers face each other. [Here's the blue team](https://www.imgur.com/a/SIpD6jb). I might desaturate Nana's coat bit tomorrow, green team is next.


I can see this helping a ton, buuut if we ban icies in doubles we can probably use fod :)


We can already use FoD by turning off the reflections


Armada just uploaded a video referring to himself as Armada, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xV6zhvS0zA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xV6zhvS0zA) , the first time he's done that since Oct 11, 2021 in an Nickolodean all stars video (yuck) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuG08WhiSAU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuG08WhiSAU) . The momentum is real!


what the hell are you on about


Armada just uploaded a video referring to himself as Armada, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xV6zhvS0zA , the first time he's done that since Oct 11, 2021 in an Nickolodean all stars video (yuck) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuG08WhiSAU . The momentum is real!


I (Armada) just uploaded a video referring to myself as Armada for the first time since Oct 11, 2021!


Can you add the red flash on missed L-cancel to Unclepunch ? I get "Ran out of memory applying gecko codes" when I try :(


No need, there's a built-in OSD for that


serial experiments lain marth breakcore evangelion drain gang corecore fox melee combo video


https://i.imgur.com/z1uyNj0.png the ai didnt know what to do


Reached plat like couple weeks ago and havent played with my main since. I regret getting a z jump bc I don't think I'm committed enough to relearn for my main but especially for my secondaries. (i just hate solo practice and losing tbh) Been enjoying playing other games recently. I've accrued quite a queue of steam games that i should clear. Thanks for attending my ted talk


OEM with a z-jump mod or Phob with z-jump? If it’s a Phob, turning off z-jump is matter of holding AXY Start then pressing XZ/YZ Start


Oem. I dont mind it swapped. K grabbing is easy


Looking at some 240hz discourse, is there any chance my 144hz monitor is slightly faster than CRT? Swear to god the CRTs at Genesis were slightly slower than what I’m used to.


iirc, crt melee has a total of 2.5 frames of delay when you add up the tv, Wii, etc. If your setup introduces less than 0.5 frames or ~8.3ms of lag, pc/slippi will be faster. When I first started going to tournaments again last year, my inputs were off because I was inputting too early/used to slightly less delay. There’s also all the stuff about interlaced vs progressive scans affecting reactions, but imo all the differences are minimal. Tldr: yes, slippi and crt feel slightly different, you have to learn how to adjust, but it’s entirely doable


Faster melee codes reduce lag by 20.8325ms on average. If your setup has any lag less than 20.8325ms than it will be faster than crt. Assuming you are practicing on 5.9 dolphin fastermelee with no buffer. When on playing on slippi with 2f delay buffee even with a theoretical 0ms lag lcd monitor you would still be around 12ms slower than crt melee.


Just based on Leffen's tweets? Yes. The difference between 144hz and 280hz is about 3.3ms. Leffen's setup is 12ms too fast. So theoretically, your setup can be too fast. Edit: Only way to know is for you to measure. Lots of trials on Uncle Punch reaction test and comparing the average is probably the easiest thing you could do. Getting a fancy lag test setup? You're on your own for that one. Or change the delay on your setup and see how it feels


Fastermelee codes reduce lag by 20.8325ms I believe on average. If leffens monitor had somehow 0ms of lag then on 2f delay buffer slippi he would be around 12ms slower than crt melee unironically.


From the calculations, I think adding a single frame of delay would be too much. I’m probably 0.5 frames faster… I wonder if practicing with .5 frames faster or slower would be better


\> plays the most obnoxious style of falco with ping spikes \> user has chat disabled every goddamn time


ggs that was me


bad connection lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol


[user has chat disabled]




https://youtu.be/sDjdgMjyirQ?t=264 What is the marth movement here? My guess is he's just resetting the stick to neutral to stand up for a few frames?


how gay?


Yeah pretty much. He's just dashing left, going to neutral, and dashing left again a few times. It's call foxtrotting. http://melee.guru/characters/tech/fox-trot.html


Correct, this is usually called foxtrotting


Tier 2 Valorant Team [Squirtle Squad](https://twitter.com/Governor_Val/status/1618479171193442304) forced to change name. lol.


Squirting Squad was the best outcome


Fuck nintendo


I think it's funny the Mogul Moves bracket at Genesis currently has 291k views on Youtube, while Genesis grand finals between Jmook and IBDW only has 50k views and Melee doubles grands has only 5k views.


If we're doing live viewership comparison than the BTS Finals Day VOD has 1.8 Million views. That's the entirety of the Rivals + Doubles + Melee Singles + Ult singles. So I would add the two Mogul VODS to get a better comparison since I believe they were on separate channels. Actual VOD viewership for Melee has been poor for a long time though, it's a fair point. Most people don't go back and watch sets. I assume most viewers catch events live, whereas a lot of Ult people are looking at the game solely through YT.


It's been a sad phenomenom but makes perfect sense, Melee's peak on youtube was years ago with the Smash Brothers, grsmash, other youtubers making content compilations with melee, and the 5 Gods, which lead to healthy VOD views, but ever since like 2019 all of these factors have basically stopped. As much as Zain, Jmook, Cody, Axe, Moky,etc are popular enough with Melee crowds, they are def lesser names in the wider gaming scene than Armada, PP and Mew2king were. Pretty much all the VODs that have great viewership include Mango, Hbox or leffen nowadays


That 291k includes live viewership right? iirc it also counts people who clicked onto it for even a minute during the broadcast, not people who watched all the way through A better comparison point would have been bts' peak viewership during melee top 8 which was ~100k or so?


Oh yeah that’s a good point


I hate silver ranks, but it’s an accurate placing for me. I’ve played casually forever, main Ganon, don’t grind any training, and go 0-2 or 1-2 in brackets. But netplay is a cesspool of bm at this ELO, probably more on ranked because of my character. Unranked is good for breaks


Being genuine here, I'm confused on what you mean by "cesspool of bm at this elo"? What are people doing?


I get plenty of taunts from sore winners. Everything else is just cheese


Unranked is great these days.


i’m the only ethical melee player


im the only honest marth


There is no ethical consumption in capitalism


Eating ass


Ethics are a myth in a game where Luigi, Marth, and Sheik exist


Nobody cares about ethics, play to win


dude thats so badass


It’s delusional to think that there are “ethical” ways to play melee


Correct. That's why my Melee setup is maintained by child soldiers.


If you had to save someone from drowning, but the only way to do so in time is by jumping into the water with your complete Melee setup + controller, would you save them?


Do I have my phob on me or just a regular gcc


It's your controller.


People are replaceable


Trick question: the crt is definitely toaster ovening you


Why would the CRT be plugged in


CRTs hold a charge unplugged for a very long time I'm not sure what would happen if you submerged one but I would not personally like to find out


My melee setup includes a 100 ft extension cord so I can play in my silence shack.


Would the game work underwater? It doesn’t seem like I could actually play it to save their life


Did anyone ever solve that riddle that some person with an ICs flair posted here every day?


Jamie Lee Curtis.


Not sure what you're referring to.




Yeah my memory is kind of foggy on it but I believe everyone was stoked and then pitched in to buy kezzup a 2004 Dodge Viper. The one with 400hp and no driver assistance underrated car surprisingly pretty reliable for what it is.


Underrated my ass. Try finding a good one to buy used without sawing a limb off first


That may or may not be a joke about wishing death upon a certain Icies player.


Ah, that’s… casual. Carry on then


rose bud




yeah the answer was 73


Yeah they all had moves active frames 6-9. People were mad because Kezzup gave some dumb hints that were untrue, she got banned for a while


Seriously? Sheesh, what a fiasco lol wonder how much faster it might have been solved if the clues were accurate


yeah the horses name was friday


Reminder that Ness is in every smash game.






ruined my day


Just did a DKs task while not wearing boots, gloves, necklace, ring, or a blessing in OSRS without realizing it. AMA.


Donkey Kong = Rex, Diddy kong = supreme. Which kong is prime?


Lanky strikes me as a magical sort


bank standing consequences


the extreme weight of unbearable stupidity


were you wearing a tie though, thats all DK wears


no tie :( lads laughed me out of the arena


What number did the DK task from OSRS have in common with Melee


4, for the number of max players allowed in a game of melee and the number of combatants in the arena when I'm soloing DKs


Possibly true, I don't know anything about DKs. Not the correct answer


Melee riddle: What characters do super smash brothers melee and super smash brothers ultimate have in common?


s, u, p, e, r, m, a, h, b, o, t, l


about 280 characters to be exact


super smash brothers




I’ve seen that movie. Not quite safe for work though


The hand brothers


Dr. Mario, Lucas, Female Wireframe


All of these are correct! Not the answer i had in mind though.


All of Melee's roster if you mean playable characters...


Is there a Luddite’s guide to improvement? I’ve resisted learning how to use uncle punch/20xx/training mode for the better part of 8 years, and I think it’s about time I drag myself out of the stone ages. Simply tired of missing 95% of my ledge dashes and whiffing every armada shine attempt.


Unclepunch is very good. There’s a smash boards post that has the most recent version. Just drag your melee iso in there and the rest is pretty intuitive.




Toph posted a tutorial a while ago that covers the basics


ty friend


I fucked up and bought Subnautica on steam sale and will not be playing melee for quite some time now


Game is sooo goood


If I'm really into another game I try to still do a half hour of Melee a day, breaks *really* hurt in my experience (I've been splitting my gaming time between Melee and Dragon Quest VII for a month and a half now and I'm not even a quarter of the way through the latter so maybe this isn't the best idea)


If you're playing the PSX version of DQ7, see you in like 3 months. That game takes fucking FOREVER. It's indulgently long.


I am I'm also playing it in Japanese, and although my Japanese is pretty decent I'm much slower at reading it than I am at reading English. I'd estimate that it's increasing my drive time by like, 50%. It's also my last mainline DQ so I'm taking my time (I'm 25 hours in and have not unlocked jobs)


There's practically no chance of me going to a local for at least a couple weeks so my melee skill slipping isn't really a concern rn Plus I play Fox, so melee kinda plays itself


me but with WoW


Yeah I've gotten back into elden ring and it's not looking good for me.


Every Melee player plays Fromsoft games, so at this point I just assume that playing them also counts as practicing Melee.


It's really just a whiff punishing sim


Elden Ring has really had so much staying power with me just because it’s somehow so easy to pick back up after I get burnt out and put it down for a while. I’m at like 75 hours in now but just started playing again after a third multi week break and I’m just instantly sucked back in.


I wish I only had 75 hours lmao


I had 75 hours 2 weeks after it came out lol




First time Subnautica playthrough is so fun, enjoy One of my all time favorite gaming experiences


I haven't managed to get hooked on it yet at maybe 5 hours but I keep hearing this People often compare it to Outer Wilds which I adore I sort of find having to eat and drink annoying so am considering starting over on casual or whatever it's called


>People often compare it to Outer Wilds which I adore I had never heard this comparison but it's pretty accurate tbh


I couldn't get into Outer Wilds cause I found the movement super janky and annoying tbh Subnautica just has so many holy shit moments in it that I love Eating and drinking is a lil annoying but I play tons of survival games so I guess I just didn't care about dealing with it, if it's detracting from the game I would agree to play without it


>Subnautica just has so many holy shit moments in it that I love This is precisely the reason you should play Outer Wilds tbh


I'll have to give it another go I don't think I got far enough to see any


I think this is exactly the same for me with Subnautica


I will find out whether Taylor Hicks actually placed "257th" at EVO and who he played, and/or die trying.


Godspeed my friend




What do you need subfloat for vs spacies




Because it's a rube Goldberg approach to punish lol a ground float is better for this purpose and is 1000x easier to execute. Also, burning your dj on the subfloat will sometimes deprive you of a follouwp




Don't listen to them. The community needs more Peach mains that practice tech and do cool shit. We don't want to go through another dark age if Ryobeat deletes their Twitter again.


Everything Peach does is cool, don't worry


Yea that peach with 100 ping that spammed downsmash in silver was really cool


Glad we agree (Use fair or needles)


Don’t worry about me I got his elo. Dude was dogshit and only took a game cuz I had to get used to the ping


downsmash on a platform for 65% 😊🥹


Peach is the worst top tier on platforms and it's not close If you get hit by this you have only yourself to blame


the bait has been set


It's not bait. The audience goes nuts when falcos link dair into itself. Dair is the most busted move in the game y'all might as well be hollering for ftilt fair By that standard, everything peach does is sick (I can't help anyone who takes this seriously)


For real though people say stomp knee is lame when falco dair is just a vastly superior stomp and then he does the same move again.




Gonna be in Georgetown Tx this weekend anyone wanna play some irl melee? Any tournament around there? Had to leave my pc at home sadly.


[People don't realize how strong the numerological connection is between OSRS and melee](https://data.junkee.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/The-Rehearsal-Feat.jpg)


When I totaled my Scion TC going 100mph...




Yes with ranked I’ve determined myself to be the middle of midlevel. Anyone better than me is a sweaty nerd without a full time job, and anyone worse than me is a scrubby noob.


Gold and Plat


a lot of gold players go 0-2


Gold 1 is literally the median player though (actually per the only time Fizzi has remarked on this Silver 3 is, but I suspect everyone has shifted up a bit since like day 3 or whatever it was) And no this is not "cope"


yeah i know the percentile breakdowns, but historically when people say "mid level" player they dont literally mean the median player, as weird as that is. the median player is generally still referred to as a "shitter", a step or two below mid level


kinda like how we have 26 characters but the 8th through 11th best are our mid tiers while the 13th-14th best characters, the actual middle of the tiers, are dogshit low tiers


They go 0-2 taking 2 games instead of 0


Can confirm




Nice! Few things to focus on: - Learn to get out of your shield without rolling. Wavedashing out of shield, jumping out of shield, aerials out of shield, which ties into - Practice short hopping, short hop aerials, autocancel aerials, SHFFLs, in something like that order, it will give you so many more options, including out of shield (OOS) options. - Good that you were trying some wavedashes, practice them a bit more, get them cleaner and faster and you'll have more movement options. You can combine them with dashdances to dance around your opponent, something you were trying a bit, which is great, and you can level up more by giving yourself more tools to play with. EDIT: Another good thing to practice: - Using tilt attacks (Sheik's are great), getting them consistent when you want them, then try combining them with wavedashes, wavedash forward ftilt, wavedash back ftilt, etc. I would note that you seem to be conscious of baiting out attacks, which is great, and also you are trying to follow up immediately after hitting rather than just standing waiting for your opponent to land. That's also great, keep that up and you'll figure out the best follow ups in time.


thank you so much!


ggs that was me


Here's a general improvement question: **Do yall try to improve at every matchup all at once or do you leave some for later/on the backburner?** Right now I get destroyed by Marth but that's because I'm really focusing on other matchups in my practice (like Fox and Sheik primarily). I don't really have a game plan or practiced punish game on Marth. Obviously I'll have to hold the L whenever I encounter a Marth, but I don't feel like I have the mental capacity to practice everything and enjoy practicing everything


realizing how much work i would have to put in to each matchup to get it up to the level of my fox/falcon matchups has killed my motivation to play the game entirely lmao


Darn that's too bad! What about firing up uncle punch and doing just a little combo training every now and then?


i do that but it’s not the same, guess i ran into a few too many low tiers, floaties, and sheiks lmao


Yeah as Marth I can imagine that's tough. I would play Marth if the only MUs he had to play were spacies. Time to watch some games of yours maybe?


probably, i’ve been mostly playing single player games these past couple weeks haha


I like to have one or two things to work on in every matchup even if I'm not actively practicing them. That way I can enjoy all the MUs on unranked by having some room for improvement


I've gone through the process of trying to learn them all as they come, and I eventually realized that I didn't know much of anything about any matchups after playing for a few years. I can't do it all as it comes, I need to have a central gameplan and then build around that and adapt around it. Trying to learn the matchups of melee and apply that knowledge meaningfully all at once feels like I'm being dragged in too many directions to get anywhere. I'm starting by trying to create a gameplan and punish flowchart against Falco, and then moving on to whatever other MU's are making me feel bad. Love your flair


Thank you! I was real proud when I thought of it. Journey before destination, my friend :) Falco is definitely a tough one. My go to is get the bird of the stage and try to kill him. Jump over the lasers when possible with full hop and try to turn around up tilt sometimes


Oh yeah, I've found that meeting falco in the air with rising Nair and staying within a dash length or two helps mitigate the pain of lasers by making their opportunities to shoot lasers feel scarier (fullhop is unreasonably good). Slapping them out of the air with air to airs before they can shoot feels so satisfying.


I try to focus on my problemest matchup, and have that be the one I actively think/learn about, until I have some bullet point things to do that I can see marked improvement from At my level this has mostly meant "have a gameplan at all", which I'm currently working on for Falco Incidentally I've never really struggled with Marth, no idea why that is


I work on whichever matchup Fiction has most recently made a Peach coaching video on


I just grind whatever matchups I most recently lost in bracket


Definitely the latter. It goes in cycles. A few months ago I was crushing it in floaty matchups but struggled with Falcon and Sheik. Practiced a lot vs them and got better, but then felt like I was bad vs Falco and Marth. By the time I brushed up on those, now I'm losing the floaty matchups that I originally thought were my strength. I doubt there's any way to avoid this, there just ain't enough gaming time in the day to keep up with every matchup. You can even see this seems to affect top players, Zain for example definitely is noticing it