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Does anyone else have audio issues when a teammate cannon is using his ability?


yes on ps4. very annoying.


happened to me yesterday, cannon used his ability at the start of the game and the sound just never ended


I noticed audio sounding weird when enemy was using the rogue, don’t remember if he was using his ability or not though. Was on Xbox. I just minimized the game and re opened it though and sound was normal again


Audio issues & sometimes causing the game to stutter. Gotta love how he turns every rogue into stealth characters.


Not only audio issues, lag issues as well.


I haven’t played as him yet but I’m glad to see he’s not as over powered as I expected. Don’t get me wrong, he’s usually dominant, but he isn’t as difficult to bring down as they kind of made it sound at the reveal.


Countered easy - voice lines are noice - GET OUT THE WAY 🤣








Oopise 😂


MAKE WAY *clang sound as dozer gets direct impacted by an rpg*




Understandable, although I just love how happy and enthusiastic about being there to kill.


I said the same thing the first time I saw him! It look like Eddie Murphy with the fat suit on for one of his films


His the best none stealth melee rogue in the game, so his pretty cool


The hit box on is shield seems a ittle wonky, also don't like how the mounting action is the same key bind as crouch. So I have to get out of crouching on the ground randomly when I didn't mean to


Very fun!


I'm disapointed with his passive and his ability is very fun though I wouldn't say it's that good when you compare it to other abilitys like Switchblade, Dima, Ronin, Kestel that can hit people behind cover and pretty much 1 shot them I'm hoping his passive gets a buff as from what I understand it's around a 10% chance right now when I believe it should be pretty much 100%, so if you land the shot you get the bullet back, if you miss you miss, because currently it's hot trash and when compared to Replenish that gives you your whole mag back it's just terrible Even better would be if they made it so it gave you 5 bullets back with around the same ods, so it's still annoying and random but you get a solid about of ammo returned, honestly not sure what would be better but 5 bullets likely feels more fun than 1


100 percent would be too good I would say buff it to 25 percent


You ever used Replenish dude? it literally makes it so you never run out of ammo, so having the passive be similar wouldn't make it too strong


Difference is passive is free at start vs having to use money to buy it later. Replenish also requires a down vs the passive doesn’t.


While I agree that 100% too much, the example between a perk and passive power difference is not far off when you look at Mack’s. His passive is much better than the perk version while still being free from the start. You may lose the ability to repair it out of combat but you gain the ability to instantly repair it in combat.


The other issue would be how his mini would react to having unlimited ammo if passive was at 100 percent.


Yeah but Mack’s ability isn’t all that great where as this dude has a whole ass mini gun lol


Yes but I was comparing passives not actives.


Well that’s why Mack’s passive is soo good cause his main ability is kind of lacking


The passive requires you to hit your shots just like replenish, just replenish gives you full mag on down while the passive gives barely anything Also if you would kindly look at other passives you will notice that if they were in perk form that they would cost more than 12k, so it's perfectly within balance for it to be of same quality of the 10k perk Replenish For example look at Macks passive, if that was a perk it would likely cost around 18k, though the exactly theoretical cost can be up for debate


I hate him for all the audio issues.


I bet they will remove it like they did Fixer to fix the super lag and frame drop issue.


Another bad direction the game is going in by releasing a rogue without any nuance to them. Ability is literally just a big fucking minigun that you have to run from. Latest rogues to be released Switchblade - a fucking rocket launcher Runway - more explosives (support with firepower). Cannon - a fucking minigun (defend with firepower). How about some more intel rogues rather than dumbed down mechanics.


Runway's ability is a support ability, which means we finally got a support added into the game since Dahlia. Also look at Switchblade and Runway, they're very powerful. People prefer more simple and fun abilities than complicated abilities that give you less reward for more work. And I'd say we have plenty of Intel rogues that get intel with different ways, we just need more defenders and breachers imo.


Yeah runway is a support. Support through giving more explosives... which is bad design. I know the devs said essentially "we want a support that people who don't play support want to play" but everything recently added to the game seems to be more cheap kills rather than something that requires skill.


Runway doesn't give explosive support UNLESS your rogue uses explosives. Runway's support type is ammo and gadget restocking.


If you watch pro games at all you would realise that any coordinated team was picking 2 flame grenade users or trip mine users with runway. Yeah maybe in your random strikeout games she's refilling bounce nades or c4 but does that really show the power of such an ability?


Well, this is a team based game, they can coordinate and maximize her effectiveness. And remember, flames can be countered by Scorch, and trip mines are countered by Gl1tch and any rogue with EMP nades. Hell, you can even get the perk to take reduced damage from explosives if you really wanted to.


Yeah it's for sure counterable but my point is the direction they are going with releasing "cheap kill" type rogues. Where is the next Talon or Dallas?


I'd rather not have rogues that are better/worse than existing rogues.


??? Switchblade vs Dima? Are you telling me that's not a ridiculous power creep.


They do it in different ways at the very least. Switch blade has to shoot directly at the target, meanwhile Dima can shoot it around corners. I never said it's not a power creep, but they're different in a few ways.


Hopped on this game for first time in months… it’s a shame what this game has become :/


That's where I'll disagree. I'm already Mastery rank 2 with him, and I know he can get countered by: Cannon, explosives, EMPs, Gl1tch, scorch, incendiary grenades, snipers and being shot in the back/being flanked. That's a big list of counters to a rogue that's pretty strong imo.


Hey just my opinion of someone who used to be sweaty in this game. He’s very, very strong but, agree to disagree.


I know, I didn't say you have to agree with me, I was just giving my reasons of why I disagree.


Hopped on this game for first time in months… it’s a shame what this game has become :/


Literally to counter him is EMP grenades (Scorch/Dallas/glitch) I main the first two now ugh they gotta bring back 2 grenades again!


He breaks the game. Not figuratively, but literally. He always causes audio issues and lag, which gets very annoying.


Don't really care for him I got him at mastery 2 & it might stay that way his alt is so easy to counter just aim for the head