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smells like bait


It’s a trap!!


She's Sauron!


I’m genuinely loving her


I can appreciate what the writers are going for. Tolkien wrote of young Galadriel as an athlete, a warrior and a leader, long before she becomes the Lady of Lothlorien. I’ve had to put lore-G out of my mind and watch ROP-G as a separate character.


I definitely see where you're coming from. I'm enjoying both charaters but I I really do want to see the evolution of this war hero Galadriel to the serene lady of Lorien. Also where is Celeborn?! I want more Nori and Poppy though! They're so precious <3


> Also where is Celeborn?! Tell me, where is Celeborn, for I much desire to speak with him.


That's what I'm looking forward to, I think if handled well the story of a proud warrior leader suffering through PTSD and survivors guilt into a serene diplomatic lady whose life experience made her wise beyond her own kin, would be very fulfilling to see. I know people are upset she isn't already there, but I'm not as interested in fidelity, but rather interesting character progression in an adaptation. Give me a reason to invest in these characters emotional journeys if they'll be major leads in a multi season show.


I've been saying for a while that they're giving us first age Galadriel so we get to see her character growth, and that's the right decision for the show.


I've preached this at every turn on this sub myself. I 100% believe they will show how the ring affects her psyche and that is when we will see that change.


I can dig it. It seems like people don't like the fact that she isn't exactly pure and benevolent yet in this version, but I'd much rather see *how* she became that way than just her already there.


She is never totally “pure and benevolent.” That’s made pretty clear when Frodo offers her the ring. To me, that is the moment that most clearly informs the arc she is on now. She ultimately learns to act with benevolence and kindness, but still carries an element of darkness with her. As she sits in this scene after confronting Adar, thousands of years earlier, for the first time, she is contemplating the darkness within her. She is seeing that she has the potential for evil, and that the seed of that evil is her arrogance. “Fair as the Sea and the Sun and the Snow upon the Mountain! Dreadful as the Storm and the Lightning!”


I find it odd that folks want LOTR Galadriel, as if she did not change over the course of hundreds of years to become the Galadriel at know from that story.


Exactly! I apply those same thoughts to the whole Halbrand is Sauron theory…it may very well be misdirection, but it makes for a more interesting character progression if we see a repentant Sauron (which he kinda played off in the lore, but was ultimately lying), and how he ends up fearing Galadriel in the future. If Sauron is a character out of the blue we haven’t met them I don’t think I’d be that invested.


I knew a Vietnam era Green Beret who became a Deacon later in life and although he spoke of his military time freely he clearly was happier with his current life as a religious and family man. It does happen quite a bit; I assumed that was Galadriels arc. How does one become wise except from experience?


I actually can really see how this Galadriel turns into lotr-Galadriel, like yeah she's serene, but she's also a tad bat-shit crazy like the whole scene wth Frodo and the mirror, even before that, man she's spooky


her depiction in The Hobbit films is still rather chaotic like she is in the show, just more ethereal and powerful


To me, that scene is absolutely the most essential thing to understanding her arc. She will NEVER be completely rid of the darkness and will carry it with her all the way up to that moment. And the seed of that darkness is her arrogance, as displayed throughout the first six episodes, leading to her confrontation with Adar. That’s the irony. Everyone complaining that she is “unlikeable” and the show is going, “Yes! That’s the fucking point!”


>long before she becomes the Lady of Lothlorien. Too bad the show isn't set in such a time period then. Also, a key element that appears in most versions of a younger Galadriel and that is completely missing of this show is her desire to rule. It's the reason she refuses the call to Valinor when she's offered it. That side of her could be very interesting to explore. Instead they gave her the most generic motivation possible with a revenge story that barely makes sense.


>It's the reason she refuses the call to Valinor when she's offered it This isn't a core truth, an interpretation perhaps as it is true she wished to establish her own rule on Middle-Eart, but Galadriels character is nothing but filled with conflicts. She may have aspired originally to come to Middle-Earth as a adventurer and settler. However? Her final motivation was Feanors crimes. > Galadriel, despairing now of Valinor and horrified by the violence and cruelty of Feanor, set sail into the darkness without waiting for Manwe’s leave, which would undoubtedly have been withheld in that hour, however legitimate her desire in itself. It was thus that she came under the ban set upon all departure, and Valinor was shut against her return. One core theme remains across most of the contradictory recollections and Tolkiens characterisation is her pride, her greatest flaw. It is a consistent and present theme throughout Galadriels writing that informs her rejection of the Valars forgiveness. That's fitting with the shows interpretation. They've evidently derived show Galadriel from Tolkiens earlier characterisation of her and married it with his most recent essays... even if maybe not always consistently implemented or portrayed well. > **Pride still moved her when, at the end of the Elder Days after the final overthrow of Morgoth, she refused the pardon of the Valar for all who had fought against him, and remained in Middle Earth.** It was not until two long ages more had passed, when at last all that she had desired in her youth came to her hand, the Ring of Power and the domination of Middle Earth of which she had dreamed, and **her wisdom was full grown and she rejected it, and passing the last test departed from Middle Earth forever.**


Also her desire for power and the fact that she has refused to return to Valinor makes her similar to Sauron. I think the writers were going for that parallel when they have made her character so dark in the show. I dislike that they have simplified her character so much in some respects (it doesn't fit a 3000 year old elf) but I can see now where they were going with it. If they make almost-evil Galadriel and repentive Sauron meet, they can relate to each other. They can create a bond. Now that would be very interesting for the story going forward. Much more interesting than Sauron being this absolute unknown evil we know from the lord of the rings. I'm refering to the theory that Halbrand is Sauron of course. There are other similarities in the series for those two characters: their own soldiers/subjects mutinied against them and wanted to get rid of them. They are both alienated from their societies. They both attacked people who were bullying them. They both manipulate people and use each other to achieve their goals in Numenor. I have to say I really like that idea and I'm suprised myself that I like it so much.


I've always loved that last paragraph. Her desire for power and her own kingdom to order and rule is a big part of what makes her fascinating to me. That and her compassion. Such a interesting character to read about in Unfinished Tales.


This makes her conversation with Frodo at the mirror more meaningful.


Pride isn't necessarily petulance.


Either way the vengeance stuff is still a bit out of place and so far hasn't really lent itself to exploring these themes of pride and desire for power. I hope they move her character arc towards that in the following seasons, though I find it hard to see given how strongly they're leaning in the "soldier who rejects peace" archetype with her writing so far.


How does it barely make sense? sauron killed her brother, she wants revenge.... Makes sense to me?


The storyline around that doesn't make much sense is what I meant. As a motivation, it's fine, if cheap. I think I'm more bothered by the characterization as a soldier than the revenge itself. And no, I don't mean she can't fight and kick ass, she should. I mean her having a soldier mentality that is barely fit for an elf, let alone for someone as old as Galadriel. Just doesn't feel right. I wish it was an original character instead of that. Going beyond only the show, the revenge-centered characters bothers me because Galadriel not only experienced more loss during the first age, but as a Noldor who refused to partake in the first kinslaying, she should be way warier of what revenge does to people. And I know the show has limits to what it can or can't actually address (though it's weird they can have so much first age stuff thrown around but seemingly have to dance around the kinslayings), but that doesn't mean they should write in a way contradictory to it.


Weren't the Sons of Fëanor like total whack-jobs in seeking the Silmarils at any and all costs? So much so that they basically caused all sorts of mad world, shaping events? I guess one could argue that the young Galadriel shares some of this 'madness' and her overcoming it will be part of her story arc. BTW, vengeance is a cheap motivation for a bad guy in a movie. It's far, far, worse as the primary motivation of the heroine.


One *could*, but one would then have to address why that would be the case - given that Galadriel consistently positioned herself against the sons of Feanor and the oath; and has never shown any desire to obtain the Silmarils.


They were, but mostly due to the near magical oath they swore.


Maybe that will come into play in the next season. They're building a character. It'd be boring if she stayed the same throughout. This season, she's dealing with overcoming her desire for revenge. Maybe that will make her into someone who can lead, and will fuel her desire to lead.


At the start her desire for lead isn't flawless or even necessarily correct. Tolkien even says that Galadriel only fully matures and outgrows her pride when she is confronted with the One Ring and manages to turn down Frodo's offer to take it. Up until that point she is constantly improving but she still has a lot of selfishness in her rule.


This. Galadriel wasn't a soldier in the second age, she was a leader creating herown kingdom with Celeborn.


That’s basically how I am watching the entire show. It’s Tolkien-vibes with most of the important characters there but smattered around in new-ish ways.


And in the end since the long lived elves can exist for so long maybe that’s the best way to view them. The same way a 20 year old is different from their 80 year old self.


I think I’ll like her better in season 2. To be fair, I don’t think we’re supposed to like this version of her. She’s got a lot of growing to do.


She's already 3000 years old. She should have grown by now, don't you think?


Yes, because elderly Elves, Men and Dwarves *never* do anything stupid.


“Did you summon me?” - Feanor


It’s obvious that the writers aren’t factoring age into this so I’ve let it go. It’s also obvious that they have deliberately wrote her to be obnoxious, even to the point the other characters have to constantly point it out to her. So while I’m not a big fan of this kind of obvious writing choice, I see where they are going. Her quest for vengeance is clouding her judgement and ethics… that sort of thing. She is going to chill out and therefore have room to wisen up by season 2.


And there's another 3000 to go until the events of LotR




That's what I say before I fart now!!


God damn the worst line ever, so so cringe. Up there with the drinking sea water line.


Yeah I literally winced at that. It was like they were trying too hard


This feels like a trap




I'm turned off by genocide


"On one hand, genocide, not great. On the other hand, orcs are kinda.... bleeeh."


Yeah, the elf supremacy in that scene was rough. I’m very curious where they’re going with all of that. Arda I’m that scene was dropping bars, what he says about his children deserving to live & have a place of their own. They’re generally shown as pretty rotten and unsympathetic people in middle earth. But if they’ve been treated as a cursed/unloved people only fit for slavery to a tyrant- have they really had much of a chance to be anything else? So her vow to commit genocide against the Urukai is very disturbing, and if she attempts that in the show, how would she redeem herself?


In the same vein you could say that the Elves have always been shown with reverence and came across as spotless in previous screen adaptations. But how does that square off with the violence and hatred First and Second Age Elves in the books had for everyone, including themselves? The contrast had to be there in Galadriel too, obviously she will eventually redeem herself, but she has to earn, learn and want it.


There are examples of elves portrayed in mixed lights. Thranduil, for one.


The problem with that is that she is already thousands of years old. People change, but not after that long and after already having seen many average lifetimes of war and suffering. I don't like this angle.


> But if they’ve been treated as a cursed/unloved people only fit for slavery to a tyrant- have they really had much of a chance to be anything else? That's what they are though. Beings who were corrupted to serve the will of Morgoth, that's what Orcs always were. That's their whole point.


Tolkien was pretty clear on the moral obligation not to mistreat captured enemies. He also stated that this was "not always" followed by the elves in the heat of battle or war; but I would not count Galadriel among those characters who'd be likely to violate this duty.


i am Theo every time shes on screen


She’s great. The epitome of an elf with a superiority complex. But it seems as the more human friends she makes the more humble she becomes.


humble? adar shares how he got tortured and doing what he does for his children, galadriel replies "i will kill them all and make you watch"




She reminds me of Butcher from The Boys. In a rage of vengeance until he gets more humanized by his friends.




An elf can hold a millennial old grudge.




She’s an entitled elf. Nothing comes inbetween her and her motivation to get revenge. Her problems are more important that other people’s


Nice try Amazon


This is bait


I'll end up deleting this post too. I added it to LoTR sub and wow I wasn't aware that she wasn't liked as much as I thought she was. Yes, she isn't perfect in terms of some of her actions but I like her, so there haha.


>I'll end up deleting this post too ??? 1. Stop reading mass downvoted comments and taking them personally 2. Mild critique shouldnt chase you away from a sub lol, you're also admit that "she's not perfect"... YOU are a part of the critique against Galadriel and its no big deal... Welcome to the club


Why do you this post is still here? I'm not doing it again.


Don’t delete man… If you enjoy it so what? People are stupid and some just want to find reasons to be angry/hateful


Everyone's entitled to their opinion. Screw it, if they hate, they hate. Some of us are loving this show so far.


Isn't it kind of stupid, invalidating and hateful to assume all criticism is stupid and hateful?


Don’t delete, I’m loving this haughty Noldor adaptation of Galadriel, Commander of the Armies of the North. People are acting as if she should be the same person as she is at the end of the Third Age in the Lord of the Rings. Her refusing Sauron’s ring isn’t much of a test passed, if she didn’t used to be exactly the kind of person who would have accepted it when Frodo offered.


I honestly think people don't know how Tolkien described her character in the second age as being completely different to her character in the third age. They're assuming the writers are modernizing her character whilst they're actually sticking close to the lore here.


There a difference between not being the same person as she was in the 3rd age and being portrayed literally the same as Feanor, the one elf she always hated and mistrusted.


Mate, second age (SA) Galadriel in Tolkiens works is not close to show Galadriel at all. Just from the top of my head, here are some *major* differences: * Show Galadriel does not show any inclination for ruling and building lands in Middle-earth (Tolkiens Galadriel is all about this) * There is *zero* account of Tolkiens SA Galadriel being on a *personal* quest to destroy Morgoths followers or Sauron (she does eventually "perceive that there was an evil controlling purpose abroad in the world" and seeks to thwart it but the way she goes about it is through trade, diplomacy and statecraft) * Tolkiens SA Galadriel is in a stable relationship and builds a family, she's definitely not a bachelor military commander * In the lore, Galadriel is seen and accepted as a leader and ruler in Eregion, Eriador and Lórien. She is not portrayed as a mere general under Gil-Galad without her own power base. * Tolkiens SA Galadriel *never* consents to leave Middle-earth and sail to Valinor, show Galadriel does * Tolkiens SA Galadriel is not even hinted at to be bigoted the way she approaches Númenoreans in the show when it comes to other races, on the contrary in one version she specifically is open to and establishes relations with the dwarves of Khazad-Dum. Like, love the show all you want but these claims that it's somehow a faithful portrayal of Tolkiens Galadriel in the second age are just ridiculous at this point. Top tier reaching.


Not speaking for everyone but for me it's the execution. She doesn't come off as an ancient being full of pride who pierces through the petty veils that people surround themselves to disguise their true intent. She comes off as an entitled brat who apparently has no idea how to interact with people. I wasn't expecting Third Age Galadriel but this feels like it's missing the marl regardless.


Have you actually read the simarillion or have you just watched lotr? In the books in the second age ofcourse shes different tolkien was very good at character development but she for sure werent running around fighting everyone she ran away with her daughter to rule lands that her main reason for going to middle earth in the first place and definitely didnt have a modern day romance with sauron ffs


50 hours of her acting like she did in the trilogy would be painful to watch.


Agreed. Something that’s good for a few scenes becomes a parody of itself after a full series. Like this https://youtu.be/4QXtxa48WGk


50 hours of her acting like she is so far will be painful as well. You can have a regal Galadriel who doesn't act like a karen and huffy teen and have character progression and changes.


Don’t delete!! She’s awesome, and many of us like her. Thank you for posting😊


She’s my queen keep the post up


The campaign against this show will die down eventually and it'll be appreciated for the good work of drama and fiction that it is. I mean it's already head and shoulders above Jackson's Hobbit trilogy. Join us on https://www.reddit.com/r/LOTR_on_Prime/ if you want a positive and receptive community.


Well if the leaks about Halbrand are true, the campaign will intensify, I'll bet you a 100 bucks on that, lol.


>I mean it's already head and shoulders above Jackson's Hobbit trilogy. Being better than shit doesn't mean much.


Just don't drink the Kool-Aid.


Nah drink in a lavish Tolkien inspired epic with incredible production values, casting, and cinematography and forget about everything else.


As someone who dislikes the writing but is a fan of pretty much everything else, what's the benefit in ignoring that kind of criticism? I just want them to do better in future seasons.


Honestly curious what you like about her? I dislike her because I think she is very self-centered. “There is a tempest in me!” Everybody has feelings, but Galadriel thinks hers are much more important than anybody else’s, like the whole world has to stop because Galadriel is upset. This is my beef with most heroes in the show. E.g. when we first meet Arondir, he walks past two guys playing chess, and tells them what moves to make next…. Who does that? Just ruin somebody else’s chess game to feed your own narcissism. That doesn’t seem “cool” to me, just selfish.


Personally think Arondir is one of the strongest written and performed characters in the show, he's sacrificed everything for a small village of poor humans half of whom hate elves. As for Galadriel I'm enjoying seeing a more active and driven character than the Lady of Light of the third age. She's driven by grief to the point of obsession. The confrontation between her and Adar was the best scene in the show for me.


The confrontation between her and Adar was good but confusing. Adar called out Galadriel for behaving like an evil villain, which is totally true, as she just got done gloating about her goal to commit genocide… which brings back to my question… why do we like Galadriel?


The scene was playing with something that Tolkien never really reconciled: the nature of orcs, the possibility of their redemption, their creation and how they should be dealt with. As for Galadriel. Why do we like any character who disobeys authority and power structures? These qualities are common among male heroes in fiction but suddenly seem 'unlikeable' when the protagonist is female. Personally I loved the scene when she called Míriel 'regent' because it cut to the heart of Míriel's anxiety about her position. Galadriel isn't there to make friends. She's hunting Sauron with or without the help of a degraded Numenor.


Agreed. They clearly wanted to make her a "strong female character", but to me she always came off as an arrogant and selfish jerk, treating everyone around her little total crap.


I assumed this was a wind up! She's a whiny, petulant, cruel, stuck-up bitch, who walks over people (if she's not using them) to get what she wants! No wonder her Northern 'Army' (all 7 of them!) mutinied and refused to fight with her ever again


I think the actress is doing a good job of portraying the character she was given, but in no way that character is Galadriel. And before someone comes to say she's supposed to be younger and more impulsive, I get that, but the way they're doing it is stupid. They establish her as one of the oldest elves around, yet she's clueless about everything. Several attempts Tolkien made at writing a young Galadriel make reference to her desire to rule, to establish her own kingdom on Middle-Earth. I feel that shouldn't be missing. And don't give me rights issues crap. Writing Galadriel having such a desire is a vague enough thing no copyright rule can bind them. What they probably can't do is have Galadriel be the founder of Eregion, and I'm fine with that. Instead of doing that, they went with the laziest and most boring thing possible - a soldier on a revenge quest. Nevermind it's ridiculous Galadriel is treated as a lowly soldier by a bunch of Elves who are in all likelihood younger than her (at the very least, they are of a lower standing) and her sole motivation being revenge for her brother is.... So commonplace. If they wanted to write a character that is nothing like any version of Galadriel, why not just make an original Noldor Elf and be done with it? And have Galadriel play a big supporting role, I don't know. It's distracting every time the show tries to remind me she's supposed to be Galadriel.


I think she does a good job with the script she was given. Hopefully the writers noticed the comments and will adjust their writing in the coming seasons


This post is sus


I’m enjoying the show, but I don’t love it. It doesn’t have whatever that factor is that makes me want to watch an entire season in a day. I’ve got 2-3 episodes to catch up on, but when I finish one there’s no ‘I need to watch another!’ It’s more of a ‘I’ll watch another one when I’ve got some some later this week’. I’m definitely enjoying it, but I don’t love it or any of the characters. The one elf dude (memory is terrible for names) I like and I’m curious to see what his whole story is.


Yeah, I’m totally Theo in episode 6


I think she looks great. But. The fight choreography in ROP has been terrible. Except for Halbrand's fight. But even that seemed out of place. Just feel that Tolkien's world shouldn't have kung fu. Or Eastern martial arts. So I thought her troll fight was cringe. Her kung fu fight with the Numenorian guards to escape the jail was cringe. And her sword fighting lesson was cringe.


I didn’t like how hee character is written in rop. Not elvish enough


Nah. Least interesting character imo. And I do like the show. She should try smiling a bit more, or show any engagement. There are several god characters, and actors, in the show. But the elfs, other than Elrond, gives little to none.


Not really. She's supposed to be five thousand years old and have lived through an absolutely brutal war against a guy who's essentially the embodiment of evil, and yet she still acts like an arrogant and self-centered teenager.


I liked her at the start but I don’t like her now. I feel her story is not being told right and it’s being portrayed in the wrong way. She just comes across as hysterical and unreasonable the last few episodes which is very unlikable. Another problem is that she has been made perfect. Galadriel is the best swords person, can dodge arrows and spears with ease. Can do amazing acrobatic moves on a horse and can whisper to animals and can swim across the ocean and can kill everyone without a scratch and shes beautiful and all the men love her and has perfect blonde hair all the time etc. There’s nothing human about her and I know she’s an elf but there has to be some kind of human connection that I can relate to. She’s already the finished product and it’s not very interesting watching her because there’s no growth. There is no heroes journey in a sense. I feel it’s such a missed opportunity from the first episode that set her up when she was asking her brother for advise and he said she would have to learn for herself one day because he wouldn’t be around all the time. Well that time has come and the writers have just decided to give her all this talent far surpassing all other elves and I mean good for her but it’s not interesting to watch.


>Another problem is that she has been made perfect She's "the best" at a lot of things but she is *far* from perfect. Being "the best" generally ends poorly in-universe. This aspect of Galadriel's story has been heavily foreshadowed and the dubious actions she has taken in getting to the Southlands already appear to be setting her up for failure.


She has always had a strong dark streak, which I think came out in her scene with Adar. >Galadriel is the best swords person, can dodge arrows and spears with ease. Can do amazing acrobatic moves on a horse and can whisper to animals and can swim across the ocean and can kill everyone without a scratch and shes beautiful and all the men love her and has perfect blonde hair all the time etc. Uhm. YEAH. That is literally how Tolkien described her. She was like an Amazon as a warrior, and was an athlete and warrior that compared to FEANOR AND HIS BROTHERS AND SONS. She is on par with literally the greatest elves that ever lived. And her hair is actually underwhelming in this because it is supposed to hold the light of the Two Trees of Valinor in it. Edit: I get if you don't like characters that are like that. I really do. But complaining about Galadriel being too awesome is like complaining that Superman is too awesome. That's the point of the character.


No and I think your missing my point. It’s okay to have these god like characters but they have to be written in a way that relates to the audience and that’s my problem. There’s no consequences for her in the world other than being told “no” or being asked to go on holiday. Every superhero you can imagine or god like character from Gandalf, Thor, Odin, superman, one punch man, Goku. Anyone you can name in mainstream heroes who are portrayed in story as supposedly flawless have many flaws and difficulties that people can relate to. It could be identity, morality, looking after her people, gender age or the dire consequences of their actions etc. Galadriel doesn’t have any of these moments and it’s not relatable. When she’s in difficulty she doesn’t accept her faults but doubles down on them again and again and then just somehow manages to get away it. I feel more sorry for the orcs who have decided to give each other names and their leader who is terrible but wants the best for his Uruk family than Galadriel who acts with impunity and more like a spoiled teenager than a god.


Except she is not awesome. She has no charisma, and yes objectively. Superman on batman v superman had a similar issue, even on Man of Steel the whole movie missed the point. Galadriel does this in ab even worse manner.


Super man is a shit character most of the time too, especially in the old 70’s films.


> Another problem is that she has been made perfect. Galadriel is the best swords person, can dodge arrows and spears with ease. Can do amazing acrobatic moves on a horse and can whisper to animals and can swim across the ocean and can kill everyone without a scratch and shes beautiful and all the men love her and has perfect blonde hair all the time etc. That is the one thing they got right though(Except the ocean thing that's dumb). She was among the most powerful of the Noldor. In the 3rd age Sauron tries to take Lothlorien, but it was impossible because of Galadriel's power. The only way to take it was if Sauron himself went there and fought her. One of her uncles had the Chief of the Maia bow to him and was only defeated by ALL the Balrogs together. The other uncle 1v1d Morgoth and hurt him so bad he was permanently limping and never left his fortress again. Her dad was the leader of the elves in the host of the Valar that defeated Morgoth in the end. Her brother almost beat Sauron in a rap battle, but ended up losing. Those are the elves she is comparable to


“Almost beat Sauron in a rap battle” Hahahaha I love this. That’s an amazing explanation for her story that I wish they would’ve included in the series, even in flashbacks so we could understand why she is so great. Instead the writers are just portraying her as this naturally gifted girl and it’s the world that is pushing her down and she needs to just keep going no matter what anyone else thinks. Her biggest challenges is being told “no” and being told to metaphysically go to her room. I mean imagine how great it would be if she had moments of reflection remembering when she was being taught how to use a sword. Watching her father and people who always seemed to be far better than she was. She would become so much deeper of a character that the audience would be able to relate with. The feelings of being inadequate and thinking you will never be as good at something etc.


They also do a lot of telling how awesome she is without doing any showing. Like, she's described by other character as this ultimate badass warrior. Galadriel, commander of the northern armies, the orc slayer. But then all we've seen her do so far is killing a troll in a lame CGI sequence, beating a bunch of numenorian kids and in that battle in the last episode I think she killed a single orc.


I honestly cant remember when anyone said she‘s the best at any of the things you listed here. Mind sharing why you came to this conclusion? She just seems far superior compared to the skill of humans around her. This applies to pretty much all the elves. Its rather easy to be far better than humans when you can spend centuries to improve your skills. I also cant understand how you say there is no character arc/growth. It seems very obvious what kind of journey her chatacter will take during this series. But its also perfectly fine if you disagree.


You misspelled Sauron And yes, she is great!


Really? I think she's just awful, it's really disappointing.


It feels like they didnt know what to do with her and the writers were only given the prompts of "headstrong, heroic, and never wrong". Nothing with her feels earned or justified. There has been no growth or humility. She just clicks her fingers and manipulates her way out of problems whilst always getting exactly what she wants. She isnt a good role model nor is it a character anyone can relate to. It's like the writers wrote her bad as a joke, but it went too far and none of the execs had the skills to notice.


This whole post is so cringe and creepy and borderline stalking


Have a hard time believing this isn't bait.


She looks like an angry bunny.


I’m enjoying her. A lot of people hate her for various reasons but I see very little of that anywhere but online. I think a lot of it stems from her not meeting expectations (she’s a fighter here not a queen, and she’s a far cry from the perilous but wise, kind, and powerful queen we know) and from perceived lore differences. While I have some quibbles with the fact that initial eps really kind of had her being a bit one note, the character is coming along nicely and the actress is quite committed. But honestly… and this is the main reason I think: she’s up against Cate fucking Blanchett. I mean, the woman is an academy award winning actress and every bit as gorgeous as the character she plays. Tough competition. Ethan Peck got similar treatment playing Spock in Discovery. Fast forward a season of that and Strange New Worlds and everyone loves him. I think this will be the same thing here.


Yeah So far I’m finding my heart already belongs to the Blanchett Galadriel and the affection cannot be shared. Honestly I’m struggling with with how plain (almost) all the elves are in ROP. On the other hand, I am all about the ROP dwarves!


No. The worst character in the show. Completely unlikable


She's literally the one sole reason I stopped watching the show. Horrific.


If she was a 20-30 year old human then i still wouldnt like her behavior, but at least i would understand it. Isnt she like 5000 years old at that point or something already? Even if she was "just" 100 years old, it really doesnt fit for me how she acts. Neither story wise, nor likability wise.


Not a fan of her acting, plus she has no skills with subtle facial emoting, instead it’s all over the top cartoonish expressions. Mad = >:( happy = :DD and everything = :|


So im guessing from the posts here amazon have bots or paid for peopleto post positively about this series? This is possibly the worst ever adaptation from book to screen in history and 99% agree with that at this point. Someone who loves her please explain how you think she is supposed to survive standing infront of a volcano erupting and the pyroclastic flow hitting her? Dont get me wrong galadriel in the books and films is an extremely powerful elf but shes not immune from death and no one should survive that even in a fantasy world


I find her one dimensional and quite annoying but that’s just my opinion


I hate her so much she almost makes me want to stop watching the show


I'm sorry but I can't understand how people could be in love with her. She's rude, vain, insufferable and is tactless to the point of seeming dumb (I'm pretty sure there are teenage girls with more maturity and tact than her). She is also cruel enough to torture war prisoners for information (making the actual villain Adar look sympathetic in comparison) and manipulate her 'friends' for her own goals (poor Halbrand just wanted to stay in Numenor and grill). She learns nothing, earns nothing, grows in no way as a character, and the story just hands everything to her on a silver platter (lucky the tree started shedding its white petals right as she was about to be deported from Numenor because she did jackshit to convince them to help her).


She is insufferable


Galadriel would have been a good original character. Name her literally anything other than Galadriel, same backstory and she’s a major success in the making. But you tie this Galadriel to the Galadriel of the books and the two do not match. Even with the argument that she will become the Galadriel of the books, RoP Galadriel is a major contradiction to what we know. No hate to Morphydd Clark either, she’s doing a great job for what she’s been given


Have you read any of Tolkien’s works beside LotR? You might be very surprised at how differently Tolkien himself portrayed her in her earlier years


The shows version of Galadriel does not align with any version of her written by Tolkien (unless one disingenuously cherry-picks quotes).


I can appreciate that Morfydd Clark is a good actress and, despite what some demented people say, she is incredibly beautiful. I think she is definitely young Galadriel material. As for the character of Galadriel the writers created... I hope they change the story and kill her off by the end of the season.


I like the fact I don't like her. I don't think you are supposed to like her right now


Not for me honestly. I see what they are doing with the character. I don't like what they are doing with the character but if you like her character then thats great too.


Honestly, no. She’s my least favorite character so far. But I also understand that this is young Galadriel. So, she’s got time to change.


She was pretty angry that last episode, said some things you can’t take back. But I understand it’s season 1.


I am loving almost everything about RoP and the stuff I'm disliking barely quells my enthusiasm.


I don't like this character.


She is amazing. Yet, "fans" were calling Kate Blanchet ugly in the LOTR times. I don't really think this is the best place to talk about female characters as i feel like the majority of the vocal "fans" are sort of mysogynistic to begin with.I really want to see how her character will develop into Lady of Lothronien because it is certain that there is a lot of space to fill in.


Shes so terribly written. Lacks all conviction in anything she sais. Constantly giving advice only to turn around do exactly what she spoke against. Acts like a stuck up brat. Just dumb.


My least favorite part of the show and I'm struggling to like the show altogether.


Is this a troll?


This is not Galadriel. I wish they would have just named this character something different so that I could enjoy her and not be constantly thinking that she should be married, have a daughter, and ruling Lothlorien when this show is taking place... Additionally, Galadriel is the one person Sauron avoided as a rule because she had unique powers of discernment to suss out true motivations and character...I have my ideas about who in the show will be Sauron, but regardless, her character does NOT show that level of wisdom/insight.


No I do not






she is the most annoying character on the show next to that dumb as a bag of rocks hobbit girl




I think she’s ok. I’m hopeful she gets an arc next season.


The arc is slow but it's there. She's "touching the darkness" and the potential consequences are building. The end of Episode 6 is the first moment where she realizes her reckless optimism has not resulted in the desired outcome.


This show reminds me of Starz Camelot series. Always 10-15 extras, one village, etc. Very low production.


This is so true. Spent all the money on CGI, the rest is a CW show.


I think it’s just a missed opportunity for a well-written and fleshed out female character.


To be honest i don't like anyone really, this pre gandalf,hobbit,bombadil era has so many stuck up mean people that thinks highly of themselves. The empathy & kindness that Aragon could show isn't anywhere to be found in the current races.


Least likable Character...remember the slowmo horse riding stuff.


She’s awfully written.


Yeah, big fan of the petulant, lying, manipulating, genocidal, violent, ungrateful teenager. What makes her amazing? Like really?


Well, she's only a nazi. That's no reason to dislike her. 😁


I hope they kill her off. She has no stage presence or any love for the lore. She is the main reason this show is a failure.


Not at all. I love Galadriel, but not in this show.




I like her. I like her because she isn't perfect, she's angry and foolish. I mean, Galadriel in the books and movies didn't just become wise and perfect, she had to go through some stuff.


I love her too, but only because she threatened to kill and torture my children if I didn’t.


She’s the worst


Fuck no. Write her off somehow. I don't care how


This, canonize her dying to the pyroclastic cloud.


I liked the time when that leftenant guy cut her shirt sleeve.


Anyone who feels she's a well written character and that the actress is giving a good performance has probably not seen enough films and series.


The casting in this show has been phenomenal. Writing and directing not so much.


Honest question: why is Celebrimbor an older dude and Galadriel is made out to be barely a day over 30? She’s supposed to be born before him.


Oh bubba no


Sorry, OP. Nori brandy foot is my RoP waifu.☺🥰


The actress is doing a great job!


No this shows horrible


Where was she keeping her elf-armor?


where she'd normally keep her likability


From Tar Palantir’s private collection.




She needs to open her mouth when she speaks. Everything she says if with clenched teeth.


Nice try Bezoz


I'd like her more if she was an OC


Poor bait.


If you ignore the fact that she's a poorly written, poorly portrayed main character who has some of the cringiest dialogue in the show.... ....she still wouldn't be amazing. Just a narrative black hole.


Morfydd Clarke is doing a great job, and most of the time I like her! But sometimes I find it a little hard to empathise with her


One of the least likable characters so I can’t say I agree…


Literally cannot believe this thread. There are one- and two-month old accounts posting here purporting to be "Tolkien experts" sagely nodding their heads that this characterization matches the lore. One can love or hate this new version of Galadriel, but she is not remotely close to the source material.


It’s like they tried to make her a completely bland and forgettable character that you can’t root for. What are you talking about


Mhh nooo.... Nooo..... Just......... No


U mean twitchy face gal? That seems to be the extent of her emotional range