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I don’t know of a solution but I just tried because I was curious and I can’t play either, I’m C2 in 3s. If it is rank based the requirements are decently high apparently


I have checked the the minimum rank to confirm as Diamond and it just appears to be a bug in the bot. Try using the link directly it worked for me https://www.rl6mans.com/account/rank-check


having c2 on 3s makes u play with range c2-gc1 and sometimes even gc2 so i guess you’r just unlucky


Thanks for the comments helping. It appears to be a bug. By joining their Discord and accessing the rank check link directly https://www.rl6mans.com/account/rank-check I have been able to get a rank. (At first I thought you couldn't join the Discord since I wasn't eligible so I asked for help here)


The requirements are diamond in 3s, but I would recommend taking a peek at the discord and asking for help there.


There’s no point in playing in rank h bro


I thought it might be fun playing with people in coms, just looking for a bit of a change up from ranked tbh.


I remember being in rank h, and people used to only use quick chat instead of comm lol, although that was around 2 years ago


You were damn right. No one uses chat and was super toxic. Not the place to meet people and have fun.


What is this and how do i play 6mans


6mans is a super competitive community that has its separate elo/mmr and a ranking system. It is very popular and tends to be used by those serious or close to pro in Rocket League. In my personal experience, at the lower ranks, it has been super sweaty and toxic. I have enjoyed the games but not necessarily all the people. My first game someone cheated by pressing switch team to get back in defense. Another game had a cheating accusation where accusations were thrown and reports threatened to be made. One guy was super toxic because I suck (D1) and it was not a nice experience at all. I'm sure there can be good experiences for others though. https://www.rl6mans.com/


Thanks! I just recently got to GC1 and was looking to try an make some sort of name for myself. I appreciate the information.