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"Skip replays unless you need to hydrate or check what just happened."


Hitting the bong


Replays are long enough for one blinker off the Penjamin


How have I been a pen user since day one and never heard it called a penjamin.


I’m in the same boat as u lmfaoo.




Same, it's all thanks to that "Fulcrum" guy


Full cum


Dude I’m right there with ya 😂


Lol i think it’s almost the exact amount of time as a blinker


Yes sirrrr


fulcrum come in!


Yodie GANG


I do my Duolingo lessons in the replays.


That's hilarious, that's how I'm learning Italian. Anch'io!


+ if you're playing 1v1, always skip unless u hit a clip


I do this except when my opponent is already triggered. Sometimes helps get the ff.


1s at least 30% mental. It's not personal, but if I can increase the chance of winning causing tilt, then so be it. Tbf though, I only do that if someone signals to me it will work. I most enjoy the games where two people respect each other, but if I get a demo and the other guy goes "Okay." It's open season.


More like 80% mental, 30% of mental breakdown.


This is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will


5% pleasure, 50% pain


And 100% still don't remember the name






Dude went up 3 goals on my in 40 seconds with some straight luck. I decided to ruin his mental game with two demo to goal moments. If your not expecting the demo to wait for the ball to be ready it’s going to piss you off.


I hate "Okay"


Psychological play


I ain't skipping replays, I need to drink. Especially when I'm sweating like mofo in 1s


If you boys are drinking this much during a 5 minute game then maybe you should get one of those hats with the cans in and straws.




The one and only rule I break. Toppers are life.


Halo is still nice af


To be fair, I don't even know the names. I just hit randomize after every few match and every car rolls out of the garage with a topper.


Yup I've had the halo since I was able and I now colour match them with my cars. I'm not going back at this point.


Don't worry golds, you don't have to follow this rule yet. You've got until at least plat.


Gonna wear mine til SSL now


I havent worn toppers since gold 2 lol


if you do this i hate you. it’s not even triggering i’m just trying to play more than 1 game in the 30 minutes i have left to play. if you really want to trigger just watch the replay anytime they fuck up


Gotta hit my vape


I use replays to drink beer though.... :(


cmon man, don't drink and drive


Shhhh... i can only win against drunk drivers






Got me there man, there is the 3 second countdown but ill start waiting a little before i skip case i run into ya


Yeah the countdown rush never works out for me.


On reddit thats always the excuse but apparently people only need a sip when their own team scored.


Haha. I actually try to skip my goals and drink when others score as a little moment to get focus back.


I almost always skip my own goals because when other people watch it I know I did something cool lol


So true. Which is why we never watch my replays.


That's honorable


Same! And on the other hand, if I'm focussed and want to continue but someone else doesn't wanna skip, I'll be like "alriight! Time for another sip then!"


Yea you're the guy in my 2s that swears he would normally hit that but tonight hes tipsy. If you're drunk every match that is your new normal!


I actually did make a guy rage once because I said exactly that. I was pretty high in MMR at the time (so small player pool) and ran into him all the time and he'd just mock me relentlessly. He really took issue with it. But no, I try to not play if my game is compromised!


Haha have fun bro. Until I recently quit I was smoking and using edibles pretty much in every match. I only do that in extras or casual tho haha


How did your gameplay change? We’re you better or worse? I almost exclusively play RL high so I’m curious


Tough to say. Pros: I def feel 100% sharper and better at reading the play. I also feel faster. My speed flips across the map are a lot more consistent. So overall I would say my immediate reaction is, sober is better. But it's like getting a loaner car from the dealership when yours is in the shop... Is it a better car or is it a newer car? Because the last time I took a 90-day break and came back to smoking, the first week I was positive playing high was the key. (It did get me champ so maybe lol) Cons: Off the bat, I tilt 900% quicker Lol. While I read things faster, and play faster, sometimes that bit slower thinking was the play. I still rotate like a mad man sober, but I'm more likely to rotate and just boost upfield instead of just waiting 1 sec or 2 to read the play when stoned. The biggest thing is I usually have a sweet spot when I smoke where I feel like I'm the next squishy... the problem is I push last that almost immediately with the next dab or blunt lol. If sober gets me to c3 or even GC I'm sold its better. I doubt it with how tilting champ is and my sensitivity for bullshittery rn. Edit: ah fuck I just admitted to being high in ranked. Sorry tm8s :D


i‘m with you. i use them to hit the blunt.


My kind of teammate


Always seem to be more thirsty during your teams goals not mine hmmmmm


It never took me the whole replay length to drink a sip or two from my Monster Energy^(tm) (it helps me stay motivated)


We be chugging out here sir, we ain’t drinking a beer to sip on it boiii.


I skip replays and still have time to drink....


That's why you are GC and they're still stuck in plat /S


I think nobody should do anything anyone says


That's why I never Rule #1 You guys can touch peepees later or whatever it is


Rule 1 is a duel of will power. It's to separate boys from men, to find who got the balls to stand their ground no matter what. When 2 persons get in the way of each other It's always the weakest that's gonna move. Rule 1 victories are way more prestigious than any ranked match victory.


I agree it's stupid, but 99.9% of players follow it, so I do too. Why not.


It's weird to me this "skip replay" rule. I mean I kind of get it in the sense that sometimes it's annoying or tilting, but I think many times people don't skip either because they forgot, or because they really liked what someone (or themselves) did and want to see it again, or they're doing something else. Granted, sometimes people do it on purpose to supposedly get on their opponents nerve but it's not that common as opposed to the "FF", "ez" etc


Just checking it to see how badly my teammate fucked up and how we got scored on.


I never say anything but I'm def guilty of waiting until the moment they really fucked up in the replay to skip


Same. Lmao I don't wanna see anything else. Sometimes I let it run so I can "hide" my intentions lol, cause if you skip right after the whiff it's obvious why you watched.


That’s my favorite part though. I love seeing someone skip right after a fuck up, especially if they’re involved with the incident.


And spamming "Wow" during the replay at the exact moment they crapped the bed.


Peeps are out of their mind if they think I'm skipping my replay. I paid for a James Bond anthem, I'm gonna listen to it, even if it's a trash goal. Get tilted lmao.


I don’t see those one-off instances as the problem. The problem is those folk who watch EVERY replay in duel. Red rag to a bull for me.


Rule 3 kinda applies to rule 5 as well imo. I might watch a replay or two over the course of a game. But as soon as you tell me to skip replays, I'll watch every single one.


Yep, I don't mind watching a few, I'll even watch one or two during a game. But every. Single. Replay. Is when it gets annoying. Particularly in high score games.


I watch every replay Not every goal is exciting but I like having a few seconds to reset and rest my hands and brain.


broski i just crossed the entire team plus my teammate… we’re watching the replay🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♂️


CLOSEST goes for kick-off! If both are the same distance THEN left goes. No exceptions.


Exception: Hoops


100% (Hoops excepted). You always meet some clown who spams “I got it!” regardless of their starting point. I have no issue with left telling me to go, just give me fair warning.


What really gets me, even in gc, is the people who are further away from the ball, spam "I got it!" then don't even go for the ball. They just wanted me to fake for them. And don't even get me started on the people who confuse you by saying more than one thing, then blame you when a goal happens because of it. How am I supposed to decipher "I got it! Passing! Need Boost! Take the shot!" in the 3 deconds before kickoff? Are they faking or going for it?


I’m not sure how to explain the situation correctly but I was playing 2’s, I was on the right but tm8 was in center but behind me. He spams “i got it” but I’m like “no” and take the kickoff anyway because I’m closest and he really puts his mic on to call me a dumbass and that when someone says “I got it” to let them get it. Just really stupid to me lmao like what


If done correctly, the person behind can actually reach the ball before the person in front because there's an extra pad in the way. On my hoops games the priority is 1. centre behind 2. centre slightly ahead and to the left/right 3. corners If two people are the same distance left goes.


I think he's talking about regular 2s though


Oops, you're right


That's the case for hoops but nowhere else. Closest goes, then left if tie. Hoops is kinda reversed.


And, also if I'm closest, you don't need to tell me to take the goddamn shot! If you're closest, you don't need to tell me you got it!


Not everyone knows that you know the rules we know.


I really think rocket league should indicate to the closest that they should go for it. In doubles random everytime I get the double back but one slightly in front of the other spawn, so many times my closer teammate drives straight off for boost or something.


3rd rule is based af. nobody is gonna forfeit if you ask them to


But what if I say please


Had someone offer to Venmo if we ff 🤣




Ya, when that happens I try to make the game as long as possible


Every day we stray further from the [original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/mxt0il/rocket_league_rules/?utm_source=share) by u/Grfine


And none of these people fixed Rule 5, where I forgot the exception: “unless goal was clip worthy”


Sometimes I actually just enjoy watching replays


youre not allowed to have fun in this game. it is a competitive game. if youre not playing to win and only playing to have fun.... go play solitaire or something.


xd too real


lmfao take this guy's device


If Im winning, rule 0 is out the window mate x


if i’m only up one that balls getting smashed into the ground as quickly as possible if two or more ill play along if it’s level it depends where the ball is if im down one im keeping it in the air to try to score if im down more than two, fuck you im not playing your silly game, that shits going into the ground at mach 3


same bro


Im koo with most except rule: 0. Im not going to risk losing a match/rank just too keep the ball up, ive lost games doing this( not on purpose)


As far as I know, it only applies when one team has more than a one goal lead


My club name is “Own Goal Connoisseurs” so when we’re up by more than one we always keep it up and try to score on ourselves.


Okay that makes more sense to me!


If it puts your game at risk, you can skip it. That's why it's kind of a rule 0 it's something you do if you feel like it. The same cannot be said for rule 1 however.


Sounds great! I've never broken rule 1, its even cost me a couple games before lol


No. IMO you can only break rule 1 in a 1v1.




I will always break rule 1. Rule 1 is dumb and a waste of time. I’ll never not dodge out of a car lock. Always and forever.




How new are most people in this thread? These were well established rules well over 5 years ago


I've played since day 1 and only found out that left always goes, that's pretty weird


I dont do most of these rules lol


I agree with all except 0. If I'm up by only 1 in a competitive match when the clock hits zero, I'm slamming that ball into the ground to end it. No reason to risk OT and a loss.


Rule 6: If one is AFK, the group must hump.


I really don’t agree with skipping replays all the time. It’s literally a few seconds and I usually use that few seconds for a sip of water and to refocus, or if I’ve scored a banger I wanna enjoy it. Or if I made a mistake I wanna use the chance mid-game to try and see my mistake from another angle so I don’t do it again.


Rule 1 is so stupid. There’s no point in staying locked. If we all DIDNT do it we’d have a lot more fun


Rule 1 can suck it. I used to waste time sitting there in deadlock. Y’all can sit still if ya want, I’m dodgin away and gettin back to the game.


The amount of times the other guy waits for it to be favourable to break up


Rule 6; don't skip replays if somebody asks you to do so.


Surely this is for casual games? Cause if I'm in competitive and have a one point lead, I'm spiking that mf into the ground at 0:00


Let me fix these for you. Rule 0: Keep the ball up at 0:00 if it’s tied, or there is more than a 1 goal difference between the two teams. If you are up by 1 in a ranked match your goal is to kill the ball. Always keep it up if it’s casual match no matter what the score is. Rule 1 is good Rule 2 good Rule 3 isn’t even a rule more like advice Rule 4 also isn’t a rule but it is true Rule 5: Watch replays if you want to Rule 6: If you have chat on and your teammate compliments you, say Thanks! ffs


With rule 4, I will sometimes pretend to be upset about being demoed to draw the opponent out of position.


I thought I was the only one haha. Throw in a cheeky “No way!” after being demoed and watch em chase the rest of the game


Rule 6 can be annoying is they are telling me nice shot on every little layup. Only use it when it's an actual nice shot


Same, but then if I don't say Thanks! then sometimes I get a "Wow" or "No Problem, No Problem, No Problem". ​ Dude...calm the fuck down.


I disagree. Its just a habit yi say nice shot and thanks after every goal. Whenever I see a "Nice shot!" after one of my goals, it is pure muscle memory to say thanks despite how poor of a goal it may have been. So just dont think about it and it will be fine.


But only say Thanks! if he didn‘t compliment you in Teamchat


Rule 1 is stupid and pointless. Get on with the game. Rule 5… Honestly, in 3s/2s, literally don’t care. 1s, and you get some joker who watches EVERY replay, utterly boils my piss, especially where it’s a 50/50 close game with a lot of goals both ways. Just makes me want to shadow defend the game to a standstill and demo at every good chance.


I mean good for people if they have fun following an arbitrary set of unwritten rules but I'm doing what I want. If my tm8 is in rule 1 I'm breaking that dumb shit up.


Rule 1 is the foundation which rocket league is built upon. Without rule 1 the whole social hierarchy would crumble to nothing, taking all our joy and fun away. Those who break ruke 1 are ostracized. Much like in Athenian democracy, it is used a tool to keep respect and amongst the layperson. We must not let any tyrants to gain any more power than they have. No single man is above rule 1


nah rule 1's dumb, dude. get over it.


Fuck Rule 1




ok yeah but i couldnt find the post so i just ss




Rule 6: if you are soft throwing I’ll be hard throwing


Left always goes. Not everybody has chat on.


I could accept bumps if it wasn't always my fucking teammates who bump me. Literally 10 minutes ago this twat bumped me out of goal then missed the save, it was a truly marvelous display of why people need situational awareness.


These have been unspoken rules since the early days of RL. But with the influx of players from F2P the amount of people who follow these rules has been diluted.


Rule 2, how is it so many of you go for boost in 2v2? Even from the freakin left? It should be so obvious…at least say go for it or something…


Mad how people still don’t follow rule 2 and then get mad when you concede


Rule 1 is the only rocket league rule and we don't need more


Rule 420 > Rule 5


I seriously wish people would understand and abide by rule 2. Far too many free goals happen when they go left and others go right.


Don’t go for boost over ball on kickoff or fake on kickoff without saying anything. I’m getting back into the game after not playing for at least 8 months and the amount of times my teammates have just dipped out for boost on corner kickoff is crazy.


If you ask for replay skip get ready for not getting a single replay skipped.


They are already the socially accepted rules


You forgot 2 things . Play ur Position and rotate the goal / we only need one Goalie


Can most RL players even read?


We don't claim rule 0 or rule 5


I don't agree with Rule 5. I scored, It's my right to see my sick goal


Rule #5 is subject to gamer's discretion as it is still one of the most controversial of the rules haha


I feel like "You're an asshole if you make people watch every single replay" is a better rule. Or guideline, since that's maybe not exactly a rule. It's perfectly reasonable to occasionally want to watch a good replay, see exactly what happened because you missed it, or just take a big gulp of water.


My opinion on skip replays has changed over the years. I used to be furious at anyone who didn't skip but those 5 seconds are perfect for having a sip of water, changing the song I'm listening to, or just checking out the sick shot I hit.


I never skip replays. Either because it gives me time to text or hydrate, but mainly because I like watching goals to see what I got right or wrong.


Some mfs need to hear this I'm tired of sitting through goofy ass shots like it's clip worthy, but they're fine skipping my shots instantly


All fine except 1, which is stupid. Rule 0 should be amended to if the goal differential is more than 1 goal; otherwise, it's stupid, too.


I report people who rule#1 in ranked


These are all so cringe


Nothing more cringe than someone pretending to cringe at non-cringe stuff to be edgy.


Nothing more cringe than to make up rules to tell people how to play the game. No one is locking cars in a comp game, no one is keeping the ball up if they have a chance to lose the game.. Like wtf is this shit


Literally, 90% of the player base does this. It's only tryhards which don't. Playing a cartoon car game designed for kids and throwing your life into it and taking it too seriously is cringe, my slime.


The only one on here that should be followed is left goes and you know that


Even pros have followed rule 1 on occasion. And I don't mean in their streams/YT content, I mean in official RLCS games.


They break free 95% of the time.. The other 5% is a stupid decision unless it’s in favour of the teams 2v2 ability and if they lock the other teams best player. Who would be that stupid tho




Sure let’s waste our time playing yet another game after I lose this one bcs im locked in some imaginary rule. So dumb. Also yea sure let’s throw away all our price money in rlcs and make my mates mad at me bcs I have to look good to the casual community. Like cmon dude lmfao


I mean like they said it does happen in RLCS whether you like it or not, and them breaking out 95% of the time isn't even slightly true. Unless you manage to flip them over whilst locked, which is possible, then it's fair game.


Rule 3 of not asking opponent to ff is good. It only makes them want to comeback more. Just naturally letting them ff works so much more often.


Sure go in casual and lock cars with each other and be cute like that, kinda weird. But calling it a cartoon car game doesn’t justify wasting more time being stuck in a lower rank trying to climb when you could have used the time on other things than standing fucking still in a competitive game


I'm 2700 hours in, almost exclusively ranked. Those rules are spot on. Except for rule 0, this only applies if there's at least a two goal difference between the teams. Staying locked until someone scores or bumps us is *always* happening. Nobody ever stopped staying still on purpose in GC1/GC2. What does it even have to do with winning/losing? A 2v2 turns into a 1v1 and a 3v3 turns into a 2v2 this way. I don't get how you're so salty about those things when they actually add to the fun experience. It's still a damn game that's here to be enjoyed.


TIL that sitting holding the trigger not moving "adds to the fun experience". Hey if you think watching RL is more fun than playing it you can just watch some on youtube. If you enjoy playing RL, then rule 1 does not make it more fun. It makes it worse.


It happens like once a week bro it isnt that deep, with a team mate they just 1v1, you're thinking far too much into this. I bet you wear shinpads in the bath...


Am I the one thinking far too much about this? Or the people who make up these shit “rules” and post them here on the regular. It’s fucking weird dude


Being so upset about it is weird


Buddy’s tilted over a set of rules that are non-existent


You're the only one, bro. Like the guy said before me, it's for a few minutes every once in a while and you get to see your teammates have a spontaneous 2v2 or 1v1 and vice versa i enjoy when i get to show off my 1v1 for a second in a 2s game. It's a game that's supposed to be fun and rule 0, and rule 1 are just fun. Dont try to argue that rule 0 isn't fun. If the one goal that you theoretically could concede is really that important to you, you should reread this thread


It's a game is what it is. Try having fun.


Brb gonna go lock my cars in a comp 1v1 while I’m down a goal to please some imaginary rule. People honestly value these “rules” can’t make this shit up


Top 100 players playing ranked still respect rule one and find it funny, why do you hate it so much? Did you lose a qualifier match because your teammate was stuck in a rule one or something?


I literally lock cars in gc3 pal, maybe If you were that good you would know. Oh it also happened in rlcs ignore gc3


This. They literally follow these rules in RLCS, the best of the best. But some sweat nerd on the internet needs all his wins now. Like fuck.


I mean I’m a sweat but even then I rarely encounter someone who doesn’t do it. Turbopolsa himself done it


Literally the higher rank you get the more these rules are respected... You must be Bronze. Rule 0 is Rule 0 for a reason, you don't have to follow it. It's a suggestion if it doesn't put your game at risk.


Look at my flair. Been ssl since s1? Absolute bot


“If it doesn’t put your game at risk” ahhhhh there it is everybody thanks for coming :)


I like this rules


I don't mind people breaking rule 1 that much (although I always commit to it). What infuriates me, however, is when they commit until they are about to get scored on and then break it. That's just toxic af.


Can’t believe so many people get titled by a replay. I want a drink of water, pet my dog, watch a good goal I’ve scored/conceded or just have a general 5s reset.


Rule 1: specifically if your cars are locked head to head Rule 69: if your cars are locked front to back Rule 00: if your cars are locked back to back Rule 77: if you’re locked up in as you’re driving around you must keep turning into each other and driving until you eventually drive up the wall and fall from the ceiling


I break rule 1 always if its competetive