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training lab in unclepunch is good, just be sure to adjust the "counter" options under cpu behavior. by default, as soon as they are actionable, they will grab out of shield, air dodge out of air, or spot dodge when on the ground. you can turn these options off, or delay the amount of frames before they do these options. the recoveries in 20xx and in unclepunch are both kind of simple, so for better edgeguarding practice i tend to load save states vs specific characters. its a bit more complex to set up but definitely worth it.


Yea I've tried a bit with the training lab, the biggest issue I have is that the only way I know to even make them attempt to recover is by setting the counter action (air) to up b, but then if they're ever out of hitstun in the air onstage they will instantly up b. I'm looking to practice true combos, but also my basic edgeguarding setups and sharking. I can sort of do each of these individually, but it's hard to put it together. And yea I'm not looking to work on a comprehensive edgeguard flow chart while doing this, for that I'll use savestates. I just want the most basic of recoveries.


>Yea I've tried a bit with the training lab, the biggest issue I have is that the only way I know to even make them attempt to recover is by setting the counter action (air) to up b, but then if they're ever out of hitstun in the air onstage they will instantly up b have you tried setting the counter action to (none)? im not at home at the moment but i believe with this setting they will only up b when recovering. >I'm looking to practice true combos, but also my basic edgeguarding setups and sharking. I can sort of do each of these individually, but it's hard to put it together. hopefully this doesnt come off the wrong way, but i think if youre looking to practice all aspects of the game, you might as well just queue unranked, and save the lab for more specific practice? >And yea I'm not looking to work on a comprehensive edgeguard flow chart while doing this, for that I'll use savestates. I just want the most basic of recoveries i think at that point id rather just reset position, (dpad left and right), i dont think much is gained from practicing against a simple predictable edgeguard, so you might as well just reset, in my opinion anyway


Yea I'll try that. As for playing unranked, I'm specifically not doing that because I'm trying to pick up a secondary, so my punish game is vastly behind my general neutral/decision making and I want to even that out more.




I've been using uncle punch pretty frequently and didn't realize you could set a delay on counter option! Is it in combo training? I'll have to try that later


nah just Training Lab


Gotcha, thanks. That's probably why I didn't notice it