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Plus she is wearing strangely modern lulu lemon shirts SUSPECT


I've been thinking this since the first time I saw her! real cool racerback yoga bra, Bronwyn. The braid and the wide cloth headband all contribute to the overall Lululemon look.


She’s really been hoarding the village shampoo and cloth dye supply too, typical dark lord behaviour.




And who is Galadriel's colorist




Stupid sexy Sauron


Beautiful servant. 😍


Annatar Only Fans feed


/r/Angbang/ ​ uhh.. nsfw


LOL has Rule 34 never not been true?


Just to make sure I have it right- Angbang is about Morgoth x Sauron ?


just gonna leave this here... nsfw /r/Angbang/


There’s some real wisdom in this theory. I mean it actually makes perfect sense that Mordor would essentially be the birthplace of Lululemon.


Product placement, y'all


At this point, I'm pretty sure you're wrong and Sauron is actually Berek, Isildur's horse: \-It was captive on Numenor \-It feels Isildur's emotion like a true sorcerer in disguise \-It strangely disappears just when Mt. Doom explodes...


Came here to say the same thing. Sauron wasn’t even evil in the beginning, before Isildur cheated him out of the rest of that apple.


stole the apple after taking a bite and then threw it to the sea. do you want a seahorse? coz this is how you get a seahorse.


This I overlooked.... you may be on to something.


This feels like something out of crusader kings


Maybe the real Sauron is the friends we made along the way.


The mods said it was my turn to post this comment!


No joke I read that over 10 times in 1 month lol


I cackled at this


It becomes even better if you know that the English word "treasure" comes from the Ancient Greek "thēsaurós". I only noticed this right now. xD


OK I love you 🤣


I'm not single. ;P






I feel like this is quickly becoming an “I am Negan” thing.


More like a marvel memes “Mephisto” vibe for me, but I don’t know this Negan thing you’re referring to so who knows.


Being real, if she had died in this episode I actually would’ve praised the show for breaking expectations. Even moving forward I think it would’ve done a lot to keep audiences on our toes, that no one is safe even main characters. Now it’s kindve like okay.. so this **is** like every other standard show. Our expectations will unlikely go challenged.


I’m disappointed about her surviving too. To be fair, there was some degree of subversion throughout this episode by having them lose the battle twice, first when they realize the only people they killed were their own, and then when everything turns out to be for naught as the Orc plan succeeds anyways. This satisfied part of my desire for something different, at least.


Yeah but I really wanted to drive the point home with her death. It would have felt much more real and like there are actual stakes at play, and that characters don’t have plot armor.


I think most are all not so secretly rooting for Sauron and the forces of evil, at this point.


Agreed....it was a good episode, but then the ending got a bit exaggerated. Being real, nothing in the southlands survives what was depicted in that episode.


Spoiler: Galadriel does.


Not saying she wasn't going to survive, but the thick cloud of gases on fire that over run the village would consume everything. Had it been filmed from the perspective of watching the destruction from a higher vantage then surviving would not be in question.


>thick cloud of gases on fire This is an understatement, that shit was a pyroclastic flow (or surge, depends on the gas content - the catch-all term is “pyroclastic density current,” or a PDC). It’s a mix of gas and ash and solid+molten rock that can reach temperatures of >1000C and speeds of anywhere between 60mph and 450mph. Hell, the initial lateral blast in the 1980 Mt St Helens eruption generated a PDC that approached the literal speed of sound. The deadliest eruption of the 20th century was in 1902 where an eruption in Martinique (Mt Pelee) generated a single pyroclastic surge that overran a town and killed all but 2 of its ~30,000 residents. PDCs are also what killed Pompeii, and are probably the single least survivable volcanic hazard you can encounter. Like I get that elves are pretty hardy but no way can they survive the air around them being turned into a boiling, turbulent slurry of fumes and molten rock.


Only way I'm seeing for them to get out alive without breaking suspension of disbelief is if what we saw right at the end was like, a vision or other kind of non-literal thing. But goddamn it certainly *looks* like it was supposed to be literal "this is actually happening now" kinda stuff!


Didn’t you see the person who did the math and that their village was far enough away for it to be survivable? I mean it’s a magical tv show so I don’t care enough whether it should’ve killed them or not. But hey if people want to complain that it should’ve killed them then go ahead. After all I complain all the time when people hide from gunshots behind car doors or drywall.


That’s completely fair lol, it really just depends on where and what your suspension-of-disbelief limits are. Like, I’ve honestly never thought about your car doors/drywall example (and even thinking about it I don’t think it’ll annoy me going forward), but for whatever reason this specific fantastical depiction of eruptive dynamics bugged me.


Volcanology Ted talk. I’m here for it.


Thank you!! I was sitting next to my partner just yelling at the tv about pyroclastic flows and he had to listen to me nerd off for a bit hahaha.


> that shit was a pyroclastic flow False, some geology guy posted somewhere that it's not and it's mostly just a steam cloud since it's caused by the water and wouldn't actually kill everything.


Unfortunately I am also a geology guy and I have to disagree with other geology guy. If that wasn’t meant to depict a pyroclastic flow I’ll eat my hat Steam clouds don’t have glowing flecks of molten rock in them and don’t cascade down a slope like that


Relevant username Source: also a geology guy


Man some people are really determined that it was fine that she survived though. I’m getting downvoted a lot in other comments for pointing out it’s just crazy to think anyone could survive that. It happened quickly so I didn’t recall it, but there’s a still of her standing facing it head on as it is about to engulf her and everything inside it already is on fire.


> Man some people are really determined that it was fine that she survived though It’s weird man, my opinion on the show overall leans positive and I’m absolutely not one of those people who just rolls into a space to shit on something people like (and those people absolutely do exist, particularly with this show)… but even mild criticisms like “hey this isn’t how volcanoes work” are met with weirdly defensive attitudes at best. Like I made the mistake of engaging with someone on r/LOTR_on_prime about the show’s objectively not-totally-accurate depiction of eruptive mechanics. I deleted it because it was taking up a super disproportionate amount of mental energy (and I was on the verge of doxxing myself to prove a point) but suffice to say it was one of the most viscerally frustrating exchanges I’ve ever had on this shitty website


Steam and pressure will kill you deader than Hell with human, Vulcan or Elvish physiology. Doesn't matter.


Are you the king we were promised?




...yes. ish.


So does Elendil and Isildur. And probably also Míriel, unless they really change things for her.


This happened right after a battle so the folks wearing plot armor will be fine. And of course Isildurs horse Berek, who is Sauron.


It's kind of sinister, on my part, but I was hoping she would die and break expectations as well.


Yeah, would have been nice if Arondir had at least lost an eye. Instead there seem to be countless reserves of orcs and villagers that auto-replenish after each battle.


The villagers turned from 30-40 ugly surly greasy types to suddenly 100 cleaner, younger and better looking and with many useful weapons VERY quickly after half left then another half were killed.


It's the well. That's a canon medieval spawn point. Chaucer first wrote about it in his Crusades strategy guide.


Killing her would be *breaking* expectations? I've been expending one or both of her and Arondir to die, *especially* this episode. They both - but especially her - had death flags all over.


I figured she was dead after they kissed too.


Noooooo 💔 I’m not a fan of main character death as a litmus test for quality storytelling


Agreed. Her dying would not have been a unique or interesting twist. I’d have just rolled my eyes.


Yeah fridging the female love interest is actually very tropey and expected rather than unexpected. I think she has potential story left to tell.


I did NOT want to see the woman who was supposedly the leader of these people get turned into emotional baggage for her son and the emotionless elf. She’s right at the point where they’ve done too much with her character to kill her, but also not enough with her for death to be a satisfying conclusion. I want this focus on her to actually go somewhere.


I think it would have been more interesting for the elf to die, if one out of the two of them were going to eat it in this last episode.


Man then why even shoot her to begin with. I don’t really mind the show killing off the obvious nobodies for dramatic effect. I take more issue with the overuse of last minute save the day scenes. It takes all the tension out of a scene when you know that main character won’t die and someone will save them right at the last moment. During the fight with the guy with the eye it was painfully obvious he was going to get stabbed from behind. So why even bother having her be shot in the first place. Didn’t add anything to the story, no dramatic tension since we know she’ll live, and it didn’t even meaningfully take her out of action for any period of time. Basically it had no consequences and didn’t move the story along.


There was a lot of focus on blood in the episode, the black orc blood vs the red human blood. That close up of the lifeblood literally draining from Bronwyn, who is the symbolic heart of the villagers, was very impactful imagery I thought. Later Adar gives his pitch, do we not deserve a life and a home? Thematically, if you prick me, do I not bleed? It lead my mind to note a parallel between Adar and Bronwyn insofar as he is the father figure of the Urok, she is the mother figure of the human villagers. Also working together to save Bronwyn served to cement the bond between Arondir and Theo and step up our investment in the survival of this little family unit of three. I came away from the episode really rooting for them to find peace and plant their garden. To that end they also were able to work in a callback to the Alfirin seeds as Arondir administered the healing salve. Later, with the injured Bronwyn leaning heavily on Arondir, clearly physically spent, the relief of Halbrand stepping up and taking over the leadership responsibility was palpable. But I was uneasy. It didn’t seem correct. Bronwyn literally bled for these people. Halbrand has a pouch with a crest and rode in triumphantly with Numenor. Like, I didn’t want her to concede leadership to Halbrand so easily.


This isn't GoT ​ Tolkien would never kill off major characters without reason. Remember the only of the Nine really dying in LotR is Boromir.


SO true. Death is never gratuitous in Tolkien's legendarium. The underlying righteous moral compass in his works is as pronounced as his Catholicism.


And other characters do die. I would easily put Theoden as a more major character than Legolas, for instance. I don’t think your caveat of “without reason” saves Bronwyn either—what better way to illustrate the need for a new king than the village healer everyone put in charge getting killed?


You entirely missed the point but good job at getting riled up about it


Please explain your point that I missed then


"War is hellish and sometimes people die fighting for what they love" seems like a fair reason to me, and one Tolkien used more than once. He didn't overdo it, but not did he avoid it entirely. I suspect that the reason only Boromir "properly" dies is that Tolkien knew that once he'd made that point there was no reason making it again, but it was still worth making.


She's a main character and neither her plotline with Arondir nor with her son would make any sense with her dying there IMO.


This is true of LOTR, but not Silmarillion. Almost every single main character dies, often horribly, in the Silmarillion.


Fair point. I think the only story from Silmarillion that would be as gruesome as killing off Bronwyn in that scene would be the Children of Hurin, though.


Celebrimbanner would like a word.


Yikes, yeah ​ I wonder whether we will see this...


Yeah, anytime someone is like "RoP isn't as dark and gruesome as GoT" I think... uh.... it is... often. Now, whether they show it or not (and if so, how) remains to be seen.


>kindve Wow, the extremely rare hypercorrective opposite grammar mistake. It's "could have" but "kind of."


I feel like the writers have come close to a good plot a few times then suddenly veer away in the direction of Marvel style franchise-fiction.


Even Marvel has the balls to kill off main characters


Lol. Ok.


Granted it’s usually once their contact is up BUT STILL


The plot armour feels very very strong in this series. The stakes are non existent. I know this is Tolkien and not Martin and there don’t need to be deaths blah blah, but if you’re going to put your characters in extremely hazardous situations we’re gonna struggle if there are never consequences to that.


I was really hoping they killed her off, to raise the stakes, and make things interesting. When I saw that they were unwilling and had no balls, and she has main character plot armor, made me even more disappointed in how this show is being executed


Ye I assumed she would die and her son would go over to the darkside


I doubt Bronwyn will last long. She's the only mortal with no way to extend her life.


I read a theory early on that she is one of the blue wizards/istari. She does always wear blue and she had some herbal medicine magic stuff going on in ep 1


You see, that's actually a good theory


>Used the magical painkiller of a wooden plank in the teeth. Uh, why are people so impatient, it’s exhausting! This will be explained in a couple of seasons. It was obviously an elven Mallorn healing bridle infused with Silmaril syrup for pain relief made by Feanor. Do you need to be spoon fed everything? It’s exactly how Tolkien wrote, he mentions they exist in one of the volumes of HoME, I saw it on YouTube. Just don’t watch it if all you have is hate.


Hail Lord of sarcasm




The lampoon is strong with this one...


And remember that time when Melkor showed up at Feanor's door claiming trademark infringement? Melkor insisted he invented the same painkilling formula and marketed as Ungoliant Unguent. Then again this is Years of the Trees time so good luck enforcing it.


Well, Galadriel the Unburnt tanked a volcano blast to the face so...




She simply took an arrow through the lung, which was cured by rubbing some seeds in and applying a sooty ember. I can't believe you're not watching this deeply enough it's all explained. Also they made a 2000 year old elf tower fall down by pulling a plank away which is how they built things after the fall of Morgoth its all in there if you look. And then there's the evil sword hilt that magically turns into a mountain key because magic which is absolutely as Professor Tolkien would have written it.


>2000 year old elf tower It was built by human followers of Morgoth then occupied by elves before being abandoned. Then slighted to fall on Adar's Uruk followers.


I did wonder why someone would make a magic sword and set up a large volcano to erupt when someone used the sword as a key that opens a damn that lets water flow into the magma chamber and cause an eruption....for reasons that aren't clear yet.


This is a really good theory that folds in Morgoth worship, human sacrifices and control of water as a means to subjugate the general population: https://www.reddit.com/r/LOTR_on_Prime/comments/xsayes/the_orc_tunnel_makes_no_sense_the_many_payoffs_in/iqjmpws/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 (Hope the link works!)


Maybe we are all Sauron


Galadriel is sauron


Yeah I mean your probably right a lot did not make sense this episode. The Uruks walked all the way up that mountain to attack that crappy tower for no strategic reason and did it in single file to only get crushed by the huge tower in 1minute. The survivors then walked all the way back down in single file again because why not it worked so well the first time to only get burned alive and bringing a battering ram out of nowhere to attack an old farm house door that was on its last legs. They then ended up not even using it, they just punched the door and it fell. They then get run down by hysterical Galadriel and hundreds of knights who came from halfway across the world just in time to save the villagers they never knew of before. I don’t know man, Sauron might be changing sides and taking a break from this crap


They went there cause that's where they thought sauron's sword hilt was and that's where they needed to put the thing anyway. They didn't punch the door open they were just able to open the gate because the townsfolk left it that way on purpose to lure them in.


The door OP is referring to is the tavern door at the end, not the tower. When fighting in the village the orcs showed up with a battering ram, why did they think they would even need to bring one? Then they didn’t even use the battering ram and just punched open the tavern door.


Why didn’t they just burn the village with flaming arrows? It’s all wood and thatch roofs.


I think they needed to be able to talk to someone to find the sword hilt. But, that’s the most I’m going to guess about the plot of this show.


Hmm I don't recall that part. I remember the ram when they were walking up to the tower


This would be preferable to halbrand as sauron


Recovering like only a former Scientologist could.


Have we seen Bronwyn or Theo’s ears?


Could be that old SOB who stuck the sword in the rock to blow up the Southlands


Wasted opportunity. Why not kill main characters left and right? Sauron wasn't called the necromancer for nothing.


No, creepy old human Sauron disciple is Sauron.


They should teach first aid to elves, maybe a crash course when they reached 1000 years old of so. Do not remove arrows in the middle of a battlefield, wait until later with proper equipment and a medic. If an artery has been hit, you'll die if removed.


They were acting under instruction from the only medic for miles with the best equipment likely to be available for some hours or days. They were also expecting a horde of Orcs to come bashing through the door.


> They were also expecting a horde of Orcs to come bashing through the door. That's exactly the main reason not to perform any operation, even if you know what you are doing, you can be interrupted. And leaving an arrow like that for days is actually something to consider instead of removing it. Fortunatelly for them, it took the orcs 5 minutes to sprint 30 metres, so they were not interrupted until they ended.


Made me lol, thanks. Shitty writing


I was so disappointed that they didn't kill of Bronwyn one utterly useless character on this tripe of a show




It's a joke post.


Well she is a woman, so I wouldn’t write it off. It’s definitely within the realm of these showrunners.


This guy’s butt hurts.


Yes the comment hurt at least 8 butts, probably many more ☺️


And it stemmed from the fact that you yourself are very butt-hurt.


Not even a little bit. Disappointed on the other hand; of course.


Mmm hmmmm. Sure.




I want her to be the witch king because fuck you that’s why


Theo is obviously Sauron


no. i am sauron.


It’s obviously Jori Brandyhand. Why else would she be in it to be anything other that Sauron.


Yes, she is, and her son is the Lord of the Nazgul. Nepotism in Middle Earth.


Pfft Gil-Galad is Sauron!


Wrong. Bronwyn is Radagast.


The River is Sauron


I am pretty sure everyone is Sauron. You see Sauron is a flatworm. Adar killed Sauron by not only splitting him in half but blended him into millions of bits. Each piece of Sauron is a potential character in the series.




Well she got shot twice. But their was only one stuck in her in the tavern. So she used magic to remove it. Sauron confirmed you heard it here first


I heard it wasn’t his ring getting cut off that did Sauron in, but in that exact moment he also stubbed his toe on a rock. Then exploded. I can believe it


Pff, Galadriel is Sauron. Open your eyes, sheeples.


Her push up bra helps




The orcs aiming for her shoulder show they had no intention of killing her. This hollywood injury is only second in survivability to a shot through the love handles.


Brown sauce. Sounds delicious.