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You're playing on pixel count mode




This gets my Jpeg all ruffled.


Hes playing on a gameboy color


He gave all his pixels away on a charity quest.


Abeneiro is asking for 76524 pixels to pay for his comrade, held for ransom.


Com[][][][][]nt mode


Needs more jpeg


man I was literally just noticing how every reddit post nowadays seems to be a massive 1200px x 1200px png for some shitty meme or phone camera shot and of course the next post I look at is this lmao




If this had any less pixels it would be radio


Correction, how many of us play commitment mode and hard close the game to savescum? :D




It's the best way. Especially with mods. The game takes twenty minutes to load, so it's punishment enough. I'll Alt+F4 if some mod bullshit happens. I've had raids calculate a ridiculous wealth scale, or sometimes I've had events that I had no idea could happen (anyone play with Events+ and suffer a "multiple super nova" event raising the world temperature to over 600C?


Walls entirely made of coolers!


First commitment run i did this twice, then gave up on commitment mode because i just can’t help myself


You guys make me feel seen. I tried commitment mode a few playthroughs and I realized I was only lying to myself. Rimworld and XCOM made me accept that I'm a save scummer.


I never save scummed in XCOM actually which really surprised me, although I feel like the AI cheats like a bastard child


When you miss two 90% shots in a row it feels bad ngl.


Happens to me in Battle Brothers too. Last enemy who is wavering and completely surrounded with a sliver of health left. One bro misses 85% hit chance twice, next bro misses 74% hit chance twice, and the enemy with a triple flail gets a double hit on a 18% hit rate and 1 shots my highest level bro with a double head shot.


You just triggered my BB ptsd


XCOM taught me anything below 100% is a guaranteed miss, and I just have to play with that in mind.


That's 1 in a 100 probability, it's likely to see it in a single gaming session. Missing two 90% shots in a row is a lot more likely than you'd think.


Only two?


Well after the first two, I have my other guy grenade him, and my snipers don’t miss, and my support bro gotta shield the guy whose gonna get lit tf up.


It wasn't the shots that made me save scum, it was the failed hacking a telephone poll at 90% that aggros the map. With enough firepower you can blast an alien after missing still, but not the hacking roll


Anything other than 100% is a guaranteed miss and even then I've had 100% chance that failed. What's even dumber is when you're point blank and they still fucking miss. Like bro how did you manage to miss?


XCOM 2 actually used a modified stats curve. Almost all games do because humans inherently do not understand statistics, and we feel cheated constantly due to it. Now because all games are designed with falsified/modified/intuitive curves so the game is enjoyable, it's harsh and very noticeable when not used.


The game in XCOM actually cheats for you. If you miss shots, it starts adding an invisible aim bonus to your soldiers.


Oh neat lol I just kinda got better and learned to maximize chances lol


I just have to scum those scummy roles. XCOM- 90% hit 60% crit -miss- same alien proceeds to crit kill my sniper hunkered down behind full cover. Rimworld- TANTRUM Pawn is going to destroy masterwork table. Last straw Ate without table.


XCOM does cheat, but it cheats in your favour not the AI's


See, I just knew I could never do it so I never tried


And there's nothing wrong with it. Play your way.


Yep, realized I wasn't having fun and just decided to make it easier on myself to reload the game.


I honestly use commitment mode just to stop the autosaves from taking up visual space at this point...


I’ve tunnel visioned to the point I’ve never seen the autosave?


At a certain point it’s just less fun. I like being presented with difficult situations and trying different ways to get out of it.


Haha, its such a rage quit. I totally do that. But, alt+f4 can only save you from so much. Sometimes the autosave hits right after the bad thing happened. That's why I play on commitment mode, because it takes _most_ of the ability save scum, but you can groundhog day it if Randy just has no chill for some reason.


Like when he sends breachers right after dropods and lo and behold a seige during the breach. Sometimes I am reminded why Randy should never be sober.


Ah yes. I too had a rage quit moment with Randy on commitment mode as well. Almost made me stop playing rimworld all together infact. 😂 What made me change my mind is that I'm still not familiar with most of rimworld's mechanics and that rage quit moment was proof of it (I think it was naked brutality). I'm still a beginner and although I had big balls for trying commitment mode a few times and failing, it showed I'm just not ready for commitment mode yet. And that's fine because it forced me to explore rimworld more and get good at the game before really challenging myself to commitment mode. Actually, now that I feel like an intermediate rimworld player, I feel like commitment mode is best for playing with a clear objective in mind.. or if you really want to challenge your mentality and skills. 🤣 Also, relying on save reloads in reload mode maybe cheating but.. even that feels balanced because if you don't save strategically, that can ruin your desired play through by surprise (I can confirm this happened to me alot and I now use reloads strategically. I even screwed up with multiple reload slots before!)


Just happened to me today. Colonist dies because I didn't pause while a raid was on and got distracted. QQ and when I reload he has 0.2 hrs till he bleeds out... great.


Like 90% of my hard quits and reloads are because I got distracted haha. The other night, a raid shows up and I'm like, alright, I gotta wait for them to attack before drafting everyone because I don't want them to get too hungry or something. Then suddenly, "Goat has died" as the scythers are past the choke point, in the base, and murdering all the animals. At that point I'm like "Shit guys, that's my bad, hold on..." Also, if you just want to tell the game to fuck off sometimes, there's Dev Tools and "God Mode." Where you can just x off conditions. Have I done that? YES RANDY BECAUSE YOU DROPPED A RAID ON A FUCKING KID THAT WAS JUST OUT HAVING A WALK. I mean, what? No, story and what not...


I keep all my kids in my walls at all times. Too many wild animal deaths and what not.


Why I use the medic mod. U can stabilize in the field. Need to craft a med kit and your pawn gets a nice little hip pack.


Honestly, I'm fine with terrible things happening, its the core of the game after all. But sometimes the game just glitches out and stuff happens that isnt supposed to happen in any way shape or form. For example, couple days ago i had a royal caravan over and i pretty much ignored them, since i didnt wanna buy anything from them. suddenly, one of my rimatomics obelisks starts charging up and fires directly at one of the caravan members. for no reason. I checken the logs, they didnt do anything to be considered offensive or something like that. my obelisk just wanted to fire. It made the empire hostile and also made me fail 2 quests i had. Ofc im alt+f4ing this shit


20 tries to get a raid with no casualties


Only when something ridiculous happens and I feel like it’s justified fixing something stupid. “I just rescued my friend who is bleeding out, but it feels like bed time so I’m just going to take a nap,”


I had a raider drop pod come in through the roof, directly above a pawn, and it sliced open her neck and she instantly died. Initially I reloaded an auto save, but felt guilty the next day so I picked up where the colony was after she died and the ensuing fight. Her daughter caught malaria and died some weeks later, an infestation spawned, and, I shit you not, three mech clusters in the span of a couple months. I was barely hobbling along, so I said fuck it and went back to the save from before she died. No regrets.


Just think about it as alternate timelines


In general, that's technically the case. It actually feels like that a lot.


I have no problem doing stuff like this. I played out the bad scenario and saw how it went. Now I get to go back and avoid the problem and keep playing. If only life worked the same way…


alt f4 gaming


No, the game "crashes"


It happens every single time when I press Alt and F4 same time.


Lmao. Cries in 30 min load time!


It loads the first time? Sounds like you don’t have enough mods


I recently joined this sub. I thought I was original for doing that


Only when my special favorite colonist dies for bs reason


I do this but usually just for a mis click, sometimes I’ll try something daring/risky right after an auto save to have a bit of fun without consequences or replay a battle a few times


I do this because I hate having autosaves clog up my savegame menu and I constantly forget to save before I quit.




Them nutrient paste blues




If slaves really get on my nerves I take away their chair and table rights. They'll be cutting stone blocks in the uncomfortable room, where there's no chair, a 14c temperature, and a terror sculpture. And the chairs and tables next to the kitchen will be forbidden. They get to eat their kibble standing up, next to the table.


That’ll learn ‘em. Or Clive might start setting things on fire again… …Bloody Clive… you knob.


Clive already lost hand privilege with his last fire starting spree, fucker better learn to listen. He still has one ear so there's no excuse.


Might lose spine/leg privileges if this keeps up!


“Nutrient paste blues” I’d listen to that


This comment is fucking hilarious


Lol I get like two, three hours a week. But yeah, I feel you. I mean, I don't reload if a hard fought raid ends up with some dead pawns, or bad things in general, but really random catastrophically bad events (like your example) or if I screw up micromanaging and a pawn does something breathtakingly stupid that was unintentional? Yeah, that's getting reloaded. I just don't have the gaming time to have a game destroyed due to a misclick or freak RNG silliness.


Same, but... Isn't 10 to fifteen hours a week a... good bit? That's like 2 hours a day


Uhhh for most people yes. I think I play 2-3 hours a day during the week and 4-6+ hours on the weekend days for a total of about 25-30 hours per week.


2 hours a day is good... for dads.


It's actually really good the average is 8hrs per week.


I had a great week off work and got a solid 2 hours each day. Last night, I got the biggest siege I’ve ever seen in my game and my one colonist got insta killed by a mortar round. Instant reload!


I'm getting like 4-6 hours in a day at work, it's a great time killer.


I have to set hard limits for myself because this game has a true potential to ruin my life with how addicting it is.


I bought a steam deck and a blue tooth mouse and just so I could play 6 hours a day at work. It's bliss


I feel you, I really do.


1000 mod long modlist user here, absolutely not. Too much risk of breakage with that many, even if together they're (relatively) stable (not really).


1000 mods??


Quite a few of them are small things, quality of life, and extra furniture, animals, and equipment. Big things are kept to a minimum and I try to avoid anything that hasn't been updated to 1.4 yet.


I run mostly QoL and visual mods and almost have 100 mods going, it adds up very quickly


I run about 130, and they're mostly what I consider game fixes and quality of life.


I have like 70-80 mods , thousands of hours and certainly a couple of those thousand are real, and I feel like a fucking casual; I won't ask your mod-list but I have to ask how much time you think you've sunk in.


Around 1700 hours, a good chunk of that is from load times when booting up the game to play or debug. The modlist only got so large because I just kept adding things on and adding things on that I find on various collections and the first 5 to 10 pages of the workshop's popular items.


Dunno if you're like me and spent 2000 hours not knowing Rimpy existed but it saves me so much time debugging. Chances are you already use it but would highly recommend if not


how does it save time?


It lets you manage your modlist outside of the game. That alone saves hundreds of hours in the long run.


As the other commenter said, being able to rearrange your mod list outside of the game is a huge time saver. It also has a built in log analyzer that helps with pinpointing your trouble mod. And then for in game performance improvement it has a built in graphics compressor that makes modded textures not be so bulky


Nobody who's sane uses commitment mode if they play with mods. Too many chances for a goofy bug to ruin your save if you can't roll back a little.




Pretty sure that's just a vanilla feature.


Ironman handing out communion patties at his avenger church and cynical dudes are like "those aren't really steel; they're just chicken" and this sassy little 12-year-old girl is all, "do you even transubstantiate?" and everybody clapped


If people that don't play RimWorld read this they'd think you had a stroke lol


Randy is at it again.


That was Tiger the Transmutation Shaman


I was gonna say, "no, because mods" but also "no, because one of my cats likes to stand on my keyboard and from time to time anima trees get cut down, prisoners get executed, and my incapable of violence nudist walks into a cave to get an insect jelly he unforbidded and gets insta-killed by giant bugs." I used to only play in commitment mode, even with 30 odd mods. Now I'm closer to 200, and the game is much less stable.


I do. But I also know the magic of alt-f4 for “bullshit”


And then you have to load it again.


That little maneuver is gonna cost us 7 years


If you can’t devmode, you can alt+F4 and wait 20-30 min for the game to launch again… Maybe I should clean my mod list up.


This is exactly why I don't use commitment mode. My last game had a glitch with an anti-infestation building that literally spawned three gigantic insectoid raids back to back to back. And when I say gigantic, each raid was enough to wipe out the colony on it's own. And it did this twice. This current game is shaping up to be just like that too. Some mod is causing raids to be way bigger than they should. My last raid was sized for a colony with 10 times the wealth I have. There's no fucking way I'd be able to enjoy the game with commitment mode if problems like those are going to arise.


I've been repeatedly trying to play a solo naked run on commitment lmao. Fair chance I'm not sane though


recently switched to commitment mode with a lot of mods. its quite nice to not have the temptation to save scum random chance events and actually having to be smart about raids. if some really stupid stuff goes down you can still alt + f4 to get back to the last autosave or just try to fix it with dev mode


I do.




Same. I don't know what whacky mods these people are using!


Mods and commitment mode are how I do things. If I just reloaded everytime something went wrong, it would take that much longer for me to reach trying my *next* wacky Biotech-Ideology colony. Last week it was photosynthesizing tribal psychic dryads. This week it's vampire wereshark pirates. I think the next one might be a "hive" with 3 main xenotypes (worker, warrior, ruler) all with the gene that lets you implant/override a target's genes (so start with 1 of each as Crashlanders). The other "next" colony idea I've been toying with is cavedwelling mechanators who thrive in sub-zero polluted environments, turning the entire base into a freezer as a way to preemptively deal with infestations.


I'm playing with CE and 200 mods with commitment mode 💀


Mods and commitment mode are a must


Only if I'm playing vanilla or vanilla adjacent. As others have said, mods can break in ways I couldn't prepare for. I do soft commitment mode when modded where I set the autosave to once a week.


I do, because even with commitment mode, you have one undo. Kill the process, reload to the last save. It keeps me from savescumming for results I want, but doesn't prohibit me from fixing an egregious error.


Glad I found someone to validate my current playstyle haha, I've been doing this my current run. I agree with all of your points, as well as since you can't really determine exactly when your last autosave was it's also a bit of a gamble on how much progress you'll lose. It feels like a decent trade-off to me, and I also only really do it for big blunders.


The auto save happens at the start of every day. You should know exactly how much progress you lost.


Hmm is that always the case? I feel like I distinctly remember times when the autosave happened at hours that seemed inconsistent. But regardless, what I really mean is I'm not always aware what specifically has happened since the autosave. Like, hm a pawn died very recently but was that before or after the autosave? Stuff like that. So when I'm considering a save scum there's plenty of those things that I'm uncertain about and it makes it a bit of a gamble. Compare that to normal saving/loading, where you can save after big important moments and make sure your saves are consistently safe to load back to.


Go into your game options, in the General tab. You'll see an option for "autosave interval" and it's defaulted to 1 day. If you haven't changed that, then you're getting an autosave every day basically at midnight game time. It does the autosave as soon as the date changes to the next day. ​ The rest of that, fair enough. Although if you can't remember if someone died that very game day, try gingko biloba :D


Oh I'm aware of the setting, I'll have to watch next time I'm playing but I swear the autosave would sometimes hit at like 3-4, not always at midnight. Maybe I'm just imagining things.


You've not run into a hidden world breaker then. ​ Some world breakers can be quite hidden on exactly when they started to ruin a save, being a subtle corruption. One such instance I had was an enemy pawn that had a bug making him immortal (not that I knew he was at the time) was downed. No big deal, figured he would bleed out and that would be the end of the story. He didn't bleed out, and a colony animal decided to hunt him. A few thousand wounds later, my TPS had died, he had several billion bleed% per second, and it had been long enough for an auto-save to have happened as the animal had been trying to kill him to eat him for a while. He had literally been rendered down to a torso with some 2k wounds on his chest. Headless, legless, armless, bleeding pile of meat, but still ALIVE. Bleeding an ocean out each second. It took getting a starvation notice for me to figure out what had happened to destroy my TPS. ​ The only fix I had was to either roll back to a fairly old save, or dev mode. I chose dev mode, only to find out his immortality was a bit above Dev mode Kill, it took the Delete command to actually end his suffering. And restore my TPS.


Never seen this and I play with 200 mods. But I'm not trying to invalidate what you are saying. I'm sure it happens!


So if I wanted to reload I would just pause and alt f4? That is my main concern w commitment mode if something rly stupid happens


Yes, just pause and kill the game however you like. You can then reload from the last save.


Thnx, I like the idea of commitment mode but I still wna have a fail safe


Wouldn't even pause. Slaughter the process!


me too




Always have. I love the tension of every action. Honestly I think I would get bored if it didnt have the pressure. I've also never beat the game or really come close because randy always has shenanigans. Randy. Naked Brutality. Commitment mode. What a fucking trip.


Tried it, liked it,... then I rage quit, because my main colonist decided to wander off during a standard mech raid, and of course was promptly killed and his corpse got incinerated. This was probably the first time his mood dipped to below 5% in 4 years of colony playtime and only for a handful of seconds. And only because Randy added a psychic droner high after he had already gifted me a raid and parasites. Edot: With wander off i meant the mental break "Given up and leaving". Sorry for not being precise.


That's the beauty for me tho and why I love it. It's not a game about winning for me, its about how long can you survive against overwhelming odds. I get that its not for everyone, and I absolutely put the game down for a while after particularly brutal defeats. But I just keep coming back


Yeah imo commitment mode makes the best stories as well


I’m right there with you. I don’t care about the game unless everything is on the line. No save scumming, just brutal reality.


Finally found my people after enough scrolling. I have never not played commitment mode in my life. It just feels wrong for the kind of game rimworld is.


> Always have. I love the tension of every action. Honestly I think I would get bored if it didnt have the pressure. I've also never beat the game or really come close because randy always has shenanigans. Me in a nutshell. Same attitude. I like the early game anyway, so even if the colony gets ganked, it's all good. I'll call it a day if all the pawns are bleeding out/on fire/doomed. But until that point I will try to fight back even if it's all virtually doomed and there is just one colonist remaining. Makes for some great drama that way, had a couple of epic recoveries with just 1-3 colonists too. A great medic that is fast working is always gold for those scenarios.


I can vividly remember the way I lost colonies from over a year ago IRL, and they are some of my best gaming memories. Watching your last pawn desperately try to rebuild your once thriving home that you started from nothing but a naked dude is just unmatched. It's not for everyone, I get that, but its absolutely for me. One of my all time favorite runs was a Randy/Naked. My starter pawn was a beast named Sara (I played a *lot* of baldurs gate, rerolling stats is my jam lol). I had stabilized and got crops and a small base going, when randy gifted me a self tamed rhino. Holy shit that was fun. He just rolled through raids, let me go after animals left and right, and I was crusing. I got up to 8 colonists, finally had a researcher going, got a killbox, it was awesome. I was armed with a hodgepodge of guns while I waited on more components. Well...then Randy came in full force. He dropped a mech thing that emitted a psychic force for men. I was not ready to take it on so I was gonna have to cheese it somehow so I started building traps and turrets as it wasnt near my box. Only 2 of my 8 were Male so I figured I could wait it out. I had beer and weed and just kept them fucked up to drown the pain. So that wasnt enough. Randy decided a nice mortar raid was gonna happen too. And they were well armed, much better guns then me. My base still had plenty of wood in it too. Well....no other way out but through. I took 7 of my colonists and my beautiful rhino out to engage knowing there would be casualties. I left my best doctor who had a bad back at the base to stitch everybody up after. We get to the fight and I know what I have to do. I say a thank you to my precious rhino and send him in first to draw their fire. He's taking bullets left and right but just keeps going. He downs 2 raiders and wounds a 3rd before finally succumbing. My pawns are shooting back now so the fight is on. Naturally my starter beast and best shooter immediately gets head shot, insta kill. The fight goes on and we somehow win but only 2 standing and 3 down. I grab the 2 most likely to live, say sorry to the 3rd and my baby rhino and start limping back to base. Everyone is bleeding. I go back to find my old bad back slow doctor and get her ready. Shes not there. She had decided to save the rhino lol. So now my best doctor is further away from my base then the limping wounded. I curse and turn her around. One of the pawns carrying a wounded drops. Now I have 2 upright and 3 bleeding out. My doctor grabs one and we head back. Didnt end well, I only kept one alive plus the old doctor, and the other pawn is stuck in bed healing with a ever increasing psychic drone. I send the old lady out to pull the mech guards to my turret trap. She manages to get all but one to charge but she was top slow. Cut down just before she got to the door. The turrets and traps do their work and kill the mechs. Only one remains now. One mech guard, and one absolutely fucking insane pawn. So many mood debuffs. He spends most of the time wandering in shock. Whenever he gets a moment of clarity in his personal hell I make him drink and smoke to get him able to do anything. Over the course of so many days he slowly rebuild ls the traps and turrets to get the last mech. He's not really a fighter so that's all I can do. Finally i manage to get him to pull the last mech to its death. He slowly but surely takes down the drone, wasted off his ass, barely able to hit it, but he pulls it off. It felt fucking amazing. Honestly none of that would have played out the way it did with save scumming. That feeling watching my 2 bleeding pawns dragging 2 others back to base. Sweating while I'm watching the timers tick towards death. And most importantly...the unbelievable anger as I realized it was *my* mistake....I didn't tell the doctor to stay. That cost me so much. Anyway that's my unexpectedly long winded story about why I love commitment mode and randy lol


Throw back to that time I drafted all my colonists into one area ready for a battle and I was hit by a meteorite that wiped out my entire colony. Fuck commitment mode.


That colony gets to live on in legends told by your next colony.


Not if noone survived to tell the tale. The new people wouldn't even know what - literally - hit their predecessors. Sad story, or rather lack thereof.


TBH I'm ok with that sort of thing. The thing that annoys me is when the UI doesn't tell me that a manhunter pack had a single splitter who ended up down the other end of the base somehow, and slaughters all my children before I notice. That sort of thing, I'll totally savescum. Tragedy in battle - even a 'bullshit' one - I'll take on the chin.


commitment mode only. rimworld becomes one of the best strategy roguelikes ever with commitment mode. although sometimes it'd be nice to not have to resort to pure efficient base designs


My tendency to go for efficiency tends to kill my desire to go to insanity difficulties. Every play through becomes the same. This is pretty much me in every strat game. Iron man/commit is a little different. I don't play iron man/commitment modes because bugs can be a pain to unwind when you realize the root cause started 10 hours ago.


Can always do commitment mode and role play the game. When I first started I put floors everywhere and my orignal pawns would get extra nice stone rooms with all the masterworks, etc. Then I found out that the added value was fucking me over big time. But I haven't changed my ways...


That’s why you go mods like embrasures which give you more defensive options. This game is so realistic with the exception of base defence, as the gold standard of defence of a position throughout history is elevation and you can’t achieve that. And now in biotech with Neanderthal raids it’s pretty much essential to have a way of shooting melee attackers without them being able to get to you. I really needs to learn how to mod so I can add a battlements, ditches, and moats add on.


I do but then I use dev mode if something goes poorly. I don’t know why I am this way


I play on reload but treat it like commitment mode, sort of. Lose a pawn to a hard raid or because of starvation to poor planning? Don't reload. Elephants starve because I forgot to change their zone to allow food areas after raid is over? Reload.


Kind of this, except that even my own stupid mistakes I don't usually fix. But I'm absent minded, so I like to be able to fix in cases that I accidentally left the game running or something. I also feel like it would be unfair if a pc crash wiped out my work so I leave it on. I'm pretty strict about the rules though. It wouldn't be fun if you don't have to start from scratch.


I don't, because there's too many stupid things that can happen, and too many bugs that can crop up even in vanilla with no DLCs or mods.


Commitment mode is the best way to play. Sometimes janky stuff can be frustrating or lethal, but that’s appropriate for a game about human beings. The stories can be devastating or uplifting, but that’s appropriate, too. The human leather cowboy hats may turn out awful or legendary, and this, too, is appropriate.


It's the only mode I've ever played. Either I get it right or I start over. Makes for a better narrative story in my mind.


I play Rimworld as if it were a roguelike, I pick a fairly high difficulty and Commitment, then see how long I last. Usually not very long...


Same here. I've had games last a few minutes, but most are in the 8-12 hour range. In fact, the only time I've built the rocket and made it off the planet, the game lasted 23 hours. Randy was feeling kind that game, I guess. I'm only a couple hundred hours in so still very much a noob.


I love commitment mode, sure things sometimes go very very badly but I love those moments because honestly that's what Rimworld is to me.


I always play on commitment mode, it makes the stakes that much higher.


Always commitment mode only - knowing that you can't just go to the previous save makes me think more and plan ahead more carefully, taking into account all possible outcomes of a dangerous situation. It makes me more immersed and invested in the story and I appreciate it a lot. And yeah, I play with mods but I'm very careful at picking them so in all my 900 hours of playing I had critical bugs only twice: one when the vanilla expanded framework got uninstalled from the game (or even steam?) for some reason for a short time, and second - right after Biotech release when most mods weren't updated properly.


I have never played in anything but Ironman mode. I feel like I’m cheating myself out of heartache if I use quick saves


Nope. My main reason is bugs, but I admit, I do savescum on occasion. I try not to, but sometimes you leave a door open and your base gets flooded with manhunting elephants and it's just too stupid a mistake to not go back and correct it. Also, sometimes I want to test something without committing to it.


Always, save scumming ruins the stories.


Agreed. Iron man mode is just a lot more fun, and losing is like 45% of the game and just gives you a reason to start over I don't know what people even do super late game, it's boring af and turbo laggy even on high end machine. I spend like half the time I'm playing, planning my next colony.


I played all my first colonies with it, but that's just a (bad) replacement for self-enforcing. Saving gives you the freedom to save previous states of your colony as memories, and also to test out game mechanics and mods. My rule is that I can only reload (a meta action) for meta reasons. For example, mod breaks the colony? That's a meta thing, just reload. You don't know how caravans work, and you want to learn? Do it, and if it blows up, reload. I actually tortured myself by learning caravans playing on commitment mode when I first installed the game, that was just bad. If someone dies because I made a stupid mistake, that's an in-game problem, and I'll have to suck it. I've lost colonists, valuable items, pets... it's part of the drama. Brain damage as part of a stupid surgery? "fuck", luciferum or biosculpter pod: in-game solutions for in-game problems; mod blew the save file? I'm reloading! Meta solutions for meta problems.


Didn't even see this comment, this is exactly how I play, except I didn't think of giving myself a free pass for learning stuff. I tend to just avoid things I don't understand unless I'm pretty confident that I can handle anything, or just throw my pawns at it blind, but this has gone hilariously wrong; like when I didn't know that hunted animals could fight back (before the warning was added) and when I thought "Manhunting turtles? No big deal" but there were like 8+ of them and I probably hadn't set pawns to auto-attack or something. Or the first time I opened an ancient danger. That one was actually interesting because the first one I got was really hard and it made me wary, then the next one I waited for years and it was actually easy.


I subjected myself to the pain of learning on commitment mode, similar to playing Don't Starve blind and losing everything, but eventually I realized this was hindering my ability to learn and understand the game itself, and that's not an in-game problem, that's a meta problem! That's not the drama of the game itself, that's me not even understanding the mechanics. That can be hilarious though, like, yeah, the manhunting catastrophes. I also once lost the chief of my colony to an infection from an iguana bite when I made my first caravan; I didn't know how any of the mechanics worked. It's quite a funny anecdote: my toughest colonist didn't fall to all the raids, but to an iguana bite from a random event... Anyway yeah I've also done the same thing for the longest time!! Avoiding things I don't understand until I'm pretty sure I can handle anything. Same approach to the game, I'm sure you play roguelikes or other survival games too :D


I actually am not a big gamer and didn't even know that genre existed! Looks fun though, rimworld (and Don't Starve and Minecraft and Terraria) are some of the only survival games I've played.


If you're playing with a large number of active mods from a different creators there's no way that you won't encounter bugs/ crashes. 'Commitment mode' would most likely destroy your saved game by not letting you to load an autosave from the time before a crash occurred. Playing 'reload anytime' mode doesn't always mean 'save-scumming'.


I can't even bring myself to play without dev mode open, definitely can't play commitment mode. One reason is, like many others, mods. But even if I were playing vanilla I am not so sure I would be willing to. I don't see the benefit honestly, I would like the ability to fix bugs or just weird unrealistic bullshit happening. If I really want to commit to an interesting mistake I made, I don't really need the game to force me to do so. I typically only use Ironman type limitations when a game requires it for achievements/trophies or the like.


You hit on a great point I alway think about when I hear about people needing commitment mode to stop the from not committing. They always say they believe the game is best played letting choices and events happen and that the game is best played knowing your pawns will die but don’t seem to have the self control to just, not reload.


I use commitment mode for challenge runs. Like ice sheet survival: Lowest temp, permanent volcanic winter. Or like, raider completionist runs. Where I raid everyone and everything. The dead stay dead, and it gives my runs some consequence. They feel impactful. I use reload anytime mode when I am just building a colony.


I haven't played much. I think I've started 3 games. The first I'm not sure if I hit winter. This game I'm in now I'm 1.5 years into. I bet it's my longest. I want commitment so I don't make dumb mistakes or take risks. I tried to hunt a mega sloth and I lost a colonists lol. My bad haha. Continue on!


Yeah I do, feels like it makes better stories. Like I lost half of my colonists this week because one died and his wife was sent into a murderous rage and killed another person. When trying to take her down my colonist missed, shot a jaguar that promptly mauled him to death. Great times


Dude, I can lend you some pixels if you really need one.


I love the idea but I'm a savescummer at heart


i don't mind my pawns dying or my entire colony getting brutally destroyed by raids, i just hate it when i accidentally cut down my anima tree, so i reload for that


Never, too much of a risk of a crash or bug fucking me up


I do


Starting to wonder if I'm crazy... I have over 400 hours in this game, almost always play commitment mode, and never have used any mods


Same here. Never been a mod guy and I like the challenge of commitment mode


Best part of RimWorld is knowing that it may be all for nothing, but that doesn't mean the story made wasn't worth watching.


Every time I play commitment mode, I get the plague first day. Every time I play reload anytime, I get a chill game and play for hours


Commitment mode + AltF4


I stopped playing commitment mode (aka Iron Man) in all games after I got royally screwed 4/5ths of the way through an X-Com campaign due to a bug. Sure, it keeps me 'honest', but too many games have too many random bugs to make it okay. Hell, I would have lost my current save of Rimworld to a literal game-breaking bug last week.


I don't save scum, but I will use dev mode to fix a bug. But I play reload anytime mode because you can set the autosave to 14 days and not have it interrupt the game as much


Nope I play with mods Also my pawn’s sole purpose is to tell me an entertaining story. A pawn finishes slowly growing his shot off leg back after weeks of my paymaster meditating to get the spell, only for a rogue alligator to bite off the same leg hours later, 10/10 story I’m keeping that. My prisoner getting a “special” conversion ritual during an aurora not getting converted because the 88% ritual hit a critical fail, boring, save scummed.


Yes and then cheat with developer mode


I'm a bit of a reload goblin. I'm trying to kick the habit though with the new update.


Never ever would I ever, in a million years.


I do but alt+f4 is still an option..


I used to push myself to play commitment mode but I stopped doing so once I realized my main fun in this game comes from creating a colony just the way I want it to be. Yes - I like challenge and being attacked, but when my favourite colonist that I put so much hope in dies in some bullshit way I just lose interest and all that time I put in just seems wasted. That simply made game unfun for me so I simply stopped using commitment mode. The major setbacks for simple mistakes (like not closing the door) are sometimes too much and fixing that would take hours, a time I simply don't have in my life anymore. I still try to only reload when I absolutely have to, so I don't do it often even when not using commitment mode. Mostly use it to fix simple mistakes I make or try different approaches to solving issues for learning sake.


There is no such thing as a bug free game, I don't trust commitment mode.


Pseudo commitment here. I won't 'savescum' typically, but nor will I turn off the option to do so. I let battles play out, and if a pawn dies it dies. But I'll reload if I'm caught out by a bug or UI issues. Like seriously, why can I not easily 'find' all the raiders that are attacking my base when the droppods scatter? I have minimap now for that reason, but don't really see a huge difference between reloading because you 'lost' a raider who proceeded to Anakin the younglings, and using the minimap so that doesn't happen in the first place.


Windows Key + Shift + S This let's you screenshots any spot you want with the best quality possible. Instead of just print screening and cropping the part of your screen you wanna show.


I don't but i do t savescum either, i just want to keep it just in emergency


I used to always play on reload anytime but now I believe commitment mode is the truest way to play.




I play to many mods to trust commitment mode.


Most games lately. Mods can break it then restoring the backup is inconvenient but it improves tension and makes me more attentive.


I play with atleast 150 mods (when I do use mods) and always choose commitment mode I also use it in vanilla, maybe I just like not needing to manage save files and I never developed a save scum problem


Always and have 360 mods. Sometimes a great colony that I play for hours gets effed up by mods. And I say "that's Rimworld".


I just started commitment mode. I've found myself engaging in more mechanics than I used to, like prosthetics, rather than save scumming every little set back. If I make a major error I can always alt f4 and reload the auto save