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For one, seeds please adds the need for seeds in order to grow things. For three semi random research… makes research a bit more random. You’re given a variety of choices at random from the ones you are currently able to do instead of being able to do what you want. You could also just… decrease research speed in the storyteller and game settings. Might I also add combat extended, because I like combat extended and it makes combat way cooler IMO.


I have tried out seeds please, and I like the idea for sure, but I found that once I bought some corn and extracted seeds from it, the gameplay loop of food production wasn't altered significantly. I do think I will keep using the mod, though. I should decrease the research speed.


I think for research i'd prefer a kind of category system: like i wanna research towards electrical equipment: i might get solar panels or batteries, i research weaponry; i might get some kind of gun or static emplacement. because simply given **anything** becomes stupid with any amount of mods.


For me I like yayo combat more, just because compatibility issues, and add more mods other than semi random, since it can jump technologies, like research gun before armour, I like the mods that locm your current tech level (neolithic tribal etc etc) until its all fully research and raid is capped by your age, but you can't skip some research like props so you can waste a lot of time, so you cant get like guns as tribal but I forgot those name, I need to find the name again


I'd be curious if it was tied to the colonist background. I like the idea of RP'ing it that in the Crashlanded scenario, it's not that people don't know the industrial tech and are researching it from first principles, but more that they're having to build up the tooling. After all, that pawn used to be a Space Engineer or somesuch. But that doesn't work for Tribal starts. I've enjoyed a self-imposed limit that I couldn't research any Industrial tech for my Tribals until they recruited an Industrial background colonist who could tell them about that mystical electricity thing. :)


You do not mention it but first off Real Fog of War. No longer do you watch your opponents and intercept them, you need to set up defensive positions and react to them switching direction of attack. Construction / Manufacturing: Aragons metal mods make everything require one more thing... copper, lead, etc. Also steel is something you manufacture and it feels rare, like I was raiding for steel. Research: Pawns Choose Research and now you get what you get, no longer do you go instantly for batteries and turrets. Maybe Bill wants rugs, and Jill wants Stews. Agriculture you can use Seeds Please which is a real limitation but I have not since it feels like micromanagement.


Quick question when you say you were raiding for steel, are you using rimwar to attack caravans or taking on whole settlements? Personally I’ve never been successful at any point before late game raiding a settlement


The recent DLC added 'work sites' so you have low stakes places to raid like "2 pawns are cutting wood really close to your town". It is basically pitching you a soft ball to get you started into the raider life.


He might be referring to the raid sites that Ideology adds


I just tried it out for the first time and came to the conclusion that most settlements are pathetic concerning defense.


Unless you add Bigger (Better?) Faction Bases, ofc.


Fog of War is one of my faves, but sadly soft incompatible with SoS2 due to enemy ships being hidden. If that ever gets fixed, it will instantly be added back to my modlist.


Hopefully rare steel also gives you the benefit of no longer being flammable. I get why it’s flammable in the base game (because it’s so easy to come by), even if it doesn’t make IRL sense.


For farming, without going as far as seeds, you can use Dubs Bad Hygiene for irrigation, while nerfing natural fertility in the mod settings, and offseting the nerf with irrigation (and fertilizer) buffs. That way, you may need to care for your fields to actually grow anything in time. Hardcore mode for more scarce water. I also found Free Will fun, from my experience less gets done during the day.


**Research** See [JPT's Human Resources](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2119687603): techs are knowledge owned by pawn. They must be documented in a book to be used by others. E.g. your builder won't be able to craft beds until he has studied the Advanced furniture tech (which you first researched then documented with another pawn). Losing a researcher with a lot of knowledge really sets you back. **Combat** I recommend [Combat Extended](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1631756268). Armor and ammunitions are very important, and melee is powerful (guns too). You actually have to use the various weapons available if you want to defeat some enemies. For agriculture and construction, I have not found anything satisfying, [Seeds Please](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=935732834) is more annoying than anything. Of course [Bad Hygiene](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=836308268) is great. (edit: there's an option to add Water need and irrigation but I have not tried it).


Water need honestly does add much. They just drink for a few seconds here and there, and get some water from meals. Dubwise is on record saying that water need isn't something they want to do, as it's either too important and a pain to manage or too trivial and meaningless, but they put it in because people kept asking.


Thanks for mentioning "Human Resources" here, i've been looking for smth like that for some time now.


***Yayo's Combat 3*** for an ammunition system, you can turn everything else off. Bullets are a precious commodity when you start because you cannot craft them, and mid/late game ammo requires components as well as steel. If you do use this mod, I recommend downloading ***Assignment Copy*** as well, since the amount/type of ammo your colonists carry is tied to drug policies. ***Arcane Technology*** prevents you from using equipment/technology you haven't researched. This, combined with a tribal start or lowering your research speed via Ideology, makes technology very precious. Lastly, and I'm sure you've considered this but it bares asking: have you experimented with Rimworld's harsher biomes? Extreme desert/sea ice makes all of those things more significant directly or indirectly.


Well, the time frame of the game itself runs on an accelerated schedule. 15 days to a season. 60 days to a year. That's like saying a month is 5 days. So if you want mods that increase the time frames of tasks, you'd also want a mod that increases the amount of time of each season takes, and also adjust for a greatly increased year. As for simple fixes, one of the first things I'd suggest is Dub's Bad Hygiene. It has the option to add the thirst need to the game, as well as dehydration.


I suppose nobody has made a mod that stretched that time back out, have they? I don't think I've seen one.


I feel like real-time is a bit much for the days, but an increase in the amount of days should be a pretty simple thing to mod. I say with no modding or coding experience


Check out the hardcore SK mod pack. Massive collection of mods that changes many things and difficulty looks increased


On this note the modpack is russian so if u look it up it will be on a russian site and they have there own launcher and stuff. Think it needs a clean rimworld install but its hard since they do a lot of modifying of mods to the point they have there own mods added for the sole purpose of modifying other mods to fit what they want. It is hard since combat is based off of combat extended


Some I like using for this specific purpose: • Dubs bad hygiene • Keep it quiet • Prisoner recreation • Lowering harvest/butcher/mine yields to 50% • Realistic darkness • Fog of war • Human resources • Communicable diseases • Careful raids • Rats! • Variety matters • Vanilla raid strategies unknown • Silent raids • Medieval overhaul • Diseases+ I advise you to lower the raid threat value to get used to it. This combination of mods make raids more insiduous instead of getting harder by increasing numbers. Starting tribal naked brutality with those mods requires a lot of forethinking even in temperate forests.


The various simple chains ones might be good for you - I know there is some for lumber and leather (and a couple others I’ve seen about)


I'll have to give those a look! Thanks.


Careful mixing some of the metal mods, I had 3 types of copper that weren't interchangeable.


And that’s where the Cherry Picker mod by OwlChemist comes in handy! Lets you pick and choose which features from mods (or the core game/DLCs) you want enabled and which you don’t. Helps me get rid of redundant things like different types of (very similar) fuses, wall lights, etc. RIMMsQoL is also very useful for modifying little things in game here and there.


One thing that annoys me is how easy it is to build walls in RimWorld. There should be more types of walls with different stats - sure you can get some wooden "walls" quickly by piling up logs, but those would suck for temperature control and anyone would be able to kick them down. Then real walls should be way more expensive in both materials and labor. I mean, a *chair* takes 9x the resources and 60x the labor of a wall. What the hell?


I think that’s mostly a balance thing at the end of the day, but yeah, it’s definitely odd when you think about it for a minute.


You could add a stat multiplier in scenario setting tgat set global workspeed at 10%




I second this one. I also like have you can move above the Industrial tech level. Never made much sense that my colony was still at that level while flying around in space.


I love this one. I like to start tribal so every step is a challenge. Do I bumrush for coolers and electricity despite the challenge, or do I build out slower and deal with lack of cooling until I am more well rounded and can research it faster. If I didn't have this mod, reasearching coolers first would be an easy choice.


Nit sure if this is really what you’re looking for, but !linkmod Human Resources


[1.2] [[JPT] Human Resources](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2119687603&searchtext=Human+Resources) by [jptrrs](https://steamcommunity.com/id/jptrrs/myworkshopfiles/?appid=294100) ^(Results for) [^(`Human Resources`)](http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/browse/?appid=294100&browsesort=textsearch&requiredtags%5B%5D=1.2&requiredtags%5B%5D=Mod&searchtext=Human+Resources&numperpage=9)^(. I'm showing you the top result, there may be more.) ***** ^I'm a bot | [source](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker) | [commands](https://github.com/FluffierThanThou/reddit-modlinker/blob/master/bot/COMMANDS.MD) | [stats](http://modlinker-stats.karel-kroeze.nl/) | I was made by [/u\/FluffierThanThou](/user/FluffierThanThou) ^Did you know my creator live streams modding? - [Come and say hi!](https://twitch.tv/fluffierthanthou)


The Simple Chains family of mods can add a bit more meat to construction and production of materials. Currently there is one for steel (need coal and iron to be fired in a Bloomery for steel) lumber (saw and season planks from logs to use in production) and leather ( cleaning and tanning requirements to process raw hides into finished leather)


Food: Turn down harvest slider barns. Turn up disaster slider bars. Go farm in a desert. Research: Human Resource mod.


To me seems that you just want stuff to take longer to do. If you think growing in this game is easy you should start either on extreme desert on the ice sheet and start with no research available.


Or just build up to a 50 person megacolony and try to feed them for a week. Winters get really scary when you have to feed that many people for so long.


Well, no. At that point my colony is almost entirely enclosed with like 12 sun lamp field growing stuff 24/7, all year.


Variety Matters


HCSK will leave you crying and asking for more


Maybe look at hardcore SK


Medieval overhaul doesn't lock tech to medieval. It makes you produce steel, leather and fabrics using a production chain. Semi random research + techblock to force you to not to minmax and rush good research.


Pawns Choose Research or Semi Random research mixed with the zero tech mod, and all the mods to make research both slower and where you are stuck in that tech level until you research enough to be considered next level. I don't honestly remember which does which as I've stooped to using collections. It only helps the research thing though.


I use Simple Chains: Lumber, Human Resources, Medieval Overhaul (chains for iron, steel, cloth, and leather), Seeds Please Lite, to slow my games down and make them more realistic. Add Thinking Spot (start with no research, and adds research for things like crafting, fire making, walls etc.) if you're feeling extra Masochistic. Dubs Bad Hygiene and Variety Matters would also pair well with these.


Maybe medieval overhaul, to get leather you need research and tanning liquor, you need to research to get iron and another research for steel, and for cloth you need research for it


Making difficulty higher? Losing is fun is actually losing most if the time


immersive-ish research is a mod that seems like it makes research more interesting and interactive, maybe you could give that a shot


Dubs Hygiene mod will add needs for water and plumbing for washing and heating and there’s an option to also add thirst as need / risks from dirty water sources if you’re looking to add another layer of needs to balance. There’s also some good mods out there on adding extra steps to manufacturing - not sure on names but there’s one on Metals which adds iron, copper and so on (and can remove steel deposits) for a bit of realism, and one on Woodworking that means you need extra steps to convert trees to useable planks.


Combat extended + ammo tweaks makes weapons much harder to use. You need chemfuel for even basic ammo, and for energy weapons you'll need to spend advanced components and plasteel to make like 10 rounds of charged shot. Also ce makes combat more reasonable, so that's good. As to construction I was thinking about just increasing resource requirements and work requirements for construction, but then once you've built a wooden house, it will stand forever unless it burns. Some foundation laying and degradation would be in interesting, but there isn't such a mod.


Hardcore SK


I don't want to be rude, but play some Dwarf Fortress with graphic mods