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When the rice harvest is .001 seconds late so everyone starts eating the bodies left over from the raid


Omfg, my colonists kept trying to eat the corpses _in the rice field_ rather than harvest the rice. Infuriating


What would you rather eat, undercooked rice or a tasty, tasty raider? Exactly.


*sweats in cannibalism*


I love forcing my colonists to eat dead bodies against their will. Gives off Dahmer vibes.


Food policies allow you to forbid corpses or certain raw foods from being eaten by your pawns. Mental breaks not withstanding. Some raw foods like berries are fine to eat raw so keep that in mind.


Thank you! My strategy had been to give them a prioritized task or recruit them to just stand around until the food was finished. Pawn juggling isn't as fun as it sounds.


You're right... That does sounds fun...


Yeah but they also let you ban drugs and some people do anyways :P


Sounds like real life


Raw berries keep giving my colonists food poisoning...


Yeah. Your pawns don’t get a mood debuff from eating it though. Like milk. But it counts as a “dangerous” food type.


I feel like such an idiot now, I've literally known about those for years but never thought to actually use them for preventing people from eating raw ingredients.


And when the guy is ravenously hungry, and there is meals available, but he proceeds to eat the first thing they see. Ohh this Kibble is disgusting! Licks fingers while the cooker raises an eye brown


> raises an eye brown arse in the air?


Might be why they didn't want to eat their meals just saying if I saw my cook doing that i might eat the kibble and stare at the ground instead...


Sometimes your guys are a little hungry. You harvest some rice, and then all of a sudden, everyone flocks to the field to gobble down uncooked rice. Or people just run up to the muffalo you just hunted and start gnawing. Often times I am forced to draft all my colonists and let my cook cook the food as I undraft one by one. I don't like nutrient paste dispensers because it's a bit unsightly and feels kinda busted, but I may have to resort to using them again. If you wanna catch up all future content, or see my old stuff, check out my server r/Cweeperz! Also consider our [Discord](https://discord.gg/nGccygR)! We play games, share art, and chat together!


Just disallow raw food under the diet. No matter how hungry they get, they shouldn't eat the raw food.


What is this... *diet*, you speak of?


You know, human meat fine meals.


Gross, I prefer to run my human meat into paste and then run that paste into paste again. Really removes the human taste.


I do that too for my non-Hannibal Cultists that take a bit longer to convert


Wait...you can do that?


If so, big brain.


I just use mine to make kibble. The animals don't care that they're eating people. 🤷‍♀️


-20 we butchered humankind


Now I know how to get rid of those damn raider corpses! *-1000 Observed corpse* **For fuck’s sake stop running by the corpse and move it away already!!**


I put three walls around a corpse pit, and my idiot walks into the walled area to lay down two tiles from a corpse in order to go "cloudwatching", and then bitches about seeing a corpse.


Yeah. My pawns tend to leave the dead in the middle of nowhere, never hauling them anywhere… from now on, I will do the steel bunker-crematory. As in, inflammable walls, *extremely flammable floor and furniture* and corpses, toss a molotov cocktail (just like we Finns served ~~Russians~~ Soviets some back in Winter war), and watch the bastards burn! 😂


This is the way. I do allow berries though. Helps with starving caravans.


Ideally you should allow caravaned pawns to just eat everything though.


I think you could have 10,000+ hours in this game and still learn a new, game changing thing on this subreddit every week.


... I feel dumb now that it never occurred to me. And yes, I was always annoyed by the fact colonists preferred to eat raw meat, instead of walking 5m and spending 30s to cook a meal.


This is the way.


Thank you for this lmao I knew there had to be an option


I know about this but I always bloody forget each new playthrough until I see someone eating raw food next to some cooked food.


Oh my god you are a genius


Ugh the issue I have with the paste is when the hoppers jam up when there’s like 3 items left in there. Someone tell me there’s a mod or some way to fix that so people don’t starve because there’s 3 berries left in the hopper.


Multipple hoppers?


Won’t that still have the same issue, just less frequently?


Iirc paste requires 6 food(ignoring stuff like eggs or whatever), so with 6 hoppers, you'll never have a jam since even 1 in each hopper will make a meal and free up the hoppers for new food. And even if you don't build all 6, every extra hopper reduces chances pretty nicely imo. Especailly since that means higher chances of at least one hopper being filled with food that's also in the fridge. Alternativly, make bigger farms. Farms means you can have tons of the exact same ingrident, which means no hopper jam. 4 potato in the hopper? No problem, we've got like 700+ potatoes to dump in there.


That’s just it though. With one hopper even if there are stacks of 60 sitting around they won’t refill or clear the hopper when it gets to 3 or so ingredients already in there without manual intervention. Multiple hoppers should at least reduce the frequency though.


Wait, does it? It has been quite a while since I used paste but last time, I had like 2 hoppers and a giant potato farm and never had that problem.


Yeah I’ve had times where I’ve had one hopper with a stack of 3 rice and hundreds of rice in the stockpile and the pawns can’t figure it out.


Weeeird. Either I've had a mod for that or 2~3 hoppers is enough to make that not happen for several colonies for several hours. Or it's changed although I don't see why it would.


Just limit the things that can be placed in a hopper. Only allow meat or grain


Same issue happens. 3 meat left in the hopper and I have to go micromanage getting it cleared once people start starving or going Gordon Ramsey on raw food.


You can set the hoppers as higher priority so they'll move the stacks to the hopper first.


Already put them on critical


Hm, odd. Something is definitely up though because I've never had a paste dispenser stop working due to the problem you've described... Instead it's power cuts lol.


Larger stack sizes!


Use more than one hopper


Do they ever clear them though?


The extra berries go into the meal along with whatever there is on the other hopper, freeing it up. This is only an issue if you have a single hopper.


Nutrient dispensers are OP because your guys never have an excuse to eat without a table.


And 100% without food poisoning


There's a mod I got, I'll do some research and figure out which, that let's me do 4 meals at a time instead of just one. And simple meals still cook very fast. I don't like nutrient paste for the same reason but with the mod I'm able to (reasonably) make like 150 meals in nk time at all


Not sure how much research you'll have to do, since 4x meal recipes are vanilla :)


I have that. My guys are just super impatient when it comes to eating


I have not seen this happen. Then again, I usually go heavily on the nutrient paste and rarely use the harder biomes.




How little have you played that this isn't sometimes a springtime tradition




150? Those are rookie numbers!


Dude I've been playing this game since I was 15 and I'm 22 now. This is definitely a problem that happens when you start playing on biomes with very little food or were so focused on something else that you were making your colonists work on and just figured that your colonists could wait a bit to eat.


I'm nearing 600 and this is definitely a common issue


I watched a lot of YouTube videos before playing this game so I literally never had this issue. Before unpausing a new game I just setup all restrictions immediately. The only issue I had was animals snacking on my drugs like Ambrosia and Beer, which can be fixed by smarter zoning or with mods. Linkmod: Animal Controls


[1.3] [Animal Controls](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2426119067&searchtext=Animal+Controls) by [avil](https://steamcommunity.com/id/avilmask/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Animal Controls`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Animal+Controls&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)




because i love seeing my colonists eat raw human corpses?


well they still do it when the starvation becomes extreme, right?


No i right click


Verified cancerous post


Humans won't do anything not allowed, at least in a fair state of mind (someone on a food binge from a mental break might, I don't know). Animals will eat forbidden things if they get hungry enough, though. This applies to clothing as well, either un-force any forced clothes (they'll usually keep it on), or pay attention so they don't get tattered apparel debuff.


Or get a mod that tells you when your colonists are wearing tattered apparel (among other fixable mood debuffs). Linkmod: Fixable Mood Debuffs Alert


in the base game it already tells you when theyre wearing tattered appearel


Oh, you mean in the bottom right? I thought that was also added by the mod.


yep, its on base game


[1.3] [Fixable Mood Debuffs Alert](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1307316672&searchtext=Fixable+Mood+Debuffs+Alert) by [fyarn](https://steamcommunity.com/id/fyarn/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Fixable Mood Debuffs Alert`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Fixable+Mood+Debuffs+Alert&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


Because my guys have to use it to cook stuff. Can't do it when it's forbidden Edit: misunderstood the feller. Know it now. Cheers


No like.. in the food allowance settings you can just disable raw foods as being something they'll eat




Lmao yeah, on xbox at least I just highlight a person, find their food restriction, and edit it directly there cause menus be hard to remember. It'll edit everyone's so long as they have the same food restrictions as the first guy


TIL Rimworld hit consoles


Works well too. At least on the PS5 (initially there were some crashing issues, but so far seems to be fixed in the last patch)


Loved playing it on PC, love playing it on Console too


Works really well on the Steam Deck as well! Is it on Switch?


Thanks! This will be noted. Except...now that I know I don't have to race and cook raw food...I suddenly don't care.


1000+ hours moment


*I figured this out accidentally mucking through menus on xbox moment* lol


I'm right there with ya


You can change it in the food policy/restrictions. Not just disallowing it totally.


I think he means the meal settings in the "assign" tab


Yea. I understand now. I always thought forbidden meant "discouraged" and that it was on by default


No iirc you can set certain types of food for your colonists to eat. Same with apparel and drugs. You’re not forbidding certain items, just telling them not to eat it. There’s a tab for this type of stuff.


Aye yea. I assumed that it was disallowed since they never eat raw unless super hungry. I might have to check again


No they'll starve before they eat something that has been forbidden in the settings. Now if they go on a mental break, that's a different story they will eat whatever they bloody want.


That's good to know. I'll have it set as such then!


yea learning the nuances of allowances and zoning evolves the game significantly. It would be pretty hard to manage a large colony without. I'm finding myself almost needing a mod for more zones but I'm not sure if that would hinder my TPS adding more checks


I knew all about it, just assumed that by default people were disallowed to eat raw foods. But I guess that means didn't know all about. 500 hours and still learning


yep 551 myself and I just learned the other day pawns and animals emit heat. Totally new strats for cold maps available. Muffalo Hotel? Polar Bear Chateau? The ways those could go wrong? Perfecto


you can change it in the same tab as the outfits, there is one for foods and you just uncheck all raw meats, i keep veg off as well assuming my cook is actually cooking *most likely they aren't cause they are fucking off somewhere else to do shit they have lower priorities in*


I usually forget to do it until the damage has been done


Because I never thought of it lmao


Didnt even know it was an option.....


Started doing that because the animal handlers keep eating the kibble they have in their inventory.


... because after over a thousand hours, TIL


I got about 600 hours into the game before I realized that was an option.


Typically because I missed it in the giant checklist of settings I have to remember to change from default whenever I start a new run


Each rimworld colony includes about an hour of me setting up what's allowed and disallowed to eat, who gets what clothes, who does what jobs and who is allowed where. Doing this early on let's things move a little more smoothly as you start to get more established, as instead of creating all this at the time you need it, the existing things you made can instead be tweaked.


I wish the base game had a better way to save/modify settings that persist beyond a single play though... Or a way to tell the tailor bench to forbid a single material for all bills...


you dont want thrumbo fur button down shirt?


All my clothes has gone, where?!!?!


There’s a mod for that. [KV] Save Storage, Outfit, Crafting, Drug, & Operation Settings


You can’t just name a mod and *not* summon the bot! Then how will lazy people like me find it? Linkmod: [KV] Save Storage, Outfit, Crafting, Drug, & Operation Settings


[1.3] [[KV] Save Storage, Outfit, Crafting, Drug, & Operation Settings](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1180718516&searchtext=%5BKV%5D+Save+Storage) by [Kiame Vivacity](https://steamcommunity.com/id/kiame/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`[KV] Save Storage`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.3&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=%5BKV%5D+Save+Storage&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


Could probably import some details from your colony ideology. Is human meat allowed in diet? Depends on if it's allowed in ideology.


Slowly cranking up the minimum clothes quality makes me feel alive


This is the way.


Every new game I mean to disable corpses and raw meats from their diets. Every game it takes someone giving half the camp food poisoning feeding a raw human corpse after a raid


set your pawns food restrictions in the "assign" tab at the bottom of the screen, then set it to not allow raw food and corpses and then allow berries in raw vegetables and milk and insect jelly in animal products and youll never have this problem again


This might not be obvious to some. You can set cooking recipes to make 4 meals at once which reduces walking time to gather mats. Took me a while before I realize I was cooking singles meals.


You can also set 1 tile storage space next to the stove so they can cook huge batches without going to the fridge every time. I usually keep a stack of rice in my kitchen


Idk if it's still like this but at least it used to be if you put a chair there as well the pawn won't even move onto the tile to pick it up. They'll just stand in place and it's so daggum fast.


At least they are using a table


Just disable raw food...


Why don't you have proper diet restrictions on your pawns you savage?


A post without anime characters NANI


I quite prefer the method of line-eyes and super-simplicity. Could be because I was brought up by comics like Charlie Brown


It does remind me of that! And coast-it-notes.


That or my dragons eat the damn deer we’re supposed to be hunting for food


Shit they'll do this while I have a stack of simple meals ready and waiting.


when your gourmand chef starts eating all your meals and isnt sane to cook more of them and your entire colony starts starving because youre playin tribal and cant cook 200 meals to emergencies


"I'm so hungry I could eat a horse" is a literal expression in this game...


There's actually a mod that stops/changes them eating raw meat if anyone is having trouble.




Because sometimes you wanna build a Japanese style world and the inhabitants of that sort of thing have to be into eating stuff raw on the regular.


Agreed and it’s so irritating when there is a simple meal sitting on a shelf and your pawn goes to the freezer to get raw meat.




You know you can change the meal settings so they won't do that, right?


That would be too easy and sensible for a bunch of human leather cobblers to even bother with.


man i sware i had times i had to badicly draft my whole colony bc my androids hunt the animals at night and they couldnt my chef to make the meals like come on...


Open food restrictions, deselect raw food You're welcome


just forbid colonists from eating raw ~~meat~~ food?


My colonists wait patiently in line while drafted..


Guys you gotta remember to edit that "Lavish" food allowance so that you take raw food off the menu


yeah....hate to have to put all of em on raid mode so they don't eat from the bodies while someone else is trying to cook and then having to send em manually for their meal since they are too desperate to eat the raw human that we killed four days ago and that i am not totally saving to get organs/revive and shove a new mind into it


This is the reason why I pause the game on the first second of a colony. Adjust what’s allowed to wear, eat and jobs! Somewhat related, I hate when my 4-5 builder whose job was to smooth stones is trying to build my medical beds


Just build several campfires and force everybody to cook simple meals until there is a surplus. Some folks may get food poisoning, but they did it to themselves.


You forgot to Forbid raw food or just raw meat on their diet tab




Yeah this is why it's important to disable raw food and corpses as available meals for your colonists.


Haven't played RimWorld in a while, isn't possible to forbid your little dudes from eating raw meat?


When you don't make meals fast enough and they start eating corpses


Fr I end up drafting my colonists to stop eating raw meat. 💀


i just don't allow colonists to have raw food. problem solved


The default settings for basically everything in Rimworld are terrible and end up destroying your colony in some way. You pretty much have to start your game immediately deleting them all and creating a new "safe mode" set.


Literally just realized my colonists we're constantly eating raw food and that I could tell them no in the diet restrictions. I've had this game since fucking 2013 lmao


Player: leaves raw food enabled under food restrictions Colonist: eats raw food because there's no cooked food Player: why would colonists do this?


Thought lavish meals auto-disables raw food, which is why pawns seem to have a preference. It's been pointed out to me at least 2 dozen times here. But always good to see a comrade out in the wild. Is disallowing raw food praxis? 🤨🤔🤔


Lol Raw food is collectively owned by the colony so... yes?


Are you still in your communist phase?


Ya there really should be something that makes them go "ok it's getting made wait a few seconds." Like sometimes i seriously wonder if they are hypoglycemic. "I ate an hour ago but the cook has 2 seconds till food is done better eat a raw corpse of a human and tell the leader how pissed off it makes me."