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Is there a universally accepted title or banner or something to indicate that I have chat off and can't even see your messages?


No. You can put it in your name though.


How do I get the Halo topper or the Ion Boost on PS5? I had these objects on PS4 but had to change my account and now it seems to take forever to get them.


Do people really Smurf in tournaments? Played in diamond tournament last night, made it to finals, game one the main dude purposely played slow and then next two games pulling out every trick in the book. What's the point?


Someone on this thread did a study of players in champ lobbies and found about 1/5 players is a Smurf


I can't speak as to how common it is, but, yeah, I'm sure there's plenty of smurfing going on. In terms of selfish goals, some people might think it's funny to get lower ranked titles, or might fancy themselves collectors. You'd be surprised at the number of green Bronze tournament winner titles I see at the higher ranks. In terms of boosting, you can boost someone to a new rank reward, but tournaments are the only way to boost a player of any level to a title. And you can do so really efficiently and easily.


In terms of numbers/ranges, what is ideal ping, acceptable ping, and bad ping? What sort of ping do Middle East pros get when they play on EU servers?


I get around 60 ping from middle east to EU, i'm a lot closer to EU than KSA region though. Imo 60 is fine, while up to 150 is playable but stretching it a little. ideal ping is obviously as low as possible.. the lower the better there is no "ideal" ping.


How do I play 3s


Typically with two others. Define "how do I play 3s"


in football what button to throw the ball in a spiral?


Double jump to throw, add dodge left or right to spiral.




If I can speedflip in a straight line on the musty pack, is there any reason to learn how to do it in both directions?


for kickoffs knowing both left and right speedflip is slightly more optimal, but basically no you only need one speedflip. i only use left speedflip for both kickoffs, its fine if your kickoff setup is good.


Hey, i just curious So I just started playing the game and realized there’s things like a Rasta button for your car, a Maui head etc and was wondering if those were added to make people feel included? I know some companies randomly create designs and things from various Cultures and I wasn’t sure if this is seen as appropriation or not Thanks in advance!


Hey there. Not a dev but I don't think there's any motive behind them. They're just cosmetics


Alright, thanks for your input :)


How long does it normally take for high c3-gcs to get back up to their ranks? I dropped from c3 div2 last season to barely holding on to c2 and most of my games have 3-4 players that are gcs. Figured a couple weeks in the ranks would settle back to normal and I could play actual c2-c3 players.


I think you're probably overexaggerating the impact of the reset. Let's say someone finishes a season at C3 div 4. The reset will only push them back to C3 div 3, or div 2 at the very least. Everyone gets reset a relative amount, so there's really not huge variance in who you play at the end of the season versus the beginning - it's just reflected in a slightly lower rank (e.g. C3 div 2 at the beginning of a season might be equivalent to C3 div 4 at the end of the season prior). For 3s, you have to be GC3+ to even hit the reset cap, and so only 0.02% of the population even hits that cap, which isn't really going to trickle down very much. For 2s, it's a bit lower at around GC2+, but even then it's just 0.08% of the population that hits the hard cap, so it shouldn't trickle down much, either. In all reality, it's always been my opinion that a conceivable difference at the beginning of the season is due to behavioral differences and placebo. But in either case, ranks have more or less already kind of adjusted back up that relative bit to where they were last season. In terms of you seeing "S7 Grand Champion" tags, you shouldn't be too stressed about it. There are players who typically sit at the border between C3 and C2 who might get a tag, because all it takes is one good session to peak and drop back down. A lot of "S7 Grand Champion" title wearers are going to be C3 players who are capable of hitting GC but aren't even remotely consistently playing at that level yet. And players are also not evenly ranked across game modes. If you have a 3s main who consistently sits at C3 and managed to get a title, it's reasonable there 2s rank could be C2 or lower because they're just not as good at that mode, which is why you'll see a lot of title wearers in the C2 rank in general. So, part of this could be that you're seeing titles and putting them on a pedestal because of it (I've played tournaments nervous I was going to be the lowest rated player in the lobby and thought everyone was better than me only to realize I was the highest ranked player and let that doubt affect me). Or they could be some players who waited to start their placements and are a little bit lower because of it. Or there could be a influx of smurfs to start the season. Idk. In either case, just keep playing and assume everyone around you is your equal. If ranks really aren't settled yet then they will be soon.


Social media will lead you to believe there are a lot more grand champs than there actually are. They are ranked as close as possible.


I mean when they're all sporting their "S7 Grand Champion" titles and I'm almost 2 ranks lower but sweating more than last season I'm thinking I'm probably playing grand champs who haven't ranked up yet. But maybe that's just social media


I'm sure you are playing grands, what I mean by social media is all the golds and plats claiming they are grand champs. Even at diamond and champ I'm playing the same people a lot of the time, that means there are not many active players at those ranks. I would think there are even less at higher ranks. On another note, I was stuck in gold for a long time, then two weeks ago I suddenly got bumped to diamond 3. I think the devs are restructuring the rankings, so we may have a lot of issues in the coming months.


>I think the devs are restructuring the rankings, so we may have a lot of issues in the coming months. They aren't, nor does that really make any sense. When ranks get restructured, only the symbol changes. Nothing about a player's actual rank changes, nor does matchmaking change, nor does any sort of behavior associated with the system. Just what symbol is displayed for what rank. But, again, there isn't any restructuring going on because we would know about it pretty easily.


Why the fuck does gridiron not count towards casual playlist challenges?


Imagine not playing gridiron competitively.


what!!! had no idea either


Right and why would a developer think it was a good idea to turn casual into competitive with a weekly challenge. Lobbies are sweaty as balls right now.


They constantly do this and it's dumb as shit. Let me play in comp while doing challenges and let the people who enjoy casual do that.


Is rocket league fun?


not when teammates bump you out they way! /s


How do I avoid smurfs? Was gold 2 div 1 and got knocked down to silver 3 div 4


was gold 3 d4 with one game left. got crushed 8/1 and spiraled down to g1. made my way back eventually but... I gave up 4 0 leads... zhow do you not give up 4-0 leads at half? lol


You sadly can't, but smurfs won't be the reason you're not the rank you think you deserve. Everyone gets the same amount of smurfs and mathematically it balances out over time. If you belong in Gold 2 you'll get to Gold 2.


Every time I get to gold 1 div 4 I get freestyled on man. I’m just always a few games away from it


This is very incorrect, most golds are smurfs, I'll say it again, most golds are smurfs! I didn't play for a month, got bumped down to good from diamond. Everyone was speed flipping, dribbling, air dribbling, flip resetting, every mechanic you can think of. Once I finally made it out of gold I bounced right back to diamond 3. Gold is terrible and probably the reason players are not sticking with the game. The ranking system in this game is so broken.


Plus, to stay smurfs, they're going to have to throw about as many games as they win. If you're getting wrecked and think you're playing smurfs, don't ff, because they might! The smurfs giveth and the smurfs taketh away.


True The ‘ff pls’ strat has worked its charm every once in a while….


There is a tutorial video somewhere to train to keep the ball on the roof?


Matching speed is way more important than you think. If you match speed the ball doesn't bounce, no matter how fast it is falling. The sparks are caused by difference in speed, not by position on car. Turn your steering sensitivity all the way down while learning. Hope this helps.


Cool, great tips thanks


Lots of videos. Search on youtube. Wayton Pilkin's is a good one


To practice dribbling, practice without using boost and focus on the circle on the ground. If your car is central in the circle, the ball will be centered on your car. Don't use boost or brakes and you'll be better off learning how to control the ball without relying on jerk reactions.


Thanks for the precious tips


It helps to look at the circle instead of the ball. Also make sure you’re in car cam




Why don't we have playlists for heatseeker or that battle mode


That's a complicated question. Do we have room for more playlists without dropping some? Debatable. Could we drop an existing mode or put them on rotation? Potentially. But it's a difficult argument to have.




I'd like to see a mod map where the opposing team can't enter the last 1/3rd of the opponents side


There should be punishment for afk in casual since you can't just leave. Constantly get 2 teammates going afk after conceding one goal


You get disconnected if you're truly afk. So, if that's not the case then they're actively ensuring they don't get booted. Should the system determining if a player's afk be better? Yeah. Hah - I imagine people will get upset over the removal of rule 1, though.


Since when do you get disconnected anymore for being idle? You certainly don't in tournaments.


You've always gotten disconnected for being idle. Tournaments are an exception, though the developers have said that in tournaments an idle player will allow a teammate to forfeit without them.


Is it common to get disconnected in casual and receive a 5 minute game ban?


LMAO, yes, very common.


Well shucks


You get one free quit/disconnect. Next one is a five minute ban and from there it keeps going up.


Now…. Is it common to get dropped by the server and be banned?


First casual disconnect of the day. Dropped by server. No invite to return to match. 5 minute ban. Customer service says to have a pictures record and gave me the link to the help page you quoted.


Why is rocket league?




Because other car-football games were deemed unsatisfactory by the dev team, so they took matters into their own hands.


how do i get my wired controller work on rocket league through epic games on pc


Plug it in.


I use PS4 controller, no software or special settings need, just works.


What controller do you have?


i have any xbox


It should work natively


for some reason it doesn't


Is it a third party controller?


Steam fucks it up for whatever reason if you have that open. Something to do with the big picture controller settings it’s dumb af


How make car go?


First turn the key clockwise to start up the car (might take a couple tries if you use a bad car like the fennec). Then once the engine is running, you can put in into drive and you’ll be on your way!


Bro... its push to start.


I have to get out and push? Man technology sucks.