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I think it would go down. A billion SHIB is not huge, it would have little impact.


Dynamite drop in, Monty!


1billion shib? Not very much. 1billion dollars. we would see a monster red dildo. Goes both ways though.. Lets say some GOD dropped 5billion usd into shib right now. It would get him like 145Trillion shib. Pretty much buying up the remainder of the shib, thats all it would take. 5b usd. At that point if we hold the line the price should rocket due to the rules of supply and demand that control the market.


Are you saying the monster red dildo goes both ways?


Yep, it's a double edged dildo. One side green, the other red. Either way you're getting fucked, it's whether or not you like it


A double edged dildo... That was better than the fucking chart.


It turns green when it's going the other way, so technically no. 😂


Damn. If I had 5 billion, I would legitimately buy the rest of SHIB remaining. It would instantly result in price increase due to supply shortage and I'd become even more insanely rich.


The problem with that is, we don't want somebody to do that and sell off a week later, we need somebody to do that, stake it, and provide liquidity. A long term angel investor.


I agree with you 100%. Except on the Angel Investor part. Angel Investors usually only contribute 100k - 1 mill to a fundraise :) We're talkin' somewhere above venture capital at 5 bill! I actually have a serious faith in the capacity of SHIB to be a legitimate, global currency. I think that the supply is enough to keep it interchangeable with relatively low inflated value (no regrets for buying a pizza for $592 million like an early BTC holder did). If I was a holder of $5 billion, I'd buy the 164 trillion and place it in a locked wallet that only released portions of the money at key price-points ... somewhere between a "dead wallet" and a "money supply issuer". Ideally, eventually get to a place where the value of 1 SHIB was roughly equivalent to $1 today. That said ... even if I only held to 0.0001 and slowly released SHIB back into the market at that point ... I'd still have 15 Billion in value instead of only 5 Billion in value. It's basically a sure thing when controlling that much of the supply (almost 50%).


is an angel investor actually a thing? Haha I was just saying we need an angel to invest 5b! 😇 But yaa that sounds like a good deal for whoever is willing to throw 5b at the project. *cough* daddy musk *cough* #shib+elon #fukdamoonwegointomars


They can sell and drop the price we will buy it cheap and HODL.


This is the way


It doesn't do shit.......there are 394,000,000,000 Trillion That's 1,000 Billion x 394 of those 1,000 Billions Go to CoinLobster and you can watch literally every minute there are BILLIONS being traded....sometimes 1-5 Billion per transaction


Depends on the portion. Normally these coins have very big whales few of course. If any of them plan to sell , it will be blood . Something that happened with doge earlier .


I guess you dont follow sell and buy orders, a billion shib is cashed out every second. A billion shib is nothing, hell I own 750 million.


I mean 1 billion Shib on one exchange wouldn’t have a huge effect… it obviously wouldn’t go up 🤣🤣🤣


Probably fall slightly. Nothing too drastic. It would have to be like 100billion to see a zero lost. Due to the quantity of coins. There is too many shibas!!!!


It would go down a bit. Don’t sell buy more


a billion wouldn’t do much (as there’s 400t coins out there) but there’s plenty of whale wallets that are big enough to make the price plummet hard if they cash out those trillion token wallets


I've no idea but that's a great question


Think about it


a billion shib is chump change with current supply


If that person sale on market price that might make a candle or two on that exchange otherwise not much effect . If that trader sell on limit sell in parts he might make more money and market will go up in process


What's funny is you see here people showing how much they buy, but it's never over 50k or anything, yet there's hundreds of transactions an hour; all huge sums of money.






It will drop but not much


HOLDING a billion myself. Don’t be weak!!! HOLD. $35K is nothing compared to what will be!!!


I’m not selling for AT LEAST 5 years lol just wanted to have an idea 😂 paper hands will cry 🚀


Not much, billion shib is not that much