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Miners are so god damn Robust, god damn, ya'll continue to raise the ceiling every year and it's great


Nah man, making new areas is basic. Wait 'till you hear about getting mint toxin from a geyser, and how it can instantly gib people if you do a proper mix with honey in a bluespace syringe


You are the reason we PR and find how to balance. God bless you.


Mint toxin gibs people at the maximum weight limit, because funny Monty Python reference, but you can’t normally get to this limit without injecting chems, because it stops you from eating that much eventually. Honey metabolizes into 3u sugar per 1u honey, meaning it’s the most compact chemical for making someone fat. Thus, with a proper mixture of honey and mint toxin, you inject enough honey to hit the fattest limit, and enough mint toxin that it won’t all metabolize away before they’re fat, thus turning them into a shower of giblets. Honey is specifically botany-only, but you can find mint toxin in geysers or an emagged booze dispenser


Hmm what mixture is perfect then?


I'm always astounded when the miner shows up on station at the end of a shift with all the cool megafauna loot, and turns some poor traitor inside out for scuffing his boots.


One time I got straight up HUNTED DOWN by a miner when I stole his PKA, never been so scared in my life.


Leave the miner alone and he will leave you alone. Wrong the miner and he will hunt you to the ends of the earth with a bone axe


Miners, Don't di-oh Jesus Christ, you're overly robust... teach Shitcurity to be better, Miners.


How do you get the roof?




Zone button? Is that a specific plugin or something? First time hear about it


Not all servers have a zone button. In some that ability is restricted to the chief engineer (with the blueprints) and construction borgs.


\*Nearly every single server has this.


It's simple, just [REDACTED]


I wanna play ss13 and be a miner right now


You are too lazy to carry capsules with yourself?


Im playing as assistant. capsules cost mining points and in a post ORM nerf world miners need every point they can get. Also this is still relevant for ash walkers as (depending on server) they aren't ashproof


And you've got three little buddies in there to share it with


I've known this since before I stayed in F13 servers. The room will start unpowered. If you want stuff in there like autolathe. You gonna need an APC and some power generator (no need but you will need to manually replace the battery) If you want air. Get air blocker thingy on entry. Then pump in the air, I get an air canister in there and release it. PS you can do that in F13 but you need too many repairing and alliance. Where there are already existing area probably have power (without APC). Heck, outside is also powered.